Eastern horoscope

1958 - the year of what animal and what are the characteristics of those born under this sign?

1958 - the year of what animal and what are the characteristics of those born under this sign?
  1. General information
  2. Features of character and behavior
  3. Love and family
  4. Work and career
  5. Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
  6. Compatibility

The Chinese horoscope represents 12 signs that personify certain animals, and 5 elements. It is believed that the combination of a sign and a certain element, which change every year, has an impact on people born in a certain period. What animal was a symbol in 1958 and what is the characteristic of those born under this sign, we will consider in more detail in this article.

General information

1958 was the year of the Yellow Dog in the Eastern calendar. Born in the period from 18 February 1958 to 7 February 1959 were under the influence of the elements of the Earth. It is believed that this element endows people with such traits as practicality, reliability and perseverance in achieving goals. Those born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog can be characterized as bright and extraordinary personalities. Their hallmark is also hard work and the desire to climb high on the career ladder.

The dog will never go to meanness, as it adheres to strict principles and always stands for the truth, even if it harms itself. Inborn kindness and devotion can play a cruel joke with Earth Dogs. The fact is that in an effort to help others, such people often forget about themselves, which their friends and relatives can willingly take advantage of.

Born in 1958 often suffer from betrayal and unrequited love

Features of character and behavior

The symbol of 1958, as well as the elements, have an impact on the personality of people born in this period. Earth Dogs have both strong and weak character traits. Let's consider the personality characteristics in more detail, taking into account gender differences.


Men born in 1958 are pragmatic and balanced. Such people are honest, confident and not afraid to take responsibility. Dog men will never betray their principles and will not go to meanness even for their own benefit. They are used to achieving everything in an honest way, using their mind and volitional qualities. Earth Dog treats other people with respect and wants the same attitude towards himself. In relationships with the opposite sex, the Dog man is also honest and serious.

He will not enter into a relationship with a girl with whom he does not plan to create a strong relationship.

Such men are excellent family men who respect their life partner and love children immensely. The dog assumes all male responsibilities for the house and the material support of his family. They want to receive love, support and respect from loved ones in return. The Dog man may seem not very sociable and even withdrawn. It usually opens up to other people gradually. He does not like to obey and often does not take into account other people's opinions, which often leads to conflicts with partners who strive for leadership in friendship or love relationships.


Women born in 1958 love to take care of themselves, and therefore are distinguished by their attractive and bright appearance. They have an innate sense of style, which allows them to create spectacular images for themselves. Like the men of the Dog, the girls are distinguished by their hard work. They are ready to give all their free time to their favorite business, even to the detriment of their personal life.

Dog women are erudite and can keep up a conversation on any topic. However, other people often seem uninteresting to her, and therefore it is rather difficult to make friends with a Dog girl. Such women are open and straightforward - they are not afraid to express their opinion and defend it. It can be difficult for men to get the attention of a Dog woman. The fact is that she is very demanding of her chosen one and can test him for strength for a long time. Having chosen a life partner, she will be ready to take care of him and love him all her life.

Love and family

It can be quite difficult for Earth Dogs to find a suitable life companion for themselves due to the high requirements for other people. A dog can doubt his chosen one for a long time before trust in a couple is achieved. Also, representatives of this sign are practical people and are looking for a partner to match.

The element of the Earth adds to the practicality of Dogs also a craving for material values. For this reason, they can safely marry of convenience. Earth Dogs perceive such relationships as mutually beneficial cooperation, and therefore a union of convenience can be very strong and long-lasting.

However, the priority for Dogs is still marriages made for love. They fall in love most often with their like-minded people. An earth dog is extremely honest in relationships and remains faithful. At the same time, it requires the same attitude towards oneself.

Work and career

People born in 1958 can be described as hardworking and capable employees. The Earth Dog can express itself both in physical and intellectual work. Such people know how to set goals and achieve them. Usually they climb high on the career ladder or realize themselves as businessmen.

If we talk about specific areas that are suitable for the Dog, then areas related to real estate will be successful. This can be work in construction companies or the provision of real estate services. Earth Release favors Dogs who have decided to realize themselves in agriculture, as well as in the mining industry or in the manufacturing sector. Since Earth Dogs are not devoid of creativity and a sense of beauty, creative professions can also be suitable for them.They can also show themselves well in work, which involves constant communication with people.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac

To get a more detailed description of a person born in 1958, you need to take into account not only the zodiac sign according to the eastern calendar, but also the symbol of the western horoscope. Consider what additional influence the astrological signs of the zodiac have on the Earth Dog.

