Hair growth rate: rate, what does it depend on and how to accelerate it?

Many girls dream of having beautiful healthy long curls creeping down their backs like a waterfall, but far from everyone, this dream becomes a reality. Why do some hair grow quickly, while others grow slowly, is there any norm?

Features of the hair life cycle
The supracutaneous part of the hair, called the shaft, consists of the medula, cortex, and cuticle. Medula is the medulla through which nutrients pass. The cortex is the main element of the hair, occupying 85% of its volume. It contains the natural protein keratin and the natural pigment melanin, which is responsible for color. The cuticle, which is responsible for strength, is 10 layers of scales. The part of the hair inside the skin is called the root. It has many components, including a hair follicle (follicle).
It is while the follicle is growing and developing that the hair is in the process of anagen, which lasts 2-6 years. Then, in the catagen phase, growth slows down, the bulb dries out. This happens within 2-3 weeks. In the telogen phase, the hair stops growing and producing pigment. After 2-4 months, it falls out, and another begins to grow in its place.

During the day, 50-100 hairs fall out from the head of a person when combing, twitching. The older the person, the higher this indicator. On average, there are about 90% of anagen hairs on the head of a healthy person. During our life, the hairline is renewed about 25 times. But the longer the life cycle of the hair, the longer the strands will grow.
Average rate of regrowth
Growth rate is a very individual indicator, so to show how much hair grows in different people, let's present some comparisons.
- Hair growth rate per day: for women - 0.5-0.6 mm, for men - 0.04-0.5 mm.
- In women, locks grow by 15-20 mm per month, in men - by 2-15 mm.
- For a year, women's hair grows 10-20 centimeters. This is the maximum length imposed by physiological processes. No miracle cure advertisement ever overcomes this norm.
- The passage of the entire cycle in men is twice as fast as in women.
- Hair grows most actively between the ages of 15 and 30.
- In the Negroid race, hair grows by 0.27 mm per month due to the fact that they curl into curls; in Mongoloids - by 1.5-2 cm; in Caucasians - by 1.2-1.5 cm.
- During the day, the follicles are in an active phase, at night - at rest.

And a few more facts about the rate of hair growth.
- In winter, curls grow back more slowly than in summer, as blood circulation slows down during the winter months.
- In warm climates, their growth rate is higher than in cold ones. Hair grows much faster in humid climates.
- With proper nutrition, the general condition and growth of hair improves.
- If in the family of older generations hair grows back quickly, then there is a high probability that heredity will play a positive role in this matter.
- The myth that the more you cut your hair, the faster your hair grows, remains a myth. After a haircut, the growth rate does not change, since the tips are cut, and the growth comes from the root.
- Good cosmetics, including those of our own preparation, improve the structure of the hairline and accelerate its growth.

Causes of slow growth
Women are most susceptible to hormonal changes, which negatively affect many life processes. That is why during pregnancy, taking hormonal drugs, endocrine and climacteric changes, hair growth can slow down. Any diseases also have a negative effect: the body fights the disease, slowing down all other functions.
Specific scalp diseases (seborrhea, ringworm, psoriasis, microsporia, eczema, folliculitis) not only inhibit hair growth, but can generally lead to baldness. In such cases, you need to think not about the growth rate, but about how to save the hairline, and run to a dermatologist and trichologist.
Frequent use of chemical preparations for curling and dyeing hair, the wrong type of shampoo, curling irons and irons slow down growth: trichologists have proven that after 6 months of constant use of hair dye, the growth rate of curls decreases by 5 mm per month.

It is very important for a woman to receive B vitamins in a timely manner.... This also applies to other vitamins and minerals. A decrease in the level of iron in the body makes the curls dry, thinns them, they lose color and fall out profusely. Due to the violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the head, the bulbs weaken and move much faster into the second and third phases of life.
Addictions and poor ecology (gas pollution, heavy metals, radiation) weaken the body's immune system. Quite often, it is necessary to begin to treat not the scalp and scalp, but the body as a whole.
Stress sucks all the forces out of the body, forcing it to work in an unusual way. At such a moment, the work of many organs deteriorates, the condition of the skin and hair also becomes much worse. Night or staggered work schedule, atypical lifestyle and lifestyle make the body in a state of constant combat readiness. All these reasons significantly change the anatomy of the hair, slow down its growth.
But if there is a desire to correct the situation, it means that you need to change your lifestyle and seriously take care of your own health.

