1949 - the year of what animal and what is characteristic for it?

The Eastern or Chinese calendar is usually called the lunar calendar of animals. According to him, the new year begins during the second new moon, when the winter solstice ends (from January 21 to February 21). The coming year in this system is patronized by one of 12 animals. According to legend, it is believed that it was they who came to say goodbye to the dying Buddha, and for this act he granted each of them one year of rule.

general information
According to the eastern horoscope, the patron animal of 1949 is the Bull. This is the second sign of the 12-year cycle of the eastern lunar calendar.... Its element - Earth, according to the established canon for the Chinese calendar.
The color of the element of a given year of birth will be yellow and its shades.

All people born in the Year of the Earth Bull (from January 29, 1949 to February 16, 1950) are characterized by a conservative approach to solving important issues, they get used to changes for a long time. These are purposeful individuals, going ahead to the implementation of their plans. People born in 1949 are amazingly efficient, determined and demanding.
Unsurprisingly, they often win victories and deserve the respect of colleagues and friends. They like to be bosses, to lead people. Despite their hot temper, cruelty and cynicism, they are fair, fearless and open.

Depending on gender, people born in the year of the Earth Ox have the following qualities and character traits.
These are representatives of the stronger sex with outstanding analytical skills. They can always objectively assess the situation and make the right decision. Thanks to these abilities, men born under the sign of the Ox, often become leaders and organizers. They love to master new knowledge and skills, self-development.
They value strong family relationships and home comfort, but overprotect children.

It is impossible to offend and subdue these women, they stubbornly and persistently pursue their goal. The fair sex, born in the year of the Earth Ox, are respected by colleagues at work, they are excellent leaders. Often they show creativity. They are charming, gentle and loyal partners, it is pleasant to communicate with them.
They find their happiness in family life, but their career also plays an important role for them.

Combination with astrological signs of the zodiac
In order to understand why people born in the year of the Earth Ox are sometimes so different from each other, one should also refer to the zodiacal characteristics of people born in 1949.
- Ox-Aries. These are self-confident people who are rapidly moving towards their goal, capable of conquering one peak after another. They are energetic, truthful, ambitious. These are very independent individuals who sometimes need to accept the help of other people. In a loving relationship, they are always leaders. Ox-Aries is a wonderful family man and tirelessly cares about the well-being of his home and its inhabitants.

- Ox-Taurus. Such a person is very stubborn, as he is a "squared" bull. These are purposeful and freedom-loving people.
Ox-Taurus is often not flexible enough in communication with others and does not listen to their opinion. But they are very reliable, loyal and always helpful friends. In love, he needs a soul mate who will never betray, and then he will do everything to surround this person with tenderness and care.

- Ox-Gemini. Friendly and sociable people with bullish tenacity and hard work. They work a lot, but at the same time they always find time for fun and active rest. In companies, they easily make useful contacts and use them for career purposes. They are very attractive personalities for the opposite sex with powerful energy. In love, Gemini Bulls are jealous owners.

- Ox-Cancer. Emotionality and sensuality of Cancer in symbiosis with the stubbornness of the Bull give a person the ability to surround himself with comfortable conditions for life. This applies to both things and loved ones. Ox-Cancer is a vulnerable and emotional nature with a changeable mood. For family life, he very responsibly chooses the other half and does not dare to marry for a long time. Appreciates warmth in relationships and mutual understanding.

- Ox-Leo. Such a person has magnetic power over other people. He is proud, courageous and has a strong character. The ability to fascinate others often allows the Ox-Leo to easily organize people in any field of activity. These personalities are very attractive to the opposite sex, but they are in no hurry to get married, as they are looking for a single person for life. They value an erudite partner who has a positive outlook on the world.

- Ox-Virgo. They are perfectionists who love perfection in everything. A bull born under the sign of Virgo will ideally do any job, but he expects the same from his environment. Sometimes it is difficult for close people from such perseverance and self-confidence, but such a person always has a wonderful home and a good job.
They are not lovers of fleeting romances. For a long time they choose a person with whom they will create a real strong family.

- Ox-Libra. Such people are an example of a whole and harmonious personality. They are pleasant on the outside, excellent companions, and have creative abilities. In addition, the Ox-Libra does not like rudeness and always looks for compromises, thanks to this, such people usually have a wide circle of friends. In love, despite their softness and tenderness, they are very picky. People in love with them can have friendly relations for a long time.

- Ox-Scorpio... This is an emotional, but hiding nature. They are persistent, purposeful and do not know obstacles in their path.Ideal as friends: fair, responsible, conscientious, but do not try to acquire such an enemy. In a love relationship, he is straightforward and loves specifics. If he meets with someone for a long time, it means that he is definitely aimed at creating a family.

- Ox-Sagittarius. Such a person is friendly and peaceful, does not like quarrels and conflicts, very sociable and benevolent. Others appreciate him for wise decisions, but he can sometimes be unceremonious. In anger, he is scary, so you should not infuriate him, but he does not hold a grudge against the offenders for a long time. He is romantic and optimistic in dealing with the opposite sex. From the Bull, born under the sign of Sagittarius, you get an ideal family man, you never get bored with him.

- Ox-Capricorn. Very tenacious and incredibly motivated individuals. Ambitious and setting more and more new goals, they know exactly what they need. Bulls-Capricorns have few friends due to their exactingness and categorical nature. In love, he is looking for a second half, who can be both a friend, and a loved one, and a like-minded person. Often these relationships begin with an office romance and end with a joint family business.

- Ox-Aquarius. These are people who have both creativity and a clear mind. The combination of the logic of the Ox and the extravagance of Aquarius ultimately gives a sociable, non-standard personality with bright thinking. Such persons enjoy authority with those around them. They attract everyone's attention in every area of life.
A joint union with such a person is not so simple, but insanely interesting, he is an empathetic and romantic partner.

- Ox-Pisces. Fragile and vulnerable people, although outwardly they seem very confident and unflappable. They prefer to be secretive, but they are intelligent and understanding interlocutors. We are always ready to listen and express our opinion. It is difficult to make new acquaintances and do not like flirting. In love, Bulls-Pisces need a person who can open their souls.

Interesting facts about those born in the year of the Ox await you further.