1959 - the year of which animal and what are its distinguishing features?

1959 was under the auspices of Yellow Earth Pig... People born this year are distinguished by their pedantry and exactingness, striving for financial well-being, prudence and the ability to keep balance. These people know how to value their own and other people's time, they do not like idleness, painfully endure failures, and therefore prefer not to take risks.

general information
According to the eastern horoscope, 1959 passed under the sign of such an animal as the Pig (Boar). The Earth is considered the element of the symbol of the year, which means such traits in people born in 1959 as rationality, sanity, practicality of thinking.
Symbols and talismans for people born in the Year of the Pig according to the Chinese calendar:
- happy color - white, yellow, different shades of blue;
- bad color - green and red;
- lucky numbers - 5, 8, 2;
- unlucky numbers - 1, 3, 9;
- flowers - daisy and lavender;
- wood - acacia;
- stones - ruby and topaz;
- season - autumn.

People of this sign appreciate having solid ground under their feet, which gives them the opportunity to count on financial well-being. Material wealth is the most important value of the Boar, but the point is not in his greed, and even more so not in greed. This is nothing more than a fear of risks, failures, failures, which are easier to bear, or even completely excluded in the presence of a financial cushion.
They prove the fact that the Pig needs money for safety net, frequent circumstances under which a Pig who has achieved financial well-being becomes an absolutely peaceful and non-conflict, calm and generous person.
She does not need new conquests, victory for the sake of victory, she is realistic and practical in her goals.

People born in 1959 know how to achieve their goal. At the same time, they do not speculate with ingenuity, for which they show abilities. They try to keep their path to success and prosperity honest. Of course, the concepts of honesty are vague for many people, but the Pig does not abuse the interpretation of such qualities.
These are practical people who clearly, point by point, can build a plan for moving towards their own goal.
They rarely overestimate their capabilities, as they are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Pigs are calculating, thoughtful, accurate in their statements. They are strong analysts, they can be good psychologists. These are good business partners, as they do not take risks until they gain complete confidence in the profitability of the enterprise.
People do not differ in conflict, they themselves do not need quarrels, as they take them out of balance. They know how to negotiate, they can be excellent peacemakers. They follow their desires, do not like to dream, but like to plan.

Discretion is one of the strongest features of the sign. She can save the Pig man from strong addictions, she can prevent him from being in bad company. If once such negative moments were present in a person's life, then he knows how to draw tough lessons from them.
But even such a practical rationalist can be broken - this happens because of the betrayal of loved ones, because of unfulfillment, prohibitions with which we had to come to terms.
But the Pig in this sense is a strong sign - a person can get together and direct all efforts to solve health problems. If he sees self-destruction as his own goal (an example of which can be alcoholism), no one will hold him back.

For such a man, the material base is very important. And he will choose a profession with an eye to prosperity. While everyone dreams of becoming pilots and artists, the Pig is looking at professions that promise financial stability. For her sake, a man is ready to sacrifice his own interests.
The Pig man knows how to make money, but he rarely makes a mistake with spending. If someone in the family knows how to properly distribute finances, then this is a Pig. A person always has stash, and he rarely agrees to take out loans or borrowed money.
At work, he is appreciated, since this man does not like to imitate being busy.
Work is bread, prosperity, stability, therefore the Pig has no right to let himself and his colleagues down. This man is an excellent anti-crisis manager, so many employees turn to him for recommendations. While everyone is pulling their hair out, he can look at the problem impartially and find the best solution.
True, it works more in relation to others. In the event of his own failures, the Pig may panic.

In love, these men are attentive, gallant. They love and know how to look after, but do not do it blindly and thoughtlessly. They follow the reaction of the chosen one and in this sense they know how to evaluate the companion without an emotional veil. They are generous, kind, respectful and what they need from a partner is acceptance and appreciation of these qualities.
They will not tolerate girls who are cold and stingy with compliments. But the one who responds with tenderness and care will be surrounded with even more attention.
In the Pig family - protection, support and breadwinner. It is important for a person that the house has everything, so that the family can live in prosperity, and the wife can boast of a whole wardrobe of outfits. If there is not enough money, the husband is ready to change jobs, get the necessary education, in a word, he will not sit on the couch and complain about life.

Strengths of the Pig man: prudence, purposefulness, generosity, constancy, diligence. Weaknesses: love for delicious and very high-calorie food, commercialism, too dramatic experience of failure, willingness to put work above family without much need to choose.
Representatives of this sign are not averse to eating deliciously, therefore, as a rule, they tend to be overweight.
But if they set themselves the goal of losing weight, they will definitely achieve it. True, at this time they can be unnecessarily tense and their pedantic attitude towards losing weight will annoy others.

These women are naturally smart, not devoid of attractiveness, but they seem to attract trials into their lives with a magnet.... The fighting character helps to overcome them, but a lot of nerves are also expended. For this reason, women of the sign can be overly suspicious, withdrawn, careful. If these qualities can be overcome, then we are faced with a brave and hardworking woman, honest and straightforward. She is respected, appreciated and this position helps her to advance in life.
Women born in 1959 are good mothers who very accurately and consciously perceive this female purpose.
They try to be modern mothers, understanding and delicate. All small mistakes made in motherhood are compensated by the ideal behavior of the grandmother. For the sake of the woman's grandchildren, Pigs are ready to transform and become younger, they have a goal that gives them new breath.