  • Aries - such Dogs are sociable, they like attention to their person. Negative black is overly cautious.
  • Taurus - representatives of this sign strive for material and family well-being. However, being too conservative makes them less flexible.
  • Twins - such people combine absolutely opposite qualities: love for stability and craving for new sensations, generosity and greed.
  • Cancer - representatives of this sign are sensitive and vulnerable. They are loyal to their partner, but prone to jealousy and resentment.
  • a lion - a born leader. Such a Dog does not listen to other people's opinions and does not consider anyone.
  • Virgo - such people are characterized by pragmatism and materialism. They are too demanding of people, so they often suffer from loneliness.
  • scales - such Dogs are conflict-free and find a common language well with any people. Their main problem is the inability to make decisions quickly and easily.
  • Scorpion Are strong and courageous people who are always ready to stand up for themselves and protect their loved ones.
  • Sagittarius - such Dogs are the most active. They love adventure and attention to their person.
  • Capricorn - they are characterized by discipline and restraint. These Dogs are hardworking and value stability.
  • Aquarius - loves freedom and will easily give up stability for the sake of something new.
  • Fishes - representatives of this sign are distinguished by kindness and a strong sense of justice. Such Dogs are gentle and non-conflicting.


The Chinese horoscope gives not only a personality characteristic, but also describes the signs in terms of their compatibility. This information can be used in finding the most suitable partner to create a harmonious relationship. Consider how compatible Earth Dogs are with other signs of the zodiac.

  • Rat - such a union can be called quite harmonious. The couple will have common interests, mutual understanding and respect. It is usually said about such people that they understand each other without words. Leadership in such unions is usually taken by the Rats, while not infringing on the rights of the Dog's partner and not suppressing him.
  • Bull - in this case, it is impossible to say for sure whether the pair will turn out to be strong. On the one hand, the Ox and the Dog have quite a lot in common, from interests to certain character traits, so they often at first glance feel sympathy for each other and find a common language. However, in such a pair, conflicts often arise due to the pressure of the Bull on his second doormat, which the Dog, in turn, will not tolerate.

The dog may also try to change the behavior of the partner, which in this case it will not be able to do.

  • Tiger - this is another controversial union in which partners will have to work hard to achieve harmony in the relationship. Despite the presence of mutual understanding and sympathy, a real struggle for leadership can flare up in a couple. Salvation for the relationship in this case will be a common goal to achieve which the Tiger and the Dog will spend all their strength.
  • Rabbit - the relationship with the Dog can be considered quite promising. These signs complement each other well. The dog in such a union takes on the role of a leader, and the Rabbit, in turn, is content with his place in the relationship and is ready to be responsible for creating coziness and comfort.
  • The Dragon - not the best union, since mutual understanding between the signs cannot be achieved. The dog will not admire the Dragon, which will not be satisfied with this state of affairs. In such a couple, grievances and quarrels often arise.
  • Snake - such a relationship emerges very quickly, since Dogs are admired by representatives of this sign. At first, partners do not notice the shortcomings in each other and enjoy romantic feelings. After marriage and living together under one roof, illusions dissipate, and mutual hostility usually arises between the Snake and the Dog, which most often leads to separation.
  • Horse - the prospects for such a union are pretty good. However, at first, a representative of these signs may think that there is nothing in common between them. Mutual understanding in a couple appears only over time, and partners achieve harmony without interfering with each other doing their own thing.
  • Goat - not the best option for an alliance. Both signs are pessimistic and have strong personality differences. Practical Dogs can be annoyed by the daydreaming of Goats. They, in turn, will lack support and understanding from their partner.
  • A monkey - poor compatibility due to too much difference in the characters and views of people on life. A monkey can take advantage of the dog's devotion and cause him a lot of suffering.
  • Rooster - an unsuccessful union, in which mutual understanding will be completely absent. The dog will not like the bragging and frivolity of the partner. The Rooster is annoyed by the honesty and poise of the Dog. A couple can exist as long as the partners do not get tired of enduring and trying to re-educate each other.
  • Dog - two identical signs are well compatible in friendly relations, but in love they may have problems. Due to the same characters, partners can enter into a struggle for leadership or, on the contrary, get bored with each other. Their relationship will not be romantic - the marriage of Dogs can be called an equal partnership.
  • Pig - such a union is considered one of the most prosperous. Representatives of these signs will complement each other well. In a couple, no one will seek to deceive their partner, thanks to which harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family. Over time, the relationship in such a couple does not deteriorate, but becomes stronger.

See the video below for the characteristics of the Dog sign.

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