How to lighten dark hair?

Many women at least once in their lives decide to change their image, experimenting with platinum shades of hair. However, initially some ladies have a rather dark natural or dyed curl color. Many people believe that it is almost impossible to lighten such strands, but this is not at all the case, because modern hairdressing tools allow you to create a light color on any hair. It is only important to choose the right method of clarification and familiarize yourself in detail with the recommendations for its implementation. All these nuances will be discussed in detail in this article.

The procedure for lightening dark strands has certain features.
- Successful color change to contrasting color requires taking into account the tone of the face and eyes. Not all brunettes, especially those who have a dark hair color by nature, can go the opposite shades. To avoid bad luck, try on a blonde wig first and decide how much lightening is acceptable in your case.
- The bleaching procedure is usually very harmful to the health of the strands. Since it is done in several stages on black or brown curls, it is important to give your hair a rest, taking breaks between treatments.
- Dark strands will need to be dyed for a long time. In addition, they will be exposed to a particularly strong effect of chemistry, so take care of the health of your hair by making healing and restorative masks along with lightening procedures.If the hair is dyed, it is recommended to get rid of split ends before giving it a light tone, otherwise by the end of lightening, their appearance will most likely be even more damaged and not at all aesthetic.
- Creating a platinum color involves choosing different shades for the root zone and the rest of the hair. In order to avoid damage to the hair follicles by dye chemicals, a slightly darker shade of blond should be chosen for the area near the roots.
- If you do not have experience in drastically changing the color of curls, it is better to entrust this procedure to an experienced hairdresser. If you nevertheless decide to carry out it yourself, be sure to take into account the recommendations given in the instructions, and test the selected formulations for allergic reactions before applying to the hair and scalp.
- If the dark color was created with henna, lightening on those strands can be risky. When mixed with henna components, lightening pigments in most cases do not give the result you expected. It turns out a rusty or yellow color. Therefore, before lightening such hair, it is better to wait until there is no henna on it.

Choosing special cosmetics
If you want to get light curls that were previously treated with black or dark brown paint, it is recommended to first remove the pigment. It is carried out in several stages, the amount of which depends on the dye used, the characteristics of the hair structure and the selected means for the procedure. Take your time, because there should be a break between all stages, during which it is imperative to carry out restorative procedures and use masks.
The use of light hair dye is supposed after the dark pigment is removed from the dyed hair, that is, after giving it a natural shade, which is most often light brown. You can choose a clarifier from the following options.
- Powder based paint - the most aggressive product on the hair structure. With its help, the strands are often given very light shades, and highlighting procedures are also carried out.

- Creamy paint - a composition that is very convenient to use on your own. First of all, this is due to the fact that it does not spread.

- Paint mousse - a popular product in the last decade, since the container with the agent is most often equipped with a special convenient dispenser. The paint can be applied by hand and spread over the hair like shampoo. But remember that not all of these formulations are durable.

- The least harmful to hair are dyes based on the oil component.... When used correctly, they are most careful about the structure of the hair.

- If you want to add an extra shade to already dyed blonde hair or experiment with mixing tones, you can use tonic... But carefully select the shade, since the 2 tones should be in good harmony with each other, without creating an imbalance in the image.
Remember also that tonics are not the most useful way to dye, and after using them, the hair color does not always change in the desired direction. Therefore, it is better to test the product first on a small strand in the lower part of the hair.

Traditional methods
In addition to choosing ready-made products for coloring strands in blond, you should not neglect the creation of natural brightening compositions at home. Despite the fact that with their help, the procedure for dyeing dark curls will not be as fast as with the help of chemical products, the result can be quite successful if all proportions are correctly calculated and lightening is performed strictly in stages. An additional bonus will be significantly less damage to the hair structure after dyeing.
The strands will not be as brittle and dry as after lightening at the hairdresser.

