Hair botox

How to care for hair after botox?

How to care for hair after botox?
  1. Features of the effect of botox
  2. What should not be done after the procedure?
  3. When can I wash my hair?
  4. How to dry your hair?
  5. How to restore curls?
  6. Helpful care tips
  7. How to cleanse strands after botox

With each passing day, technologies for rejuvenation and fight against health are moving forward. Various techniques are invented, new means are invented, and all this in order to preserve youth, beauty and charm. For a girl, her hair plays a very important role in determining her attractiveness. Lush, healthy and shiny curls will add volume to any hairstyle, add youth and help hide imperfections in the face and figure.

Even priestesses in Ancient Egypt devoted a lot of time to hair care. Masks and shampoos were made from various natural ingredients. Protected hair from cold and temperature changes.

Features of the effect of botox

Today, using the enormous opportunities that the science of structure, nutrition, hair growth gives us, the latest care products are being developed. Keratin, protein - all of these are currently popular procedures to improve the quality of hair and maintain its healthy appearance. Botox can be attributed to the latest successful developments. This tool can be applied both to the hair itself, and rubbed into the scalp.

The procedure is carried out only in professional salons. The result will be moisturized, nourished, strengthened hair, which will be noticeable immediately after the session.

The process that is carried out at home and that carried out by a professional hairdresser or cosmetologist differ both in effect and in the procedure itself.

  • At home, the composition is applied to the hair and warms up. Some manufacturing firms indicate that the composition is applied retreating 1-2 cm from the roots, others write that the composition is distributed from roots to tips. After that, the hair is combed. They put on a special hat and heat the composition applied to the hair for 10-15 minutes, while the head should be in a hat. When exposed to temperature, the active substances penetrate into the hair, envelop and seal it. Then the product is washed off with water, while the shampoo is not used.

The active ingredients in a lower concentration will still affect the strands.

  • In hairdressing salons, the procedure is a little different. Botoxulin is applied to the hair and sealed in the hair structure using an iron. After that, the hair should cool down, then they are washed with a special mild product.
  • At the beautician the same is the introduction of active substances into the skin of the head. This is the most powerful procedure in terms of its effect.

The structure of this noble "beauty cocktail" includes amino acids, keratin, hyaluronic acid, extracts and oils from plants. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes hair and retains water in it, oils actively nourish and strengthen. However, the main component is botulinum toxin. Its anti-aging effect has long been known in cosmetology. Its use in the fight for strong and healthy hair began relatively recently.

Thanks to its active ingredients, botulinum toxin penetrates both deep into the hair shaft and into the root, making it firm, solid and smooth. It forms an elastic and elastic sheath on the inside and outside of the hair, which thickens, protects and makes the hair shiny. Thus, the strands can be protected from the environment, the effects of chemicals and harmful substances. A process resembling conservation takes place. Many women, who have tried this drug once and felt the result of its effects, come for it again and again.

What should not be done after the procedure?

Hairdressers assure that the effect after this procedure will last from 3 to 6 months. It all depends on how weak the hair was, whether this is the first application, whether the client has dyed or natural hair, whether he takes proper care of his hair at home after the procedure.

The hairdressers themselves are interested in the effect that delights the client longer, and she comes to them again. Therefore, after the procedure, they give the client detailed recommendations for care. So, they recommend after using Botox, do not wash your hair for 3-4 days. During this time, chemical reactions occur in the hair structure and root and it is highly undesirable to interrupt them.

Also, both in the first days after the procedure, and during the entire period, changes in temperature and high humidity should be avoided. Fog and rain are enemies for botox hair. You should hide your hair in a hat or hood. Going to the sea after such a procedure is also prohibited. This is a contraindication, because the salt in the air will destroy the effect.

When can I wash my hair?

Shampooing is best done 4 days after the procedure. In beauty salons, the masters immediately warn that you can only wash your hair with sulfate-free shampoos and only with cool, preferably boiled water. After shampooing, you can use a balm from the same brand as the shampoo, and from the same series.

How to dry your hair?

As mentioned above, after Botox exposure to steam and water is highly undesirable. Therefore, after washing your hair, the strands must blot gently with a towel, do not rub under any circumstances, and dry immediately with a hairdryer. Use warm or cold air - it's up to you.

When exposed to moisture, the hair scales open and become susceptible to external conditions. That is why you should use a hair dryer and avoid moisture outdoors and indoors. It is clear that after the Botox procedure, the sauna is contraindicated; long baths and showers, especially with hot water, too.

