Hair care

Hair care at home

Hair care at home
  1. Fundamental rules
  2. How to wash your hair properly?
  3. Drying and styling features
  4. Care instructions
  5. Professional cosmetics review
  6. Traditional methods
  7. Professional advice
  8. Reviews

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the pride and visiting card of any modern woman. However, it is difficult to remain perfect if the curls endure the aggressive effects of thermal styling products, constant bouffant, applying powder, varnish, straightening. They also suffer from frequent staining. We will consider further in the article how to care for the strands, how to make them healthy and fill them with vital radiance, and also we will understand the basic nuances of hair care at home.

Fundamental rules

It's no secret that the condition of the hair is directly influenced by the lifestyle. Stressful situations, unhealthy diet, bad habits - all this is reflected in the health of the whole organism, including hair. If you let the situation take its course, it will lead to disastrous consequences. It is necessary to stop in time, because disguises alone, the use of styling cosmetics, cannot be dispensed with.

For a while, it can mask the problem, but sooner or later, it will manifest itself. Hair will begin to fade, split, dandruff may appear, and baldness may begin. Sometimes the scale of the problem is large and difficult to deal with.

The key rule will be its prevention or change in the established way of life. In some cases, you have to resort to the help of a trichologist, who helps to determine the cause of the disease and prescribes complex treatment.

It is necessary to give up bad habits, revise the diet, and walk more often in the fresh air. These are the first steps towards healthy hair.It is important to take into account that curls, like the skin of the body, need timely cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, and protection. They use their own means for every aspect of care. For example, they cleanse curls with shampoo, moisturize and nourish using balms, conditioners and various masks.

Protection is ensured by using special thermal protective preparations when laying.

In addition, it is worth revising the care that was previously provided to the strands. For example, you need:

  • wash curls correctly;
  • choose a good suitable comb for combing;
  • do not skip the trimming procedure;
  • regularly nourish curls with nutrients;
  • provide strands with protection from adverse external factors.

At this stage, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the structure of hair, as well as their type, is different for women. Therefore, the same care products can be useful for some hair and completely unacceptable for others. You need to know what kind of care is needed for a particular type of hair, what they need for health and active growth. For example, in one case it may be a nourishing mask as a night care, and in another, proper washing and studying the nuances of styling will be quite enough.

And also one cannot ignore the length of the hair, since a lot also depends on it. For example, short hair does not get tangled so much, and therefore they do not always need a nourishing balm and smoothing cosmetic procedures. The nuances of care can also depend on such a nuance as painting. For example, it is more difficult to care for blonde hair at home.

In this case, in addition to the typical rules, you will have to perform color correction, eliminating the unsightly yellowness, which often appears after lightening and neutralizing the color. Somewhere you can't do without a wash, somewhere you will have to, on the contrary, maintain the brightness of colored hair, and therefore pay more attention to the choice of oil compresses that work as a wash.

However, in order for the hair to become healthy, care must be daily and correct. And you will have to start working on improving your hair with a visual examination and assessment of their condition.

Determining the type of hair

Based on the type of curls, they are normal, dry, oily and combined. Determining what type of woman is is not difficult.

  • Normal type differs in characteristic shine and lack of cross-section of the ends. These curls do not need daily washing, they are easy to comb and style, they seem fresh longer than others.
  • Dry differs in a dull and lifeless look of the strands. Such hair does not shine, does not lend itself well to combing, during it it often breaks, breaks and splits. They desperately need balm, hydration and nutrition.
  • Bold type considered one of the most problematic. These strands almost always seem untidy and greasy, they are weak and prone to loss. Due to the active production of subcutaneous fat, they often develop dandruff.
  • Combined type curls are nothing more than strands with oily roots and dry ends. Caring for them is difficult, because you have to especially carefully select the means so as not to harm the health of the hair.

In the future, we will try to point out the difference in hair care for different types of hair in order to help readers find the right solution for their hair.

How to wash your hair properly?

