Homemade castor oil masks

The rate of hair growth, their health and density are inherent in a person at the genetic level. Unfortunately, to date, no such means has yet been invented to radically change these indicators for the better. However, even the initial parameters deteriorate over time due to the influence of the environment, as a result of exposure to various styling products and stress. Various nourishing masks will help to restore the previous thickness and give a healthy shine to the hair. With their own hands, they are most often made using castor oil.

Use of funds
Castor (ricin) oil, or castor oil, is one of several commonly used beauty products at home. The castor oil plant has a viscous viscous consistency and a subtle waxy aroma. It can vary in color: from almost colorless to dark brown. This oil is of natural origin, has a positive effect on the structure and appearance of the hair, and is able to control the secretion of sebum. All this is possible due to the rich composition of the product, which includes a large amount of vitamin E and such fatty acids as:
- stearic - such acid relieves scalp tightness, protects it from environmental influences, acts as a prevention of dryness of the upper layers of the epidermis;
- ricinoleic - accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, including hair follicles, and also promotes faster hair growth;
- linoleic - moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis, which has a positive effect on the appearance of the hairline;
- palmitic - helps active substances to penetrate into cells faster and in greater volume;
- oleic - activates and accelerates metabolic processes, as well as restores the protective properties of skin and hair cells.

Due to the combination of these acids, ricin oil has antibacterial and brightening effects. It is a real salvation for inflamed and dry skin, makes age spots and imperfections almost invisible. High-quality moisturizing of the scalp helps to cope with dandruff or seborrhea, protects against the aggressiveness of the environment. A mask with such an active substance protects against hair loss and retains its original thickness even after many perms and dyes.
Castor oil holds the exfoliated hair cuticles together, due to which they stop splitting at the ends and acquire softness and shine. It nourishes epidermal cells and hair follicles, not only changing the appearance of dry and lifeless haircuts, but also making hair stronger and healthier.

Potential harm
Like any medicine, castor oil can have some contraindications and side effects, as well as be an individual irritant. It is a drug and must be purchased exclusively from pharmacies. You should not buy castor oil from cosmetic stores or order it on the Internet. In this case, there is no guarantee that artificial impurities are not added to the natural composition of the oil, which can cause allergies or even a chemical burn to the scalp. Castor oil itself in rare cases can also act as an allergen. Before applying it to the hair roots, you should test the product on a small open area of the skin, the best for this is the back of the hand or the inner surface of the forearm. If within 24 hours the skin area does not turn red, a rash does not appear on it, an inflammation focus does not form, you can safely start applying the mask.
Do not keep castor oil on your head for too long, due to the high content of active acids, it can cause severe irritation of the skin. In order not to harm your hair, you must strictly follow the instructions of the drug. And also the oil is not recommended for frequent use by owners of oily hair. It is enough to limit yourself to 1-2 applications per month. In this case, after removing the mask, the hair should be rinsed thoroughly and not once, but 2-3 times. This is necessary in order to wash off the oily film left by the preparation from the hair.

For those with sensitive skin, pure castor oil can cause discomfort and burning. In order to soften the effect, you can mix the oil with a regular shampoo or balm and apply to the head as a mask. However, it should be remembered that such a remedy is definitely not suitable for daily use.
It is worth limiting the frequency of using the oil shampoo or balm once a week.
Application rules
There are several ways to use castor oil. This is applying it in its pure form both on the strands and ends, and on the roots of the hair. This can be the manufacture of complex home remedies based on castor oil. It can be a mixture of a ready-made store-bought balm or a mask with a pharmacy preparation. The higher the concentration of pure oil, the less time you can keep it on the scalp and hair.

Pure castor oil is enough to work on hair for only 15 minutes, and mixed with other ingredients from 15 to 180 minutes, no more. Do not leave the castor oil mask overnight, especially on bleached and brittle hair. A warm mask has a more powerful and faster effect than a cool one. It is best to heat it in a water bath, but not in a microwave oven or in direct sunlight. Do not apply the mask to dirty, varnished or other styling products.Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse and dry your hair slightly.
Pure castor oil should not be used on oily hair, and diluted with other means - no more than 1 time per month. For normal hair, no more than 1-2 times a month pure oil and no more than 1 time a week diluted. Dry and brittle hair can be nourished with castor oil once a week, and diluted with shampoo or balm 2-3 times. To enhance the effect of the product, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect. For this, the hair on which the mask is applied is covered with a plastic bag or cling film. The whole structure is wrapped in a thick terry towel.
It is best to apply the oil from the roots, gradually working towards the ends. It is best to wash off in the reverse order. Do not expect a magical effect from 1-2 procedures performed. As with any cosmetic product, the main thing here is regularity. The correct application and removal of the mask is also important. You should not come up with new combinations and masks on your own: different ingredients can both strengthen and weaken each other.

