Wax for depilation

Selection and application of film wax for depilation

Selection and application of film wax for depilation
  1. What it is?
  3. Popular brands
  4. Which to choose?
  5. How to use?
  6. Care after the procedure
  7. Review overview

Most women try to get rid of excess hair on the body. Some do it to avoid discomfort, others do it for aesthetic reasons. In any case, hair removal with wax is most effective. The film product is relatively new, the composition has replaced hot and cold materials. There are various types that can be used to target specific areas on the body.

What it is?

Film wax is an improved version of the hot depilatory composition. It is distinguished by good plasticity, easily repeats the entire anatomical relief. The composition of the substance is designed in such a way as to bring minimal harm to the upper layers of the skin. Main ingredients of film wax:

  1. paraffin, rubber derivatives and resin;
  2. oils to soften hair and nourish the skin;
  3. chlorophyll - a component that helps relieve irritation and quick healing;
  4. elements of azulene, which inhibits inflammatory processes;
  5. tea tree extract - has bactericidal properties;
  6. zinc oxide - this component has a mild pain relieving effect.

The film wax can have other additional ingredients. Talc is usually added for better contact of the material with the skin. To improve the aesthetic qualities, dyes and fragrances are used.

The clear composition is indicated by the manufacturer directly on the package.


There are several types of depilatory wax. The material can be sold in a can or in a bag. Compositions in granules are the most popular - they are used by cosmetologists in salons.At home, wax is more commonly used in cartridges. Tiled material is less common on sale - this type is quite new.

In granules

Outwardly, the wax resembles hard pieces no larger than a coffee bean. The granular composition is packed in bags and cans. The color of the wax can be absolutely any - manufacturers additionally color the material for greater attractiveness. Natural composition without dyes has a pearlescent beige shade. For warming up, a wax melter or a water bath can be used.

The wax in granules is soft and pliable. It is this type that is most often used for depilation of sensitive skin areas. The wax is safe, it can only be heated up to 37 ° C for use. The material has an economical consumption; for one depilation of a small area, just a few granules from the package are enough. A thin layer of wax grabs the hairs well and removes them the first time.

In cartridges

The wax is initially in a container with a roll at the bottom. Thanks to this, the composition is easily applied to the skin in a thin, even layer. For warming up, only a cartridge wax melter is used. This type of wax cannot be heated to operating temperature using a water bath.

The material works well for removing fine hairs on the body. It is more difficult to apply the composition on the face - the roller does not distribute the wax well over the embossed surface. Extra wide attachments can be used for larger areas. Cartridge wax has a rather attractive cost, which distinguishes it from other types.

In tiles

Quite an interesting type of film wax. Visually resembles a chocolate bar of various colors. The packaging is convenient for use, one lobule is used for the procedure. With this wax you don't have to weigh the right amount.

The composition in the tile is produced by such large companies as White Line and Irisk. However, it is rarely seen in retail. Typically this type of wax is used by salons.

In order to try out the products, it is recommended that you look for reputable and reliable suppliers.

Popular brands

Film wax for depilation is quite easy to obtain in any form of release. The range is so wide that it is difficult to choose. There are many manufacturers who have managed to earn the trust of buyers by showing high quality at an acceptable cost. The ranking of the best includes several brands.

