How is bleaching of dark hair achieved?

Many women who have naturally dark hair sometimes have a desire to radically change their appearance - change their hairstyle and hair color, transform from a brunette to a blonde. It is worth considering in more detail how you can discolor dark hair.
How to desaturate correctly?
There are a lot of professional tools presented now. In beauty salons and hairdressing salons, you can get full advice and achieve the desired result. But you can also change the color yourself. Home remedies are suitable for owners of brown or dark blond hair. For discoloration of darker or tinted curls, the greatest effect is achieved with the help of professional products in beauty salons or hairdressers.

Home remedies
There are quite a few recipes for lightening hair yourself at home. Below are two of the most sought-after remedies that are ideal for problem hair.
- A decoction of chamomile flowers. Even in the past centuries, chamomile was used to give a golden color to blond hair. With regular use of the broth on chestnut or dark blond curls, the color will change by 2-3 tones. In addition, chamomile has a number of medicinal properties. The broth is prepared quite simply - 3 tablespoons of chamomile need to be poured with 1 glass of hot boiled water and allowed to stand for an hour. Wash your head with regular shampoo and then rinse several times with broth. After several procedures (at least more than 10), the result will be visible.
- Lemon juice... It is suitable for bleaching dark curls or after painting.It can be used to get rid of yellowness at home. Plus, it's perfect for those ladies with oily hair. Lemon juice removes grease and loosens the cuticles. One glass of lemon juice is diluted with one glass of water and applied to damp curls, you can use a spray bottle. Hair should dry naturally without towels or hair dryers, preferably in the sun. Then you need to rinse your head with plain water. With constant use through several procedures, you will be able to see tangible results.

When using natural remedies, remember that the desired effect You will not be able to achieve immediately, only with constant use, while the number of procedures should be at least 10. These are the cheapest methods that you can use yourself at any time.
With their help, you will not only transform your appearance, but also make your curls strong, healthy and shiny.
Professional remedies
Before deciding on professional products, try, for example, to try on a wig first, and suddenly you do not like it. Lightening dark or black hair is a step-by-step process, with at least 3 weeks between each step. There are three main ways to change color at home.

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (hydroperide) is one of the inexpensive chemicals, the results of which are visible after the first use. However, although this is the fastest way, it is the most harmful. If the recommendations and the sequence of actions are not followed, the result may be irreversible. The peroxide concentration should be no more than 30 percent. Depending on the structure of the hair, you need to choose your solution. If you have fine hair, you need to use a 7% solution, for medium harshness - 12%, if you have thick or black hair, it is better to use a 30% hydroperide solution.
It is worth adhering to the following algorithm of actions:
- mix 40 grams of shampoo and 50 milliliters of peroxide;
- then pour 50-60 milliliters of water, mix everything and at the end pour in 3 teaspoons of ammonia;
- test the reaction on the inside of the elbow before applying to the head;
- lubricate the face contour with a fat cream, and apply the mixture on the head with a brush;
- taking into account your hair type, soak the mixture for 20 to 40 minutes;
- rinse your head with cool water and chamomile decoction.

Important! The procedure should be repeated no more than once every 3 weeks.
Special shampoos
Shampoos for dark hair with a lightening effect will not drastically change the color, but only lighten it by several tones. This is the most gentle option. These shampoos contain herbal supplements for their health. Leading manufacturers of hair care products offer a whole line of such shampoos. L'Oreal offers a wide range of shampoos with a complex of vitamins to lighten color. Estel shampoos are easy to apply as they don't run due to the thick formula. Irida is a company that has established itself with positive reviews. She offers a wide range of tinting products with minimal damage to hair.

If you have deep dark or completely black curls, then it is better to use paint. It has a strong effect, but does not spare the curls at all. After applying the dyes, special care will be needed to keep the hair healthy. Paints can be of three types, such as:
- powder - they are used to highlight individual strands, since they have the strongest effect on the hair;
- cream - due to their texture, they are convenient to apply, they do not spread over the head;
- oil - they are suitable for dramatic lightening of hair, while not so aggressively affecting the hair.

The stores have a wide selection of hair dyes, including professional ones, which are used in beauty salons and hairdressing salons. In any case, the following rules must be observed:
- three days before staining, you do not need to wash your hair so that a natural protective oily layer forms on the skin;
- Prepare everything you need in advance (a non-metallic bowl and brush, a towel and a hat, a rare comb).

The mixture should be mixed in strict accordance with the instructions.
Mistakes when lightening hair at home are described in the following video.