1951 - the year of which animal and what are its characteristics?

Astrologers call the period from February 6, 1951 to January 26, 1952 according to the Eastern calendar differently: Silver Rabbit, Metal Rabbit, Metal Hare and even Cat. We will tell you about the character traits of people born in this period.
general characteristics
The cat (Rabbit) has the ability to painlessly land on its paws after falling from a height. Other characteristic features of this sign: straightforwardness, a keen sense of justice, the ability to set goals. At the same time, Silver Rabbits are naturally friendly and responsive to other people's problems. According to the eastern calendar, they are quite soft, sensitive, and charismatic enough to achieve success in their careers.

With the same probability you can meet both the Silent Rabbit and the easy-going Hare.
However, closed representatives have a vulnerable spot: some people have a quiet person to themselves in order to subsequently use his attention for selfish purposes.
People of this year of birth prefer a calm constructive conversation to a dispute in a raised voice, they are not inclined to show aggression. However, in difficult situations, Metal Hares are capable of heroic deeds.
People born in 1951 have a delicate taste, most often dress elegantly and exhibit good manners. However, they are quite dependent on the environment, and if the Metal Rabbit grew up in a hostile environment with many scandals, he can become unsociable, getting used to closing himself from open conflict.At the same time, such people are prone to introspection, self-improvement, therefore, they are able to work through their traumas over time and harmonize relations with themselves and the world around them.

Gender characteristics
The characteristics of a person's character are influenced not only by the year of birth according to the Chinese calendar, the sign of the zodiac, the environment, but also by gender. Of course, Cats for women and Cats for men have similar personal characteristics, for example, prudence, sensitivity, calm disposition. However, gender largely determines the areas of manifestation of these qualities and the ways of expression.
Women born in the year of this animal prefer to keep their distance and do not like to expand their social circle. They prefer a quiet evening in a cafe or at home to a crowded noisy place.
They have sufficient endurance, however, they do not forgive serious mistakes, for example, betrayal.
Often these women make excellent cooks and designers, they are inclined to creative searches, however, because of this, they may be in the process of "wandering" from one hobby to another for too long. In their search for themselves, they will not risk their usual comfort and overload themselves.

Such men are distinguished by conservatism, because the very nature of the Rabbits is quite simple.
But do not consider them boring, as it might seem at first glance. Behind the external simplicity, a multifaceted, judicious personality can be hidden, to which you can find your own approach.
Silver Cats are wonderful suitors who can surprise a lady on a date when she will not expect a surprise at all. Do not abuse the patience of such a man. If you often try to provoke him to negative reactions, he will rush to get rid of the relationship.

In addition, such men quickly see through constant "friendly" requests for help, because they know how to subtly feel the characters of people.
Such people are very empathic, a spiritual connection with a partner is important to them. The most important thing in a relationship for them is a sense of security and comfort. Since Rabbits are reasonable enough, they will not throw words to the wind, therefore partners consider them reliable people. At the same time, Cats tend to give unsolicited advice, which can cause hostility from others.

Silver Cats are passionate lovers, although in life they are almost always calm. They behave cautiously with strangers because of their characteristic distrust. Therefore, the boastful character of the Rooster, the cunning of the Snake and the pressure of the Bull will not suit the Cat as a partner. The strongest emotional connection can be created with the Goat, Pig and Dog.
If you want to build a strong relationship with your Cat, build mutual respect and trust with him.
Prepare to endure some of the whims of the Hares: they are quite pedantic, most often they like order both in the house and in relationships. Hares are often dependent on the opinions of others, therefore they are not capable of eccentric actions. Don't expect them to take an unexpected journey at the first call.

Work and finance
Cats are very responsible and diligent, therefore they are able to achieve the respect of the team and a high position. However, due to excessive loyalty and quick-wittedness, they will hardly be able to become successful leaders and businessmen who are able to show strength of character in time.
But such employees are disposed to well-coordinated teamwork, they will be able to build a dialogue with the most difficult client.
Rabbits are energetic, but patient, therefore, they are able to realize themselves both in socially oriented spheres of activity (managers, consultants, journalists) and in areas requiring perseverance (secretary, designer, programmer).

At work, such a person will not go over their heads, but will prefer to work honestly than he can win the respect of the team.... Thanks to common prudence, such people know how to correctly distribute finances, and thanks to patience, they are able to wait for the right moment for a successful investment of money.However, they may not have the courage to participate in large-scale projects.

You will learn more about people born at this time by watching the following video.