1955 - the year of what animal and what does it mean?

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, 1955 corresponds to zodiac sign Sheep (Goat), its primary element - Wood... In our article we will talk about what character traits people born during this period of time possess, how to communicate and be friends with them.

General characteristics of people born in 1955
According to the Chinese horoscope, the Sheep has a peaceful disposition, the characteristics of the animal initially suggest generosity and openness. According to the eastern calendar, the sign interacts with the energies of the Earth and Wood, which reflect stability and creation. By the type of personality, the Sheep is a peacemaker, the motto for her can be the saying: "I love."
It is a mistake to believe that people born in the year of the Sheep should exhibit all the qualities of this primary element, but it is the energy of the Tree, corresponding to this sign of the zodiac, that will play the main role. The person who appeared in the year of the Goat (Sheep) is an optimistic, sociable and generous nature.
- The goat has a gentle character, she is patient, does not always defend her point of view, can follow the lead of others, but she will never accept betrayal and injustice. In the company, he knows how to maintain a conversation, the Goat has a good sense of humor.
- Often attacked by the Oxbeing of a peaceful nature, diligently avoids conflict situations, tries to resolve them through negotiations, believes that a bad peace is better than a good quarrel. Avoids adventures, fears change, starting repairs for her is like death.
- Is a good conversationalist with the makings of a psychologist, has the ability to listen, it is a pleasure to communicate with her.He painfully transfers criticism to himself, does not have enough character to resist, rarely defends his beliefs, preferring to keep silent.
- Outwardly resigned to an unsuccessful attempt, the Sheep will never give up on his plan and with the help of various tricks he will gradually achieve his goal, using the “water wears away the stone” method. The neighborhood of the Dragon can sometimes play a bad joke: such people in anger can lose control of themselves, which they later regret very much.
- Many would like to see the Sheep among their friends, next to her, people are liberated and spread out everything that is sore, warmth and understanding emanate from her. She is sincerely ready to share the last thing she has.
- For the most part, nature is modest and impressionable, The sheep dreams of seeing an ally with a strong character next to him, whom he can trust and cry into his vest. Many abuse the Sheep's generosity, so she has very little time for herself. The elements Earth and Wood are her main patrons.
She can not stand loneliness, often a vacation for her does not become a joyful event. Can become a good journalist, TV presenter, radio announcer.

- The ideal of a woman for him is his mother, he does not see any flaws in her, therefore relationships with any woman are almost doomed from the beginning. He sincerely tries to be gentle and attentive to his partner, but does not "rush into the pool with his head," because he does not feel deep feelings inside himself, this is not given to him.
- Shuns the marriage bond, this is a cat that walks by itself: when it wants, it comes, when it wants it, it leaves. Not too trusting, in the depths of his soul secrets are hidden that no one will know about. Wonders why friends do not share his ideas about family life.
- He is an energetic person with ambitious plans for the future., he does not understand what depression is, it is never boring to be around him. Does any work with high quality, conscientiously - this is an innate character trait of the Man of the Tree.
- Although unable to truly bond with her partner, always treats her with respect and reverence, patiently listens to her opinion, although then he does everything in his own way. Sometimes he tries to understand who he is and why he is here, but his energetic nature does not give him time to delve into the meaning of life for a long time.

- Appreciates freedom and independence, the example of married friends does not inspire her to create a family union, she prefers a career to marriage. She does not throw promises, trying not to create unnecessary problems for herself, she fulfills her obligations in good faith, since honesty and decency are first in the list of her basic qualities of nature.
- Not a single important event is ignored, provides information to the entire yard team of pensioners, for which he enjoys great authority among them. There should always be an admirer-admirer next to a woman, she likes the feeling of power over him, but nothing more.
- Addicted nature, chooses men with good looks, falls in love at first sight. When the realization comes that there is nothing behind the external data of the partner, the connection is easily cut off. She likes to dream of a prince more than to be close to him, a weak-willed man will never become her partner.
- These women are most often lonely., they live by the principle "it is better to be alone than with just anyone." Work is the main meaning of their life, and vacation is perceived more as a punishment, and not as a rest. At the same time, a woman of this type will sacrifice her career and everything for the sake of her beloved person and family, if only she meets her real half.