Shampoos offered by different brands differ in purpose and effect. Manufacturers produce products with the effect of volume, smoothness, activation of hair growth, elimination of excess oiliness, and sometimes sealing of the ends. It is important to understand that, for example, washing dry hair will not properly wash out oily strands. You can not use shampoo for volume if the curls are curly, because after washing they will turn into an explosive mop-washcloth.

The basic rule of washing your hair is to use soft, non-hot water.The fact is that it is hard water that is one of the reasons for the poor condition of the strands. Because of her, they often break down, weaken and begin to split. Washing your strands with hot water will trigger sebum production, leading to an unkempt appearance.

According to the general rules of washing comb your hair before washing... This will make washing easier and will prevent hair from tangling more. Hard water must be softened. To do this, you can add a couple of drops of ammonia or baking soda to it (at the rate of 1 tsp for 5 liters of water).

First, the curls are moistened with water, after that they collect a small portion of shampoo, lather in the hands and distribute it through the hair with light massaging movements. Then they are washed off with warm water, getting rid of the remaining detergent. If necessary, apply a balm, which is washed off after a few minutes. After that, you need to dry your hair: you can not go to bed with wet curls.

The balm is not rubbed into the root zone: it is distributed from the middle of the hair to the ends. In this case, the hair should not be too wet (squeeze it out a little before applying it). The balm is used after the shampoo, it is washed off with water or a medicinal decoction. They do not keep the product on the head for long.

It is undesirable to keep a towel on your head for a long time after washing. It is necessary to ensure the natural drying of the strands. As for the hair dryer, its use after each wash of hair is one of the causes of hair diseases. Additional heat damages the structure of the strands, even if the reason for using it is to add volume to fine hairs.

As for the colored strands, they are washed less often, since each time the paint will be washed out along with the water, regardless of the level of its resistance. Temporary pigments do not penetrate into the hair (under its scales) during dyeing, and therefore, being an enveloping dye film, they are washed out faster. Permanent paint is under the flakes, but it washes away too.

Let's note the basic rules for washing hair:

  • you cannot wash your hair every day, and even more so twice;
  • distilled or boiled water is ideal for washing;
  • you can not wash your hair several times in a row, collecting large portions of detergent;
  • unpainted strands can be rinsed with herbal decoction after shampoo and balm;
  • the temperature of the water should depend on the degree of fat content of the hairs (the fatter, the cooler).

Let's note the basic methods of washing different types of hair.

  • Oily curls wash no earlier than every other day, using shampoos with herbal extracts (for example, nettle, sage, seaweed, protein and zinc). Before you wash your hair, you can rub aloe vera juice, sour milk into the hairs, or make a clay mask.
  • Dry curls wash less often than greasy ones, because from frequent washing they will dry out even more. Shampoos, creams, chamomile, linden broth products are ideal for such hair. In addition, before washing your hair, in this case, you can resort to express masks or rubbing in cosmetic oil (for example, olive, burdock, almond). It is better to wash this hair with filtered water.
  • Combined type needs special care. Here, before washing your hair, you can make a clay mask for the root zone and an oil mask for the ends. You can wash your hair with two shampoos: for dry (in length) and oily (at the roots). You can purchase a combination hair product.
  • Wavy or curly hair belong to the combined form. They are more susceptible to fragility than others, and therefore need special care. Washing them is impossible without a balm to which essential or base oils can be added. These curls cannot be rubbed with a towel, it must dry without a hair dryer.
  • Thin hair they get dirty very quickly, but they need a shampoo with a gentle effect (others are not suitable for them). In this case, you can use an oil mask or colorless henna.Their use before washing will visually increase the volume. If you have chosen to dry with a hairdryer, you can use an exceptionally cold setting.
  • Sick and colored curls hot water is contraindicated, as well as daily washing. Do not wash such hair with anti-dandruff shampoo or oily hair product. Means with a moisturizing effect are suitable, damaged and split strands can be treated and nourished with an oil mask before washing.