The most popular and proven by modern ladies recipes for compositions that give dark curls light shades include the following options, which can be created at home with their own hands, even by beginners in the field of staining.
- Honey mask - a natural brightening product that also gives the hair a healthy shine and beauty. It is recommended to use natural honey as a basis. If the consistency is very thick, you can dilute it with water to the required state. Honey is applied to clean, slightly damp hair, and then a special hat is put on, leaving the product on the hair for about 40 minutes. As additional components, you can add olive oil in equal proportions with honey, as well as 1⁄2 part of a banana. The composition is washed off with shampoo.

- Chamomile broth - A good addition to conditioner or shampoo for those ladies who want to become blondes. This broth is cooked over low heat for half an hour from chamomile flooded with water. Bring the water in the container to a boil before timing. The finished broth must be filtered, cooled and added 2-3 tablespoons to the shampoo. But you can also rinse your hair with it two or three times after washing and dry the curls naturally.

- Lemon juice masks useful for dark hair in that the substance acts on the curls, gradually freeing them from pigment. The juice is diluted with water in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is sprayed on the hair, dried in the sun, and then the strands are washed to prevent further dullness. The mask, applied three times a week, requires the use of a conditioner, as the acid makes the strands drier.

- If your strands were dyed black, then at home you can get rid of the rich dark shade using cinnamon... To do this, the conditioner, taken in the amount of four tablespoons, should be mixed with a couple of tablespoons of ground spice. After applying first to the roots, distribute the composition along the entire length of the strands, then cover the hair with a plastic bag and leave it on the head for at least four hours (you can also make a mask overnight). You may feel a slight burning sensation at first, but this effect usually goes away quickly. The mask should be washed off thoroughly.

- There are also more complex, multicomponent cinnamon-based masks. One of them involves mixing 200 ml of hair conditioner, 1⁄2 cup of natural honey, as well as ground cinnamon. Apply this mixture to hair for 90 minutes, avoiding scalp contact. The more often this procedure is carried out, the faster the hair will acquire a lighter shade. But the owners of black-dyed hair should keep in mind that after using cinnamon, the curls acquire a reddish tint.

- Not only brightening, but also a healing mask will work if you 0.2 kg honey add four tablespoons of cinnamon and olive oil in the amount of three tablespoons. Leaving this mixture for 4 hours, and then thoroughly rinsing it off with shampoo, you will give your hair a lighter shade, a healthy shine and a pleasant scent.

- The five-component homemade mask deserves special attention, which includes a teaspoon of shampoo, a couple of tablespoons of brandy, kefir in the amount of 50 grams, half a lemon and one egg. After mixing all these components and distributing them over the hair, cover your head with plastic, and then warm it with a towel. The mask should be washed off after 8 hours.

- A more radical folk method for lightening dark strands is to use hydrogen peroxide. The hydroperite tablet must be diluted with such an amount of water that the concentrate does not eventually exceed 30% of the total mass. The exact indicator of concentration also depends on the type, structure of the hair and is usually revealed over time.

Follow-up care
Once the hair has reached the desired tone, it is very important to carefully care for it after such a serious impact on its structure. The main recommendations include the following.
- Use masks based on natural ingredients - food or herbal ingredients. It is better to do them at home, but you can also purchase the appropriate cosmetic formulations. Masks should be applied at least a couple of times a week.
- When dyeing afterwards, do not cover the lower part of the hair with dye, otherwise, it will become even drier and look damaged. Limit color to the root zone and wait with coloring for at least a month after lightening.
- Refrain from heat treatment of strands. after giving them a light shade. Since their structure is already weakened, and they may lack moisture, treatment with a hairdryer, curling iron or hot curlers will take away precious water from the strands, depriving them of their shine and healthy appearance. Therefore, if you like to make curls, use other ways to create them - regular curlers, braids or buns.
- Monitor the state of the body, since the condition of the hair after dyeing and the speed of the process of their restoration depend on whether the body receives enough necessary elements and fluid. Do not forget to drink more water, and you can also supplement the healing procedures with a vitamin complex.

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