Compatibility of primary elements creates balance, incompatibility creates chaos. In the same way, energies affect the lives of people. Each person contains all 5 primary elements, which have different degrees of activity.The interaction of energies according to the principle of duality forms harmony in relationships, the mismatch of the elements causes discord in the family.

A man and a woman born in 1955 is the case when the two halves found each other. They are united by many common interests, both are supporters of outdoor activities, adore summer travel, and go skiing together on winter weekends. Colleagues speak well of them, the bosses are not overjoyed at them, they sincerely worry about the failures of others and are always ready to help.
The inevitable disagreements in their relationship are smoothed out in a playful manner, these are those married couples in which the spouses cannot live a day apart. Usually they celebrate a diamond wedding, as they treat each other with care.

Distinctive features of the zodiac signs
Not only the year of birth and the distinctive features of the animal corresponding to it have an impact on the formation of character in a person - it is also important in what month and date a person was born, and the signs of the zodiac are responsible for this.
- Aries... As you know, goats are very stubborn, which can be said about the representatives of this year. However, sheep are not devoid of this quality, therefore the Goat-Aries is stubbornness squared. In addition, Aries loves to be in the thick of things, does not accept boring monotony. Sociability, optimistic attitude, lack of arrogance - all this makes Aries the favorites of others.
- Taurus... This representative is distinguished by special elegance, charm, prefers to live calmly, stably, and comfortably. He tries to avoid conflicts, emotional upheavals, adventures, and competitions, as they can disturb his even, measured life. But do not think that Goat-Taurus is a bore. No, he is an interesting person who loves to communicate and make friends, help others, see the positive in the world around him.
- Twins... This person is very unpredictable. The actions that he sometimes commits can confuse even those who have known him since childhood. Major quarrels and conflicts will help to avoid a sensitive attitude towards the representative of the zodiac sign. However, his mood can change several times a day, which not every ally, partner or friend can withstand.
- Cancer... Kind, sweet, humble, compassionate, hardworking - all these adjectives perfectly describe the representative of this sign. In addition, he will not leave anyone in trouble and will not hold a grudge for a long time.
- a lion... A proud person who has a contradictory character, because of which she herself suffers. The constant internal struggle sometimes prevents Leo from performing important, serious actions that would change his life for the better.
- Virgo... In late summer - early autumn, people were born who are distinguished by scrupulousness, organization and constancy. Such a Goat is always refined and beautiful, requires perfection in everything that surrounds her and in everyone who is with her.
- scales... The representative of the horoscope with artistic inclinations. Libras do not like loneliness, so they enrich their life in every possible way with new acquaintances, entertainment, and hobbies. They skillfully manipulate people, which allows them to easily achieve their goals. They are pleasant interlocutors who expect admiration and attention from others.
- Scorpion... A single-minded person who approaches problem solving in a cold-blooded manner. Enviable willpower, strong character, leadership qualities, healthy ambitions, inexhaustible enthusiasm - all this helps the representative of this sign to achieve their goals, be financially secure and respected. However, such people have very few friends, since they do not know how to adapt to someone and do not compromise in any cases.
- Sagittarius... Cheerful, active, ambitious, but at the same time independent and freedom-loving. A calm home life is not for him - he is constantly in search of new experiences.With perseverance, he achieves his goals, without being distracted by life's difficulties and criticism. In addition, he tries to be useful not only for himself, but also for others.
- Capricorn... Not only perseverance, as it might seem at first glance, dominates the character of such a person. He is also dynamic and sociable, persistent and focused. Excessive (in some cases) impulsivity makes it difficult to build normal relationships in any area. The same can be said about rash actions, actions that he sometimes performs without thinking about the possible consequences.
- Aquarius... A person who does not care about material wealth, career success and social status. He loves to do things that bring him spiritual satisfaction, shows compassion for others, prefers to live a non-stereotypical life. But at the same time, the Goat-Aquarius is very sociable, emotional and intelligent.
- Fishes... The representative of this combination is distinguished by sensitivity, compassion, a desire to help loved ones in trouble. An innate balance helps them avoid stress and conflict. They find a way out of any situation thanks to a creative mindset and heightened intuition.

