How to make curls with an iron?

Every woman wants to be the owner of thick, strong and obedient curls, styled in a beautiful hairstyle. It often happens that constant styling and curling with a curling iron or iron leads to damage to the hair, a decrease in its volume and a decrease in quality. To prevent unwanted styling effects, it is important to use the iron correctly.

First, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and tools:
- hair straightener;
- a comb for separating curls;
- comb with sparse teeth;
- varnish;
- thermal protection agent;
- hairpins, clips and elastic bands.
Cheating with any electrical appliances should start with a high-quality shampoo. A volumizing shampoo works best in this case. Professional stylists recommend that you apply and rinse off the shampoo twice, carefully massaging the strands at the roots and cleansing the scalp. The washing process is completed by applying a mask or balm to close the cuticle of each hair, which makes the strands smooth to the touch and adds shine to them.

After washing your hair, it is important to dry the curls well; it is undesirable to use a hairdryer. If there is not enough time for natural drying, you can use the cold drying mode. It is very important to use a high-quality thermal protective agent when drying with a hairdryer and using an iron. It's good if it's a spray. This product can be easily distributed through the hair, adding extra amount to the damaged areas.
After cleaning, moisturizing and protecting hair, you can proceed directly to the curling process. It is best to do this in a well-lit room in front of a mirror.
For safety reasons, do not use electrical appliances in the bathroom.

Basic methods of curling
There are several ways to curl your hair. Before starting the procedure, you should study its nuances and variations in advance.
The classic version of curling at home is curls of medium thickness, wound on a not too wide iron.
The steps for creating a classic curling iron are as follows.
- Divide all hair into 5 relatively even zones.
- Lay a curl of medium thickness between the ceramic plates of the iron, trying to do it as close to the roots as possible.
- Gently iron along the entire length of the strand, while rotating the device 180 ° and trying to keep it upright.
- In the same way, wind each of the strands. When creating Hollywood waves, curling is done in one direction only. Front strands will look beautiful when curled away from your face.
- After the voluminous curls have cooled down, you can immediately style them in the desired hairstyle or use a comb with rare teeth. Upon completion of all procedures, you should fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Natural curly curls
The natural beauty of hair can be enhanced by creating beachy curls that have been in fashion for decades. Such hairstyles are used at shows of world famous couturiers and at photo shoots of celebrities. At the first glance at such a hairstyle, one gets the impression that the owner of careless broken strands has just returned from a beach holiday.

Such a spectacular perm can be done by adhering to the following instructions:
- Divide the dried strands treated with nutritional and protective agents into 3-4 equal parts;
- choose a thin strand, roll into a tourniquet, and then walk with an iron along the entire length, lingering for a short time at each section;
- curl each strand like this;
- create the effect of slight negligence with your hands;
- fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish.

If you need to do your hairstyle quickly, then you can divide your hair into just 2 parts, roll it into bundles and walk over them with a heated iron. In this case, the curls will be larger, but the curl will turn out to be more natural. This option is easy to do for yourself without signing up for a salon. Some people use special hair dryers with attachments for this purpose.
Most interesting of all, the beach version of the curl will look on tinted hair with shades of blond, caramel and chestnut.

Light fine strands
Previously, when there were no styling tools and products, girls and teenagers would curl small strands with a pencil or go to bed with braided pigtails. A similar effect can be achieved by following the further instructions step by step.
- Hair that has been thoroughly dried and treated with a thermal spray should be braided in pigtails and then left on for a few minutes.
- Align each of the braids using a styling iron heated to 180 degrees.
- Smoothly run the device along each of the braids, fixing them well between the plates. It is advisable to walk over each braid several times.
- Wait until the braids have cooled to room temperature, then undo them.
- Comb the curls and fix them with varnish. An important point: only fine hair can be combed to give it extra volume. If you comb through thick, thick hair, it will look more like a dandelion.