It is best to use one of the ready-made proven recipes for home cosmetology.
Mask recipes
Homemade masks from any ingredients are made exclusively for one use in a small volume and are not stored. This is due to the fact that many components of such natural mixtures deteriorate very quickly and lose their effect. And also all products should be selected taking into account individual allergies and skin reactions. Depending on the type of action, masks with castor oil differ into several types.
For enhanced hair growth
One of the options for such a mask could be an egg and olive oil mask. This will require the following ingredients:
- 1 chicken yolk;
- 1 teaspoon of castor oil;
- 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.
All components are mixed and applied to the hair roots and scalp with light massage movements. From above, the mask is covered with a film and wrapped in a towel. After an hour, the hair is thoroughly washed and dried naturally.

Another option for a hair growth mask is a pepper or mustard mask. They slightly irritate and stimulate hair follicles, due to which hair grows several times faster. Such masks should be done no more than 1 time a month and carefully monitor the sensations: it should cause a slight burning sensation, but not severe pain. It is better to add less pepper the first time to understand your tolerance. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:
- 2 teaspoons of castor oil;
- 2 teaspoons of mustard or pepper tincture.
The ingredients are mixed and applied to a clean scalp. Everything is covered with a film and a towel and kept for 10-15 minutes. In no case should such a mask be kept for longer, otherwise you can get a severe skin burn.

Against hair loss
The best masks for hair loss are nourishing masks. Hair follicles, which saturate with useful substances, become stronger and keep the hair in its rightful place longer. To prepare the first mask, you will need the following ingredients:
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil;
- 1 tsp honey;
- 1 chicken yolk;
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
The ingredients are mixed and heated in a steam bath to a temperature of + 40– + 43 degrees. Spread the mask over the scalp and hair roots, cover with plastic and a towel. The composition is kept on the head from 30 to 40 minutes, while the towel keeps warm.
If you have oily hair, you can substitute lemon juice for any strong alcohol, such as cognac or vodka. They will dry out oily roots without harming delicate sensitive skin.

The second nourishing mask is made as a mixture of two oils with different effects and glycerin for a more comfortable application. The following ingredients are required:
- 4 teaspoons of castor oil;
- 4 teaspoons of burdock oil;
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of glycerin.
All ingredients are mixed and heated in a steam bath to a temperature of + 40– + 45 degrees. The mixture is applied to the entire surface of the hair from roots to ends, covered with a film and a towel. Glycerin will allow the oil not to roll off the surface of the hair, but to stay on it and penetrate deep into the hair. After 40-60 minutes, the oils are washed off with water acidified with vinegar or lemon juice, which will remove the greasy film of thick burdock and castor oil.

Split ends
An excellent vitamin mask against dryness and split ends will be a castor oil and kefir mask. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients:
- 3 tbsp. spoons of fermented milk product;
- 1 chicken yolk;
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil.
Apply the mixture to clean and completely dry hair, especially carefully lubricating the ends. To enhance the effect, you can wrap your hair in a film and a towel. This mask lasts for about 60 minutes and is washed off with the most gentle shampoo in the direction from the hair roots.
The second mask, which is more likely to prevent split ends, is a mask with sea salt, rich in vitamins and iodine. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
- 4 teaspoons of castor oil;
- 1 teaspoon of sea salt.
The mask can even be applied to wet hair just before shampooing. Massage the mixture into the scalp for 15 minutes.

Grains of sea salt will give an additional flaking effect, which will also help to cope with dandruff.
After a light massage, the hair is thoroughly washed with a regular shampoo, and a nourishing balm or milk is applied to it.
According to online reviews, most women are happy with the effect. Such homemade masks allow you to restore shine and health even to hair that is bleached to ashy blond. Many people note increased growth and greater density of previously weakened hair after six months of regular procedures. Almost everyone noted the ease of combing and styling hair after applying castor oil plant. Hair became softer and more manageable.
As a rule, no cosmetic product is complete without negative reviews. Some customers complained about the difficulty in rinsing off the oil. Girls report that their hair becomes greasy and dirty after castor oil. However, most often this effect is due to the fact that the hair was not thoroughly washed after the mask. With a high density, 1-2 washes are not enough, you will have to spend more time to remove residual fatty oil from the scalp.

Almost no one has caused an allergic reaction to castor oil, but complaints about burns after a pepper mask periodically appear on various forums and blogs. This is due either to the high sensitivity of the skin, or to improper application of the mask. Summing up, it can be noted that the majority of people who used castor oil correctly and regularly are very satisfied with the effect produced, as well as the ease of use and the low cost of the funds received.
Whether it is suitable for a particular type of hair and skin, you can only find out by trying it yourself.
See below for the correct use of a castor oil mask.