Hair polishing attachments: description, selection and subtleties of use

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the key to a woman's attractiveness at any age. Modern girls often resort to using various kinds of devices, such as an iron or curling iron, while styling their hair. With the constant use of such devices, hair can become dull, split, thin and dry.

Hair polishing is a hairdressing procedure, thanks to which it is not necessary to remove the total length of the strands in order to remove the section and restore the overall structure. For sanding, a universal attachment is used that fits on the clipper. You can read about what nozzles are, what you need to pay attention to when buying such a device, how to use it correctly, in our article.

There are many hair polishing attachments available today. The nozzle itself looks like a regular comb, which has special attachments for fixing. While working with a typewriter, such a nozzle is able to fix the necessary part of the strand. At this moment, the part of the hair extending beyond the nozzle is cut off due to the vibration of the machine and the movement of the knives. There are types of attachments in accordance with their functionality:
- regulating the length;
- milling density;
- polishing hair.

As for the last type of baits, unlike other models, it is not characterized by the presence of clearly defined combs. They are replaced by several flat clamps in the form of plates. They have special projections that are latches.
Hair polishing attachments can be classified according to the material they are made from.

Ergonomic plastic
The most common option. Very easy to use. The material is completely safe for humans. These attachments are lightweight and quite durable. The main advantage is minimal damage to curls. As for the disadvantages, they include fragility in comparison with nozzles made of other materials. Another disadvantage is the time consuming process of cleaning the fixture.

Metal (steel)
It can be an alloyed material, that is, it can include an alloy of other metals, or stainless. These attachments are characterized by the provision of high-quality fixation of hair due to the high clamping ability. The disadvantages include possible damage to the hair structure. They can become more brittle during grinding.

Combined (plastic + metal)
To keep the hair as protected as possible, sometimes manufacturers offer special polishing knives. They come in one set with a plastic attachment and must be used together.

Operating principle
If you want to get rid of split ends and become the owner of a beautiful head of hair, then polishing is exactly what you need. The procedure allows you to quickly and harmlessly remove damaged particles from the hair structure. Grinding of curls is carried out with a machine, on which a special nozzle is put on.
A conventional hair clipper means choosing an attachment that adjusts to a specific hair length. When the device touches the head, the hair passes through the attachment, and it leaves the part of the hair corresponding to its parameters, and the rest is cut off with the special moving knives of the machine.

The principle of operation of the device for grinding strands is different. It is as follows:
- a narrow strand is taken;
- the nozzle opens, and a prepared strand of hair is inserted into it;
- the cap of the nozzle snaps into place, and it must be pulled along the length of the hair from the beginning of their damage to the very ends - at this moment, the split particles are trimmed.
During the process itself, the curls that are in the clamp are bent several times. Thus, during the tension of the hair, all the necessary conditions are created for their polishing. In this position, the damaged hair particles protrude, and the blades of the knives cut them off instantly.
Thanks to its special design, the device allows you to keep the main part of the curl unchanged.

Popular manufacturers
Today there is a huge variety of different types of attachments for clippers. The polishing pad is one of the most popular accessories not only for professional hairdressers.
To figure out which model is right for you, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with well-known manufacturers of this kind of devices. These include several models of special hair polishing accessories from foreign companies.

Smooth Hair Polishen
A universal attachment that will be convenient to use both at home and in professional salons. In one set with the attachment, you can purchase special knives with which you can polish the tips. The material of manufacture is high-quality plastic that tolerates temperature extremes well, and durable steel for knives. Suitable for all models with a knife block size from 45 to 46 millimeters.

HG Polishen
The most popular grinding attachment option. According to buyers, this model has good characteristics, which show themselves perfectly during the operation of the device. Manufacturing material - high quality plastic. The model itself is quite lightweight, durable and easy to use.
Thanks to the design feature of the device, you can effortlessly separate the curl of the required width from the bulk, capturing the optimal amount of hair for grinding. The width of the knife block should be between 45 and 47 millimeters. Basically only suitable for professional class machines.
Even if a conventional appliance has a suitable working block width, the polishing quality will be poor.

