Moisturizing hair shampoos: rating of the best and selection rules

Today, the cosmetic market is overflowing with a wide variety of forms and varieties of shampoos. At the same time, moisturizers are the most popular among consumers, since dry hair and dry scalp are problems that are inherent in many.
Moisturizing care shampoos are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. At the same time, both the pricing policy and the composition of funds may differ significantly.
What are the features of moisturizing hair shampoos? Which brands should you trust? How to choose the right product and how to use it? In our material you will find detailed answers to these questions, as well as read consumer reviews.
Features and composition
Moisturizing hair shampoos are developed by professional trichologists in collaboration with beauticians and hairdressers. There are both professional forms of release of such funds, and those that are intended for domestic use. It is believed that a moisturizing shampoo should be sulfate-free, so when choosing one or another product, pay close attention to the composition of the product.

All moisturizing shampoos are carefully formulated and researched. In addition, they have passed rigorous laboratory tests. Thanks to this approach of manufacturers of moisturizing shampoos, the consumer receives only the highest quality and most effective products.

The main task of moisturizing shampoos is to restore the water balance of both the hair itself and the scalp. However, in addition, a moisturizing shampoo, like any other, should cleanse your hair of dust and other impurities that have accumulated on it. It should be borne in mind that it is very important to follow all the recommendations for the use of a particular tool, since neglecting them can lead to negative results.
In order for the moisturizing shampoo to fully perform its functions and have a complex effect on your hair and scalp, it is important to ensure that it contains some useful components.

Let's take a look at the most common ingredients in shampoos that are designed to hydrate:
- lanolin;
- panthenol;
- glycerol;
- hyaluronic acid;
- ceramides;
- keratin;
- chitosan and others.

In addition to chemical components, Quality moisturizers should include natural ingredients. These include primarily such substances as vegetable oils and extracts: for example, eucalyptus, olive and jojoba oils, castor oil, rice protein and much more. In addition, shampoos often contain decoctions of useful herbssuch as fern, sage, rosemary and others.
All the components described above (both chemical elements and herbal ingredients) have a complex effect on the hair and scalp and complement each other.

Why is it needed?
For dry, damaged, weak and very brittle hair, proper care is essential. A quality moisturizing shampoo will not only restore moisture balance, but will also work against breakage in your hair.

Dry hair can be caused by a variety of reasons. Moreover, they may be related as with the internal state of your body (for example, lack of certain vitamins and minerals), and with external factors: poor quality water, intensive use of chemically active components that are part of various care products, frequent use of hot styling (hair dryers, curling irons, irons) and much more.
Anyway, but at the first signs of the development of dry hair, it is important to immediately begin to eliminate such an external defect. It should be noted that the moisturizing shampoo helps to eliminate dryness not only of the hair itself (which in itself spoils your appearance), but also moisturizes the scalp.

The use of moisturizing shampoos, popular and available to the general public, is possible only in the first stages. If you are suffering from more serious problems, then you should consult a specialist: dermatologist and trichologist... They will recommend more professional remedies to deal with the difficulties that arise.

A quality moisturizing shampoo has a comprehensive effect on your hair, making it shiny, smooth and silky. In addition, it is an effective remedy to relieve you of the feeling of dryness and tightness of the scalp.

What are they?
Today on the market you can find a wide variety of shampoos for moisturizing hair. Among them there are funds:
- for colored hair;
- shampoos to restore the strength of curls;
- for curly and porous hair;
- universal shampoos-conditioners;
- egg and hard varieties;
- shampoos for natural hair;
- shampoos for intensive moisturizing and care.

Each of these tools has an individual set of specific functions and properties. That is why it is very important to carefully approach the choice of a care product. The right shampoo will moisturize your hair, make it strong, and also have a positive effect on the appearance of your curls.
On the other hand, if you make a mistake with your choice, you can not only fail to see the result, but also harm your curls even more.

Popular brands
Today on the market there is a huge number of moisturizing shampoos of various brands (both domestic and foreign).You can find professional and budget options, Belarusian, Korean and American products, super moisturizing shampoos and products with moderate effects. Today we bring to your attention the top manufacturers of moisturizing shampoos.
- Estel. Estel Professional hair products are very popular among consumers. The trade line includes a variety of shampoos, including those that have a moisturizing effect. In addition to performing a direct function of moisturizing, Estel Professional products make curls smooth and silky.