  • Beauty Image. The company produces wax in granules and cartridges. The products are quite attractive, there is a material with the addition of chocolate, caramel and nutmeg. The assortment is wide, there are compositions of different colors.
  • Deep Depil. The manufacturer makes fruit wax for depilation with the addition of various extracts. Especially popular are compositions with honey, banana and mango. Customers appreciate the wax of this production for its versatility, softness, pleasant smell and color. It is worth noting that the composition contains components that reduce pain.
  • Depileve. The manufacturer offers the best wax for depilation of the bikini area. The company strives to improve its products in order to reduce the discomfort when handling intimate parts of the body. A transparent composition without fragrances and dyes is able to relieve a woman from the first time even from coarse and difficult hairs. The product penetrates deeply into the structure of the hair and skin.
  • ItalWax. The company was able to combine a wide range of products, quality and an acceptable price tag. The wax is designed so that it can be purchased not only for personal use, but also as a gift. Interestingly, the manufacturer offers a separate type of composition for men.
  • Vox. A fairly well-known company offers products for professional and home use. There are various lines of wax that are designed for complex or step-by-step care.
  • Waxkiss. Some materials contain milk and bananas.Their beneficial effect on the condition of the skin has already been proven. The company believes that the wax should be as natural as possible. Formulations are usually short, with only the most essential ingredients present. There are waxes with different working temperatures, therefore it is suitable even for sensitive and delicate skin.
  • White Line. The manufacturer offers quality formulations at a reasonable price, as well as a large selection of film wax for various needs. The Natura series deserves special attention - it includes compositions with unusual colors and scent. The wax is completely natural, so the price is slightly higher.

The material heats up and hardens quickly, so hair removal takes very little time.

  • Epilage. The products are suitable for discerning buyers. The compositions do not injure the skin, there are components to improve its condition. The assortment includes black wax. During use, an oily layer appears on the skin, which serves for protection. The hairs themselves are captured more reliably due to the presence of microcrystals. Moreover, the composition is completely safe, although it is not natural.
  • Veet. The company was previously known for its depilatory creams, and now offers hair removal wax for girls. The set with each composition has a paddle with a temperature indicator, which is very convenient. The wax is intended for various zones, there is a separate material for the treatment of the chin and décolleté.

It is worth choosing a specific manufacturer based on your own preferences. However, it is the eminent brands that guarantee the quality of their products, which have earned the trust of many women who use them constantly.

Which to choose?

Before buying wax for depilation, you should decide which area of ​​the body to treat. It is worth carefully studying the composition, especially if the skin is sensitive and prone to allergic reactions. Often, manufacturers themselves make notes on the packaging about which part of the body it is best to use the material for. Here are some professional tips for choosing a wax type.

  1. You can quickly remove hair from legs or large areas of the body using the composition in cartridges. It is easy to apply and remove, but not suitable for face and intimate areas.
  2. Both granules and tiles can be used for underarms and bikini areas.
  3. If you plan to remove hair from your face, then you will need very little wax for one session. It is more expedient to dwell on granules.

How to use?

Depilation with wax at home is quite simple. Before the first use of a new product, it is worth making a test for the presence of an allergic reaction. A small amount of the warmed compound is applied to the inside of the elbow or wrist. After a couple of minutes, the material can be removed. During the day, you need to monitor the reaction. Its absence on the skin makes it possible to use the product.

The procedure at home will be effective only if the hairs are about 3-7 mm long.

The shorter ones simply will not catch on with the wax and will remain in place after the procedure. If the hairs are longer, the procedure will be much more painful. Additionally, in both cases, the risk of ingrown hairs increases. For a successful procedure, you must first prepare the skin.

  1. A day before depilation, it is worth treating the desired area with a scrub. This will pull the hairs out much more easily.
  2. Before the session itself, you should take a bath or shower with gel. The skin will be steamed and the root removal will be less painful.
  3. After water procedures, the area should be treated with a disinfectant. You can use "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin". This will prevent external infection from penetrating the hair roots.
  4. Lightly sprinkle the skin with talcum powder. As a result, the hairs will rise and be better fixed in the wax. In this case, the material will less adhere to the skin itself, which means that the negative consequences will decrease.

The wax itself must also be prepared for depilation. The required amount of material should be transferred to the wax melter and heated to operating temperature. The latter is indicated on the packaging and depends on the type of wax. And also it can be warmed up in a water bath to the desired temperature. In this case, you will need a thermometer to monitor the state of the hot wax.

