March 8

Contests and games on March 8

Contests and games on March 8
  1. Intellectual contests
  2. Drinking program
  3. Outdoor games
  4. Entertainment for the matinee
  5. How else can you diversify your holiday?

International Women's Day is celebrated not only by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but also by men. We remember the matinees dedicated to March 8, which were held in kindergarten and at school, then competitions for this day in student years, and what a worthy reason to have a good rest in the work team, celebrating this holiday! And always with contests and games! In our article, we will consider exciting options for celebrating International Women's Day by representatives of different ages and different companies.

Intellectual contests

What can you think of interesting for March 8 for a small adult company? Quizzes, of course! The questions can be the simplest ones, but they require an outstanding answer. Intellectual contests are popular with both students and older people.

For the younger generation (schoolchildren, preschoolers), it is still better to choose more active forms of holding matinees: outdoor games, contests that cause a storm of emotions, both for girls and boys. By the way, an element of intellectuality can also be present in them.

Remember the "Come on, girls" competition, which was held among high school girls in every Soviet school? It was very popular, in it young ladies not only demonstrated their beauty, skills in various matters, but also expressed their intellectual abilities.

So the tradition is very worthy to be remembered.

But back to the women quiz. Of course, it is desirable that only men participate in it, but this is not fundamental. Two teams are created from those present at the holiday, the winner is the one that gets the most points on the basis of the answers to the questions.

  1. In what songs, ditties, the fair half and numbers are mentioned? ("Because for 10 girls, according to statistics, 8 guys ...", "8 girls, one me ..." and others).
  2. What wines have the winemakers named by a woman's name? ("Isabella", "Dunyasha", "Viorica", "Lydia" and so on).
  3. What are the titles of films with the word woman? (You can list many pictures of Soviet, foreign and Russian cinematography, for example: "The beloved woman is a mechanic ...", A lonely woman wants ... ", just" Women "and the like).
  4. What songs that mention female names? (Here, too, you need to give time to think, apart from “At the samovar, I and my Masha” and “Stewardess named Zhanna” there are many songs about Natasha, Tanechka, Alena, Liza and other female names). You can give the participants the opportunity to sing a verse and credit additional points for this.
  5. You can also ask participants to answer questions about plants with female names., about films, novels named only by a woman's name.

Intellectual competitions can be continued with the Contest Women Contest. To conduct it, also divide the audience into teams or ask questions one by one to everyone who wishes to participate in this quiz, and count the points of each.

Here's what you can ask the female "connoisseurs".

  1. Mona Lisa. What's her last name? (Del Gioconda).
  2. What time does a woman become a berry? (At 45).
  3. What is the name of Tanya, who did not become Onegin? (Tatiana Larina).
  4. The famous aunt Charlie. What man is most directly related to her? (The role was played by Alexander Kalyagin).
  5. What is the goddess of flowers? (Flora).
  6. Where is the flying hospital located? (There is a stork under the sky.)
  7. What secrets do the ladies keep collectively? (Secrets).
  8. What do men eat (up to 15 kg in their life) from what women use? (Pomade).
  9. What kind of shoes did Cinderella wear? (Sabo).
  10. The first woman in every man's life? (Everyone will say mom is actually a midwife).

Questions are drawn up depending on the company, it can be with a humorous tone, you can delve into more complex things that make you think logically. Mind competition involves a quieter environment and an environment in which to focus.

Drinking program

Cheerful, interesting, funny contests at the table are the success of any holiday, and if the event is held at home, where the whole family - parents and children, takes part, then everything should be fun and perky. Someone in the family must take on the role of the organizer of the holiday and prepare a comic original program.

You can do the following: give each family member and guests, if any, cards with a special task. In them, indicate what everyone should do during a festive dinner, in other words, how to behave at the table.

For example, Give someone the phrase "I'm sorry for the bird" and let him repeat it periodically throughout the entire feast, and let the other constantly ask a neighbor, who is he? The third participant can always convince everyone that Armenian brandy is the best brandy in the world, it’s just a pity that he doesn’t drink and add to others.