    It is necessary to rinse your hair longer than washing itself, after squeezing it slightly. The procedure may involve adding vinegar to the water at the rate of 1-2 tsp. per liter of water, which is especially good for brunettes and brown-haired women. Blondes should reduce their dosage to 1 teaspoon, as vinegar can darken their hair color. If the girl does not tolerate vinegar, you can replace it with lemon juice.

    As for the type of hair, there are some nuances here, for example, oily hair can be rinsed with a decoction of mint, oak bark, nettle or burdock. Dry strands need more rinsing with linden blossom decoction.

    Do not make the broth too steep, as this will harm the health of the scalp, and the strands themselves.

    Drying and styling features

    According to the rules of hair care, they should dry naturally, regardless of their type and structure. After a therapeutic rinse, they are gently squeezed out and blotted with a warm cotton towel. It is not worth keeping them in a towel, as well as drying them in direct sunlight if you want to do this in the fresh air, being, for example, in the country.

    If you choose the option of drying with a hairdryer, which you should not accustom the strands to, this must be done correctly. Choose a gentle drying mode, while keeping the hair dryer at a distance of at least 15 cm from the head. It is also important when drying to use thermal protection means... As for the comb, then ideally, it is better to use a comb with sparse teeth rather than a massage brush.

    It will be useful to pay attention to the fact that hair is not washed at night... In addition to the fact that they do not have time to dry, there is a cooling of the scalp, a deterioration in nutrition and, as a result, a slowdown in growth. Other negative consequences of washing the strands at night are the activation of sebum secretion, which occurs due to the friction of the curls on the pillow, as well as deformation of the hairstyle.

    Speaking of styling products, it should be noted: Irons, curling irons and hot curlers are enemies of hair, they cause irreparable damage to strands. Foam bobbins are not as dangerous in comparison with them, even if they use thermal protective agents when laying.

    However, all styling starts with choosing the right comb. When choosing a comb, you should pay attention to the material of its manufacture.

    Wooden combs, like brushes, are considered not so dangerous to the health of curls, than analogs with metal or plastic teeth, which electrify and simply tear the strands. You can purchase products made from natural bristles, which help to gently detangle the hairs at the ends and massage in the root zone. They are good for blood flow, which accelerates the growth of curls.

    You need to comb your hair not from the roots, but from the ends. If the hairs are too thin and brittle, you should use cosmetic oil or a cream that makes it easier to comb. You cannot pick up the hair with too tight elastic bands, as this weakens the hair follicles, which provokes the loss of individual hairs.

    You can not comb the strands too long and often. Despite the fact that this makes hair grow faster, it frizz and splits. When styling, you can use special products for naughty and fluffy hairs, but in a strictly metered volume. For example, its maximum amount by volume does not exceed the size of two medium-sized peas.

    If you increase the consumption of a cosmetic product, it will cause tarnishing of the strands.If permanent makeup is used during styling, it should be disposed of at least once a week using a sulfate-free cleansing shampoo. Styling should be natural: no unrealistic volume, wild fleece and half a bottle of varnish poured out at a time are needed. Natural styling will minimize the risk of hair damage. When rubber bands are used for it, soft and elastic products are selected that will not harm the hairs.

    Care instructions

    In order for your hair not only to appear healthy, but in fact to be so, you need to not only wash it properly, comb it and style it. In addition, regardless of their type, it is important to take into account other rules of care. For example, from time to time you need to visit a hairdresser or trim them at home. This will get rid of split ends, preventing the section from rising along the length. Nobody says that you need to do this too often, but this is an excellent prevention of the section, which will contribute to the health of the strands along the entire length.

    It is impossible not to take into account the importance of protection from negative factors, which include wind, heat, cold or ultraviolet light. In the summer, it is advisable to wash your hair with a shampoo with a UV filter, which will eliminate color fading and drying out of the strands. You can cover your head with a fashionable hat.

    However, it is categorically impossible to apply oil at this time, since it will heat up, harming the hair structure.

