Hair care

Features of spa treatments for hair

Features of spa treatments for hair
  1. Subtleties of care
  2. Salon visit
  3. At home

Well-groomed, silky, shiny curls will adorn any woman and give self-confidence. But for this it is not enough to make a fashionable hairstyle and choose the right color. A complete daily grooming is not always enough to have beautiful and healthy hair. One of the important ingredients on the road to hair like this is to perform hair spa treatments. Moreover, they can be made both in a specialized institution and at home.

Subtleties of care

Spa treatments for hair are not only all kinds of masks, but also massage. It has a beneficial effect not only on the scalp and hair, but also perfectly relaxes, has a pacifying effect, helps to forget about problems and have a good rest, that is, in general, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body, improves well-being and improves mood. From all this it follows that such procedures are very useful.

As for the hair itself, there are procedures in different directions - programs that use professional products and special cosmetics that provide full care and allow you to maintain the effect for a long time.

Let's consider what they are.

  • If hair falls out, for them, the master will select strengthening procedures.
  • With loss of vitality and damage those that start processes that stimulate their recovery are more suitable.
  • With excessive scalp problems cleansing peels are more appropriate.
  • If the hair is dry and damaged, special nourishing masks are suitable.
  • To maintain health and beauty hair care formulations will benefit.
  • To keep your hair young as long as possible, you should turn to anti-aging programs.

Salon visit

In the salon, a professional will definitely select the necessary program. After application of the nutrient composition, the effect of the applied composition will be intensified by means of the thermal effect. This will allow the nutrients to penetrate the hair structure better and act faster. In addition, massage is an essential part of spa treatment. It will improve blood circulation, the scalp is better saturated with oxygen. At the same time, all nutrients from subsequent procedures will better penetrate the hair roots. In addition, massage will allow you to rest and relax.

The spa treatment also includes shampooing with a shampoo appropriate for the hair type and applying a balm.

In addition to masks and massages, the salon can offer procedures that work well on severely damaged hair and help to make it shiny, silky and manageable. They are also referred to as spa treatments.

  • With the help of lamination, you can protect curls from the harmful manifestations of the environment. Thanks to the application of a special composition to the hair, they will retain their color, silkiness and shine for a long time.
  • To restore the structure of the hair and to treat it, a method such as cysting is used. The hair is covered with a special composition, which includes natural ingredients based on medicinal herbs and cysteine. After this procedure, the hair becomes elastic, it does not break, it looks healthy and beautiful.
  • Another way to protect your hair and change its appearance for the better is to glaze it. The mixture, which is applied to hair, contains ceramides, which improve the structure of the hair, give it shine and make it manageable.
  • A very effective procedure is using ampoules, which contain vitamins and oils that nourish the hair roots, fill them with strength and nutrients, due to which the hair is restored. But such sessions need to be followed by a course in order to get tangible results.

At home

Hair restoration and health improvement is possible not only in a special salon. Various procedures can be carried out independently at home, both with the help of products purchased in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, and with the help of natural ingredients, folk recipes. A spa treatment at home can include a light scalp massage, hair wash, mask and balm.

You can first massage by gently massaging your head with your fingertips. It's good if you have an essential oil at home with your favorite scent, which has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system and, of course, on the hair. If they are oily, ginger oil may be more appropriate. If, on the contrary, they are dry and brittle, geranium or lavender oil will give more effect. First, the oil is well rubbed into the roots, making a light massage, and then spread it with a massage comb over the entire length of the strands.

If you need to peel, you can add fine sea salt to the oils and massage the scalp well - this will cleanse the pores well and prepare for further procedures. In order for the hair to be well saturated with useful substances, the effect can be enhanced with the help of heat. To do this, a terry towel should be soaked in hot water, wrung out thoroughly and wrapped around your head for half an hour.

After this time, the composition should be washed off using a shampoo that is suitable for the specific hair structure. The oil is not washed off immediately. Therefore, it would be best to lather your head and lightly massage, rinse, and then repeat the procedure.

After that, you can apply a nourishing balm or rinse of the desired type, holding it for a few minutes, and rinse it off. And then gently pat dry your head with a towel. If you are not in a rush, you can let your hair dry naturally without using a hair dryer. Just comb your hair gently. If you have to go somewhere, then you need to apply a protective spray or foam, and do the styling with a hair dryer.

Instead of oils, you can use a mask bought in a store or made from improvised means.

You can also wrap your head in a towel to enhance the effect. After the mask, the hair is washed with shampoo, and the entire procedure is completed with the use of a rinse aid, which you can also prepare yourself. A mask with kefir content nourishes well and gives silky hair. To do this, you need to take half a glass of the product and squeeze a few lemon slices into it. Apply the composition to the roots, massaging the head well, and then distribute over the remaining hair, wrap with a towel, leave for an hour. After the specified time, you can wash off the mask, and carry out all the appropriate procedures.

For dry hair that is prone to brittleness, a mask based on honey and olive oil works well. You need to take liquid honey. If it is sugar-coated, you can warm it up in a water bath. The proportions depend on the length of the strands. For a medium length (up to the shoulders), you can take 3 tablespoons of honey, add a spoonful of olive oil there, then apply the composition to your hair, wash off the composition after half an hour or an hour.

Masks using bread are very useful... For this, pieces of rye bread are poured with warm boiled water, insisted for several hours. Then it is filtered, and the resulting thick liquid is applied for half an hour on the head, wrapped in a towel.

Masks prepared on the basis of egg yolk have a good effect on the hair follicles. You can add various ingredients to it, for example, banana pulp, vegetable oil, honey. When preparing any mask, all components must be well grinded in a blender or mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed.

An infusion prepared with herbs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is suitable as a rinse aid. Decoctions of chamomile, nettle, burdock, hops, dandelion have a beneficial effect. You can make decoctions from one component or mix them in equal proportions. It is good at the end of all procedures to rinse the curls with warm water with the addition of a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

If the opportunity to visit a professional salon is not foreseen in the near future, time for your own spa treatments at home can be set aside on weekends, devoting a couple of hours to yourself. The result will certainly delight, the reward for the time spent will be magnificent curls that radiate beauty and health.

In the next video - recipes for hair restoration masks at home.

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