Banana hair masks: tips for preparation and use

Hair needs constant care and protection from harmful factors, as well as nutrition. This is the only way to maintain the scalp in perfect condition, and the hair - beautiful and well-groomed. Among the huge number of cosmetics offered by stores, you can choose the one that is most suitable. But why not arrange a cosmetology laboratory at home and prepare formulations from natural products. In addition, using masks at home can significantly save money.
Banana hair masks are very useful, and advice on how to prepare and use them for every woman will be useful. By adding various components to an exotic fruit, you can achieve the desired effect.

Useful properties of the fruit
Banana is used in cosmetic products as an ingredient in creams, shampoos, masks, and gels. Its beneficial properties can be directed in the right direction and make a mask to solve a specific problem. To do this, just choose the right recipe and add the desired component to the banana.
- Banana contains niacin. And it is he who is able to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent hair loss, as well as save from hair loss if hair loss is already occurring. If there are a lot of hairs left on the comb, clothes, in the bathroom, this is a clear sign that such a procedure is necessary.
- Tocopherol helps to reduce hair breakage. Split ends can also be tidied up, although it is best to get rid of split ends before starting your recovery. This will make the effect much more noticeable and more satisfying.
- Vitamin C gives hair vitality, restoring its liveliness and shine.
- B vitamins help protect hair from harmful influences such as sunlight, sea water, high temperatures that occur when the hair is exposed to a hairdryer, curling irons or straightening the hair.
- Potassium helps to saturate the hair with moisture, so banana masks will be useful for dry hair.

How to cook properly?
The preparation of a mask at home must be approached with all responsibility. Then it will be useful.
For the preparation of the mask, it is better to take ripe bananas. You need to grind them to a mushy state, and a blender, mixer, ordinary meat grinder or grater will help with this, even an ordinary rolling pin will do.
Depending on what ingredients, besides bananas, are used and what purpose the mask has, it lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour on the hair.
In order for the mask to work better and bring more benefits, it is better to keep your head warm by wrapping it in a towel, after putting on a shower cap. In some cases, the formulations themselves are heated in a water bath before use. To create additional warmth, you can direct a stream of hot air with a hair dryer on the wrapped head for ten minutes.
The mask is washed off with warm water, after which the head is washed with the usual shampoo and balm is applied.

For best results, the mask should be repeated periodically, preferably once a week.
Do not store the prepared composition even in a cold place. It is better to prepare the mask with fresh ingredients every time.
Reviews of those who make masks regularly say that they really have a good effect on hair, moisturize it, strengthen hair follicles, make hair silky and manageable. Some note only one drawback: depending on which component is added to the main one, the mixture may turn out to be too nutritious, and the hair needs to be washed very thoroughly. In some cases, it may even require a second rinsing procedure. But the result is worth it. Therefore, many advise to engage in such procedures when you do not need to go anywhere, but there is enough time to devote it to yourself and not to rush anywhere.

Mask recipes
- Regular use of this mask will strengthen the hair follicles, give an impetus to more intense hair growth, and facilitate combing. In addition to the fruit, the composition includes an egg, honey and sour cream. One of the components can be excluded or added. Banana, egg, honey, sour cream are mixed in a blender (you can replace it with any fermented milk product). There is no need to rush into the procedure. It is necessary to apply the composition well to the hair, massage the head. You can walk through the hair with a comb, so the composition is better distributed. After that, you need to provide enough heat for optimal exposure. A plastic wrap and a towel will help in this. In warmth, all substances are more active and better penetrate the scalp and hair. If you have time, it is better to hold the mask for an hour, then rinse it off with the usual means used daily. Since the mask contains sour cream and honey, the hair can be slightly greasy and sticky. Rinse off thoroughly by soaping them twice.
- A banana and honey mask will also have a beneficial effect on hair. To do this, chop a banana, you need to add a little honey there. By the way, if you don't have a blender at hand, you can grate a banana, it will take no more than five minutes. You can add a spoonful of olive oil to the mask.
The mask, as in the previous case, must be carefully rubbed into the roots and distributed over the entire length of the hair, and also make sure that the head is warm.

- Masks for oily hair are made with the addition of raw potatoes. It should be chopped well to make a gruel and mixed with the blended banana puree. The applied composition will work for 45 minutes, then it is removed.
- The sour cream mask can be considered universal.It can be applied to any hair and provides additional nutrition. It is convenient in that you can always use what is at hand. Sour cream can be replaced with kefir, fermented baked milk, varenets, sour milk, which stand without use in the refrigerator. Plus, you need a ripe banana or even overripe. Mix the ingredients well - and the nourishing mask is ready. It remains to apply to the hair, wrap the head well and stand for about forty minutes.
- A milk and banana mask can help fight dandruff and give your hair shine. Always use fresh milk. Banana and squeezed lemon juice are mixed, milk is poured in. The head is treated with this compound and then washed off.
- Another useful ingredient that, when combined with a banana, has a great effect on hair, is cottage cheese. The curd-banana mass is easy to get by mixing everything in a blender or using a mixer. Fresh lemon juice is also added. You need to apply the mask along the entire length of the hair, and then rinse with shampoo after forty minutes. The effect of this mask is to strengthen the hair.

- This option nourishes, helps to repair damaged hair and improve its growth. To do this, grind the ginger root well, add banana, kefir. All this needs to be slightly warmed up so that the mixture is warm. Then apply to hair and increase the heat effect by wrapping a towel around your head. Wash off with shampoo after an hour. Then you can rinse with warm water with apple cider vinegar diluted in it. This will give your hair a shine.
- A mask containing gelatin with a banana can protect hair from the negative effects of the environment, as well as give shine to curls, and correct the situation when cutting the ends. To prepare it, you need to take part of the gelatin and three parts of water in which to dilute it. Better if it is mineral water. Then you need to add a banana chopped in a blender to the composition. Keep your head warm after applying it to your hair. It is advisable to wash off the composition no earlier than after 45 minutes.
- Another popular recipe with egg and butter: coconut, almond, olive. It is suitable as a nutrient for brittle, dull and dry hair. The banana is chopped in any convenient way, mixed with a pre-beaten egg, then a couple of tablespoons of the selected oil are added.
The resulting composition is well rubbed into the scalp and distributed over the entire length of the hair. The procedure for shampooing is the same.

- It is believed that beer promotes hair growth, but the effect can be enhanced by using it in combination with a banana. Half a glass of beer, one fruit and 20 grams of honey are mixed and applied to the head.
- A good mask can even be prepared from a banana peel, which also contains vitamins and trace elements. The crushed peel is diluted with kefir and lemon juice, and the composition is ready for hourly use, which is then removed with water and shampoo.
- This recipe will help well against hair loss: you need to chop a banana, add egg yolk and a spoonful of sea salt there. After thoroughly mixing the components, the composition is applied to the head and wrapped in a towel. Then wash off with warm water.
- To thicken your hair, you can use a banana, coconut oil and cinnamon mask. All this is mixed in a blender. It is necessary to use the mask according to the same scheme, leave it on for at least half an hour and be sure to warm it up.
Of the above recipes, every girl will definitely find those masks that are right for her and will help make her hair better.
In the next video, you will find recipes for banana hair masks.