Some people believe that the composition can be melted in the microwave. This opinion is wrong. Waves kill the beneficial components of the composition. The wax after this treatment can cause significant damage to the skin.

Moreover, the material will lose absolutely all useful properties.

It is not difficult to apply a warm composition, especially if you use a cartridge material. A spatula should be used to apply granules or tiles. Disposable gloves can be used to replace the instrument, but this method of application is not recommended. Let's analyze the features of waxing in granules or tiles.

  1. A thin layer of the composition is applied to the depilation area. It is better to make a movement towards yourself, regardless of the hairline. For better grip, lightly press down on the spatula. Only at the end can you not press down, so that it is easier to grasp the edge when removing. It is better to apply small sections, no more than 10 cm.
  2. Wait about 10 seconds or as long as indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. During this time, the wax clings to the hairs and becomes covered with a film. You can remove it only when the composition stops sticking to your fingers when touched.
  3. Pull the skin over yourself with one hand and grab one end of the wax strip with the other. Remove material with a sudden movement away from you.
  4. The skin will calm down faster if you put your hand on the treatment site.
  5. Now you can remove the remaining wax from the depilation area. To do this, you can use special napkins or cotton pads moistened with vegetable oil.
  6. Finally, apply a moisturizing cream with a cooling effect to the skin.

The wax in cartridges can only be melted in a special wax melter.

The container is placed inside the device with the roller upward. After warming up, turn the cartridge over for a few seconds to make the composition stack. It is worth noting that it is this material that is recommended for home use, however, it is rather difficult to handle embossed areas of the body with it. Let's take a look at how to properly apply wax in cartridges.

  1. Run the roller over the skin along the hair growth. The thickness of the material should be 2-3 mm. When processing legs, you can make strips up to 10 cm, and when depilation of armpits, bikini zone - up to 5 cm.
  2. After application, it is worth turning the cartridge upside down.
  3. Apply paper or cloth to the wax strip. It is good if it is a couple of centimeters larger than the area of ​​the material on the body.
  4. The paper should be smoothed over the wax and removed with a sharp motion against the growth of the hair.
  5. The depilation process ends in the same way. It is worth removing the remnants of the composition with oil, then apply a soothing cream.

Care after the procedure

During depilation with wax, the skin is damaged and undergoes stress. You can remove all negative consequences with the help of competent care. After 2 days, the depilation area should be treated with a composition that softens the skin and prevents the formation of ingrown hairs. It is recommended to use a moisturizer in the morning and evening after a shower. You can also avoid ingrown hairs with scrubs a couple of times a week.

The first two days after depilation are the most important. If you pay special attention to your skin at this time, then there will be no problems. It is important to adhere to some restrictions during this period.

  1. It is worth refusing to visit open reservoirs, swimming pools and gyms. Otherwise, the infection can enter the body through microcracks in the skin.
  2. You should not be under the sun and visit the solarium. Light sensitivity of the skin is very increased in the first 48 hours after depilation, burns or age spots may appear.
  3. Close items of clothing and underwear should be avoided.The roots of the hairs under external influence can be displaced and will germinate incorrectly.

Also, additional friction will increase skin irritation, rashes and pimples may appear.

Review overview

Girls quite often use film wax to remove excess hair. Products from well-known manufacturers have earned the trust of buyers. Wax is rarely used in tiles, because it is very difficult to find it on sale. To remove hair from the legs and abdomen, girls often use formulations in cartridges.

The roller allows you to conveniently distribute the material over a large area of ​​the body. Sensitive skin owners complain that the material gets too hot until it reaches the right temperature. Sometimes wax is applied too thinly and does not capture all the hairs. It is also difficult to cover delicate parts of the body with a roller.

Granular wax is especially popular. It is easy and pleasant to work with him. The first home sessions allow girls to learn how to apply strips of the optimal thickness, and then they don't even have to think about it. Women assure that the material does not burn the skin even when processing intimate areas.

For information on how to use film wax for depilation, see the next video.

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