1942 - the year of what animal and what is typical for its representatives?

A person's life can be influenced not only by his zodiac sign, but also by the astrological features of the year of his birth. Therefore, it is worth finding out which animal patronized in 1942 and what is typical for the representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar.

As you know, the eastern calendar provides three characteristics for each year: color, element and animal. For 1942, the set of these characteristics looks like this:
- color - blue;
- element - Water;
- animal - Horse.
Thus, 1942 was the year of the Blue Water Horse in the Chinese horoscope. It should be borne in mind that every animal in Asian astrology also belongs to one of the elements, and for a horse this element is Fire. Water extinguishes Fire, and such a combination is considered unfavorable, which affects both the success of the year (which for the entire planet was the height of the Second World War, which brought millions of victims), and the character of people born under this sign.
The eastern calendar differs from the Gregorian, and the date of the beginning of 1942 was 02/15/1942, and it ended on 02/04/1943.People born before February 15, 1942, in terms of the eastern calendar, astrologically refer to 1941, while those born before February 4, 1943 - by 1942.

The combination of Water and Fire, on the one hand, endowed the representatives of 1942 with a set of unique qualities, and on the other hand, led to the emergence of some not very favorable traits. Those born under the sign of the Blue Water Horse are characterized by the following basic character traits:
- intuition and wisdom;
- the ability to adapt to change;
- love for new sensations;
- a penchant for creativity;
- affectionateness;
- purposefulness;
- optimism and a sense of humor;
- energy;
- selfishness;
- disobedience;
- low self-esteem;
- emotionality, turning into impulsivity and even hot temper.

This nature allows the Blue Water Horses achieve success in any field of activity. They should always be in the spotlight, communicate with a large number of new people and participate in all important events. Therefore, the most favorable professions for them will be:
- artist;
- journalist;
- writer;
- teacher;
- linguist;
- Sales Manager;
- travel agent;
- blogger;
- pilot, sailor, driver (and other professions related to transport and travel).

Blue Water Horses make good leaders and representatives of free professions, but they do not really like to carry out other people's orders. For success in the chosen area, it is important for Horses to be patient and not succumb to momentary impulses that appear after the first failures.
When dealing with such people, you need to remember their emotionality and try to treat them with respect and affection. - and then they will surround you with their care, involve you in a hurricane of new and interesting events and help you achieve success. Do not forget to praise the Horses for their achievements, otherwise their optimism can quickly turn to disappointment.
When Horses lead a normal life, they are in good health. But excessive passion for what they love and constant stress can quickly deplete their body. In romantic relationships, these people are gentle, but prone to adventures and frequent changes of partners.

For all people born under the sign of the Horse, the following are considered happy:
- numbers 2, 3, 7 and their combinations (for example, numbers 37 or 723);
- 5 and 20 days of any month of the Chinese lunar calendar;
- the fourth, ninth and twelfth months of the same calendar;
- green and yellow colors;
- calla and jasmine flowers;
- east, west and southwest directions.

Features by zodiac signs
In addition to the year of birth, his zodiac sign also has a great influence on a person's character and life.
- Aries - the fire element in such people becomes even stronger, due to which the energy, intuition, impulsiveness and egoism characteristic of the Horse are greatly enhanced. But in relationships with the opposite sex, such people are more prone to permanence.

- Taurus - the combination of Fire, Water and Earth in such people makes them more creative, resilient and purposeful. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting touchiness and rancor.

- Twins - in such people, Air is added to Fire and Water, which makes them more frivolous and inclined to amusement. But they are excellent speakers and endowed with fearlessness that grows into heroism.

- Cancers - in them, Water dominates over Fire, due to which they are characterized by the desire for comfort, hard work and excellent imagination. The main disadvantage is an increased tendency to self-delusion, which can turn into depression.

- a lion - The fire in such Horses is even stronger than in those born under the sign of Aries. Leo Horses are bold, impatient, self-confident and always strive for leadership.

- Virgo - adding Earth to the unstable combination of Fire and Water makes the Virgo Horse the most emotionally stable and practical of all humans born in 1942. Thanks to this, they become wonderful family men.

- scales - such people usually have a refined nature and a heightened sense of beauty, thanks to which they become successful artists, artists or fashion designers.

- Scorpion - the selfishness and vindictiveness of this sign find "fertile soil" in the unstable nature of aquatic Horses. But those who listen to them and respect them are treated even better by such people than Horses born under other signs.

- Sagittarius - The doubled power of Fire makes the Sagittarius Horses very purposeful and optimistic, but at the same time prone to rash actions.

- Capricorn - due to the influence of the Earth, such water Horses are distinguished by a rational mind, hard work and a tendency to a quiet and calm family life.

- Aquarius - the influence of Air in such natives of 1942 makes them the owners of excellent intuition and innate wisdom, but the purposefulness inherent in Fire in them is extinguished, which makes it difficult for them to bring their ideas to the end.

- Fishes - Water in them dominates Fire, which is why such people perfectly adapt to changes, are pleasant to talk to and constantly need the support of family members.

- The most favorable partners for the Horse will be representatives of the Year of the Tiger or Goat.
- Horses go well with people born in the year of the Pig.
- Horses can develop good friendships with Snakes, but the romantic relationship of these two signs can be fraught with problems.
- Horses have a difficult relationship with people born in the years of the Rabbit, Monkey, Dog and Dragon.
- Finally, Horses have the least prosperous relationships with other Horses, Rats, Bulls and Roosters.

The description and characteristics of people born in the year of the Horse is given below.