Wax for depilation

Hot wax for depilation

Hot wax for depilation
  1. How is it different from other species?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. What is the release form?
  4. Top brands
  5. Criterias of choice
  6. How to use?
  7. Review overview

Hot wax for depilation has long been a popular tool for getting rid of excess hair. The popularity of such a remedy is explained by the large number of advantages and the painlessness of the procedure.

How is it different from other species?

Hot wax is a special remedy for removing unwanted vegetation on the skin. The composition is preheated to 47-55 degrees Celsius and applied to the desired area of ​​the skin to achieve the desired result. When cold, the wax is hard and almost impossible to apply.

The main difference between this wax and cold or warm wax is its composition. The main components are wood or synthetic resins, as well as liquid paraffin and various oils. Some manufacturers supply the hot wax formulation with additives in the form of:

  • titanium dioxide, which makes the wax softer and more pliable;
  • talc, which increases the adhesive properties of the composition;
  • zinc oxide, aimed at reducing pain.

Hot wax has many beneficial properties. In addition to hair removal, the composition prevents dry skin, removes dead skin particles and accelerates the regeneration of the upper layers of the epithelium. Also, the heated composition cleans the pores of the skin from pollutants, acting as a peeling.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you compare hot wax with cold and warm wax, then the former will have more advantages. The main advantages include the following.

  • The need to use wax and wax melting for the procedure.Additionally, you may need a container where the material will be heated.
  • Natural composition, which, in addition to key ingredients, includes nutritional components in the form of plant extracts, vitamins, essential oils and other substances of natural origin.
  • Lack of bruises and scars after the session.
  • Peeling. After waxing, the skin becomes more well-groomed and soft.
  • Long lasting effect. The average duration of the effect after the procedure is a month or more, depending on the type of hair.
  • Possibility of depilation of sensitive areas of the body.

Today it is one of the best remedies for getting rid of unwanted vegetation. However, hot wax also has disadvantages, which include:

  • the need to wait for hair growth with a length of 5 mm before the session;
  • slight discomfort;
  • a visit to a beautician session.

Hot hair removal is not recommended at home. Without preliminary preparation, there is a risk of scalding with heated wax.

What is the release form?

Manufacturers produce wax compositions for depilation in various forms. It is worth considering in more detail all the options available.

In the form of discs

The classic version. The composition includes the following components:

  • resin;
  • beeswax;
  • vegetable oils.

Thanks to this combination, it is possible to improve the adhesion of wax to the hair, to make the composition more plastic and soft. Discs are used to apply a dense layer. Plus - fast solidification.


A feature of this composition is the high heating temperature of the wax until the composition reaches a melting point. Briquette waxing is suitable for treating large areas of the body and removing hair of any hardness.

In granules

This wax is also called film wax. Special properties - high strength and ductility, achieved through film-forming components. Paraffin and wood resin are used as such ingredients.


An effective cosmetic product, thanks to which it is possible to quickly remove unwanted hair. The peculiarity of canned wax is that, in addition to hot compositions, you can also buy warm or film ones.

Top brands

Today on the cosmetics market for hair removal, you can find a huge variety of products. Manufacturers regularly update their range of effective formulations by adding new products. Among the wide variety of hot waxes, there are several decent options.

Depilflax ivory

The wax is designed for intimate depilation. Can be used on any skin type, removes hairs of different lengths and thicknesses. The product, in addition to the main components, contains coconut oil, which has a moisturizing effect and reduces skin irritation.

Advantages of the composition:

  • melts quickly;
  • easily removes even those hairs that are difficult to get rid of;
  • does not require the use of fabric strips.

The composition has good adhesion properties, captures hairs, removing them from the root.

Depileve film

Designed to remove hair from both normal and sensitive areas. The composition contains natural resins and essential oils. The wax is made in the form of a film, which avoids the need for special strips. After hardening, a small "plastic" film forms on the skin, which must be removed.

The pluses include:

  • the ability to process areas of increased sensitivity;
  • slow cooling;
  • respect for the skin;
  • moisturizing effect.

The wax works at low temperatures.

Starpil Wax hot "Cotton" in briquettes

Brand from Spain. Produces quality hair removal products. The company also produces spatulas, strips and cleansers, so you can purchase everything you need for waxing in the complex.

This composition has a low heating temperature.The product is made from beeswax, additionally titanium dioxide is included in the composition by the manufacturer, which makes the product more elastic, and the procedure is practically painless. Other pluses:

  • makes the skin smooth;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • has a pleasant smell.

The only drawback of the funds is the high price.

Perron RigotCirepil

An expensive product, the key feature of which is painless use. It is produced in the form of a film wax, which contains elastomers. With their help, the manufacturer managed to achieve high plasticity of the product, which facilitated the process of removing the film after application.