These factors influence how long the effect of such an expensive restorative procedure will last. Therefore, think about how much the performed procedure is dear to you.

The use of chemical styling products will also adversely affect the structure of the strands. By reacting chemically with styling products, Botox is destroyed and its effects are diminished. The scales open and the hair loses its firmness and elasticity, its shine.

How to restore curls?

It is no secret that when filled with Botox, the hair becomes heavier and shines. Therefore, with curls, straightening of curls can occur, which is not always desirable. In this case, you can use irons and hair dryers, curling irons and curlers. However, not earlier than 4 days after the procedure itself. You should still be prepared for the fact that the hair will twist weaker, and the effect of curliness will persist much less. This is due to the fact that the hair has become heavier, damp and it is difficult for it to keep its shape for a long time.

After three weeks, on average, the active ingredients will weaken their effect and the curls will last longer. If you choose between a curling iron and curlers, curlers should be preferred. In any case, thermal stress will have a more negative stress than mechanical winding.

Helpful care tips

So, you've gone through this costly restorative procedure. The hairdresser gave his recommendations for maintaining the effect for a longer period. The following additional points will help you to properly care for your hair at home.

  1. We wash my head with sulfate-free shampoos, use a balm or conditioner of the same company and series. It is recommended to wash your hair no more than 1-2 times a week. Apply the shampoo to the head twice. The first is to wash off the grease, the second is to remove dirt and dust.
  2. We use cool water for washing.
  3. We do not go for a long time with wet hair: in the next 5 minutes after washing, we pat the hair with a towel and dry it with a hairdryer.
  4. Do not comb wet hair. First, dry it with a hairdryer to close the scales, and then comb it.
  5. We comb the hair in a gentle way, that is, from the ends to the roots. We start combing from below and gradually climb up.
  6. It is advisable to use compositions for easy combing of hair based on natural oils. They will nourish and fill the hair with oil, which will prolong the duration of the botox. It is better to use oils only after at least a week after the procedure.
  7. Reduce to a minimum and remove styling products from use if possible. Irons and hair dryers can be used further.
  8. If you are dyeing your hair, then it would be better to do it a few days before the hair restoration with Botox. And after that, do not dye your hair until the next procedure. Like any other chemistry, dye destroys the hair and the substance with which it is filled.
  9. If you decide to use toning shampoos, remember that they have a weaker effect than paints. They can sometimes dye the hair unevenly and also significantly reduce the effect of the "sealed" hair.
  10. Do strengthening and nourishing hair masks 1-2 times a week, add oils to them. They will help to care for such hair. Argan, almond, coconut, jojoba oil - these are all recommended for frequent use. It can be used in its pure form: as a compress at night before shampooing or as part of masks - for 1-1.5 hours.
  11. Initially, with dry and thin hair, even if all recommendations are followed, the result can last 2-3 weeks. However, as the subsequent procedures are carried out, a cumulative effect will be created and the effect of Botox will last longer each time.

How to cleanse strands after botox

    If something went wrong for you and you want to cleanse the strands from Botox, you should follow the following guidelines.

    In cosmetic stores (not all) they sell deep cleansing shampoos. They are more caustic and wash out the remains of paint, chemicals, chemical styling products, provided they are used frequently and in large volumes. Most often, these shampoos can be purchased at professional stores.

    They perfectly wash hair, cleanse it, but at the same time dry it and damage it a lot. Their use is recommended in the case of botox when, despite the recommendations, the hair has been in a humid environment for a long time, dyed or otherwise exposed to undesirable effects. As a result, the active substances no longer work, since their chemical formula is inactive, and they only make the strands heavier, make them oily and unhealthy. At the same time, there is no longer any question of any therapeutic effect.

    After using cleansing shampoos it is best to use special restorative formulations with proteins and amino acids, hilauron. Especially actively use oils at home. These can be medicinal compositions of both Russian production, for example, Agafia's Recipes, and our closest neighbors, Belarus. It is not for nothing that their cosmetics have gained immense popularity among us due to the combination of price and quality.

    If we talk about European manufacturers, then this may be Kopous, Loreal, Matrix or Estel. They will help, with regular use for a month or a month and a half, return the hair to its healthy look and shine.

    At the same time, it is important to continue using sulfate-free products, but put hair dryers, curling irons and irons aside, allowing the hair to recover in the most favorable conditions.

    For the hair botox procedure and hair care, see the next video.

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