1960 - the year of what animal and what is characteristic for it?

As you know, every year has its patron as an animal according to the eastern horoscope. In this material, we will take a closer look at 1960 - the year of which animal, what characteristics it possesses, with which signs it is worth building love and friendship, and which it is better to stay away from.
general information
According to the Eastern calendar, 1960 is the year White Metal Rat. It is worth noting that although the animal is quite small, it is characterized by strength and will. Usually people who were born according to the Chinese calendar in the Year of the Rat are not very creative. As is known, metal hardly changes its shape, cannot boast of flexibility - the same can be said about people born in 1960.
However, you should not consider the hardness of the metal as a minus, on the contrary, it is difficult to convince the Rat otherwise, and if it has made a decision, it will certainly achieve its goal.

Such people are characterized by perseverance and inflexibility, which undoubtedly allows them to reach certain heights in life.
Any goal becomes a reality for people under the auspices of the White Rat... Of course, do not forget about motivation, because without it there will be no result. Since the Rat is stubborn and hardworking, she wants others to have the same qualities. This sign does an excellent job with the position of the boss.

People born in the year of the White Rat are practically not inclined to show emotions. Although, if necessary, they can perfectly play the experience. It happens that the Rat flirts so much that it itself begins to believe in its play. Usually people like that have a theatrical talent, therefore, they need to be directed in the right direction, for example, to link their lives with the theater. But their thinking is not flexible. They do not like to invent something, they usually solve problems according to ready-made schemes, but sometimes it is worth showing a little creativity in order to get the desired result.

Usually the Metal Rat is tough, inflexible. She adheres exclusively to her point of view, regardless of others. Only work on oneself will allow one to get rid of closedness and gain flexibility. If the Rat is afraid of losing its soul mate, then it will definitely begin to change for the better, so as not to be left alone. Its useful to note the honesty of people born in 1960. They love the truth and never lie themselves.

All men born in 1960 are characterized by ambition and ambition. Their place in society is important for them. Usually men want to have a leadership position. They are strained by limitations, they strive to get rid of external influences. In order to succeed, men are able to endure a lot, expressing extremely goodwill towards others. But if the situation gets out of their control, then they can immediately show heartlessness and toughness.

Rat men are always professionals in their field. But as a person, they are contradictory, because they are rather envious of the achievements of others. They do not remember the kindness shown to them, so you can often hear about their ingratitude. Rats want to show their superiority to everyone... In the same way, men manifest themselves in their personal lives.
Of course, women really like the brutality of the Rats, but their leadership will bring many problems to family life.

Rat men try to make sure everyone adheres to their rules, but they do not pay attention to the opinion of others. Such men are quite jealous. They will never forgive betrayal. However, the Rats are trying to provide for their family, to create all the necessary conditions. Such men they easily create a holiday, perfectly organize family leisure.

If we consider women born in the year of the Metal Rat, then among the main character traits it is worth noting ambition and dedication. To achieve this goal, the Rat capable of a lot... She adheres to her opinion, ignoring the advice of others. Integrity and integrity prepare for the fact that such a girl does not like gossip. It is often considered harsh, but it shows justice. Such a woman at work always reaches the desired heights. It is difficult for her to work in a subordinate, so she quite often holds the position of a leader.

The Rat woman loves to be listened to, while agreeing with her point of view. She is vindictive and selfish, always responds with the same coin to ill-wishers. But the strongest feeling is love for relatives. So that the family does not need anything, she can fully devote herself to work. The Rat woman does not accept flirting or betrayal, but life with her is quite difficult. Such a woman can turn into a tyrant at home, since command is manifested even in his personal life.
It is not recommended to re-educate the Rat woman, since she will not tolerate this. Men should be caring, do not react strongly to provocations from the Rat.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
It is worth paying attention not only to the year of birth, but also under what zodiac sign a person was born. Thus, you can compose a more accurate picture of the inner world of a person.
- Aries. He is characterized by determination, while this property is inherent in both Aries and the Rat, which enhances this quality of character. Aries born in the year of the Rat are quite active, energetic people. They set goals and be sure to achieve them. Thanks to rat intuition, such people find a way to make money.The disadvantages include hot temper and aggressiveness, which are manifested during stress. When choosing a partner in love or for friendship, Aries are guided by their developed intuition.

- Taurus. The main quality is pragmatism. Rats born under the sign of Taurus approach problems quite constructively. Such people are honest, polite, objective and fair. The Taurus Rat belongs to workaholics, it does an excellent job both with the role of an employee and with the duties of a leader. She is driven by material gain.
Taurus does not recognize temporary connections, he strives only for serious relationships, so he can be called a good family man.

- Twins. They are optimistic, emitting positivity and energy. Such people are characterized by hard work, dedication, artistry. Gemini born in the year of the Rat will certainly achieve their goals. They love freedom as well as positive change. Gemini loves romance, but lacks devotion. Even in a perfect relationship, they can side with it.

- Cancer. Such a Rat is rather cautious. At first glance, one gets the impression that the Cancer-Rat is friendly and sociable, but in fact, it is rather withdrawn and secretive. The rat sets goals for itself, but acts rather cautiously. Cancer is characterized by wisdom, so it always gives good advice to family and friends. In work, Cancer shows responsibility. Cancer-Rat is an ideal partner in a love relationship.

