1956 - the year of what animal and what does it mean?

According to the Chinese horoscope, people born in the period from February 12, 1956 to January 30, 1957 belong to the sign of a passionate and charming animal - Red Fire Monkey... They have a good memory, are quick-witted and erudite, and are also very energetic - you never get bored with them.

Character features
1956 is the year of the Fire Monkey according to the Eastern calendar, full of various events. The Red Fire Monkey as a symbol is the most powerful of all Monkeys. Fire fills her with endless vitality and optimism, as well as a competitive spirit - Fire Monkeys most often go ahead to their goal. They are often greedy and persistent. Monkeys are active animals, so people born under their sign are always full of enthusiasm and are ready to offer the world a lot of interesting ideas.

General characteristics of people born this year
People of the Fire Monkey sign are chatty, restless, cheerful. They love to argue and quarrel.
They are responsible and successful careerists in their work. They do their best, but work no longer for pleasure or self-affirmation, but for a high income.
Fire Monkeys are dodgy, insidious, in most cases proud and selfish, often vindictive. Positive traits - friendliness, optimism, kindness, dreaminess, energy.

Men born in the Year of the Fire Monkey are caring and discerning. They prefer to build relationships with energetic people, since they themselves do not like to sit still and want someone to share their enthusiasm. They live at their own discretion and love when everything goes exactly according to their plan. They enjoy being a leader much more than working for someone else. The family is also in charge.

Women are also distinguished by tenderness and caring. They are sentimental, charming, have a good sense of humor. There are few of those who do not feel sympathy for them. They are looking for and choosing reliable partners who will definitely be able to provide them. They are calculating and always confident in their words and actions. These are brave and passionate women who will never refuse to do something crazy. At the same time, they always assess the possible consequences and easily get out of uncomfortable situations.

Distinctive features of different signs of the zodiac
Despite the fact that all people born in 1956 have approximately common features, their characteristics differ depending on the zodiac sign:
- Ariesthose born in the year of the Fire Monkey are stubborn and impulsive;
- Taurus hardworking, diligent, quickly attached to people and loyal to them;
- Twins fickle, unlike Taurus, they quickly change their minds and surroundings;
- Crayfish devotees give themselves all to the family;
- Lions usually selfish, harsh and looking for justice in everything;
- Virgin prudent and prudent, but you can always rely on them;
- scales indecisive and fussy, sometimes they need to be directed in the right direction;
- Scorpions jealous, vindictive and vindictive;
- Sagittarius perky and friendly, but sometimes too straightforward;
- Capricorns serious and pessimistic, they tend to think over everything and be critical of themselves and others;
- Aquarians frivolous and fickle;
- Fishes - natures are vulnerable, they soar a lot in the clouds.

Love relationship
The love relationship between representatives of 1956 is usually short-lived, but very passionate. Such people love extreme, prefer to experiment in intimate life.
They are trying to benefit from everything.
In the family, they are most often consumers - they like to sit on their "half" on the neck, but at the same time they always reinsure themselves, check and control their partner.

Friendly relations
Friendship with Fire Monkeys is like an unpredictable attraction, because they will absolutely bring a lot of joy and energy into your life. It is impossible to sit around with them and get bored unrealistically. But it often happens that even in a friendly relationship, they are looking for benefits.

The Fire Monkeys have the most successful relationships with people born in the years of Fire, Earth or Metal, but they know how to adapt to people, so nothing interferes with a strong relationship with a Wood or Water sign.
Due Bull and Monkey the first will be the main one. They, as a rule, easily converge in character, if the Monkey does not take everything with hostility. Some believe that a calm Ox is exactly what an active Monkey needs, and therefore their union will be favorable. But others are of the opinion that the Ox will quickly get tired of chasing the Monkey. In their work, their team quickly achieves their goals, and they can be great friends.

In the relationship between the Monkey man and the Ox woman, there can be disagreements due to her passion for order, so either she will have to change her views, or the relationship will be destroyed.
The compatibility of the Monkey woman and the Ox man is higher than that of the previous couple, because she will finally find herself a reliable and responsible companion and will rely on him, and he, in turn, will definitely live a bright life.
Union of the Monkey with Tiger called short-lived and bringing a lot of negative emotions. Both are too ardent and cunning, in love there is constant competition between them. But they work harmoniously and boast a strong friendship.
The Monkey man must have incredible patience in order to calmly get along with the Tiger woman. She needs a confident and stubborn man, only then their relationship will be strong.

