How to moisturize dry hair ends?

Dry hair ends are a familiar situation for many modern women. They give the hairstyle untidiness and lifelessness, spoil the impeccable image. The material in this article will tell you about the causes of this problem and how to solve it.

Causes of dryness
Dry hair is associated with dehydration of the hair. Various factors can lead to this, for example:
- vitamin deficiency, regular or seasonal vitamin deficiency;
- metabolic disorders in the body, poor nutrition;
- inadequate hair care, rare and inappropriate shampooing;
- hormonal disruptions, overwork, stress;
- chronic diseases, non-compliance with the rules of care;
- frequent coloring or lightening of strands, perm;
- bad habits (smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages);
- frequent thermal styling;
- refusal to wear hats in heat and frost.

Dry hair ends are an indicator of vitamin A deficiency. With its long-term deficiency, baldness begins. It is important to consider that the wrong food can be the root of the problem. For example, it can be so-called fast food, as well as coffee drinks.
Besides, fluid deficiency is directly related to the amount of water you drink per day. The less it is consumed, the drier the ends of the hair. Genetics can be one of the reasons for dryness. In this case, you will have to choose enhanced hair care to neutralize the problem.
Another reason could be too long curls. The sebaceous glands cannot create lipid impregnation along the entire length of each hair. Therefore, the strands are noticeably thinned already towards the middle of their length.
Also, the reasons for their dryness can be diseases of the endocrine system, anemia, allergies, taking medications, poor ecology in the region.

Care rules
To forget about the problem forever, you need to eliminate its cause. It is not difficult to understand that hair requires urgent treatment. Symptoms are their roughness and dryness to the touch, they get confused after washing, become naughty, brittle, lose vitality and begin to fall out. However, they may have oily roots. If a girl notices these symptoms, it is necessary to revise the rules for caring for curls. You need to properly wash your hair and style the strands.
In addition, you will have to revise the diet, make it more varied, drink a course of vitamins. In a stressful situation, you will first have to visit a doctor.

the washing up
Hair with dry ends should be washed no more than 1-2 times a week.... Otherwise, the process of sebum production will be disrupted. 10-15 minutes before washing your hair, apply to the strands vegetable oil. It is better to distribute it with a comb with sparse teeth, not forgetting about the scalp. If you cannot process the strands along the entire length, you can apply oil to dry ends.
Necessary choose the right shampoo... It should be neutral, without aggressive and weighting components. It should not contain parabens, sulfates, silicone. If the girl has dandruff, the shampoo should be diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.
It is advisable to buy a natural shampoo with a moisturizing and softening effect. You can buy a remedy with lecithin, herbal extracts, keratin, fatty acids. A soap-based shampoo can be a suitable remedy for washing your hair. Before applying it to the strands, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it.

Wash the strands preferably with warm waterhot and dry hair. After washing, you need to apply a leave-in conditioner or balm... You can also rinse the strands with herbal decoctions... You cannot wipe them dry with a towel.
Almost dry strands should be combed gently, without tugging. Do not wait for it to dry completely: after combing, this hairstyle will look untidy.
In addition, dry strands are more difficult to comb, they are less amenable to unraveling after washing and stick out in different directions.

Dry ends cannot be reanimated and restored because dry hair is dead. It needs to be trimmed as the dryness will result in a cross-section that extends further down the length. However, if you trim away dead hair and pay attention to grooming, you can restore vitality and natural shine to the strands.
Trim the ends of the strands is an effective preventive measure. Trimming should be systematic, cutting dry ends will prevent them from being cut. In this case, it is enough to trim the strands to a length of up to 1 cm. The renewal helps to restore the strands and their hair follicles. The growing hair will be filled with life-giving moisture.
The frequency of trimming depends on the degree of dryness of the curls. If the hair is severely split and thinned, it should be trimmed at least once a month, shortening the length by a few millimeters. In other cases, it is enough to trim them once every 1.5-2 months. At the same time, you can cut the strands in both the usual and the hot way.

For the time of fixing the problem, it is necessary to abandon the frequent thermal hair styling procedures. Drying devices must not be used; hair must dry naturally. A hair dryer, curling iron, iron, and other stylers stress the strands because they heat them to an unnatural level. Hot air raises hair scales, increases the porosity of the strands.
During treatment, you need to limit the use of foams, mousses, styling gels. Use a natural bristle brush for brushing and shaping. It does not harm hair and does not electrify.It is undesirable to collect strands in a bun, a tight tail, you can not use metal hairpins and do bouffant.

Salon procedures
To eliminate the problem and revive dull strands with dry ends, a comprehensive course treatment. It can be traditional and cryomassage, darsonval, mesotherapy. In addition, you can do special moisturizing masks twice a week. At the same time, it is important to understand: the structure of living hair can be restored, it is better to cut off the dead.
Dry and lifeless strands can be treated with keratin... This protein is able to give curls docility and elasticity. It not only has a moisturizing effect, but also is a means of protecting hair from harmful dye components. Keratin straightening is considered a means of aesthetically rapid regeneration of strands. Basically, it is filling the pores of the hair, which does not revive the dead hair, but does not allow the section to propagate. Besides, dry ends laminate, covering with a special colorless compound.

Another procedure is liquid collagen coating.
Salon experts believe that dry ends can be eliminated by elumination... This procedure consists in a special hair coloring. Also in the salon, customers can be offered and polishing strands. Its essence lies in the removal of not only dry, but also split ends. The length remains almost the same, however, the hairstyle itself becomes more preppy.
Among the more radical means can be noted plasma lifting... In addition, the salons perform complex procedures with the phased use of drugs of different effects.

