Hair care

All about hair bixiplasty

All about hair bixiplasty
  1. What is it?
  2. Benefit and harm
  3. Operating principle
  4. How is it different from other straightening products?
  5. What is required to perform bixiplasty?
  6. How to do the procedure?
  7. Features of subsequent care
  8. Reviews and results

Many girls are critical of their hair. They are often not satisfied with the situation when the curls curl slightly, since they have to be constantly styled. To save time, modern specialists offer various hair straightening procedures. The most harmless is bixyplasty.

What is it?

To make your hair look well-groomed and beautiful, problems such as electrification and frizz must be eliminated. Bixiplasty will help to deal with these shortcomings. This procedure can be performed with any type of curl. The preparations used in the process of creating it can straighten even highly curly strands due to ethnic characteristics. This statement is true for all cases except Afro. For naughty curls, she will help give discipline, add structure to the hairstyle.

In addition, bixiplasty allows you to restore the hair structure, saturating them with useful microelements. The strands then look healthy and well-groomed.

The main component of the composition used is fondant tree oil, which has a regenerating effect, promotes healing of weakened hair. For this reason, the ingredient is widely used in cosmetology.

Benefit and harm

Bixiplasty has a positive effect on hair that is far from ideal. This procedure is shown when the curls:

  • are dry and weak;
  • lost their luster, faded;
  • began to chop and break;
  • began to fall out, slowly grow.

    The procedure helps to quickly give the strands an excellent appearance in the case when they look "no better than straw." Bixiplasty makes the curls softer and can quickly nourish their structure with vitamins. This is facilitated by the oils that make up the mask.

    The problem of dull hair is often faced by busy girls and women, who often simply do not have enough time for the necessary care. The reason for this phenomenon can also be age-related changes associated with the transformation of the hormonal background. Regardless of the root cause, bixyplasty will help give curls a glossy shine.

    Brittle hair with split ends can also be improved with this simple procedure. After it, in frequent trips to the hairdresser to correct the haircut, there simply will be no need, since the hair is saturated with nutrients from the inside.

    When the hairstyle begins to thin out quickly due to hair loss, a miracle procedure will help to correct the situation again. After all, it not only preserves the structure of the hair, but also stimulates their growth. In addition, bixiplasty straightens the hair. The curls become shiny and well-groomed. Wherein no harsh chemicals are used, so do not be afraid to harm the strands.

    This procedure has a large number of fans, whom it helped to correct the shortcomings of the curls. However, it cannot be applied in every situation. Bixiplasty is contraindicated in severely weakened hair. It is also not recommended:

    • in the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the mask;
    • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • while undergoing chemotherapy.

    In each of these cases, bixyplasty can damage the hair, so before performing it, you must consult a professional. Many girls who need this procedure can be stopped by the reasoning of incompetent users about its dangers.

    I would like to immediately note that experts talk about the complete safety of the composition, with the exception of direct contraindications.

      It is also worth dispelling several myths regarding the negative consequences of bixiplasty. Namely:

      • excessive stress on the hair;
      • the disappearance of splendor;
      • rapid contamination of the strands.

        This procedure not only does not create stressful conditions for curls, but also restores them, filling them with nutrients and keratin. Oil extracts help in the regeneration of the horny hair tissue.

        In addition, if done correctly, the procedure does not weigh down the hair structure. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the hairstyle becoming tighter to the head. Revitalized curls will simply fit better and look thicker, while maintaining the splendor of the hairstyle.

        Rapid hair contamination is another misconception that has been attributed to bixyplasty. In fact, this procedure allows you to reduce the frequency of washing by 2 times. Less frequent exposure to shampoos and chlorinated tap water can also help keep curls healthier.

        Operating principle

        The main task of this procedure is not just straightening, but restoring the structure of the curls. The creators of bixiplasty have developed a unique technology for delivering nutrients directly to the hair.

        It is based on thermal action. For bixiplasty, the curls are first cleaned with a special shampoo that helps open the hair cuticle. Then a nourishing mask is applied to the strands, which begins to work actively, being under the influence of a hot iron. It fills all the voids in the hair structure with nutrients and trace elements.

        This technique allows you to deliver useful substances not just to the outer shell of the hair, but to the medula itself. Therefore, bixiplasty helps to achieve excellent results quickly.

        How is it different from other straightening products?

        Currently, in addition to bixiplasty, there are several other ways to quickly improve the appearance of hair. The most popular are:

        • botox;
        • nanoplastics;
        • keratin alignment.

        All of these procedures will help give your hair shine and a healthy look, but there is a difference between them. Each of them has a number of significant differences that put bixiplasty in the first place in terms of harmlessness and the final effect.


        So, botox, intended for healing and giving shine to curls, will not help with their straightening. In addition, this procedure makes the hair structure heavier, making it more fragile and brittle. Because of this, it is not recommended for severe hair loss. When applying Botox to curls, you will have to wash your head more often. In some cases, dandruff may appear.

        Keratin alignment

        Keratin hair straightening helps not only to improve the appearance of the hairstyle, but also to get the perfect straightening of even heavily curly strands. But its significant drawback is its harmful components. It is also inconvenient to take care of the hairstyle after the procedure. Necessary for three days, not only do not wash, but also do not pin the curls.

        The effect of keratin straightening lasts for 6 months.

        However, it should be borne in mind that the hair will grow back during this time and will require re-execution of the procedure. And this, in turn, will further harm the ends of the strands.


