How to make curls without a curling iron?

Almost every girl dreams of a shock of mischievous curls or graceful curls, but not everyone has such wealth given by nature. Undoubtedly, in our time, you can easily curl your hair with various curling irons and irons. But if you don't have any of the above at hand, or you just don't want to expose your hair to thermal effects once again, there is a way out. There are many ways to curl curls using available tools, as well as many life hacks that allow you to make a variety of styling with curls in a very short time. Let's take a closer look at the most popular ways to curl hair without a curling iron at home.

How to make curls with flaps?
It would seem that curlers can be considered the usual way of wrapping curls without a curling iron, but there are situations when there is no way to use them. In this case, you can use tissue flaps, acting on the principle of curlers. This option is suitable even for curling short hair, but the curls in any case will turn out to be small, similar to African curls.

Although there are ways to make curls bigger and bigger. But first things first.
In order to wrap your hair into patches, you need to take a strong cotton cloth and cut into equal strips 15 to 20 centimeters long and about 5-10 centimeters wide. This width is needed in order to be able to fold the fabric strip several times.
And to obtain curls of the desired size, it is necessary to wrap additional fabric around the flap approximately in the middle, in the place where the strand will be wrapped.
Some people use newspaper sheets, cotton pads, or foam cuts.

Some girls use foil instead of rags, but this method will not always be effective without ironing, and leaving the foil for a long time or overnight is not a good idea, as it can deprive you of your comfort.
To wrap your hair on patches, you need to comb the wet hair and divide it into equal strands, each of which will be wrapped around a fabric flap and securely fastened with a knot or bow. It is best to leave the curled strands overnight, since curling your hair quickly in this way will not work.

If you want to use the flaps several times, you will need to carefully untie them after a certain time, but if they are needed for one-time use, you can cut them.
From the resulting curls, you need to form a hairstyle and fix it with the help of special tools.

How to curl your hair with clothes?
There are many life hacks and unusual ways to curl curls using improvised means and even clothes. These methods have a number of advantages and disadvantages. For example, the most obvious of them is the fact that with the help of clothes you can make chic curls in any conditions, without the help of electrical appliances and other special devices.
The advantages include the simplicity of the process, because there is nothing tricky in it, and also the fact that if all the techniques are followed, the curls will turn out to be no worse than when curling with a curling iron.
But these methods also have some significant disadvantages. For example, curls may not come out the same shape and size as you would like.

And without the use of special tools, they will not be as elastic as after curling with a curling iron. In addition, not all curled strands can be stretched, transforming them into voluminous curls.
But for a light romantic hairstyle, such methods will be just in place. Let's take a closer look at how to curl your hair with clothes.
Every girl has a T-shirt at home, and more than one. And it will definitely come in handy, since there are several ways to curl your hair with it.

Method one. In the form of a turban.
It is most often used to produce light waves on long hair or tresses of medium length.
First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair with shampoo and dry it a little with a towel. For a tighter hairstyle, you should use styling products and apply them to damp hair.
Spread out a clean, dry T-shirt on a flat surface - this could be a bed or a table. Then carefully combed hair must be laid out on the T-shirt, approximately to its middle, after which you need to twist the T-shirt and wrap it in the form of a turban, securing it securely.
In order for the curls to be strong and elastic, you need to wait until the hair is completely dry, or leave the turban overnight, then carefully remove and stretch the strands.

Method two. We wind the hair with bundles.
This method is ideal for getting bouncy curls on long hair. Dirty hair must be thoroughly washed, and clean hair - it will be enough just to slightly moisten it with water. Hair should not be wet, it is best if it is moderately damp.
For this method, you will need a clean, old, unnecessary T-shirt, since it will have to be cut into several long equal strips. It is better not to tear the fabric, but to cut it, so that excess threads do not stick out and do not get tangled in the hair.
The hair must be divided into two or three equal parts. There may be more of them, it all depends on what size of curls you want to get in the end.
Each part of the hair must be formed into a ponytail, securing it with a cloth. When using a regular elastic band, creases can remain on the hair, which will not have a very good effect on the overall appearance of the hairstyle.

Next, the resulting tails need to be divided in half and twisted into tight bundles, after which you will need to wrap them around the strips cut from the T-shirt.
Particular attention should be paid to the ends - they should be neatly tucked in and fixed with the fabric. To fix the ends, you can use thin elastic bands that do not leave wrinkles on the hair.
After the hair is completely dry, you need to unbraid the bundles, and separate the strands with your hands.
Do not use a comb, as small teeth can make hair too fluffy, and curled curls can be sloppy. For reliability, fixing sprays can be used.

Method three. Fixing the hair at the top.
This method is suitable for medium length hair and for not too thick long hair.
As with any other method, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair with shampoo, then dry your hair slightly with a towel. A fixing agent is applied to wet strands, thanks to which the curls will be more elastic and beautiful.
For this method, you will need a fairly long T-shirt that can be easily twisted into a rope and fastened to the ends, forming a ring.
The twisted T-shirt must be attached to the crown of the head, after combing the hair and dividing them into approximately the same strands, wrap around the resulting ring. It is better to secure the entire structure with invisible pins or hairpins and leave it overnight, then disassemble and straighten the curls.

