1947 - the year of which animal and what features does it have?

People have been striving to find out their fate since ancient times. This was one of the reasons for the appearance of many horoscopes. For many centuries, the oriental was considered the most accurate, therefore it is easier to “read” a person from it. To do this, you just need to know the year of his birth.

general information
1947 in the Chinese or Eastern calendar is considered the year of the Fire Pig. The people who appeared at this time and were "taken care of" by this animal are distinguished by their kindness, sincerity, riskiness, and also straightforwardness. You can always rely on them in any situation, because they are capable of self-sacrifice. These people are vulnerable and vulnerable, while they are able to feel any mood of their interlocutor.
For this they are greatly appreciated and loved. In addition, thanks to such a sincere character, the Pigs have many friends who are also ready to come to their aid at any time.

But at the same time by their love of truth, such people make many enemies for themselves. If a person in their presence begins to be cunning or hypocritical, then the Pigs become simply helpless in front of them.
A general description cannot tell everything about people born in 1947. Therefore, it is worth considering separately both women and men who were born at this time.
The first impression of such a man is always good. When meeting, it seems that this is a very calm and kind person. For many, such a person even looks a little phlegmatic. But this impression can be deceiving, because in fact Pigs are very bright and passionate personalities.
The Pig man is very impatient. If the business he has begun does not work out, he can leave it halfway.Therefore, most often such people are in a continuous search for themselves and their place under the sun. At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex, born in 1947, love to live beautifully, and for the sake of their real dream they are ready to move mountains.
Besides a man is demanding of close people and of himself, and especially of his second half.

If his expectations are not met, then he is very disappointed. With those who are simply surrounded by him, but do not cause much interest, Pigs are always kind.
Sometimes so much so that others begin to use this quality. But do not consider them harmless - Pigs do not tolerate deception and are ready to avenge lies and betrayal.
If we talk about relationships with girls, then such a man is always looking for passionate and temperamental persons. He is also attracted by beauty. He can find an approach to any girl he likes. In order to achieve the chosen lady, he will spare no money, no effort, no time. By nature, the Pig man is very jealous. He will control his wife in everything.

As for women, they, first of all, humble and quiet. It is always pleasant and easy to communicate with them. They are ready to help in any situation, give the right advice or just sympathize. For the sake of people close to them, they are ready to give everything that they have.
Despite such a quiet nature, if necessary, such women or girls can become both bold and decisive. Pig women are very loyal to family and friends and I demand the same from others. In the event of deception or betrayal, they become tough and even vengeful. They are ready to sweep away everything in their path until they punish the culprit. Their whole life is a struggle for justice. Therefore, many women go into politics, because in order to achieve their goals, they are able to go to great lengths.

By nature, such women are too temperamental, therefore, a life partner should be appropriate. A man must be emotional and compliment them every day.
Besides, in such a relationship, you cannot do without a share of romance. The downside can be considered some closeness of such girls. They always wait for the first step from a man and do not ask for help first. Therefore, the partner of such a lady must have a good intuition.
Another important point - Pigs do not tolerate routine and lack of vivid emotions in a relationship. If the passion passes, then the woman immediately breaks off the relationship. For this reason, she changes her partners very often. This attitude towards life often makes Pigs lonely. But mothers turn out to be very good from them. Although sometimes they get too caring. Even when the children grow up, mothers continue to take care of them, which prevents them from becoming independent. For the Pig, the house is a place where you can always hide from various troubles.

A family
In family relationships, Fire Pigs are patient and magnanimous, moreover, they try to protect all family members. The partner always feels care and love. However, some simply use such qualities of their half and betray their loved ones.
If this happens, the Pig will worry about what happened for a long time and try to somehow come to terms with the situation. In some cases, even depression is possible.
Such people choose their soul mate for too long. The ideal person for them will be someone to whom they can come with their problems or just cry. But if feelings arise even for a not quite suitable partner, then the Pig will do everything to make anyone happy and provide him with an ideal family life.

Such people are not at all afraid to work, so career growth is simply provided for them. Most often, the work should be associated with creativity or art. Since they are too conscientious, they most likely will not need money.

For the sake of a loved one, the Fire Pig can do absolutely everything, because his family comes first.
- With a rat marriage will be great if they are comfortable with all aspects of the relationship. At the same time, a real spark between a husband and wife may not slip through - it is enough for them to suit each other as individuals.
- And here with the Bull love is possible until death. After all, both partners have a quiet and very calm character, always and in everything they support each other.
- Tiger will teach the Pig to live correctly, as is customary in society.
- Union with Rabbit can become ideal, because their hobbies coincide in almost everything.
- The Dragon can give the Pig an impetus for spiritual development, but passion in such an alliance is out of the question.
- From Snakes It is better for the pig to stay away, as she can take advantage of her kindness and gullibility.
- Partnership can be a great alliance Horses and Pigs. But this option is only possible if the former is not too selfish.
- Many positive aspects can be seen in alliance with Sheep... Both partners strive for a comfortable life and have similar life values.
- If the Pig turns a blind eye to fads Monkey, then such a marriage can be considered normal.
- If Rooster will show nobility in relation to the Pig, such an alliance is also possible.
- But the most durable marriage can be A dog.
- If both Pig partners, then the relationship is most often friendly. In family life, there can be frequent disputes.

To summarize, we can say that people born in 1947 have more positive qualities. In addition, they easily divert attention from their shortcomings, surrounding loved ones with care and warmth. Pigs are kind and sweet people who will do anything for the sake of their loved ones and relatives.
About what fate awaits people born in the year of the Pig, see below.