Split & Razor
The model is distinguished by its relatively low cost. At the same time, the quality of the nozzle is quite good. The design is distinguished by the color characteristic of this company - white and green. According to the manufacturer, such a nozzle can be applied both to a professional machine and to a semi-professional one. The main condition for use is the width of the knife block, which must be at least 45 millimeters.

View Keep
The attachment that experts say is best for home use. It can be installed on machines, the width of the knife block of which is strictly 46 millimeters. With its help, you can get rid of the need for constant haircuts of split ends and many other more time-consuming procedures for hair restoration.
There are other types of hair polishing attachments. They are narrower and are only suitable for professional models of typewriters. They can be installed on a work unit that is only 30 mm wide.
However, such devices are not very popular, since most modern clippers are made with a knife block width of at least 45 millimeters.

Subtleties of choice
If you want to polish your curls at home, then you need to buy a special attachment for a hair clipper. The choice of such a device must be approached with extreme caution and due attention. The result and the appearance of the hair will depend on your decision. Some stylists believe that during the purchase of such a device, it is necessary to rely not on the brand of the attachment, but on the firm of the machine. In their opinion, it is she who is the main element on which the quality of polishing will depend. Other stylists tend to think that it is better to pay attention to the selection of the polishing attachment and its technical parameters.
In this case, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the material of manufacture of the nozzle. The best option is plastic. Then you need to get acquainted with manufacturers who produce truly high-quality products.
Remember to check the compatibility of the attachment you have chosen for the width of the blade unit. They must be the same, otherwise the grinding process may be of poor quality.

Usage Tips
In order for the polishing process to have a positive and effective result, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules during the procedure. Let's take a look at how to properly use the hair polishing attachment.
- Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to wash your hair without any special balms or other means that contribute to the adhesion of damaged scales.
- Next, you should fix the attachment on the clipper. To do this, you need to take the nozzle and attach it to the working part of the machine, then press down the device until it stops. In the case when the polishing attachment is equipped with special knives, you must first put them on, and then only the clamp itself.
- The entire head of hair is divided into two sections, which must be pinned or tied. First, work is carried out with one part, then with the second. Next, you need to separate a strand of small width (no more than 3 cm). The machine should be run through the hair from the place where the section begins. After fixing the device in this place, it is necessary to start moving the machine down. Sometimes it is necessary to run the device up the hair.
- For the effective operation of the nozzle, it is imperative to tighten the treated curls.
- After the end of the session, the hair must be washed and styled again. During washing, you can use special products for protection and leveling.

Thus, the purchase and implementation of the procedure for eliminating split ends at home is much more convenient, since the process itself is not too time-consuming. The cost of the attachment pays off almost immediately. In order for the device to serve you for a long time, you must definitely take care of it. There is a certain set of simple rules for caring for a polishing attachment.
First of all, after the end of the polishing session, the attachment should be cleaned with a brush or sponge. It is necessary to remove it from the machine and use any available metal or plastic cleaner (depending on your model) to carefully process the device. If the attachment is used to grind the hair of several people, then it must be treated with a sterilizing agent.
To find the right one, you can familiarize yourself with the instructions that come with each device. And also the instructions will describe in detail the best methods for caring for the nozzle, according to the manufacturer.

If suddenly during the processing of the hair polisher you notice any defects in the form of cracks or notches on it, then such a nozzle is already considered unsuitable for reuse. During the next use of the device, you can damage healthy particles, which will lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the hair or simply ruin the haircut.
If you have purchased a plastic attachment, then the average service life, subject to constant use, is from 6 to 10 months. At the end of this period, experts recommend replacing the device with a new one. As for metal nozzles, their service life will be longer. This is due to the fact that the material from which the product is made is stronger and more durable in itself.

Nevertheless, do not forget that even the most wear-resistant device has a certain shelf life, after which it is better to replace the product with a new one.
To learn how to work with the HG Polishen 2® attachment, see the following video.