Hair botox

Botox for hair Inoar: features, composition and instructions for use

Botox for hair Inoar: features, composition and instructions for use
  1. Restoration of damaged strands
  2. Ingredients
  3. How to apply?
  4. Contraindications
  5. Precautionary measures
  6. Reviews

A rare woman is completely satisfied with her hair. Straight lines want to curl, curly - to straighten, dark - to lighten, light - to paint. This is a very accurate reflection of women's desires for their hair. And as a result of constant experimentation, as well as stress and the oppressive influence of the environment - weakened, split, shine-free hair that needs treatment. And restoring the beauty of curls and giving them strength and volume is not an easy task, requiring time and lengthy, often expensive procedures.

For a long time, the only effective restoration procedure was keratin straightening, but recently hairdressers have been able to offer their clients such a service as botox for hair. The remedy from Inoar Botohair has a healing effect, it is easy and affordable to use on its own.

Restoration of damaged strands

Treatment for curls may be required not only due to regular chemical and thermal exposure.

Our hair is an indicator of our health, and any diseases of the internal organs or hormonal changes are immediately reflected in their appearance.

Even from the banal seasonal vitamin deficiency, the hair often grows dull and begins to fall out strongly, and every woman wants to look beautiful at any time of the year, and even more so in case of illness.

The Brazilian company Inoar has existed for more than 20 years, and all this time it strikes with the invariably quality of its high-tech products for the care of women's curls.

Botohair Hair Botox is a three-component hair restoration complex.Its ability to straighten even the most capricious curls and maintain this result for up to 3-5 months, while maintaining volume from the very roots.

It is worth noting that this remedy has nothing to do with the usual botox, which is used to smooth and rejuvenate the face, and is called botox, because it performs a similar function - it smoothes the hair.

In addition to rejuvenating, Botohair deeply moisturizes and nourishes curls along their entire length. In the renewed composition, the amount of collagen increased, which contributes to better restoration of the cuticle, reliably protects it from external influences. And also the composition works with the outer layer of the cortex - under the influence of high temperature, it "imprints" molecules of keratin, collagen and unsaturated fatty acids into it.

The procedure is suitable for curls of any length and structure, enhancing their natural shine, restoring shine and making them smoother and more manageable. After it, even the most naughty curls become much easier to style without resorting to professional tools.

Hairdressers often prescribe Botox from Inoar after severe bleaching, frequent highlighting, various color dyes, chemistry, straightening with irons and other regular heat exposure.


The Botohair hair cocktail contains:

  • deep cleansing shampoo;
  • collagen complex BotoHair Collagen Smoothing System;
  • balm-reconstructor BotoHair Reconstructor Balm.

Each component is in a separate 1 L or 100 ml bottle. Thanks to the economical consumption, one set of 1 liter is sufficient for at least 20 times. One application takes on average 45 ml of each component.

Botohair contains two active substances - hydrolyzed keratin and collagen molecules.

Embedding in the hair structure, they fill in microdamages and cracks, make the shaft denser, and restore the level of proteins. As a result, the curls become heavier and more obedient, and their structure becomes more silky.

Natural extracts of argan and macadamia fruit oils are responsible for nourishing and saturating the hair with water.

They contain high levels of vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, including hyaluronic acidthat our hair needs so much to be beautiful. The secret is that fatty acids in their structure are almost identical to the natural sebaceous secretion produced by the scalp, and this allows you to restore the lipid layer, saturating the hair with nutrients.

Improving blood circulation in the scalp, increasing the intensity of nutrition of hair follicles and accelerating the process of regeneration and hair growth are due to the presence of aloe extract in the composition.

In addition, it contains protein fractions of soybeans, wheat, green tea and natural silk, which are similar in composition to the animal placenta and have the same anti-aging properties. And also proteins give the complex the effect of a conditioner, they restore the ends, normalize the production of the sebaceous glands and envelop the curls, protecting them from harmful environmental factors.

How to apply?

Even non-professionals can perform hair restoration at home. To do this, you just need to adhere to certain rules. The instructions for use include a series of steps.

  • Thoroughly wash your hair twice with the BotoHair Deep Cleansing Shampoo. Soak the foam for 3-4 minutes, rinse the curls thoroughly. Dry hair without brushing.
  • Prepare the mixture: in a separate container, mix the collagen complex and the reconstructor in a 1: 2 ratio. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous one-color mass.
  • With a comb and hairpins, divide the dry strands into the frontal, temporal and occipital parts.
  • Starting from the occipital region, apply the botox with a brush, leaving 1.5-2.0 cm free at the roots. Comb. After processing the last strand, stand for 15 minutes. Dry completely with a hair dryer.
  • Gently pull out everything from the occipital region with an iron in small bundles 5-6 times each. Do the same on the temporal and frontal areas, last but not least on the bangs.

It should be remembered that for weakened hair, the temperature of the straightener should be 180 degrees, for normal hairs that tolerate frequent dyeing - 210 degrees, for hard ones - 230 degrees.

After straightening, the hair must be cooled naturally for 15 minutes or with the help of cool air from a hairdryer. Then rinse the Botohair with plenty of running water without using any detergents. For better fixation of the result at the end of the procedure, apply Absolut day moist for dark shades and Absolut speed blond for light curls to the hair, then remove it, dry it with a hairdryer and, if necessary, do styling.


The Botohair complex is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Application is impossible with hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the complex, as well as people prone to allergies.

Before using the procedure for the first time, it is necessary to carry out a tolerance test - apply a small amount of the drug on the wrist, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with water.

If redness, rash, itching or other discomfort occurs, the procedure is strongly discouraged. Also, the use of Botohair is not recommended for girls under 18 years of age.

Precautionary measures

Avoid contact of the components of the complex on the scalp, mucous membranes and damaged skin areas. If, nevertheless, contact has occurred, rinse with plenty of water. It is permissible to apply the composition only with gloves for staining. Keep out of the reach of children.


Most hairdressers and their clients leave only rave reviews about the Botohair product. Everyone highly appreciates - ease of use, immediately noticeable result, long-term (up to three months) effect, non-fading volume, easy hair combing.

Professionals often point to economical consumption and a relatively low price, as well as the fact that clients, for the most part, come for a second procedure, then begin to use it constantly. Botohair has become the favorite of many hairdressers, as it is a worthy alternative to keratin hair straightening.

      Clients and masters rarely leave feedback on the negative consequences of using Botox from Inoar. Of the unpleasant moments, some dryness and brittleness of hair can be noted after the effect of the procedure. Sometimes clients complain that after a few months the hair becomes worse than it was before the application. Very rarely, there is a rash on the scalp and on the face.

      Instructions for using botox for hair Inoar Botohair in the video below.

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