Folk recipes
You can moisturize your hair not only in the salon, but also at home. However, they are slow to respond to changes in care, so it will not be possible to quickly get rid of dryness. To make the curls live, you can revive them ordinary kefir. You need to keep it on the strands for several minutes, apply for several days in a row. You need to wash off kefir with shampoo.
You can revive curls chicken egg yolk... It can be added to shampoo to fill damaged pores by temporarily gluing the ends together. You can also make a mask on the yolk base. Take 2 yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of brandy (vodka), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir (yogurt). The ingredients are mixed and used in place of the shampoo. This mask gives shine and smoothness to strands.
As for oil masks, you should not get carried away with them. They are effective, but you can use them to moisturize the strands no more than 1-2 times a week. Effective for healing dry and lifeless hair herbal infusions... To moisturize, you can use horsetail, aloe, nettle, radish, spinach juice, as well as lemon, sage, flax oil, linden and even yeast.

Can be mixed 1 teaspoon of yeast and honey with half a glass of kefir... The mask is applied to the strands, a plastic cap is put on, and a towel is placed on top. Wash off after about half an hour with a mild shampoo. You can treat diseased hair in this way no more than 2 times a week.
An effective remedy is considered and mask of honey (1 dessert spoon), egg yolk and almond oil (1 teaspoon). For its preparation, honey is heated and mixed with other components. The warm composition is distributed over unwashed strands, kept on them for at least half an hour, then washed off and rinsed with herbal infusion. The duration of the course is no more than 1.5 months.
The benefits of burdock oil for hair have been known for a long time. You can mix it with aloe juice in a 1: 2 ratio, and then distribute it over dry strands. The mask is left for 1 hour, covering the head with a cap. When the time is up, the mass is washed off with shampoo. You can then apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair.
If you don't have an air conditioner, you can rinse your head with herbal tea.

A non-standard solution against dry strands is oil and grated carrot mask (in proportions 1: 1). It should not be applied to the skin as it will stain. However, it is very effective in treating dry hair.You can treat dry hair with a mask consisting of glycerin (1 tablespoon), hemp oil (1 tablespoon), an ampoule of aloe juice and 1 yolk. The components are mixed, glycerin is added at the end, after which the composition is distributed over the strands and the head is insulated. After about an hour, the mass is washed off with warm water and shampoo.
It is difficult to say unequivocally which remedy is the best. It depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person, the type of hair and the cause of the problem. To cure curls, you need to understand what exactly influenced the drying of the hair shaft. It is useless to lubricate the ends with oil if stress or hormonal disease is the cause of the problem. A spray, mask or other product should be an additional component of a comprehensive care.

Cosmetical tools
Modern cosmetic companies produce many products for the care of dry hair ends, offering customers to choose a drug based on the characteristics of their strands. Among the rich selection of drugs for dry curls, several products can be noted, the action of which is considered effective by buyers. In the ranking of the best, products with a mild effect are presented.
- MoltoBene B: OCE Pliant Suppli - Essence with silk protein, which has the effect of conditioning hair and protecting it from UV rays.
- L'Oréal Professionnel Serie Expert Nutrifier DD Balm - an oil-based leave-in product from the professional series for dry hair. The balm belongs to the means of deep impact, relieves strands from frizz and tangling.
- Estel Professional Otium Miracle Revive Serum - serum to restore the structure of the hair shaft, with a moisturizing effect. Can be used to maintain water balance while preventing dryness.
- TIGI Bed Head Ego Boost Leave-in Conditioner Is another non-rinse-off product for dry and brittle ends. Differs in a smoothing effect, moisturizes and nourishes the strands well.
- Kapous Professional Styling Crystal Shine - a fluid used to moisturize dried and split strands. It is a means of fighting brittleness, stops it and fills in damaged areas.

To save the hair from dryness and prevent it from splitting, it will have to be processed until it is completely recovered.
In other words, they will have to be maintained until the diseased hair is trimmed. However, the care should be comprehensive, therefore, in addition to spray, oil, fluid or other means, you will have to alternate the types of masks. In this case, it is important to choose the drug that will suit a particular woman according to the type of her hair.
For information on how to prevent split and dry hair ends, see the next video.
Split ends only need to be cut off. They are not cured, the section cannot be prevented, this is the norm. Coloring, blow-drying, hair straightening with a curling iron - all this contributes to the section of hair. Shampoo with nettle extract "Twins Tek Onion" helps me from brittle hair. Natural extracts that are part of the shampoo relieve dryness and prevent hair breakage. The shampoo provides gentle cleansing without disturbing the natural balance, giving the hair a healthy shine.
I make masks, rub oils into the ends. But all the same, every month I cut the split ends of my hair, since they still do not heal. I use 911 Onion Burdock Shampoo. It restored shine and elasticity to my hair. The volume of hair is increased, dryness and brittleness are gone. Hair has become stronger and more elastic.
Burdock oil rubbed into hair roots and ends. Then I saw in the pharmacy shampoo "Onion with nettle extract 911". Efficiency is no worse.Gives hair shine, volume, improves capillary blood flow, activates hair growth.
I buy domestic shampoo of the company Twins Tec "Onion with burdock oil". Shampoo nourishes, moisturizes hair from roots to ends, prevents hair splitting, eliminates brittleness and dryness.