    Winter cold has an extremely negative effect on the health of curls. Together with the piercing wind and frosty air, they weaken the strands, deprive them of their vital radiance, making them dull. Wearing a winter headdress cannot be ignored, as it is undesirable to wear loose hair. In winter, it is better to braid them or grab them in a bun. At this time of the year, they need nutrition and protection, for which you can pick up a special complex of detergents and oils. In addition to them, you can resort to the use of vitamins and minerals.

    From time to time you need to make masks based on the type of hair. This will compensate for the deficiency of substances necessary for a healthy look. However, for different types of hair, not only the composition and frequency of application of medicinal cosmetics will differ.

    In addition, its dosage will also vary, because an excess of nutrients can change the structure of the hairs for the worse.

    Healing curls

    Owners of wavy and curly hair also face the problem of their health. Often they resort to straightening, which only temporarily makes the structure less twisted. Along with this, the hair gets very stressed, becomes weak, and sometimes even begins to fall out. Such hair cannot be washed with ordinary shampoo: here you need to use sulfate-free products with a gentle effect, since other shampoos contain aggressive chemicals that deprive curls of their vital shine.

    When choosing a balm for curls, you need to consider that it should not contain silicone... It is problematic to wash it gentle shampoo. It is also important not to forget that for such hair, the haircut itself can sometimes become a problem. For example, there can be no talk of any thinning or cutting with a razor, because it is these factors that cause the ends to be cut. In addition, haircuts for such curls are done dry.

    For those with curls, it is preferable to use balms that do not need to be washed off. They are distinguished by a light texture, do not weigh down the strands, but at the same time moisturize them, give the hair the necessary fixation.

    They do not like dyeing such hair, as it becomes dry and lifeless from it. They are beautiful by nature and are every woman's dream.

    How to cure after chemotherapy?

    Permed hair needs gentle care. Immediately after the procedure, they must not be washed or combed. For several days, they are not laid by means of thermal styling.In addition, you cannot finish them off by painting, because a shock of hair can instantly turn into a fluffy and thinning dandelion.

    You can save these curls at home with the help of heated essential oils. It is in this form that they can penetrate into the structure of the hair and nourish it with the necessary substances. You can use vegetable oils of olive, burdock for this, mixing them with drops of lavender, orange, grape seed or rose esters.

    If a biowave has been made (a safer alternative to chemistry), you can start washing your hair on the third day after the procedure. In order not to reduce the intensity of curling curls, do not comb the curls when drying with a hairdryer. Medical cosmetics should be selected on the basis of consultation with the stylist who made the biochemistry. And you can also resort to using folk care products.

    However, they must be used correctly and dosed so as not to spoil the effect of curls and not to overdo it with masks.

    How to care for hair extensions?

    Regardless of the hair extension technique, you will have to adhere to the basic rules of care. For example, artificial hair should be treated with pH neutral detergents. You need to comb such curls with a comb with sparse teeth without balls at the tips.

    They wash such hair according to its growth, without throwing back the strands, using a special shampoo for hair extensions, which is purchased in a specialized store, for washing. Masks in this case are contraindicated, but decoctions are quite appropriate. Capsule extension does not tolerate contact with a curling iron or an iron, and before going to bed, such strands must not only be dried, but also braided into a braid.

    Care for extended strands is demanding for timely correction, which depends on the growth rate of natural hairs.

    What about the painted ones?

    If the hair was dyed at one time, subjected to bronding, coloring, toning or bleaching, the approach to care is different. Here it is important to use detergents with a gentle effect, as well as special preparations for colored hair. We need healing and nourishing masks that can saturate the hairs with everything you need. However, when choosing a care product, it is worth considering: some oils, like homemade recipes, can wash out the pigment.

    For example, one of these remedies is coconut oil, which strengthens the roots, but in one procedure it can lighten the color by 2-3 tones. One tone brightens the color and the kefir mask, flowing down from the head in colored streams. In addition, dyed hair cannot be reanimated quickly, and the frequency of procedures is strictly moderate here.

