Hair care

Thin hair care

Thin hair care
  1. General rules
  2. We take into account the structure of the hair
  3. Review of the best tools
  4. Folk recipes
  5. Salon procedures

Everyone knows that the type and structure of hair is transmitted genetically, and something in this cannot be radically changed. However, experts assure that you can maintain a healthy and beautiful appearance with proper and competent care.

The beauty of fine hair depends not only on masks, but also on your overall health. It is important to take into account all the factors, and then the grateful curls will shine and flow.

General rules

Thin hair care is delicate. Exposing the curls to aggressive influences is not worth it, this will lead to a worsening of the situation. There are simple but very important rules.

  • Use delicate shampoos with an extra volumizing effect.
  • Avoid 2 in 1 products. These products do not help care for your hair, but only make it heavier. Styling curls will become more difficult, and it will be almost impossible to achieve volume.
  • Use nourishing balms and conditioners. It is a component of a comprehensive care for thinned hair.
  • Prepare or buy masks with amino acids and various biologically active substances.
  • Take vitamins in courses periodically. To strengthen and improve hair growth, vitamins A, E and C are needed. You can use special pharmaceutical complexes for women.
  • Fortify your diet with zinc and tyrosine. In the first case, these are seafood, bran, black bread, in the second - nuts, bananas, sunflower seeds.
  • Wash and dry your curls properly. If the procedure is violated, the hair suffers.

We take into account the structure of the hair

Curls with this structure should always be kept clean. After washing, volume appears, as the sebum is excreted, the locks become heavy. When cleansing, it is better to use soft and filtered water. If this is not possible, then Care should be taken when choosing the right shampoo. The product must be free of silicones, sulfates and parabens.

It is recommended to use as organic products as possible. Means with vegetable oils, proteins and keratin will help improve the condition of the strands.

When caring for thin, thin and brittle hair, there are several nuances to consider.

  • If possible, discard the balm and replace it with a rinse or special hair spray. Light oil can be applied to the ends. It is important that the products are light and non-greasy. This way you can avoid unnecessary weighting. Do not overuse such funds. Lightly moisturize your hair and that's it.
  • If fine hair is damaged, then avoid thermal drying and styling methods. Lightly blot the strands with a towel and just leave it loose until it dries completely. It is important that you cannot wrap up and cover the hair, such manipulations block the access of oxygen and can harm. You can comb it only after drying. If you urgently need to dry your hair, and there is no time to wait, then use a hairdryer with a cold air mode.
  • Fine hair does not forgive mistakes, and this even applies to combing. Use a wide-toothed wood comb or natural bristle brush. Do not make sudden or tearing movements. Combs made of metal or plastic cannot be used; they can damage the structure of the hair.
  • Go to bed with dry and combed hair, it is better to collect it in a ponytail, braid. Wet strands can wrinkle overnight, and they restore their shape very poorly. Moreover, such an action can lead to a violation of the structure.
  • Fine hair is naturally weak, so it is important to protect it from UV rays, extreme cold and heat, hot steam and heavy, chlorinated water. Use thermal water, protective sprays and don’t forget about hats.
  • Caring for thin and thin hair necessarily involves the use of various masks. Treat not often, but regularly. Usually masks are done once a week or a month.

Review of the best tools

Caring for thin hair involves careful selection of shampoos, masks and sprays. Pay attention to the composition. Components important for maintaining healthy curls:

  • protein;
  • extracts and tinctures of plant origin;
  • vitamins;
  • keratin.

In funds there should be no oils and fats, even natural ones. Such substances can only be used separately in pure form for additional nutrition, and in small doses. If a similar component is found in detergents, then the volume will not be achieved.

Several brands have a high rating.

  • Green Pharma Organic Volume. This tool should be in the arsenal of owners of weak, thin and colored hair. The product provides root volume. And the special composition contributes to the nourishment of the hair along its entire length. As a result of gentle cleansing, the strands become obedient.
  • Kaypro Special Care. The product contains collagen. It is simply a lifesaver for weakened and porous hair. Volume, shine and density are the result of using such a product.
  • "Clean line. Wheat and flax ". A budget tool, 80% consists of decoctions of various herbs. The curls become lighter and shinier.
  • Pantene "Extra Volume"... There is no silicone in the composition, so the strands do not become heavy. The shampoo is intended for fine hair.

Conditioners are needed to keep the moisture in your hair. And also the tool provides lightening of the strands and additional volume at the roots. Several conditioners are considered best for fine hair.