        Nanoplasty is one of the varieties of keratin straightening, but it has more gentle components. It improves the structure of the hair, making it shiny. However, experts do not recommend performing the procedure on damaged, dry and brittle hair. This is explained by low efficiency and short duration of the result. Besides, after performing nanoplasty, the hair can change color by several tones, as well as get dirty faster. At the same time, the volume of the hairstyle visually decreases.

        Based on all of the above, it can be concluded that the new bixiplasty procedure is the best option unless full straightening is critical.

        What is required to perform bixiplasty?

        Currently, to perform this procedure, the salons use funds from the Japanese manufacturer Honma Tokyo. Their components are not combined with other agents, so the drugs are not used separately from each other. The set consists of a shampoo and a mask. The components that make up their composition have a certain effect on the hair structure.

        So, a shampoo with a pH value of 9.5 units. helps to completely clean the strands from any dirt, degrease them. When applied, the scaly layers of the hair are exposed, which helps to facilitate the access of nutrients to the medula.

        The main active component of the mask is an amino acid such as cysteine. She reacts with the sulfur compounds of the curls, smoothing them. The effect of this component is complemented by a regenerating complex consisting of plant extracts and oils. It includes:

        • Bix Orellana fruit oil;
        • Prakaxi seed oil;
        • Babassu oil;
        • Brazilian nut;
        • copai tree juice;
        • passion fruit extract.

        These components help:

        • maintain water balance;
        • give shine;
        • save color;
        • simplify combing;
        • tighten curls;
        • nourish the structure with proteins.

        In addition, Bix Orellana oil serves as a natural UV filter. The combination of all components and their dosage are selected so that the reconstructing effect is maximized.

        To perform bixiplasty, in addition to the means themselves, some devices are needed. These include the minimum set of hairdresser tools. Namely:

        • water-repellent cape;
        • brush for applying the product;
        • several towels;
        • rubber gloves;
        • comb with fine teeth and a fine tail for easy separation of strands;
        • hairdryer with cold air function;
        • straightening iron with temperature control from 180 to 230 degrees.

        It should be noted that there should be no metal on the tools, as it can provoke an oxidation reaction. In such a situation, the effect of the procedure is reduced.

        How to do the procedure?

        Bixiplasty is not difficult. That's why you can do it yourself, at home. But at the same time, it is necessary to strictly and in detail follow the instructions for heating the hair of each type.

        Heat treatment of hair is performed using an iron for professional work. Its thermal mode (up to 230 degrees) evens out bleached brittle hair. So, the heating of the iron for curls damaged by discoloration should be carried out in the range from 180 to 190 degrees. For normal and colored hair, the temperature can be higher - from 200 to 210 degrees.

        If the hair is coarse or curly, then the temperature should be set at 220-230 degrees. The same mode is also suitable in the presence of a glassy type of gray hair.

        The duration of the effect of bixiplasty depends on the correct heating of the device. Lack of heat makes the result less durable as the cuticle does not close completely.

        The step-by-step implementation of bixiplasty at home is as follows. First, the hair is washed with a high alkali shampoo 2 or 3 times. A hair dryer with hot air dries the curls by half. Comb them. Then the hair is divided into thin strands, a mask is applied to them, while stepping back from the root about 2-3 cm.The composition must be kept for 20 minutes. Next, you need to dry your head with a hairdryer until the mask is completely dry.

        Finally, you can start heating with an iron. To do this, the hair is once again divided into small strands (no more than 1 cm in thickness), and processed 7 to 10 times. The number of repetitions depends on the condition of the hair structure and the degree of damage. After that, the curls must be completely cooled, and the mask must be washed off with warm water. All actions are carried out without additional detergents. The final drying of the hair is carried out with a hair dryer so that the air stream passes from top to bottom along the hair.

        The whole procedure can take from 2 to 4 hours. Straightening of highly curly hair takes longer than initially straight hair.

        Features of subsequent care

        The first thing to know about bixyplasty care is shampooing can be carried out no earlier than in a day. In this case, the shampoo must be replaced with sulfate-free. It gently cleanses the hair without lifting a layer of scales. Thanks to this, the composition will remain in the hair for a long time, making the hairstyle straight and smooth. For this reason, owners of oily hair should not use a shampoo with a drying effect.

        As for the change in hair color (dyeing), then it is performed before the procedure. Compliance with this rule helps to maintain the color intensity. Hair scales during the procedure are firmly fixed from the hot iron, holding the color pigments of the dye. Due to the large amount of nutrients in the mask, bixiplasty can be done immediately after dyeing, which will help keep your hair healthy.

        There are also a number of hair care activities that are not recommended. For example, do not chemically curl your hair until the bixyplasty is completely washed off. But styling can be done in a day.

        Hair coloring and bleaching is recommended only a month after the procedure, not earlier.

        Reviews and results

        This procedure is recommended by most hairdressers and trichologists. The result of bixiplasty is the obedience of curls, their healthier and easier styling. A healthy shine appears on the strands and excessive fluffiness is removed. The structure of the curls is significantly leveled.

        If you follow all the advice of professionals, then this straightening styling lasts a long time. Bixiplasty is quickly washed off only if the hair care products are not selected correctly. In all other cases, most girls note lasting effect of the procedure for 2-4 months.

        Bixiplasty is a great way to straighten hair without damaging its structure. The curls reconstructed in this way will delight not only their mistress, but also those around them.

        For information on how the Honma Tokyo hair bixiplasty procedure goes, see the next video.


        They did everything to me as in the video, except for washing off and applying a mask. Can it affect the quality of bixyplasty?

        Hydrangea ↩ Astra 14.12.2020 12:55

        Of course it can, but not drastically. It is just that then the effect may last for less time. Apparently, they are trying to save on additional care products.


        the beauty
