Long hair care rules

Long chic strands are the dream of almost every girl, but many ladies know perfectly well how difficult it is not only to grow them, but also to keep them in great shape all the time. Very often, having received the long-awaited length, ladies are disappointed in the final result. The strands look lifeless and untidy. And then many go to the salon and shorten their hair.
But for the safety of long strands, you just need proper and constant care. At first, it will not be entirely habitual and rather difficult to carry out it, but over time, all this will give you great pleasure.

Most girls have no idea how to take proper care of their long strands. At the same time, it is worth knowing everything about your type of curls and buying products specifically for your hair type. Experts say that hair is of the following types.
- Normal... Curls slowly lose their shine. They comb perfectly. No dandruff.
- Fatty... They have a noticeable oily sheen. The fluffiness is quickly lost, and the hair sticks together.
- Dry... The hair has a dull look, gets tangled all the time and is difficult to comb.
- Mixed (combined)... These oily strands at the very roots have dry ends.

Besides, strands are like this.
- Hard... They are quite brittle, naughty and dry.
- Thin... Quite soft, very naughty, tangled. They have no volume and quickly lose their shape.
- Thick... They are distinguished by their special density.
- Emaciated... They appear as a result of diets, unhealthy diet and stress.

Most often, elongated curls have a mixed look, which makes it difficult to find the right care products for them.Long hair care can be divided into 2 large blocks: external and internal.
They should be used at the same time for better performance.
How to comb your hair correctly?
The brushing procedure harms the structure of rather long strands, so you need reduce this traumatic effect, then you can take good care of strands of any length at home. With proper care jerks should be avoided, especially if you have a tangle: do not tear it apart with a comb, you just need to use a special tool that makes combing easier. After that, it is worth driving along the tangled strand from top to bottom with a sparse comb until your hair is unraveled.
You should start combing your hair from the bottom, in stages, slowly rising, the last movements can be done from the beginning of the parting down. Thick hair is best divided into sections and combed separately.
Choose a brush with natural bristles for brushing. So your curls will not be injured and electrified.

Do not comb the strands immediately after washing them, as they are not as strong when wet as when dry. Comb your hair often, but gently. Before going to bed, tilt your head down so that the strands hang down and run the comb over them. The blood will quickly rush to the roots of the strands, guaranteeing the nutrition they need.
Perform aroma combing a couple of times a week. On a rare wood-toothed comb, apply a few drops of essential oil and comb through your hair several times. If your strands are too oily, you can use grapefruit or lemon, patchouli and bergamot oil. For severe dandruff, geranium and rosemary oils and tea tree oils are used. For accelerated growth of strands, purchase oil of juniper or ylang-ylang, lemon balm and cloves, fir and cinnamon.

How to wash?
The shampoo should be matched to the specific type of hair and constructively solve those problems that your hair has.
- If hair falls out - you need a strengthening agent.
- If the ends split - choose a revitalizing shampoo.
- If standard shampoos don't suit your strands - try rinsing them with a mixture of water and eggs. The result will be overwhelming.

Apply shampoo only on the roots. Rub a little into the roots, then rinse thoroughly. For a high-quality cleaning, the foam that slides down when the product is rinsed will be enough for your hair.
Be sure to use a balm. The conditioner is also useful when caring for elongated curls. Without this product, the hair will become seriously electrified. Air conditioning simply irreplaceable in the cold season.
Masks should be of the same series as the balm shampoo of your choice. This tool should be chosen especially carefully - many store formulations are replete with unnatural ingredients. For this reason, use home remedies more often for luxurious hair.
Serums they can perform both the functions of a balm and the functions of a mousse or even a mask: they will help to moisturize the hair well, heal it, and give it the necessary shape. The result of such a remedy lasts quite a long time. There is also a minus - the high cost and quite a lot of chemistry among the components.

Oils can also be selected for protection and when caring for elongated curls. Herbal formulations are the best formulas for gentle rinsing after washing long strands, as these infusions protect curls from the chemicals found in some skin care products. Wash your hair as often as you deem necessary, as soon as you feel that your hair is dirty. Otherwise, the harmful elements of the compounds will clog your pores, which will stop oxygen access to the roots.
Do not wash your curls with too hot water. Better to keep it warm - preferably at room temperature.In order not to injure the hair, when washing, you should not twist the hair too much, rub it violently and squeeze it with force.
Do not pour shampoo on your head. The product is diluted in warm water, beaten until foam appears and applied to the head for only 2-3 minutes. After that, the strands are thoroughly washed with warm water.
If the water is too cold (up to 37 degrees), it will not be able to dissolve fat well, and excessively hot water will dry out the skin on the head and speed up the work of the sebaceous glands, which will lead to dandruff.