  • Shamtu conditioner for very fine hair. Has an anti-static effect. Moisturizes and softens hair, making it more manageable.
  • Joanna Argan Oil Hair Conditioner. The tool belongs to the professional line and is considered a kind of resuscitation. It should only be used in case of severe damage, otherwise natural oils will weigh down the hair.
  • Dove Advanced Hair Series. Perfectly moisturizes hair and gives root volume. Ineffective for severely dry ends, but good for normal hair care that is in normal condition.

Masks are needed for special nutrition. Fine hair is rather weak, so this kind of care is necessary for them. Pay attention to the remedies below.

  • PharmaKeratine mask. High-quality moisturizing and an increase in strength ensures the use of such a product. As a result of regular use, the scales close and the hair becomes smoother, more manageable and healthier.
  • Wella Professionals Brilliance. Designed for curls that have become damaged and thin as a result of staining. There are no parabens in the composition, so the strands do not become heavier. The product helps to awaken dormant follicles, thereby accelerating growth
  • L'Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil. The composition was developed by the company specifically for the care of fine hair. Curls do not become heavy, smoothness and healthy shine appear.
  • Belita-Vitex. Argan oil + liquid silk. The result is visible 2 minutes after application.

A fast-acting mask designed to heal weak hair.

Caring for thin hair is troublesome. In addition to all of the above tools, which are used by everyone, additional ones are also needed. Fine hair is often electrified, especially in winter. Use a DNC antistatic agentto get rid of such a problem.

Dry shampoo will help you quickly eliminate oiliness from the roots. To do this, use Hair Powder by KC Professional Four Seasons or Refresh + Care by Dove... Use only on special occasions because the talcum powder in the formulation will reduce the natural shine.

If the ends become dry or very frizzy, then a hair cream comes to the rescue. Angel Professional Paris is considered the most popular among analogues. The product does not need to be rinsed off and can significantly improve the appearance. Coconut oil or jojoba oil can be used to achieve this result. Fine hair should be styled with extreme care. They will not forgive sloppiness or harsh chemistry. Thermal protection from Schwarzkopf Osis or fluid gloss from Estel are indispensable tools when styling with a hairdryer.

Volumizing or straightening with hot air is very detrimental to fine hair, which is why it is so important to protect it.

Folk recipes

You can quickly restore a beautiful appearance even with homemade masks. For many, such funds help even better than store counterparts. All possible vegetable oils and other natural products are used for cooking.

Apply homemade masks to hair before washing and keep under a warm cap for 15-60 minutes.

Here are the most effective recipes.

  • Moisturizing mask with egg. Take 1-2 yolks and combine with 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (you can use any). This product moisturizes and serves as an antistatic agent.
  • Nourishing mask. Connect 1 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil (can be replaced with olive oil) and a couple of vitamin E capsules. Apply to the entire length. The product closes the scales and nourishes the hairs.
  • Gelatinous with lamination effect. Connect 2 tbsp. l. gelatin and half a glass of water, wait 15 minutes. Bring the mixture until smooth in a water bath. You can add 1 tsp. aloe juice. Apply to slightly dried hair after shampooing, wait 45-60 minutes. The product improves volume, gives shine and a healthy look. Gelatin is a collagen, so the mask also nourishes the hair.
  • Vitamin mask. Grind 1 peeled kiwi, combine with 2-3 capsules of Aevit vitamin or add vitamins A and E separately.

Use the product when the scalp is too oily and when the hair has become dull.

Salon procedures

Modern technologies make hair care as simple and comfortable as possible. The salon has a lot of procedures that will help to give your hair a beautiful and healthy look.Before using a specific procedure, be sure to additionally consult with a specialist. Popular options for those with thin hair:

  • Lamination. Straight, shiny and voluminous strands await you for the next 4-8 weeks after the procedure. In the process, a special film is created, which will provide additional protection for the hair from an aggressive environment. Perform the procedure only by professionals. Violation of the technology will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the hair.
  • Glazing... The result will be a thickening of the hairs and restoration of their structure. In the next 2-5 weeks, your hair will look like it has just been styled. The glaze is easily compatible with coloring.
  • Shielding... Within a month after the procedure, the hair will be denser, moisturized and nourished. Suitable for severely damaged hair, because it has a healing effect.

In the next video, 10 rules for caring for thin hair are waiting for you.

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