Children, so that they are not bored, need to be puzzled by adult roles. For example, invite them to become a mom or dad for the time of the feast and keep order, at this time let the parents be children. From the outside it is very fun to watch how children and parents copy each other.

Competitive drinking program can be with game elements. This is especially true for large companies. For example, at a corporate event dedicated to March 8th, colleagues will be happy to play with each other.

Nothing brings adult strangers closer together than various games and joint assignments.

  1. Tie a bow together, thus becoming one whole. Hands are tied to the couple, which touch and give a bag with ribbons.Each has one hand free: one has the left, the other has the right. This is how you need to do the task. For more enthusiasm, you can have several pairs of colleagues doing this at the same time.
  2. In another competition, work partners should present that they like each other. Tell them to take a closer look at each other, and then invite them to turn away sharply and ask tricky questions such as the color of the buttons (eyes, hair, lipstick, etc.), the presence of a wedding ring on the left hand, earrings in their ears, and so on. It is interesting to watch the participants take the attentiveness test.
  3. The following task does not pass without humor: the man is blindfolded and given a handbag. He must take out the contents and say what kind of object he found and why the lady needs it. For imagery, you can put a carrot or cucumber, a car brush, a bar of laundry soap, and so on in a bag.
  4. Offer ladies to write an ad on a dating site. Let the women shower themselves with compliments in it, but in addition to describing their external data, invite them to indicate in the announcement several unknown facts about their person. The winner will be the lady with more men voting for her announcement.
  5. The best sniffer can be identified at the table. Various objects are tied on the ropes, or they are simply brought to the nose of the participant who is blindfolded. He is not allowed to touch the object with his hands, but only through the sense of smell to determine what kind of object is in front of him. Here, let's sniff anything. You can not be limited to fruits and salads, but take, for example, perfume, cream, toothpaste.

As a rule, during these games and contests, people “fall” from their chairs laughing. Isn't this the main goal of any feast?

Outdoor games

Well, and where without outdoor games, especially if you decide to celebrate International Women's Day, for example, in a club where there is a lot of space. Games can be team games with sports elements or light movements.

A company that is actively having a rest at a corporate party can be offered a dance with a mop. Women and men enter the dance floor (there should be one more men), incendiary music is turned on and everyone must actively move to it.

When she is suddenly interrupted, every man must "grab" a lady for himself. Whoever did not get a partner is handed a mop, and here he must demonstrate all his tender feelings and passionately dance with the mop. The company will still have that joke, especially if you come across a merry fellow and a daredevil in this role!

By the way, you can dilute the whole evening with such short improvisations. Another of the dance collective entertainment can be offered to the participants of the celebration to dance to the song "There was a birch tree in the field." For this, 2 teams will also be needed, handkerchiefs should be distributed to all dancers.

It is especially interesting to watch the movements of men in this dance. The winner is the team whose performance will look the most harmonious. If the hall is large and there are those who want to move more actively, you can arrange various relay races. Adults remember their young years with pleasure and participate in them, of course, if the outfit allows.

Entertainment for the matinee

Matinees, as a rule, are held not only for the participants themselves, but also for the audience, and therefore in its program a certain part is given to working with the audience. Moreover, mothers and grandmothers are specially invited to the matinee dedicated to March 8th.

To entertain such an audience, you can offer to play the best traditional games, or you can come up with something of your own, new. Original and interesting contests and games will be able to liberate, unite and cheer up all the participants of the event.

For girls

Laughing girls are invited to participate in the "Ha-ha" competition. Participants form a circle, one of them begins the competition with the pronunciation of the syllable "ha". The next one is already saying "ha-ha", the next one is "ha-ha-ha" and so on.

At the same time, all the participants make their "speech" with a very serious look, and without adding anything more from themselves, except for the required number of syllables.

The game will end when one of the girls giggles, because at that moment the rest of the laughing participants, and everyone in the hall, will support her.

This competition brings a lot of positive emotions to both the participants and the fans. Girls, as future housewives, can be offered to perform a number of actions that any woman performs daily at speed and quality.