Myths and truths about hair growth
- Use the comb as often as possible. Everything is good in moderation: combing massages the head and distributes lipids from roots to tips; but frequent brushing tears the hairs.
- Using shampoo "for every day", you can wash your hair often. This is not the case: daily use of the shampoo disrupts the PH balance of the scalp and hair.
- Chlorinated pool water gives hair a greenish tint. Yes, but you can see it on the hair of blondes. To avoid this, it is recommended that you apply conditioner to the entire length of your hair before bathing, or choose a swimming area with ionized water.
- Thanks to folk remedies, you can grow your hair faster. To assert this, you need to identify the cause of slow growth: if there is a scalp disease, then folk remedies can make it progress instead of treatment.
- Cold water is good for your hair. Let's clarify: cool water. After washing your hair, rinse it with cool water to make it look and grow better.
- Standing on your head promotes hair growth. Yes, this is so, because at this moment the blood flow to the skin and hair follicles increases. But you don't have to stand on your head for this. It is enough to tilt it and massage it.
- If you shave baldly, hair growth will increase and they will be better. This is not true. It's just that every hair is clearly visible on a shaved head, so it seems that there are a lot of them.
- If you cut your hair in the waxing moon phase, it will grow faster. The growth rate does not depend on the phase of the moon. Growth is also not affected by ebb, flow, and other natural processes.

Acceleration methods
Trying to accelerate hair growth, you can and should act in several directions at once.
- Change your diet. The diet must include:
- animal protein found in chicken, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit;
- sources of iron, phosphorus, calcium: fish, seafood, dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, bioyogurts);
- trace minerals supplied by bran and cereals;
- acid from sour vegetables and fruits - it breaks down protein and contributes to the creation of keratin at the base of the hair.

- You need to consume a lot of water. The best thing is regular drinking. Worst of all is sweet soda. The liquid prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, fills the bulbs with the necessary moisture.

- In order to quickly replenish the missing vitamins and minerals, you can drink a pharmacy course of multivitamin complexes once every six months.
- Minoxidil, Revalid, Pantovigar, Perfectil - all of them are designed to improve hair structure, stimulate hair growth. But these drugs have side effects and are not suitable for everyone. Before use, you must consult a specialist.
- Vitamins of group B, A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol) stimulate hair growth. But taking vitamin complexes, you need to be careful for women with cancer. Many doctors warn that pure vitamins provoke the growth of cells, including patients. Although vitamins fight dry and brittle hair, they treat split ends.
- Supplements you can look for complex ones or change courses every 3-4 months: hair needs selenium, zinc, calcium, chromium, magnesium, beta-carotene and other elements.

- Use physiotherapy (darsonvalization) and mesotherapy... If the Darsonval apparatus is, perhaps, in every physiotherapy room, and this procedure is painless and cheap, then mesotherapy is a completely different matter. At the moment, it is considered the most effective procedure for hair growth and treatment.
But you need to do it within 4-5 weeks, one session per week, then once every 2 weeks, and later - once a month. This procedure has two problems: high cost and intense pain.

- Massage your head regularly. It contributes to:
- penetration of nutrients deep under the skin;
- toning the skin;
- increased blood flow;
- stimulation of the hair follicle;
- improving the work of the sebaceous glands and protecting them from the appearance of fungi and infections;
- improving the psycho-emotional state.