Other advantages of the product:

  • economical consumption;
  • 100% hair removal of any type;
  • the ability to use at low temperatures.

The tool can be used for home procedures.

400 Natura

Granular wax with azulene in the composition. Suitable for treating areas:

  • bikini;
  • hands;
  • legs.

The special formula of the product made it able to cope with both coarse and short hairs. At the same time, additional components of the composition have a calming effect on the skin, preventing the occurrence of irritation.

Criterias of choice

It can be difficult to choose the right wax composition from a wide range of similar products. Therefore, when buying wax, there are several criteria to pay attention to.

  1. Composition. Do not forget that some components of the products released by manufacturers can cause an allergic reaction. Most often, these ingredients are natural wax, bee honey or essential oils.
  2. Effects. Today, on store shelves, you can find formulations that have an additional effect on the skin. In this case, it is worth making a choice based on the needs of your own skin.
  3. Melting temperature. If you plan to do hair removal at home, then it is not recommended to buy wax, which will need to be melted at high temperatures. Otherwise, there will be a high probability of getting burned. It is better to choose formulations with a medium melting point.

Additionally, it is advised to pay attention to how the wax is washed off. Some formulations can be easily removed from the skin with warm water.

How to use?

Depilation is a dangerous procedure that, in addition to removing hair, partially injures the hair follicle. The advantage of hot wax is that the high temperature of the composition steams the pores of the skin, due to which it is possible to pull out the hair with little discomfort and reduce the risk of scratching or scarring. Therefore, such compositions are used to treat sensitive areas such as bikinis, armpits. Hot wax depilation is carried out in several stages.

Skin preparation

In order for the procedure to pass without pain and injury, it is worth carefully preparing the skin.

  1. 3 days before visiting a beautician, cleanse the skin with a scrub. This will help prevent ingrown hairs and acne after the procedure. The scrub can be made by hand or purchased at a specialist store.
  2. Before depilation, treat the skin with disinfectants and a degreaser. The latter will improve the adhesion of the wax to the hair. If you don't have a degreaser, you can use talcum powder, baby powder, or lotion.
  3. Grow your hair. The procedure is carried out with a hair length of 5 mm. Otherwise, the wax will not be able to adhere to the hair, and then depilation will be meaningless. Therefore, about a week before waxing, it is worth setting aside the machine.

Finally, sunbathing is not recommended before depilation, so as not to increase the sensitivity of the skin. To do this, it is recommended to refuse visiting the solarium or walking under the scorching sun.


Basically, for the procedure for hair removal with hot wax, they turn to beauty salons or clinics. The procedure is performed by specialists who help to avoid unwanted burns and reduce the level of painful sensations.If you wish, you can do waxing at home. But first you need to understand how to properly use such drugs. To do this, you will first need to prepare materials and tools:

  • low melting point composition;
  • a wooden spatula or spatula with which the product will be applied;
  • a container where the wax will be heated;
  • fabric strips;
  • antiseptic;
  • scrub.

It is also recommended to purchase a cream, gel or lotion to soften the skin and reduce the risk of epithelial irritation after the session. The procedure is carried out in several steps.

  1. First, the wax is heated with a thermostat or with a water bath. When the composition warms up to the required temperature, it is maintained for several minutes at the reached temperature values.
  2. Next, the skin is prepared as described above.
  3. The third stage involves applying the wax composition to the thoroughly wiped and dried skin according to hair growth.
  4. Then they press the fabric strip against the wax composition and wait for the product to harden. It should be noted that some products do not require the use of strips; the formulations form a small film in the process.
  5. After hardening, pull the strip with a sharp movement. They do this against hair growth by removing excess vegetation.

At the end, the treated area is lubricated with a disinfectant and cream to impregnate the damaged epithelium.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to do depilation with hot wax for pregnant women. In general, there are no contraindications, however, situations may be individual. If, before pregnancy, a woman did not visit a beautician and did not carry out depilation at home, then it is not recommended to start the procedure during gestation. Causes:

  • pregnancy lowers immunity;
  • the risk of varicose veins or allergic reactions increases;
  • stress for the expectant mother.

The last point is especially relevant for women in the third trimester. Depilation in this case can lead to premature birth.

Review overview

There are many reviews on the net about hot wax and its action. Users speak mostly positively, noting a large number of useful properties of such formulations and comparing them with other types of depilatory products. Benefits in reviews include:

  • ease of use;
  • complete hair removal;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

Before buying wax products for getting rid of excess vegetation on the body, you should carefully read the reviews on the forums and in the store where you plan to place an order. Comments from women who have already tried waxing and used the product that attracted attention will help to form a final opinion on the composition and influence the choice.

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