    And also it is worth taking into account the fact that owners of colored hair need to visit the pool in special rubber caps, because water with bleach destroys the pigment.

    Professional cosmetics review

    Sometimes going for high-quality caring cosmetics confuses a woman. And it's all to blame for the huge variety of products with flashy and bright advertisements. It is not enough to understand that, for example, for curly hair you need a moisturizer against frizz. And it also says little that dry strands need a shampoo with glycerin and collagen to restore moisture. And not every one of us knows that an abundance of proteins is the cause of dryness and brittleness.

    I would like to know which proven company and product to give preference to, so as not to fall for the tricks of dishonest sellers and buy the right remedy for the health of their hair. These are not necessarily expensive cosmetics: among the huge assortment, you can find a completely budgetary remedy with a caring and healing effect (for example, a caring lotion or shampoo).

    What kind of cosmetics is better to use, each woman decides on her own based on the type of hair, their condition and the characteristics of her body. The basic set should include shampoo, balm and mask. Products of several brands have received a good reputation among buyers.

    • Schwarzkopf Bona Cure Moisture Kick - spray conditioner for loosened strands with a deep moisturizing formula, an effective remedy with hyaluronic acid, silicone, panthenol and vegetable oil.
    • Wella SP Regulate - a mask with an absorbent effect and a large set of vitamins, designed to give freshness and tone to the scalp, helps to normalize the work of pores, and has cleansing properties.
    • Selective Professional Mela Verde - shampoo with green apple extract for normal curls with delicate cleansing, providing moisture to the hair and root zone. Gives the strands shine, silkiness, even styling unruly hair.
    • L'Oreal Professional Mythic Oil - mask with a complex of active ingredients, light texture and fast exposure time. It gives the hair a vital shine, makes it visually denser without weighing it down, strengthens the roots.
    • Estel otium butterfly - balm with the effect of volume and compaction without weighting. It contains a complex of vitamins and minerals, has a nourishing and regenerating effect, suitable for sick and damaged strands. Capable of providing UV protection.
    • Instant Moisture Paul Mitchell - regenerating shampoo with a moisturizing effect and protection from adverse factors. It thickens the hairs, prevents the section from spreading, gives the strands a mirror-like shine.
    • Mulsan Cosmetic Repair Shampoo and Repair Balm - the best set of the entire line, shampoo and balm without harmful components in the composition of the products. A set for the prevention of hair loss, a good complex for sick and weakened strands, protecting them from negative environmental factors.
    • Ammino Keratin Selective - a professional mask with a complex of keratin acids and provitamin B5, which restores health and vitality to the curls. Fills the voids of the hair, and therefore is well suited for damaged strands.
    • B83 Restructuring Hair Mask - a mask with a revitalizing effect and argan oil that nourishes the curls. Can be used as a conditioner, needs rinsing. It is used for sick and weakened strands, it creates the necessary protection from weather factors.

    Traditional methods

    Today, many recipes have been invented for creating care products for sick and tired hair. At the same time, home cosmetics are considered the best due to the effectiveness and naturalness of their composition. In fact, these are nourishing, moisturizing and firming masks and procedures that activate and accelerate the growth of strands. Folk recipes are also notable for the fact that they are easy to prepare due to the availability of ingredients.

    For example, regular kefir can give your hair a well-groomed look, make it soft, and get rid of dandruff. It is heated over a fire, then rubbed into the root zone, covered with a towel and kept for 15-20 minutes. Hair loss can be prevented by mixing a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of jojoba oil, two tablespoons of coconut oil, and two drops of rosemary ether.

    Strengthen the curls, nourish them with useful substances using a mask consisting of burdock oil and honey in proportions 1: 2. The ingredients are mixed until smooth, then rubbed into the root zone and distributed over the strands. The head is covered with a polyethylene cap, the composition is kept for no more than an hour. If overexposed, the effect will be brightening.

    You can strengthen lifeless hair and stop hair loss with a mask, the recipe of which includes cognac (tbsp), honey (tsp) and egg yolk. The components are mixed and then applied to the scalp, covered with a cap and kept on the head for 40 minutes.