- Find cosmetic products for the head with less silicone. Preparations with silicone can actually lengthen hair significantly in 1 year.But you can't use them forever, they clog the pores on the scalp. As a result, nutrients cease to flow into the bulb and it dies off much faster.
- Minimize the use of flat pans, irons, hair dryers, corrugation. If it is impossible to completely abandon these devices, then before working with them, it is imperative to apply thermal protection to the hair.
- Refrain from dyeing your hair. If, for example, you do not dye your hair for 5 months, then it will grow an additional 2.5 cm.
- Use hair fixing products to a minimum. Hairpins, elastic bands, headbands injure them.
- Take care of your own mental health. Calmness, abstraction in conflict situations will have a beneficial effect not only on the hairstyle.
- Protection of hair from external influences: ultraviolet rays, bad ecology.
- Even during accelerated hair growth hair ends should be trimmed at least once every six monthsto cut split ends, damaged hair.

If there are no diseases on the scalp, then masks can be practiced at home to accelerate the growth of curls. They can be purchased or made by hand.
Since there are a great many of them, you can alternate them in order to avoid getting used to and weakening the effect. And here are some more recommendations.
- Do not overexpose the mask or violate the dosage - this can lead to overdrying and cause irritation.
- The purpose of many masks (especially with pepper) is to activate the blood supply and, thus, make the bulb work more actively. Therefore, warming components are used, which are often allergens. Therefore, it is important to do an allergic test and apply the mixture to the bend of the elbow. If after 30 minutes no discomfort does not appear, then you can use the composition.
- The main rule is regularity: for 1-2 months, a mask is made a couple of times a week, and then a break for a month.

Simple mask recipes
- Salt. Not suitable for those with very dry skin. After shampooing with fine table salt, the scalp is massaged. As a result of this peeling, keratinized skin will exfoliate and allow new hairs to grow. The procedure can be carried out no more than 1 time a week.

- Brandy. After washing and drying the head with a towel 2 tsp. cognac at room temperature is rubbed into the roots for 2 minutes. Using more ingredient, it is a good idea to apply it all the way down, especially on dry ends. After 30 minutes, the hair is rinsed. The mask is suitable for regular grooming.

- With pepper. Pour half a glass of vodka into a jar, add 1 pod of chopped red pepper there. In the closed form, leave the mixture for 2 weeks in a cool place. 1 tbsp. l. mix the tinctures with the same amount of olive oil and apply to the hair roots for 15 minutes. Wash off the mixture with shampoo. Pepper masks are very strong and therefore are considered the best.

- With pepper tincture. Mix pepper tincture, honey, burdock or olive oil (1 tablespoon each) and 1 yolk until the mixture is homogeneous. Distribute it along its entire length from the roots. Cover with plastic and a towel. Wash off after an hour.

- Cinnamon. 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and kefir, 1 tsp each. cinnamon powder and honey, 1 egg is thoroughly mixed. The mass is distributed over the entire length of the hair. They keep it under polyethylene for a quarter of an hour, after which they are washed off with shampoo.

- Onion. Two onions, chopped on a grater, are squeezed out of excess juice and mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey. The gruel is applied for 40 minutes over the entire length of the hair, wrapped under a cap. Wash off with water.

- With aloe juice. 50 g of brandy is heated in a water bath until warm. Add 1 tsp there. honey and aloe juice, mix. Massaging, rub the mixture into the scalp and incubate for 20 minutes. Soon, the growth rate reaches 2 cm per month when the mask is applied 2 times a week.

- Mustard. 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder is soaked in 100 ml of kefir for 15 minutes, after which the mixture is applied only to the roots, not spreading through the hair. The head is wrapped. A slight burning sensation is the norm for a mustard mask.After 15 minutes, the mixture is washed off without shampoo. The mask is done every 6 days.

- With burdock oil. From burdock oil, onion juice, honey and liquid soap, knead the mask in equal proportions and apply it along the entire length of the hair. Having wrapped up the head, it is kept for 2 hours. Wash off with water to which lemon juice is added to get rid of the onion smell.

- Kefirnaya... 4 tbsp. l. dry yeast is stirred in 0.5 cups of kefir and placed in a warm place for fermentation for an hour. Add 1 tbsp. l. honey and apply the mask on the head for 30 minutes. Wash off the mixture with shampoo. The first 10 days, the mask is done every day, then every 7 days.

All about hair growth, see the video below.
I disagree about the Moon. The moon has a huge impact on all life on Earth, and on the growth of human hair, including.