According to the lunar calendar, you can determine which element was most active at the time of a person's birth. There are no two absolutely identical personalities - they all have their own character, preferences, habits. People born under the same element have a great chance of creating a lasting union, they can have similar character traits and have a common worldview.
Knowing the compatibility between the signs of the eastern horoscope is necessary in order to build favorable and harmonious relationships in all areas. Even if the union does not promise anything good, working on weak points will allow partners to be together for a long time, make friends, and work.
- Goat - Rat... At the first meeting, these people are drawn to each other, they experience physical attraction, but happy relationships are rarely built. A goat, as a rule, is attracted by financially secure individuals, and they are unable to endure the constant whims and antics of a partner. In addition, one of the reasons for constant quarrels in the union is jealousy. In most cases, the Rat ends the relationship, who wants a calmer relationship.
- Goat - Bull... A long-term relationship is not what this union can boast of. As a rule, the Ox takes responsibility for the whole family, provides for it and wants to see a grateful attitude in return, but the Goat is sometimes so busy with itself that it forgets about the partner. In addition, the Sheep expects constant admiration for himself from the second half, and the Bull is not one of those who are able to speak fiery speeches - the representative of this sign proves his feelings by actions.
- Goat - Tiger... Unfortunately, this tandem does not hold much promise either. The goat is the sign around whose representatives numerous fans constantly hover, often burdening with attention. The tiger is the owner, he will not tolerate this, therefore he will directly tell his soul mate about this, to which the Goat will react with hysteria, since the attention from others is very important for her. Against this background, the couple may break up.
- Goat - Rabbit (Cat)... One of the best combinations, almost perfect. Mutual understanding in a couple is achieved due to the fact that the Cat does not pay attention to the sometimes capricious behavior of the Goat, admires her creative abilities, and also subtly feels her experiences. This is very captivating to the Goat, as a result of which she is ready to give herself almost completely to this relationship: she will take care of her partner, admire him, become more prudent and cautious in words. Long-term relationships are also achieved due to the fact that representatives of these signs have good compatibility in bed.
- Goat - Dragon... Such a union is the most common of all, but, unfortunately, it is not long-lasting. And all due to the fact that both the Goat and the Dragon expect admiration from a partner, but they themselves are not completely ready to give themselves up. In addition, both of them want to take a leading position in the relationship, but do not want to adjust. Without even thinking, we can say that this does not bode well in the future. For a union to be strong and strong, partners must learn to hear each other and pacify their egos.
- Goat - Snake... The pair is characterized by good compatibility. The most favorable will be a union where a woman is born in the year of the Goat, and a man - in the year of the Snake. The representative of the stronger sex knows how to make money, so he will be able to financially provide for the family.
This will completely suit the girl, and she will be ready for anything for the sake of her beloved, even to give up whims and unpredictable behavior. The bed is where partners also come to an understanding. The reverse tandem (Snake woman - Goat man) is not as favorable as the previous one, but a strong family can still work out with the efforts of both.
- Goat - Horse... The representatives of the signs in question have a lot in common, so it is not surprising that understanding and mutual sympathy immediately arise between them. The horse always works a lot, so there is no time for the Goat's whims, and this, in turn, avoids misunderstandings.
In addition, increased employment brings quite a lot of money, and as you know, Goat likes it. This pair has strong mutual support that allows the representatives to cope with various problems and adversities. In bed, everything is also good, since both the Goat and the Horse are passionate personalities.
- Goat - Goat... The so-called family relations arise between the representatives of this sign: they perfectly feel each other and understand. However, the weak character of both complicates the union, since neither one nor the other is accustomed to responsibility and making important decisions, which entails not solving the problems that have arisen, but shifting them onto the shoulders of another. Quarrels at the household level occur quite often, but reconciliation does not take long.
- Goat - Monkey... A favorable union between representatives of signs rarely develops. A wealthy life with a Monkey at first makes the Goat very happy, but soon the deceitfulness and resourcefulness of the partner begin to annoy her, which leads to scandals and a break in relations. Difficulties also arise due to the difference in life views. A marriage between these people is still possible, but only if the Goat has inexhaustible patience and endurance.
- Goat - Rooster... As a rule, at the first meeting, these people do not feel anything for each other. In the process of communication, interest "wakes up", and sympathy grows more and more. A similar thing happens in family life, marriage: at first, the couple will have frequent quarrels, conflicts, but over time, mutual understanding takes over.
- Goat - Dog... These signs are completely incompatible. This is due to the fact that the characters of the representatives are fundamentally different. The capriciousness inherent in Goats is a real stupidity for serious Dogs and a waste of time, and material carelessness and constant shifting of responsibility do not at all fit into the framework of reason. Therefore, such a relationship is a real emotional test for both, which not everyone can withstand.
- Goat - Pig... A very good combination. The pig is quite patient and calm, so it will be able to react to unexpected antics of the Goat without unnecessary aggressiveness, and its ability to make money will make the 1955 representative obedient and loyal. The perfect complement to each other in a pair will allow you to build a strong family union. Everything is fine in bed, but passion can periodically fade away, which should not be allowed by resorting to various experiments.