Surprisingly, in some cases, completely ordinary socks are used to curl hair. And this method has many advantages. For example, with curls curled on toes, you can sleep peacefully all night, since they are much softer than curlers and will not cause significant discomfort during sleep.
In order for everything to work out, you need to take wide and rather long socks. Sports models will not work, since they are too short, and it will be impossible to fasten them when the strands are wound.

To make the curls look beautiful and elastic, you should first moisten your hair with water and add a little styling product, after which you need to start curling your hair.
- To begin with, carefully combed hair must be divided into separate strands. The amount depends on the thickness of the hair and the size of the curls you want to end up with.
- Then you need to moisturize your hair and apply all the necessary products to it.
- Next, the strand is wrapped around the sock, which will later need to be tied. Similar actions are performed with all other strands.
- If you have to sleep with your hair wrapped around your socks, it is best to put on a light cotton scarf over your head so that the socks do not come loose and the strands do not fall apart.
- When the curls are ready, you will need to spray your hair with hairspray to fix the hairstyle.

When weaving braids on the hair, it is more likely not curls that are obtained, but waves of different sizes, types and shapes, it all depends on the number of braids and the method of weaving.
To get naughty little waves, you need to braid a few braids. Their number depends on the thickness of the hair. For example, for very thick hair, you will need from 7 to 10 braids, and for medium-thick hair, five will be enough.
Do not overdo it with the quantity, as with too small curls, the hair will look just fluffy and not very neat.
Braids are best done with damp or damp hair. In this case, there is no need to use special fixing agents, since the waves after small braids are very persistent and elastic, they can last even for several days.
After braiding, you need to leave the braids for several hours or even overnight so that the result is better fixed.

And when unweaving them, you need to adhere to one important nuance - it is better to separate curly strands with your fingers, and not with a comb, since it can create excessive fluffiness and sloppiness.
To make large waves, one or two braids will be enough.Since braiding with this amount of hair will not be dense enough, it is better to pre-wet your hair and use a styling spray or gel.
The braid needs to be weaved as tightly as possible, then the curls will turn out to be beautiful and symmetrical, and so that they are uniform, before weaving, it is necessary to divide the hair into equal strands.
For curls to start from the roots, braid your hair starting from the forehead area, and if you want waves starting from the middle of your hair, braid it from the back of your head.

Alternative option
Light graceful curls can be obtained by braiding a fishtail braid overnight. Since this version of the braid is not woven from three strands, as in other variations, but from only two, parts of the waves are longer and more elongated.
But this method of weaving, if it starts from the top of the head, tends to disintegrate and unfold, therefore, at the base of the braid in the back of the head, it should be additionally secured with an elastic band.
When you start to loosen the braid, you will need to apply a small amount of styling gel to your hair, so the hairstyle will last longer and the curls will appear silky shine.
It should be noted that this option is ideal for long hair.

other methods
Speaking of curling curls without a curling iron, one cannot fail to mention curlers. Perhaps every girl knows how they work and how to properly wind their hair on them, so we will tell you a little about their varieties and features.
Plastic curlers with Velcro are one of the most common options. They are great for short hair and medium-length strands. Long or too thin hair will tangle and pull off problems may occur. Hair is perfectly fixed with Velcro, but for a more secure fixation of curls, you can use hairdressing clips.

Heated rollers have been known to everyone since ancient times, but nowadays there are more modern models. But despite some difference, the principle of their work is the same - the hair curls under thermal influence.

Curlers-papillotes are very popular nowadays, because thanks to their soft surface, they can be used not only during the day, but also at night. They are a flexible metal rod, over which a foam material is wound.

There are also corduroy, metal, electric and other variations of curlers. The appropriate option should be chosen individually based on the structure, length and density of the hair.

Helpful hints
Before curling your hair, you should check out some helpful tips and tricks to make the process easier. For example, you should know that some types of hair curlers cannot be kept on your hair for more than 5 minutes, as there is a serious risk of damaging them. Therefore, it is necessary to read the relevant instructions before use.
It is not for nothing that each method indicates that it is necessary to wind the hair on clean hair, since it will be simply impossible to curl dirty hair without thermal exposure. It is also worth choosing a hair balm carefully, since some of them have a smoothing effect, which can also prevent the creation of curls. As already mentioned, for reliability it is better to use fixing agents, but you should be careful with them.
Excessive application of gels, varnishes, mousses and other products to the hair can lead to clumping of strands, and because of this, the hairstyle will look untidy.

You should not comb your curls, as they will fluff up a lot, and the hairstyle will become sloppy. It is better to separate the strands by hand or, as a last resort, use a comb with sparse massive teeth.
To make an African hairstyle out of short hair, you can use cocktail straws and thin silicone rubber bands for curling.
For lazy girls, there are ways to curl with bundles and "bumps" of hair. For such methods, it is recommended to use hairpins and invisible hairpins, which do not leave marks on the hair, unlike the usual rubber bands.

And in order to give a hairstyle with curls a more elegant, romantic or even businesslike look, you should pay attention to jewelry in the appropriate style.
For information on how to make curls without curling irons and curlers, see the next video.