Features of hair care in winter

In the winter season, hair needs special care. Without it, they become thin, dull, shine disappears, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to follow not only the advice of professional trichologists, but also to properly nourish, moisturize and strengthen your curls. How to do this and what rules must be followed strictly - read in our article.

Main rules
In winter, we are often faced with low temperatures and their frequent drops, increased dry skin and lack of nutrients. All these factors have a direct impact on the condition and appearance of the hair. That is why caring for curls in the winter must necessarily begin with observing the basic rules.
- It is necessary to wash your hair as often as you are used to. A common misconception is that oil protects hair from excessive dryness and loss of nutrients.
- It is imperative to wear a hat. And the lower the temperature outside, the warmer it should be.
- Styling products can be used, but in minimal quantities.
- In the cold season, it is imperative not only to moisturize the hair, but also to nourish and strengthen it.
It is professional cosmetics at this time that will become the best friend for those who want to properly and comprehensively take care of their curls in winter.

Professional advice from a trichologist
A trichologist is a specialist who knows everything about your curls, so you need not just listen to his advice, but perform all possible procedures independently at home.
- Use only gentle cleansers with a gentle composition to cleanse your scalp.
- All combs, combs and hair brushes must be made from natural materials - bristles and wood.
- It is better to refuse regular use of a hair dryer. It is better to dry the curls naturally using a warm towel. In case of emergency, you can only blow dry your hair with cool air.
- You need to balance your diet - minimize fatty and sugary foods and enrich the menu with foods high in fiber and protein. Additionally, you should take a general multivitamin complex.
- Hair styling products, like shampoos, should be as gentle as possible and without a high alcohol content.
- It is better to choose products for the care of curls, designed specifically for use in the winter season. Particular attention should be paid to protective leave-in products such as serums, sprays or mousses.
And the most important thing is regularity. If you have started a series of procedures to moisturize or nourish hair follicles, then you need to complete the entire course to the end. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect.

Hair care of different types
Curls of any type in winter need special care. But only depending on the type of strands themselves, its basic parameters can change significantly.
Dry hair
It is the owners of this type of hair that are more likely to face problems with the appearance and condition of their hair. Basic recommendations for dry hair care.
- All care and cleansing cosmetics should be designed exclusively for this type of hair.
- It is strongly not recommended to use a hair dryer and any other devices for styling curls.
- The ends should be trimmed at least once every two months.
- Once every 10 days, shampooing should not be done with shampoo, but with sour milk. This will both remove impurities and additionally moisturize the hair.
- Either nourishing or moisturizing masks should be done once a week.
Trichologists also advise applying special restorative or protective balms to the strands after each wash.

Care for oily curls
Owners of such hair are often faced with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as intense hair loss. Therefore, trichologists advise them to follow such recommendations.
- Shampooing should be done only with cool water, never hot.
- Try to exclude the use of a hair dryer, curling iron and iron, and, if possible, refuse to use a variety of styling products.
- It is imperative to regularly do nourishing and firming masks. It is best to alternate them.
- After each shampoo, a small amount of nourishing oils should be applied to the ends.
- Do not use products containing silicone.
- It is necessary to wash your hair only as it gets dirty.
In addition, it is important to choose the right scalp cleanser - it should be gentle, but at the same time suitable for your hair type.

Normal type
The owners of such hair were the luckiest ones. Taking care of their curls in winter practically does not differ from the standard:
- washing your hair with water at room temperature;
- regular use of balm and conditioner;
- once a week nourishing or moisturizing masks;
- minimal use of a hair dryer and other hair styling devices.
These simple recommendations, in conjunction with the main rules of hair care in winter, will ensure the beauty and health of curls, even in the coldest time.

Mixed curls
The owners of such hair should pay special attention to caring for them. It is very important to carry out a whole range of procedures and, of course, follow the basic recommendations.
- Curls should be washed only as they become dirty, and not for future use.
- Shampoo should be designed for dry hair, while balms and conditioners should be for oily or normal hair.
- Moisturizing and nourishing masks should be done regularly. Here it is better to use coursework first of some procedures, and a week after their completion, make course use of others.
Trichologists also recommend making special vitamin hair masks at least once every 14 days. To do this, it is better to use professional ready-made products that have a balanced composition and proven effectiveness. It is very important to remember that in winter, regardless of the type of curls, you cannot go outside with wet, and even more so wet curls. It will be very difficult to restore them later, after the received damage.

Nourish, strengthen, moisturize
These three postulates are the basis for winter hair care. And they are based on the use of special masks. This cosmetic product, intended for fortifying strands, can be bought in a form already completely intended for direct use in specialized stores, or you can prepare masks with your own hands, and the effect from them will not be worse.

Firming mixtures
It is recommended to use them before washing your hair. The frequency depends on the type of hair, but it is best not more often than once a week. After applying the mixture to the curls, the head must be insulated. The average exposure time is about 1 hour. The course of use is 10 procedures.
- Yeast mask allows not only to strengthen the hair roots, but also to improve their growth, enhance their shine, improve growth and reduce the loss of hair follicles. To do this, you need to mix 11 g of yeast with 60 ml of warm kefir or milk. Leave the mask warm for half an hour, and then rub thoroughly into the hair roots. Wash off with cool water.
- Mustard-honey mixture. This version of the mask is recommended only for owners of oily curls. Mix 1 tsp. mustard powder, a pinch of sugar and 50 ml of hot water. When the mixture cools down to room temperature, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. As in the previous case, the mixture is applied to the roots.
- Onion mask leaves an unpleasant odor on the hair, although it is highly effective. After using it, it is recommended to rinse the curls with a vinegar solution - it neutralizes the smell. The mixture is prepared as follows: 1 yolk is mixed with 4 tablespoons of a mixture of onion juice and olive oil (they are taken in equal parts). The mask is applied not only to the roots, but also to the hair itself.
Allergy testing should be done prior to using any such mixture. For this, a small amount of the mask is applied to the elbow and left for 30 minutes. If unpleasant sensations do not appear, then the mixture can be used.

Nutrition and hydration
You can use ready-made vitamin masks, or you can rub a mixture of vitamins A and E, castor oil into the hair roots once a week before washing your hair, or make masks based on fermented milk products. It is these components that simultaneously allow you to moisturize the hair follicles and nourish them with the necessary microelements.
The following mixtures are considered the most effective.
- Banana mask perfectly nourishes the hair, and also gives it a unique shine. To make it, 1 ripe banana is chopped in mashed potatoes, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of natural yogurt or fatty kefir are added to it. Apply to hair along the entire length. The minimum holding time is 45 minutes, the maximum is 2 hours.
- Potato mask prepared on the basis of 1 large boiled root vegetable mixed with 100 ml of warm kefir. The mixture should have a uniform consistency. It is applied to the scalp in a warm form. The exposure time is 1 hour. It is best to insulate your head.
- Sour cream mask with the addition of honey, moisturizes curls, nourishes them and gives them shine. On 100 ml of sour cream put 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey. The mixture is applied to the hair for 45 minutes, washed off with cool water.

As well as strengthening mixtures, these masks are used in a course - at least 7 procedures, the frequency of application to curls is 1-2 times a week. They are also best used before shampooing.
Regular use of hair masks and following the advice of trichologists will preserve the beauty and health of any type of curls, even in the most severe winter.

For information on how to properly care for your hair in winter, see the next video.