In this case, you cannot do without props. You will need dolls, undershirts, baby clothes and dishes with pots and pans, toy carriages for children to ride (dolls), a broom with a scoop, and so on. Well, depending on the prepared items, determine the "housewives" list of tasks that must be completed at speed and within a certain time.

Next, identify the princess and the pea. Install several chairs in the room, put a stack of newspapers on them and hide a ball under only one of the stacks. The girls take turns sitting on chairs, determining where the "pea" is.

Now invite the Cinderella girls to the ball. Divide them into two teams and give each team a pair of large overshoes (can be replaced with oversized men's shoes). The task of each participant in such shoes is to run to the leading prince, take off their galoshes and run back to betray them to the next Cinderella.

Those Cinderella who will attend the ball faster than their rivals will win. Well, in conclusion, you can try on a shoe. Here you can improvise what is called "in the course of the play", involving the participants in the hall: mothers and grandmothers. However, separate contests can be held for these lovely and dear ladies.

For mothers and grandmothers

What do most retired grandmothers do? That's right, she knits. So they choose from the audience a grandmother who knows how to knit, ask her to turn away from a live impromptu "ball" and after the participants are well entangled among themselves, holding hands, the grandmother is asked to untangle such a dense "ball". Everything would be fine, but it is necessary to untangle it without breaking the thread.

You can invite several knitters to the stage at the same time, if each of them has enough "balls"... If not, then complete the task for a while and determine the winner by the best result. A very exciting competition for adults and children.

Mothers or grandmothers can be invited to demonstrate their knowledge of cooking.

Naturally, these contests should be held with closed eyes, if, for example, you have to determine by touch what is poured in glasses: soda, powdered sugar, starch, salt, sugar, semolina, millet, rice, buckwheat, and the like.

Alternatively, you can put a fork in your hands and only with the help of it determine which of the fruits and vegetables is in front of the contestants on the table: orange, onion, lemon, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, cucumber. To mislead, add exotic foods like avocado, mango, pineapple, and more. The winner is the mother or grandmother who gets the most points (for each guessed answer - 1 point).

How else can you diversify your holiday?

You can diversify the holiday with creative ideas. For example, invite adults to play mom and baby. 2-3 women choose their babies from among the men and begin to feed the newborns.

For this, they are given baby bottles and not necessarily only with baby food. The bottle can contain beer, lemonade, juice, even lemon. The main thing is to calculate the rate so as not to harm the health and general condition of the "kids".

By the way, for a more complete picture, babies are tied with bibs, caps and diapers are put on them. The winner is the mother who managed to feed her hungry "baby" the fastest. If the participants get into the role, it will be a funny show.

The following competition turns out to be no less banned and unusual: the players are divided into pairs (man and woman). The role of women is to stand still, pretend to be a "lady of the heart" and wait for their beloved. And men, accompanied by the words of the song “I will drive the bike for a long time,” on children's tricycles, roam around an impromptu meadow and collect a bouquet for their loved ones.

The winner is the one who quickly returns to his beloved and gives her a bouquet, collected from the "back meadows". To do this, flowers are either scattered across the floor, or they are placed on chairs at the opposite end of the hall.

You can play the announcer. This game is suitable for all ages.

The participants are offered a warm-up before the performance - this is what the announcers on radio television do before the airs: they pronounce tongue twisters.

For example, here are the following phrases for quick pronunciation:

  • the wasp has not a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache;
  • Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying;
  • coconut cooks cook coconut juice in a quick-cooker;
  • the Greek rode across the river, sees the Greek cancer in the river, thrust the Greek hand into the river - cancer by the Greek's hand!

You can choose any tongue twisters. Such a competition enlivens the participants of the celebration, it is also suitable for children's entertainment, teenagers, as well as adult parties. Each company can have fun due to its age characteristics.

This must be taken into account when organizing a holiday. And if we are talking about women's day - March 8, do not forget that the focus should be on the beautiful half of humanity: girls, girls, women.

Be sure to include in the program the competition for the best compliment, the best quatrain or declaration of love, the most passionate kiss (take into account the age of the participants), find out through the competition who is the most gallant knight, the most beautiful princess, and so on. All this day for lovely ladies and for their sake.

For five verified contests for March 8, see the next video.

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