Moisturizing hair balms: variety and rules of use

Dry, lifeless hair is usually the result of exposure to the environment, the use of hot dryers and irons. Moisturizing balms help neutralize this effect and restore beauty and smoothness to hair. We will tell you how to choose this product and use it correctly in this article.
Description of the composition
The ingredients of the moisturizing balm composition can be conditionally divided into 2 types - those that wash off the shampoo remnants (that is, surfactants are surfactants, they are contained in a smaller amount), as well as components that provide direct moisture to the hair. Among them, the most common are the following.
- Hydrolyzed Keratin, the use of which allows you to fill the voids in the hair structure. Keratin is the substance that makes up hair cells. In case of insufficient moisture, keratin literally "leaves" the hair, leaving "holes". This makes them dry and brittle. The hydrolyzed keratin formula solves this problem.
- Base oil (jojoba, olive, organ and other vegetable oils) also works to restore the hair structure, nourish, and creates a protective sheath on the hair surface.
- Lanolin - a substance that moisturizes the hair from the inside, helps to fight split ends and dry ends.
- Vitamins (the most popular are vitamins A, E, B, PP) help to accelerate the regeneration processes, improve the condition of the hair.
- Plant extracts (more often than others, you can find extracts of chamomile, willow bark, birch, etc.)

In order for these beneficial substances to penetrate into the hair, silicone is added to the balms. This ingredient opens the scales, lifts them up. The use of silicone is a necessary measure, therefore, it is necessary to reduce the negative effect of silicone on the hair as much as possible, provided that its effect is preserved.
For this, volatile silicones are used in higher-quality moisturizing compositions.

If the balm contains hydrophilic and lipophilic silicones, the product helps to fill voids in the hair structure and is suitable for severely dry and damaged strands. The only thing to remember when using such balms is do not allow them to come into contact with the scalp.
It is recommended to use a deep cleansing shampoo or scalp scrub every 1.5-2 weeks.

Popular Products
Depending on the principle of action, the following types of moisturizing hair balms can be distinguished.
- Conditioning balm. Its purpose is to wash off the remnants of the agent used before it from the hair, to smooth the hair, ensure its easy combing, silkiness.

- Balm conditioner... This product closes the hair scales, thereby retaining moisture and nutrients inside the hair shaft. In addition, the product protects the strands from the negative effects of the external environment, prevents them from tangling. There are two-phase indelible products - they are applied to the hair in small quantities and only on the ends. In this case, the hair must be damp. It is not necessary to wash off such a composition.

- Cream balm. The tool can be called an "ambulance" for dry damaged curls. It penetrates into the hair structure, moisturizes it and closes the hair scales, as if sealing the beneficial components inside the hair. In addition, a thin protective film is formed on the outside of the latter, which reduces the negative impact of the environment.

If we talk about the compositions, then organic balms can be distinguished separately. Among their ingredients there are no chemical components, a high content of natural oils, phytocomponents, vitamins and minerals.
Speaking of specific brands, we can mention a moisturizing balm "Sea buckthorn" for dry damaged ends from the Natura Siberica brand. Pronounced hair hydration is achieved due to the presence of argan, sea buckthorn and flax oils in the composition. And the saturation of hair with minerals and vitamins becomes possible thanks to herbal extracts of snow cladonia and rose.
In addition to moisturizing, the product demonstrates the protection of the hair from the outside - it seals the ends and forms a protective layer on the surface of the hair. Ideal for dry hair as a result of the use of hair dryers, irons, frequent dyeing.

Democratic in cost and worthy in quality can be called balm Revivor from the manufacturer from Belarus "Belita". The product moisturizes the strands, ensures their easy combing, and prevents the appearance of static electricity.

Popular balm "Liquid Silk" from Gliss Kur. The product contains plant extracts and liquid keratins, which provide a powerful moisturizing effect. According to some users, the product is suitable for restoring and moisturizing even heavily damaged strands.

If you're looking for a potent organic balm to moisturize your hair, take a closer look. to Planeta Organica products... The balm is called "Revitalizing" and contains lavender oil, phytoextracts of oregano, marjoram, mallow and rosemary. It saves dry curls, returning them shine and giving volume. According to some users, This remedy deals with dryness better than more expensive moisturizing masks.

Another balm that does not contain chemical ingredients is presented in the Baikal Herbals line. It contains only organic oils and extracts of Siberian herbs. Users note the effectiveness of the product - weakened hair breaks less, becomes smoother, more vibrant, and does not tangle.The product has a fairly thick consistency, which ensures more gentle consumption.

If you need not only to fill your hair with moisture, but also to give it a luxurious look in a short time, you should pay attention to cream-balm Master Herb from the TianDe brand. According to users, after applying the cream-balm, the condition of the curls improves so much that it seems as if an expensive salon lamination procedure has been done.
This is largely due to the herbal complex in the composition of the product. Among the active ingredients it contains thyme, rosemary, alfalfa, ginseng.

