Choosing flowers for March 8

The spring holiday on March 8 is a day when the achievements of women are celebrated not only in the social and economic spheres of life. During the existence of the Soviet Union, this holiday also wore a political connotation, and today in Russia a holiday in early spring is a symbol of reverence for female beauty, wisdom, and motherhood. It is no coincidence that this day is always filled with smiles, warm congratulations and flowers.
Choosing a beautiful bouquet to congratulate women at home, in a work or school team is not an easy task. And every year men face the question of what flowers are appropriate to give a woman on March 8.
What flowers are given?
According to the established unspoken tradition, women are usually given spring tulips on March 8. This was the custom in the USSR, so the tulip is perceived as a symbol of this holiday, although in fact it is not. The fact is that different types of tulips are those primroses that are sold in early spring. Tulips come in various shades and fill the counters of shops, stalls, florist shops. The name of this flower first came to mind when mentioning the holiday on March 8 in the Soviet Union. In addition to tulips, it was possible to purchase yellow sprigs of mimosa, brought from the southern regions of the country, as well as expensive and less popular roses or carnations.

However, it was customary to give roses for more significant celebrations, and carnations were associated with May Day or November demonstrations.
Few modern men know that the color of a tulip has a different meaning. For example, red tulips symbolize power, luxury and wealth, while pink flowers represent spirituality, beauty and harmony.Giving flowers to women at all times meant to emphasize their gratitude, love and respect - this is exactly the message the giver puts into his gift.

Presenting a small bouquet of fresh flowers on March 8 has become a good tradition followed by men of all ages and statuses, and women look forward to and rejoice at these gifts, heralds of spring that has come into its own. Today, the spring choice of flowers is much more extensive than in the days of the USSR, so there are many options for a gift: roses and orchids, chamomile and gerbera, lilies, hyacinths, chrysanthemums, and in some cases a spectacular potted plant that will delight the recipient of such a gift for a very long time can become a welcome gift.
Varietal begonia, hibiscus, uzambar violet, miniature rose of Cordana - all these plants will not die after a week, but, on the contrary, will be able to decorate a home or work interior, reminding of a bright holiday and a donor.

When composing festive bouquets, florists adhere to certain rules, from which it follows that it is undesirable to give flowers in a single copy, except for roses, as it looks unaesthetic. For example, multicolored tulips, gerberas, chrysanthemums, daffodils and even mimosa sprigs look more impressive if collected in a composition of several pieces. Moreover, it is allowed to add smaller ones to large flowers, which gives the bouquet a special charm.

Color palette and quantity
According to the ancient philosophy of China, flowers have a special mystical ability, so everything plays an important role in a bouquet - the type of flower, the color of its petals and how many pieces are included in the bouquet. The Russian people have a tradition that only an odd number of flowers can be given, so they buy 3, 5, 7, 9 or more copies as a gift.

Many traditions are associated with the color scheme of colors. Each color carries a special meaning that you need to know when composing a bouquet.
- Red flowers all peoples of the world are strongly associated with love and passion. In addition, red is always in effective harmony with other shades, so florists often use it.

- White flowers considered a symbol of purity and chastity. It is a very versatile color that sets accents in a bouquet, making it especially bright and expressive. Along with white, pink is often used. The combination of white and pink is a symbol of youth and freshness.

- Yellow flowers bear a sad semantic load, since they are considered heralds of separation or betrayal. There is a legend that the sultan gave his beloved scarlet roses, which suddenly turned yellow in his unfaithful woman. However, today few people take such prejudices seriously, so yellow flowers can often be seen in bright floral arrangements.

Marketers have noticed that in retail outlets, it is yellow tulips that are most often purchased, as well as bouquets in which tulips of different color palette are collected - red, pink, white, lilac, yellow shades. In the modern world, yellow flowers began to acquire a shade of officialdom, so they are presented to colleagues.
In addition, yellow is associated with the color of wealth, success, well-being. Pink tulips are a sign of deep sympathy and gratitude, red tulips speak of passion, and purple is a sign of loyalty.

The number of flowers in a bouquet also has its own special symbolism. A flower in the singular is given in the event that with this gesture they want to emphasize the importance of the person to whom this gift is intended. But 5 flowers, collected in a bouquet, are a secret declaration of love - if the chosen one knows the symbolism of floristry, she will be able to understand the love message intended for her without words.
Seven flowers are given to the bride on the wedding day, and 9 elements of the bouquet mean strong friendship and partnership.

How to choose a bouquet?
The choice of flowers as a gift on March 8 must be done in such a way as to express gratitude, love and attention with their help. It is best to give for this holiday those flowers that your loved one loves. These can be bouquets of unusual composition and design, which you will give from the bottom of your heart, and they will surely please the teacher, grandmother, sister or beloved. It is worth noting that only live plants are chosen for a spring gift, since dried flowers are not used for such purposes.
It is necessary to choose flowers taking into account the age of the person being gifted, his status, the degree of kinship and the closeness of the relationship.

For Mom
Relationships with mothers carry warmth, love and boundless tenderness, therefore, delicate shades of white, blue, pink, lilac flowers are chosen for a loved one. The most dear person is presented with a bouquet of roses, daffodils or spring tulips as a sign of attention. It is appropriate on the day of March 8 to give tender chrysanthemums or peonies, a large bouquet of daisies or hyacinths - such plants have the ability to keep a fresh look for a long time in the cut and do not fade in a vase.
By the way, the bouquet will make a more vivid impression if you present it to your mother in an unusual vase. And if mom is a keen florist, she can be presented with an ornamental pot plant that blooms in spring. Such a gift will be welcome and will be able to please mom for a long time.