Using a hair dryer and other appliances
Dry long curls naturally, without a hair dryer. After the washing procedure, a wet head is simply dried slightly with a towel, if necessary, it must be changed. Next, a dry towel is wrapped around the head to absorb the rest of the moisture. A warm microclimate will be created under the towel, which will have a beneficial effect on hair and skin.
If you urgently need to dry your hair, it is better to choose the hair dryer operating mode with the lowest temperature and minimum blowing speed.

Most often, styling elongated curls is a very simple procedure, since it is enough to lay them in a certain direction. But there is a set of rules that you should know.
- Do not choose round brushes, which are used for shortened curls. Often this kind of combs can be easily tangled in the strands, and pulling them out without injuring the hair will not work.
- For everyday styling, you should not buy foams, as well as gels and varnishes - they will mercilessly destroy the keratin component of the hairs.
- Do not use devices such as hot curlers, curling irons, straighteners, or use them to a minimum. Heated rollers can be replaced with papillotes - special strips of soft material. The diameter of these devices varies. The larger the curls you need, the larger the size of the papillotes.
- Styling combs it is best to purchase wooden ones, since plastic and metal products can seriously scratch the skin and will activate increased electrification of the hair, destroying its structure.

For stylish styling, you should use the following products:
- varnishes that are needed to fix the hairstyle;
- gels that keep the shape of the haircut;
- mousses, which allow you to make elongated curls more elastic.
Without such hair cosmetics, no hairstyle can last long. However, frequent use of such products will negatively affect the strands.
So the main advice of professional hairdressers is to use these products less often.

Healthy mask recipes
You should not immediately rejoice if after the first treatment procedures to improve your hair, their condition becomes significantly better. Even with constant activities, this effect will be short-lived. Outwardly, you can improve only the outer part of each hair, while on the inside, they will need much more attention.
If the hair does not receive the components necessary for its normal life, the strands themselves will be dull in any case. So it's worth taking care of your body.

Adequate nutrition is the main key to quality care for long strands. Start eating at the same hours. Stop abusing fast food, give up fatty and fried, smoked and pickled foods. Eat more fresh fruits and berries.
Drink plenty of fluids. The vitamins that you get when you start eating right will transport the blood to the hair roots from the inside. This is the most correct option for their complete saturation in comparison with the use of the same fashionable masks. Once every six months, it is worth drinking a complex of vitamins, because in certain seasons of the year they are so lacking not only in your hair, but also in the body as a whole.

If you regularly nourish your elongated strands with homemade masks, you will quickly notice an improvement in their appearance.Here are the recipes for the best and, most importantly, natural masks for the fastest growth of hair.
Fruity with almond oil
Puree 1 small banana, stir with 50 ml of warm almond oil and apply to hair. Your hair will get amazing shine and shine.

Egg composition
Whisk the yolks together with warm water in equal parts. After application, this mask must be hidden under polyethylene and kept like that for at least an hour.
It will help protect long strands from split ends.

Honey and milk composition
A tablespoon of honey should be dissolved in a small glass of warm (and ideally steamed) milk. Apply the mixture for just half an hour under a thermal hood. The mask will allow you to make your long strands well-groomed - they will become stronger and healthier.

Banana with olive oil
50 ml of fresh honey is mixed with 75 ml of olive oil, 50 ml of milk, mashed potatoes from 1 small banana and 1 yolk are added here. The mask must be kept warm for about 30 minutes.
Such a mask will make long curls softer and fluffier, they will acquire additional volume.

With aloe
One leaf of the aloe plant needs to be mashed, add 2 tablespoons of thick sour cream to it. The mask should be on the curls for exactly 15 minutes. She qualitatively nourishes and has the ability to heal severely damaged strands.

Whisk 2 yolks, which are mixed with 75 ml of olive oil. Keep such a composition under polyethylene for about 30 minutes.
The mask will help the hair to stop electrifying.

Honey with nuts
Grind 20 g of walnuts, mix them with 20 g of honey, slightly diluting the mixture with 30 ml of water. The composition is applied to elongated strands for 30 minutes. Such a composition is especially good in winter, with vitamin deficiency, when the hair lacks nutrition.

With yoghurt
Whisk 1 yolk with 60 ml of yogurt without any additives. The mixture is kept on the strands for about an hour.
This mask will stop seasonal hair loss.

Mix 30 ml of honey with 50 ml of olive oil. Hold under cellophane for half an hour. Honey mask will ensure that long strands are not tangled, make them smooth.

See the following video for hair care recommendations.