Influence of the elements
In the Chinese Eastern calendar, 1955 is the year of the Wood Goat.The tree can influence and change the character of the Goat. Consider the compatibility of couples depending on the influence on them of the corresponding elements, which are determined by the last digit of the year of birth.
Last digit of the year | Element |
0 or 1 | Metal |
2 or 3 | Water |
4 or 5 | Wood |
6 or 7 | Fire |
8 or 9 | Earth |

Wood - Water
The calm nature and innate tact of the Tree neutralize the swings (ebb and flow) of the mood of Water. Emotional Water is not always able to soberly assess the situation and makes hasty conclusions, the prudence of the Tree puts everything in its place.
Despite the eccentric nature of the partner, the Tree man has deep feelings for her, over the years this union only becomes stronger and it is not possible for anyone to destroy it.

Wood - Fire
The combination of primary elements is considered successful. The tree supports Fire in all endeavors, the problems that arise are solved jointly at the negotiating table. Both are energetic, easy-going, in the circle of friends they are intelligent and pleasant interlocutors. At times, attacks of a changeable mood can take hold of Fire, and only the presence of a Tree nearby quickly relieves him of melancholy.
Fire needs to show more attention and care to the Tree so that this union of loving hearts does not turn to ash.

Wood - Metal
Representatives of the primary elements experience discomfort in relationships due to character mismatch. The tree is sociable, the soul of the company, with a light disposition. Metal is gloomy, unsociable, preferring loneliness to a noisy feast, it suppresses those around it with just one glance. Both have such qualities as honesty, responsibility, purposefulness. A certain halo of mystery hovers around Metal, attracting others.
If there is a compromise in the relationship between Wood and Metal, it is likely that this union will be long.

Tree - Earth
The combination of the elements is considered not entirely successful. The tree sees the world in black and white, divides it only into good and evil, makes instant decisions, which, in fact, are not always correct. The Earth thinks over countless options and foresees actions, it is stable, balanced, thoughtful, often tired of the pressures and whims of an impulsive, emotional Tree. At the same time, the Earth is in awe of such qualities of the Tree as kindness, responsiveness, natural ability to empathize.

The union of "different" hearts can last forever, provided there is mutual openness in relationships.

Other features of the symbol
In the Chinese horoscope, there is a table of correspondence between the zodiac symbols and the hour signs of birth. The ideal time period for the Sheep is from 13 to 15 hours, but since this does not always happen, qualities that are suitable for neighboring signs of primary elements are tracked in the personality of the person. For example, a calm, patient Sheep suddenly begins to show excessive curiosity and activity inherent in a Monkey, and vice versa.
Chinese astrologers have made 4 triangles (3 signs in each) of Spiritual Relationship from 12 signs of the zodiac. The groups were selected according to the principle of duality (Yin and Yang), which symbolizes harmony and balance. The fourth group of Spiritual Kinship includes the 4th, 8th and 12th signs of the zodiac: Hare, Sheep and Pig.
Symbols can coexist quite peacefully side by side, they are united by similar character traits and a common worldview, the alliances created are distinguished by their strength.
Sheep is an interesting, creative person, she can easily win the attention of an entire audience, has the ability to draw the masses to the barricades, but alone with herself often doubts the correctness of her decisions.

The following video will tell you about the characteristics of this mark.