For mother-in-law
By tradition, blooming chrysanthemums are considered a symbol of the family, so such a gift to the mother-in-law will be appropriate on March 8. A good option would be a bouquet of light-colored roses or noble lilies - these flowers will emphasize your respect and gratitude. And in the language of flowers, the presented bouquet of lilies will compliment female beauty, and also emphasize the purity of your thoughts and intentions.
When choosing a bouquet for a lady of elegant age, you should avoid acquiring flowers of dark shades, as well as rapidly fading plants. To make a woman feel youth and energy, she can be presented with a bouquet of bright pink carnations or fragrant peonies. Such a gift will not leave a woman's heart indifferent and will pay tribute to the eldest woman in the family.

For spouse
Your beloved wife needs to choose the most luxurious bouquet - this will emphasize its importance in your life and pay tribute to the keeper of the hearth. Pink or white lilies, large varieties of chrysanthemums, bright gerberas are suitable as a gift.
If you again want to remind your spouse of your love, it will help you a bouquet of scarlet roses... This royal flower is a symbol of passion, eroticism and romance. If roses seem too ordinary to you, an alternative can be a bouquet of the most delicate eustomas, which will emphasize the tenderness and femininity of your wife and tell her about your quivering feelings.

For family members
On the day of March 8, it is customary to congratulate not only mothers, but also sisters. As a congratulation, you can choose bright, but not as pompous flowers as for mom or grandmother. For an older sister, a bouquet of lilies, daisies or miniature roses will be appropriate. The little sister can be pleased with colorful anemones, white or blue bells, large garden daisies or handsome daffodils. A young niece can be presented with bush mini-roses or tulips with unopened buds, which will emphasize the youth and freshness of the presented relative.

On March 8, you can please your grandmother or aunt with a bouquet of mimosa and daffodils, which will remind you of the warm breeze, radiant sun and spring days. Potted orchids will also be a welcome and appropriate gift in this case.
Such plants will emphasize feminine beauty, exclusivity, and also demonstrate your attention and care.

For girl
Every young man in love strives to please his chosen one with a beautiful bouquet on the 8 March holiday. If you are shy and have not yet told the girl about your romantic feelings, then a bouquet of delicate pink roses will do it for you. And passionate gentlemen with serious intentions give their beloved bright scarlet roses, symbolizing love and passionate feelings.

A gift of pink bush carnations, which will emphasize the youth of the chosen one and tell her about your hope for creating a strong family, will also be appropriate. Pink lilies in combination with roses will emphasize the purity of your feelings and intentions, and also show your respect for the chosen one.

For the boss
For the festive congratulations of the management, you should choose a flower bouquet with special care, since in this matter it is necessary to observe a certain distance and tact. A woman leader is not given small, simple bouquets - it is impolite. A gift for March 8 should look noble and soundly, and it can consist of roses, tulips, gerberas or amaryllis. When choosing these noble and elegant colors, you should know that any palette can be chosen.
You can also please a woman leader with a decorative flowering version of a potted plant.
For example, a bright begonia or chrysanthemum, a miniature rose or a blooming violet, as well as a delicate blue hydrangea can be a good gift - all these flowers represent the sophistication and respect that you want to show with this congratulation.

For colleagues
In every work collective, men traditionally give their female colleagues flower bouquets of mimosa, tulips, daffodils or gerberas. Such gifts are a recognition of female charm, beauty and express the attention of men. A good solution as a modest gift can be a bouquet of blue irises. - modest, but very expressive and elegant colors. Such a gift will not embarrass a colleague in front of colleagues, but it will be able to tell her about your friendly disposition and attention.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a festive bouquet for a loved one, it will be useful to inquire in advance about the woman's preferences. Knowing the tastes of a lady, it is much easier to make her a nice gift that will delight her.
If it is not possible to find out the preferences, you need to focus on the age of the gifted person, as well as the degree of social distance between you.

Which ones cannot be presented?
When choosing a festive bouquet to congratulate a woman, it is important not only to correctly compose a flower arrangement, but also to take into account some of the existing unspoken rules.
- You cannot give artificial flowers no matter how naturalistic and beautiful they are. Such a gift will always be perceived as inappropriate.
- It is not customary to give fresh flowers that have signs of wilting. Such a bouquet will not be able to stand in a vase for a long time and will quickly lose its attractiveness. Flowers should only be fresh - pay attention to the appearance of the petals and leaves.
- The same woman is not given the same bouquet every year, it is a sign of your bad taste and inattention. The only exceptions in this case can be flowers, which the woman loves very much and prefers to all other options.
- Women of elegant age should not be presented with flowers that fade quickly. In addition, you should not present bright red roses, if you are not pursuing the goal of a declaration of love.
- Refuse to buy a bouquet that has been treated with sequins. As a rule, florists resort to this trick when they want to sell stale goods that are losing their fresh appearance.
- Plants with sharp thorns - cacti - are a bad idea for a holiday gift. The only exception is the case when a woman is a collector of varieties of this plant, and she will definitely like such a gift.
In our country, there are some prejudices associated with flowers, so this should also be taken into account in order not to involuntarily offend a woman on a holiday. For example, many ladies are panicky afraid to accept yellow roses, tulips and other flowers of this shade, believing that they will bring them unhappiness in love relationships.
In some cases, it is really better not to take risks and not choose these flowers as a gift. In addition, red carnations should be avoided. It so happened that these flowers are brought to the deceased on the day of the funeral, so such a gift will cause resentment and bewilderment in a woman.
Every woman, regardless of age and social status, loves flowers and is happy when she receives them as a gift from a man. Giving flowers is a pleasant man's duty, which should not be forgotten not only on the 8 March holiday, but also at any other time.
How to make beautiful miniature bouquets for March 8, see the video below.