Beautiful waves
Curly hair always attracts the attention of others. Not everyone is lucky enough to get strong wavy strands from nature, therefore, the fair sex often resort to little tricks to achieve the desired effect. Large, beautiful waves can be created using a curling iron or hair straightener.

Stages of creating curls with an iron:
- thoroughly wash, dry and comb your hair;
- divide hair into several segments;
- take a large lock of hair and place it between the ironing plates at the desired height;
- moving the iron, you need to turn it vertically, making sure that its position is strictly perpendicular to the curled curl;
- curl each strand in the same way;
- lay the strands with your hands or with a comb, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Often the hair is curled with foil, which ensures even heating along the entire length.

Hollywood curls
The Hollywood wave creates a luxurious image of a wealthy and well-groomed lady. This style is perfect for important evening events. The main difference between the Hollywood style and ordinary curls is the large size of the strands.

The steps for creating a Hollywood hairstyle look like this:
- choose a thin strand of hair, wind it with your finger, attach to the roots;
- prepare all hair for curling in the same way;
- squeeze each strand strongly with the ironing plates, then pull out;
- ugly curls can be curled again;
- fix the hairstyle with varnish.

An important part of creating a Hollywood-style hairstyle is taking the right styling:
- separate the strand at the temple on the side of the laying direction and fix it between the back of the head and the ear;
- gently comb your hair;
- make a small fleece;
- to style the curls in the desired hairstyle;
- fix the hair with varnish.
Hollywood retro style is also popular with celebrities. To recreate it, you need to fix the hair treated with a modeling agent with hairpins, and after a while remove the hairpins.

Styling for different hair lengths
Hair of different lengths requires different care and hairstyles. Each hair type needs a separate curling tool, which affects the final result.
For short
Hair up to the middle of the neck is considered to be short. Since short strands cannot be wound on an iron several times, a number of hairstyles and styling for owners of fashionable haircuts becomes unavailable. And yet, with a straightener, you can do many different styles for short hair.
On short hair, use narrow ironing heads with a minimum heating surface. When choosing the type of curl, it is very important to take into account the shape of the face. For example, on owners of an oval face, large curls will look perfect, and for a round shape, small curls are more suitable, which will hide the prominent parts.

Hair with a length of no more than 10 cm is desirable to wind towards the inner side. The procedure should be carried out quickly, staying in one area for no longer than 5 seconds. If your hair is healthy and strong, you can increase this time to 10 seconds. It is very convenient to do such a perm yourself. Longer curls can be divided into several segments for convenience. First, the upper segment is curled (in the area of the temples and the back of the head), after which you can proceed to the rest of the zones. Curling in this way on a bob is especially popular.
For the formation of natural curls, it is best to choose thick strands and iron them with minimal heating, gradually increasing the temperature.
If the curl does not work out, you can repeat the process, having previously cooled the hair.

For medium
Medium length is the most common. This length allows you to experiment with styling and curling. Consider the length of your hair if you plan to use a flat iron. Depending on the type of curls, the hair will visually decrease by several centimeters.
For short strands of medium density, it is better to use narrow strands. By controlling the angle of inclination and the degree of compression of the plates, large, small, light or voluminous curls can be obtained. It is better not to touch the ends when using the iron. Due to this principle, the length will be preserved, and the styling will look interesting and stylish. When choosing a hairstyle for medium hair, it is also important to build on the shape of the face.African small curls will only increase the round face. To remove excess volume on the cheeks, soft, smooth waves of a small size will do.

Here are some safe hairstyles for medium hair.
- Root volume. To increase the volume at the roots, you need to place an iron at the base of the strand and turn it a little. Then remove, and then, after waiting for the curls to cool, fix the effect with varnish. After such manipulations, the volume of the hair will increase significantly, while maintaining its original length.
- Large perm around the face. This option can be completed in just a few minutes. You will need an iron, a comb, and an elastic band. You need to tie a tail on the crown of the head, then comb and curl each strand separately. After removing the elastic, you will get an interesting hairstyle with cute curls.
- Afro style. This option never goes out of fashion, and the number of hairstyles for such hair is regularly updated. Thin strands can be wound in the usual way, stretching the iron from the base to the very bottom.