- A lion. This zodiac sign is domineering. The Leo Rat always wants to lead, to be in charge. Leo loves when not only people, but also the situation are under his control. If something went wrong, then he may resort to dastardly methods. Leo is an excellent leader due to his excellent oratory skills. Through perseverance, he can achieve any goal. Leo-Rat can love selflessly, but requires the same attitude towards himself.

- Virgo. Prudence, practicality and pragmatism are the main character traits. Virgos born in the year of the Rat are workaholics, they love discipline. They will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Virgos are looking for a reliable partner to build family relationships, and this process is taken quite seriously.

- Scales. This zodiac sign in tandem with the Rat is distinguished by conflict-free, charismatic, cheerfulness. Such people will always come to the rescue, for which they are respected and appreciated. They often hold leadership positions. Sometimes Libra-Rats can be lazy, they like to work with their "head" more. The rat will become an excellent family man, although intrigues are not excluded.

- Scorpion. This is a rather strong personality, it can even be called invulnerable due to the combination of the Rat and Scorpio in one person. Such a person always achieves his goals, takes the place of a leader, while he does not care about the opinions of others. Power and pride always come first, although you shouldn't forget about justice and honesty. Such individuals usually occupy leadership positions, they feel discomfort in submission. If a Scorpio falls in love, then he will achieve his goal. For the sake of the family, he is ready for a lot.

- Sagittarius. Independence, energy and the search for new experiences - this is a short description of Sagittarius, who was born in the year of the Rat. Such a person is always energetic, while trying to energize those around him. Sagittarius has many friends because you can always rely on him. In the profession, he will certainly achieve heights. Sagittarius approaches marriage responsibly, but he is oppressed by family routine, which can lead to relationships on the side.

- Capricorn... Such a person is characterized by vanity, restraint and seriousness. He tries to control everyone, while he does not forget to work on himself. Usually, people from the outside consider Capricorn-Rat as insensitive and cold.But as an employee, such a person has no equal, since he gracefully smooths out even the most serious conflicts at work. Capricorn is a loyal family man, although it takes a long time to choose a mate for himself.

- Aquarius. This zodiac sign in tandem with the Year of the Rat gives a person originality, extravagance and mystery. Aquarius is not interested in material goods, it seems that he lives in his own separate fictional world. The Aquarius Rat always has many friends. In work, she can prove herself if she chooses a creative profession. Aquarius is characterized by caring, capable of romantic actions, but family life gets bored pretty quickly, so the search for new impressions is not excluded.

- Fishes. It is worth noting conflict-free, good upbringing and daydreaming. Pisces attracts attention with their spontaneity. They are not chasing fame, money, and popularity. For them, the main thing is live contacts, they always help others. They achieve good results at work, but they are also withdrawn. Thanks to their creativity, they can reach heights in various fields.
Pisces is made for love. They are loyal and loyal to their significant other.

The rat should be viewed as a complex and contradictory personality. Therefore, it will be useful to find out with what signs she can find a common language.
- Rat. Two Rats is pretty daring. They attract each other like magnets, but at the same time strive to eliminate the partner's shortcomings, as a result of which they get along extremely badly.
- Bull... Stability and reliability can give just this sign, but the Rat does not strive for this. Such an alliance is doomed to failure.
- Tiger. This sign is characterized by courage and courage. An alliance with the Rat is possible, but the Tiger will resent the Rat's greed and fussiness. And when the Tiger is left with nothing, he will definitely return to the Rat.
- Rabbit (Cat). This sign seeks to find harmony and tranquility, so he tries to avoid relationships with the Rat. And the Rat, in turn, considers the Cat to be smarter than himself, which leads to distrust. Such a union is impossible due to constant contradictions.
- The Dragon... The Rat will cherish the Dragon, try to please him. As you know, the Dragon is bright, stable and knows how to make money. This tandem is very strong and productive.
- Snake. The union of the Rat and the Snake is possible only if they adapt to each other. These two signs are cunning, shrewd, perfectly capable of manipulating others.
- Horse... There will always be passion between the Horse and the Rat, and it is on this that a marriage can be built. But for a long time they will not be able to be together, because the Horse is prone to rash actions, which will lead to condemnation from the partner. This is a bad tandem.
- Sheep (Goat). She is frivolous, fussy and frivolous. This is 100% incompatibility as they are complete opposites.
- A monkey... It will be a difficult relationship, since the Monkey, like the Rat, is self-confident. The monkey will laugh at the actions of the Rat.
- Rooster. The Rat will be attracted by the perseverance and passion of the Rooster, but do not forget about his ambition and frivolity. Extravagance and aggressiveness applies to both the Rat and the Rooster. If aggression is directed against each other, then such an alliance will disintegrate.
- Dog. The Rat's stealth will not please the Dog. If the relationship is developed, then trusting relationships can develop. Loyalty will be the foundation of a strong marriage.
- Pig (Boar). The Rat and the Pig will plunge into a sea of passion, but the former will lack the latter's leadership qualities. The Rat must take responsibility for itself, and the Pig in a relationship will be able to prove itself as a caring family man.

The characteristics of people born under the sign of the Rat are discussed in the video presented.
For some reason, all this is not about me ... I'm some kind of mistake of nature (((