Professional balms demonstrate a pronounced moisturizing effect. These can be purchased at specialist hairdressing or beauty shops. Let's consider the most popular ones.
- Matrix Oil Wonders Oil Conditioner. The tool is especially useful for severely dry hair, since most of the composition is argan oil. Does not contain silicones, actively moisturizes the strands, makes them smooth and shiny. Sold in a tube, which provides a more economical consumption of the product.

- Estel Haute Couture. It has a pronounced moisturizing effect, helps to fill the hollow areas of the hair, which makes hair healthier and stronger. Facilitates combing, provides protection from UV rays. This balm is recommended for colored strands, since it prevents the washing out of pigment from the hair, moisturizes bleached hair well (as you know, light hair is most susceptible to dryness due to its hollow structure).

How to choose?
Choose a moisturizer according to your hair type. At the same time, it is erroneous to believe that oily hair does not need moisturizing. They also lose moisture and need to replenish it; it is just better to refuse some ingredients in the balm for this type of scalp.
Pay attention to the composition - the more organic components it contains, the better. Ideally, these should be plant extracts, natural oils, vitamins and minerals, but silicones, alcohol and parabens are not the best care for dry hair. They pull moisture out of the hair shaft even more.

The structure of the balsam should be viscous, homogeneous. The balm should not be too runny. A sharp chemical smell is a reason to refuse a purchase, as well as too strong, albeit a pleasant aroma. Most likely, there are a lot of fragrances and fragrances in the composition of the product. Ideally, the balm should have a soft and natural (plant) scent.

When choosing even an organic balm, remember that any component may cause an allergic reaction. That is, even the most natural and safe composition can turn out to be dangerous in case of individual intolerance to one or another component.
When reading the composition, it should be remembered that in the first place are those ingredients, the concentration of which is maximum in the balm. The further the component is from the beginning of the composition list, the less its content in the tool. Choose those products in which the main caring components (oils, keratin, herbal extracts) are located at the beginning or in the middle of the composition list.

If your hairstyle is well-groomed and not badly damaged, a conditioner balm is suitable for it.... It will help smooth your hair and make it easier to comb. If you need a more moisturizing effect, choose a conditioner balm that provides deeper penetration of active substances. This tool can also be recommended for those who often use a hairdryer, curling irons, and tongs. Finally, for very dry hair, a cream-balm is recommended (some manufacturers call such products a balm-mask).
To obtain the best effect, it is advisable to apply the entire series of care - mask, shampoo, balm. Moreover, it is recommended to choose funds from the same manufacturer and series.

How to use?
At first glance, there is nothing difficult in using a moisturizing balm.However, even high quality products may not provide hair health benefits if used improperly.
The balm is applied to moist locks washed with shampoo. In this case, they should be slightly wrung out and blotted with a towel.
Otherwise, the balm will simply flow through the hair, not having time to penetrate inside.

The product is applied with a slight indentation from the roots. Distribution of the balm on the scalp is unacceptable. This can make the strands look greasy, the styling will not keep the volume. Finally, the balm can clog the pores of the scalp. Special masks should be selected for this area.
You do not need to keep the balm on your hair longer than the time specified by the manufacturer. This will not ensure better absorption of nutrients into the hair structure (they have already penetrated there during the period indicated on the product label).

Positive feedback is received Estel balms. Despite the higher cost compared to many products from the mass market, these formulations in a short time restore even severely damaged and dry hair.

If we talk about more affordable products, we can highlight a series of balsams "Pure Line"... Even experts note the "correctness" of the brand's product formula. The content of permitted inorganic ingredients is within the normal range, and the content of natural ingredients is high. If we talk about a specific balm from this manufacturer, then buyers give a high rating. balsam "Birch" based on birch sap.

Belarusian balm Revivor also invariably becomes a leader, gaining a large number of positive reviews from customers. Most of them note the amazing combination of price and quality of the product. A 450 ml jar lasts for a long time, while the product moisturizes the strands, noticeably improves their condition, and facilitates combing.

For information on why a balm is needed and how to use it, see the next video.
And I immediately take a shampoo-conditioner at the pharmacy, as it cleanses the hair and moisturizes at the same time, and also helps restore hair, they began to grow well.
In general, the balm differs from the conditioner: the balm was originally called a product that should nourish the hair and saturate it with useful components. And this is the most important difference from conditioner, which should ensure smooth combing and drying. Therefore, it is believed that the balm nourishes the roots and the entire length of the hair, and the conditioner is applied superficially. But with the development of the cosmetic industry, these two products were gradually combined, and now there are conditioner balms that nourish, strengthen, and help to care, and give the right shape.