    For effectiveness, the mask is made for 2-3 months, about once a week.

    A mask for thickness can be made by mixing kefir (glass) with bread (30 g) and henna (1 tsp). After waiting for the crumb to soak, the composition is applied to clean strands along the entire length, after which the head is insulated. The exposure time of the mask is half an hour, after which it is washed off with water to which apple cider vinegar is added.This tool is suitable for brunettes.

    It is better for blondes to use a composition of cognac (150 ml), honey (1 tbsp. L.) And sea salt. The mass is insisted for 1.5-2 weeks, and only after that it is rubbed into the scalp before washing it. In order to enhance the effectiveness, the head is wrapped in a hot towel. Wash off the composition with shampoo after an hour.

    As for the most effective homemade masks, in general they are egg yolks, kefir, honey, cream, burdock oil and cognac.

    Professional advice

    It would be useful to take note of the recommendations for hair care at home, which are shared by experienced stylists.

    • You should not dye your hair when going to the sea. The seawater instantly flushes out the pigment, making the strands look dull and ugly.
    • To keep your hair shiny and as smooth as possible, rinse it after washing and conditioner, preferably with lukewarm or even cool water.
    • A microfiber towel is considered less harmful for wiping. This textile perfectly absorbs moisture and does not fray the hairs.
    • To reduce damage to strands when using thermal styling products, apply thermal protection to your hair before styling.
    • If you really need to speed up drying, turn on the hair dryer at the minimum speed.
    • To strengthen the curls, you can take biotin, to add shine and smoothness - apply aloe vera juice before washing.
    • If you want to straighten your curls a little, you do not need to treat them with water-based creams and oils. From this they will curl even stronger.
    • The abundance of cosmetics on the hair is the reason for their weakness. If a spray has already been applied to them, it is quite enough for fixing for a day.
    • The hair suffers from the stress of the wearer. To make the strands look beautiful and healthy, you need to eliminate the cause.
    • Hair loss is a serious call to a doctor who can correctly prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

    In hair care at home, you can take note of life hacks. For example, masks are more effective if they are different and alternate. In this case, the strands receive more vitamins and nutrients. However, there should not be more than three of them per week.

    You can increase the effectiveness of the mask with a head massage. It is performed before the caring procedure, increasing blood circulation. You do not need to resort to using solid base oils, but you still have to heat the formulations to a warm state in a water bath.

    Use a wooden comb to simplify application.

    Stylists recommend paying attention to nutrition, because it is from the hair that you can understand what the body lacks.

    • Owners of dry hair often go on a diet. Their nutritious diet is low in fat, which can be replenished by eating fish, seeds and walnuts.
    • The rapidly fattening and greasy strands indicate that their owner is consuming an excessive amount of spicy food.
    • Thinning and weakness signal the mistress of a lack of iron. You can fill its deficit by eating beef, vegetables, apples.
    • Luster loss is the root cause of protein deficiency. It is necessary to eat meat, eggs, drink milk.
    • Slow growth indicates a lack of energy. It is important to revise your diet, eat more often in small portions.
    • Hair falls out from fast food and a lack of fiber, vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables.


    A lot of attention is paid to hair care at home, as evidenced by numerous reviews left on the vastness of the World Wide Web. The comments point out the relevance of timely care, its effectiveness and individuality for a particular woman. In the reviews, the girls indicate the best means for themselves, and each of them has its own priorities. Some people like home cosmetics, others believe that professional preparations are the most effective and convenient to apply.

    For tips on hair care at home, see the following video.


    It is also important to choose a good shampoo so as not to injure your hair. I love the collagen lanolin shampoo. With him, the hair became so shiny, smooth and silky.

    I really liked the hair resuscitator, it regenerates hair with keratin, oils protect hair and nourish it.

    I had oily hair and treated it with Berestin tar shampoo. Now that they have stopped getting dirty so often, I use shampoo for normal hair and wash it only once a week.


    the beauty