For long
The number of hairstyles for long hair is limited only by the imagination of the owner of this wealth. Stylish beach curls, big Hollywood wave, playful little curls - all this is quite affordable for long hair.
At the same time, hairstyles on long hair require additional consumption of fixing agents in order for the styling to retain its shape for a long time. If you don't want to overload your hair with styling products, then you can consider curling from the ear and below. In this case, the weight of the hair does not prevent wavy curls from maintaining the desired shape.
The third type of styling with a minimum amount of varnish is a thin afro-waving.

It is important to remember that at the stage of preparation for heat treatment, long strands need careful care, which is impossible without a large amount of moisturizers and nourishing agents. Of great importance for the quality of the future hairstyle is the choice of an antistatic agent that will avoid the effect of fluffiness. Particular attention should be paid to the tips - the most brittle areas that are most susceptible to heat. Do not keep the iron in this area for a long time. Regular visits to the hairdresser will help to simplify hair care, which will remove damaged ends.
For even curling along the entire length, it is necessary to place the device vertically, and then smoothly move to the bottom of the strand, supporting the curl with your free hand. The larger the waves are required, the narrower the strand of hair should be. It should be remembered that well-rolled curls become a few centimeters shorter.

Consider popular hairstyles for long hair.
- Small curls. They will be time consuming if you wind each thin strand separately. But there is also an express option: to braid your hair in small pigtails, and then warm it up with an iron. Small curls look great on their own and can also be the base for many tall hairstyles or all kinds of ponytails.
- Hollywood Wave. Stylish beautiful hairstyle for evening dinners in a restaurant, going to the theater or museum, celebrations at home and parties with friends.
- Classic curling. A versatile option that is suitable for both evening and special occasions, as well as for everyday wear.
- Beach curls. This is a stylish yet low maintenance option.
- Retro style waves. This is a hairstyle for a special occasion.

Useful Tips
Finally, we will give some useful tips for choosing and using styling products.
- A good straightener can reduce the damage done to your hair. These can be irons with ceramic, titanium or tourmaline plates. The presence of heating modes in the model will help protect thin hair from harmful effects. Most models of stylers and irons are equipped with a special temperature controller.So, for healthy hair, you can adjust the 150-degree mode, for brittle hair - lower the temperature to 120. In the case of thick long strands, it is recommended to use the 180-degree mode.
- It is best to curl at a 45-degree angle. This will allow you to control the sliding speed of the iron, staying longer in the root zones and minimizing heat in the tip area.
- Many girls make a gross mistake, after which their hair becomes brittle and begins to split. This happens if you start curling immediately after using the heat protectant. It is necessary to let the hair dry after using the spray. Otherwise, sebum and dust will become sealed in the hair, creating a messy look and damaging the hair itself.
- If there is no experience in styling with an iron, then you can practice with a cold appliance several times, and then start the process of creating the desired hairstyle. This will avoid unnecessary harm to the health of the strands.
- It is important to wait for the hair to cool before fixing with varnish in order to obtain a long-lasting styling effect. Only after the curls have cooled down can they be combed, laid in the desired direction and fixed with styling products.
- It is important to distribute the varnish not only on the outside, but also on the inside of the hair.
- At the very beginning of the curl, you can check its stability on one strand. To do this, you just need to pull down the curl. If its shape changes, the ironing temperature should be increased by 10-15 degrees.
- To achieve more volume, the hair should be pulled towards the face.
- The time of using the comb on curled curls should be minimal, otherwise they will turn into waves.
If necessary, you can restore the perm in a day by applying a little dry shampoo.