As a rule, women of this sign love and know how to cook. Thrift is a valuable quality for them, they cherish it in themselves and demand it from loved ones. In love, they are decisive, condescending, active. They need a partner who thinks similarly, not cowardly, thorough.
In their youth, they are able to get carried away by a talkative romantic, but a person of business is chosen for the role of a life partner. But if the love is huge, then they will not give up the lyrics, unable to take responsibility for the family.
True, if this lyricist gives a woman energy, if she realizes that she has connected life with a talented, gifted person, the Pig will take on all the household and other burdens. And he will serve her husband, considering it his calling.
Strengths of the Pig woman: firmness, decisiveness, thriftiness, tenderness, politeness, solicitude. Weak Traits: credulity, naivety, readiness for self-sacrifice.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
The year of birth plus the zodiac sign gives a more accurate and deeper characterization of a person.
Sincere, straightforward, forgiving people. Their strong point is loyalty, and their weakness is the same loyalty.... Somewhere the combination of qualities turns into gullibility and naivety, often destructive.
These people tend to make mistakes, but to the last they believe that everything will go according to their optimistic scenario. Their conscience sometimes obscures the voice of reason. Where it is really worth keeping silent, they will speak up and bring even more problems onto their heads.

This combination creates talented and successful entrepreneurs. These are people who know how to be in a situation and above a situation. They are friendly and easy-going, but with apparent ease they analyze everything that happens and change tactics to suit the situation.
Sensual people who love to live beautifully. For a beautiful life, they need money, and they intuitively understand where they need to go for this money. In the family, people are faithful, many representatives of the sign are very squeamish about betrayal.

Resourceful and savvy people, by nature cunning... They love intrigues and weave them themselves, however, over the years they stop doing it, as they lose their passion for it. Inquisitive, they show themselves well in school. They know where and with whom you need to be sociable and light, and with whom to be strict.
They do not know how to stay in a depressed state for a long time, they quickly swing from discontent and apathy to euphoric states. They are thrifty, they count money, but when they live at someone's expense, they stop doing it and spend it for their own pleasure. Intuitive, but love to fantasize, losing touch with reality.

Very good parents grow out of these people, attentive and understanding.Sensitive and emotional, they try to do everything for the family and react sharply to any aggressive attack from the outside. They are skeptical, do not get along with new people. Family gatherings are preferred to all companies. They can be very gentle, but at the same time they are reasonable and completely in control of the situation.

a lion
This is a good combination. It is these optimists who spin the globe. They do not like to be discouraged and even in a difficult situation they try to hold on, see a good reference point. They are able to cope creatively with everyday difficulties, even a small apartment will be furnished comfortably and stylishly. They love luxury, are susceptible to flattery, it is difficult for them to resist someone's tactics based on delight and compliments.

Sensitive people who are ready to go from one extreme to another. Loyal, direct and honest, but they are capable of negativity when these qualities are not found in their surroundings. Their strong feature is the ability to grow and improve themselves, in this respect they are without stereotypes. At any age, they are ready to start all over again and succeed in it.

They are not ready to figure out their real feelings on their own. Their inner lawyer is ready to whitewash even an unambiguous act. They are resourceful, seeking benefits and skillfully managing loved ones. But they admire their hard work and dedication, willingness to learn. Do not panic with difficulties. Picky to themselves and others.

They are picky, critical people, strong in their analytics. They seem to see right through the person. They do not tolerate hypocrisy and quickly bring deceivers to the surface. In a state of passion, they are scary and dangerous. They are sexually very active and sometimes show excessive aggression towards an uncompromising partner.

Intelligent, sociable, polite. They cannot be denied stubbornness, but they present this quality as perseverance. Don't get upset even if setbacks are lined up. They know how to fight to the end, find new solutions to an old problem. And in such persistence, success awaits them. In love, they are frank, faithful, pure.

They are authoritative, logical, hardworking, prefer to bring everything to the end. But these people are a little withdrawn. Close ones want openness, emotionality, activity from them.
Not everyone will like their phlegm, although this trait hides stability and poise, which allows the Capricorn-Pig to be a reliable and strong partner. The family will be very demanding of children. In their work, they sometimes get in the way of softness.

They are contradictory, they constantly suffer with the choice. Either they seem to be geniuses and clever girls, or they see a real loser in their reflection. These people have great intellectual potential, but not always they can present themselves correctly. The family is kind and attentive, they know how to be friends, they are generous and generous.

Compliant people, peacefully and gracefully resolve any conflicts. Courteous, correct, quirky. Frivolity can border on naivety. Materialists who value luxury. Dexterous in financial matters, intuitively feel a good deal. But cowardice is inherent in them, they are not used to taking risks even in matters that promise true success.

The best love union awaits Pig and Rooster, Goat. They will always be able to come to an agreement, they are close to common interests, they will converge on the basis of understandable ways to achieve goals. Will complement each other perfectly.
Compatibility can be put on a good and medium level Pigs and Rats, Rabbit, Monkey, Horses, Pigs. With Tiger, Dragon and Bull relationships develop depending on whether someone dominates the couple.
If the partners are equal, the union can be successful.
With Snake and Dog mutual understanding is complex, unpredictable, conflicting.

The following video will tell you about the character traits of people born in the year of the Pig.