- KeraSys. The homeland of this brand is South Korea. The brand's products have undergone laboratory tests in Germany, France and Japan. KeraSys shampoos have proven to be highly effective and quality.

- Natura Siberica. The trade assortment of the Natura Siberica brand includes independent product lines that are specifically designed for dry hair. Using such cosmetics, you have a complex effect on your curls and take a number of preventive actions, thanks to which the problem of dryness will no longer bother you in the future.

- Vichy. Cosmetics for hair and scalp from Vichy belongs to the luxury category. That is why food prices are so high. On the other hand, consumers report that the value for money is highly justified, as the brand's shampoos do their job perfectly.

- Dove. A popular brand of hair shampoos, products of which can be purchased at almost any chain store. The brand is distinguished by affordable prices and effective impact.

- Bielita-Vitex. It is a Belarusian cosmetics manufacturer. The manufacturer's trade line is represented not only by shampoos, but also by other cosmetics for hair care.

- Other. In addition to the products described above, products manufactured by Nivea, Shamtu, Chistaya Liniya and many other brands are considered popular moisturizing shampoos.

Rating of the best funds
Let's take a look at a list of the most popular moisturizing shampoos.
- Hempz Hydrating. The homeland of this brand is Germany. The product has held the leading position among moisturizing shampoos for several years. The composition contains a large number of natural ingredients (for example, hemp oil).

- "Tentorium". Moisturizing shampoos from Tentorium are distinguished by their affordable price and natural composition. So, honey is a part of many products.

- Your Nutrition Profi. The product is suitable for long hair that suffers from dryness, brittleness and split ends.

Selection rules
To deeply moisturize your hair and scalp, it is important to choose the right product. That's why great attention should be paid to the buying process.
First you need to pay attention only for those products that suit your hair and skin type... Despite the fact that the main purpose of a moisturizing shampoo is to restore water balance, depending on the presence of certain components in the composition, it can act in different ways.
That is why there are a wide variety of skincare products on the market: some of them are suitable for owners of curly hair, while others are intended for girls with straight hair.

Before buying this or that product, it is very important to read the composition of the product indicated on the package. Some ingredients can cause allergic reactions and negatively affect your health, so be careful. This rule will be especially true for people with individual intolerances.

In order to get rid of dryness forever, and not for a while, you should choose professional tools. It is important to note that most of these shampoos are sold in specialty stores and pharmacies; they are quite difficult to find in chain supermarkets. In addition, you should take into account the fact that at their cost they will be much more expensive than conventional shampoos.However, their effect will be much more noticeable.
When choosing a care product pay attention to proven brands and brands... In this case, you will be 100% sure of the quality of the products. The purchase itself should be made only from trusted sellers or at official points of sale. Thus, you will receive a quality branded product, and not a fake.

Usage Tips
Use moisturizing shampoos strictly in accordance with the instructions. Usually, on the label of any care product, you can find a detailed explanation that concerns not only direct use, but also explains to consumers the optimal and maximum permissible frequency of use of a particular product.
It should be borne in mind in advance that many manufacturers, along with a moisturizing shampoo, suggest using other products in combination: for example, a balm, mask or conditioner. Only such a combination will have the most complex and quick effect.
If we talk about the standard rules for using a moisturizing shampoo, then use it to wash your hair no more than 2 times a week. On damp hair, apply a small amount of the product, distribute through the hair, lather, and then rinse with plenty of water.

Review overview
In general, customer reviews of moisturizing shampoos are positive. At the same time, consumers note that in order to achieve the maximum effect, you need to select a shampoo that will suit all your individual characteristics (for example, skin and hair type).
And in order to choose the most effective remedy, the girls are advised to contact specialists in advance for consultation.

Some customer reviews suggest that no need to save money by buying cheap shampoos of unknown brands. These unverified products can not only fail to cure your hair, but also cause serious damage to it.
Below is a story on how to restore dry and damaged hair.