Monkey and Tiger need periodic rest from each other, and they should not demand too much from their partner. Then their love will last for a long time.
Monkey and Rabbit Are great lovers. They trust and are faithful to each other. The calm Rabbit and the always looking for adventure Monkey will be great friends, but they should not take up joint work: the Monkey can use the Rabbit or act not according to his principles, which infuriates him.
The Monkey man will show his best sides in alliance with the Rabbit woman. He loves to take on the role of a leader, but a woman can pacify him at any second and bring the quarrel to naught. In the relationship between the Rabbit man and the Monkey woman, she will also be able to reveal her best side, but he will not stand aside either. She should treat his feelings with respect, he should be more patient, it is then that their relationship will be very strong.

Compatibility Monkey and Dragon quite high: their relationship is filled with harmony, they do not compete, but, on the contrary, support each other, and mutual understanding reigns between them.
There is always a place for passion and sensuality, at the same time there is enough tenderness. Most often they work harmoniously, and the friendship of these signs is one of the strongest.
The Monkey man will have to sacrifice some of his principles so that their family life with the Dragon woman is calm, because these fire signs are not prone to compromise. Together they will be able to realize even those desires that seemed unrealistic. In any case, the dragon (both a woman and a man) will be the main thing in the relationship, and the Monkey will be a support team and a motivator.

With regards to Monkeys and Snakes opinions differ: some believe that this is the most unlikely union, because it is difficult for them to both get along and work, while others believe that in business they will be united by crazy ideas, and in love they will complement each other. But on one thing all opinions agree - their relationship is short-lived.
The Monkey man should devote more time to his family, and the Snake woman should be patient so that they have fewer quarrels. Mutual respect will definitely lead this union to success.
The man Snake needs to be softer, the woman Monkey needs to be able to slow down in time. They should constantly compromise, otherwise this couple will face eternal conflicts.

Monkey and Horse (according to the horoscope) - the most rare union. Their sympathy for each other quickly fades. The horse prefers stability and cannot accept the Monkey lifestyle. They are extremely demanding and cannot get used to each other. The friendship between them is considered fake, in a working relationship they are also unlikely to be good colleagues due to the shifting of duties by the Monkey.
In the relationship between a woman Horse and a man Monkey, both partners must change something in themselves and come to an understanding. He is calculating and cunning, she acts immediately, without hesitation. The Horse man should allow the Monkey woman to realize herself in her career, and not take all the responsibilities upon herself.

Monkey and Goat rarely set up for a serious relationship, but a passionate short-lived romance can begin between them.
Their friendship can last forever, in work they are far behind due to their frivolous attitude to everything.
The Monkey man must get used to the Goat woman's tendency to complicate things. It is his patience that will help them build a good family. And a Monkey woman in a relationship with a Goat man should show understanding in relation to a partner.

Two monkeysdespite their fiery temperament, they make up the best combination. They are the perfect couple who live in perfect harmony with each other. Their relationship is strong and lasting. There will definitely be a strong friendship between them. In business, the results are not so encouraging, since the Monkeys work ineffectively, but they will quickly find a common language.

Compatibility Monkey and Rooster considered low in the horoscope, they are unlikely to be good friends and colleagues. They are always dissatisfied with each other and constantly argue.
The Monkey man and the Rooster woman can get along, but only if he does not give empty promises, and also allows her to deal with matters, or she will have to accept his craving to do everything on her own.
In the opposite scenario, the Rooster will lead, and then the Monkey woman will need to trust her partner, and he will need to understand that he is no longer alone and in a pair both are equal.

Union Monkeys and Dogs consider it ambiguous: according to some, this is an ideal love relationship, others believe that their compatibility is low due to the criticality of both. They are unlikely to make good business partners, but they can become friends forever. The Monkey man will be able to bring the Dog woman out of the state of despondency, and she, in turn, will be faithful to him and always ready to help. From the bad points: a woman, a Dog, should sacrifice her principles for the sake of a partner.
A couple with a Monkey woman and a Dog man is considered more favorable, because they are comfortable with each other. This is a reliable yet passionate relationship.

Relationship Monkeys and Boar can be both short-lived and reliable, strong - it depends on the people themselves. The same situation is with friendship and work.
An assertive Monkey man and a balanced Pig woman will make an excellent union. In addition, both of them are not against experiments, and therefore they definitely will not be bored. The activity of the Monkey will definitely benefit in building a relationship with a Pig man. Mutual respect will help them create a pleasant family atmosphere.

Monkey and Rat, rather be passionate enemies than lovers or friends. This is a constant search for benefits and mutual insincerity. But they can work great because of their shared desire for money.
The Monkey man should devote more time to his family, and not to entertainment, so that the union becomes stronger, and the Rat woman should learn to accept her other half with all the shortcomings. From the Rat man, one should not expect affection and strong interest in the Monkey woman. More often than not, if they do have sympathy for each other, it will not last long.

About the nature of people born in the year of the Monkey, see below.