1961 - the year of which animal and what are its features?

If you characterize in the astrological aspect, the people of Bulls are very solid, unbending natures who try not to go off track. They are distinguished by loyalty to the chosen cause, loyalty to the family, adherence to the once chosen ideals. It is difficult to argue with them, they easily take offense at what is especially important to them. And those who relate to this sign read about themselves with curiosity - which is useful, because this is a productive look from the outside.

general information
People born in 1961, according to the eastern horoscope, belong to the sign of the Metal Ox.
According to the Chinese calendar, the year comes into force only on February 4, so those who were born in 1961, but in January and early February, should refer themselves to the sign of the Metal Rat.
The bull (or ox) is a strong, stubborn, hardworking animal. He enjoys authority in the world of animals, and a person born in the year of this sign has everything to deserve the same authority among other people. It has a very important trait that can be called wholeness. The bull is a symbol of not going off the designated path. He can ponder for a long time about a really difficult choice, and to someone these thoughts will seem even hysterical throwing, but this is nothing more than a subjective assessment, because the Ox is serious and responsible about the choice.

If he came to some kind of decision, it will be balanced and conscious. And he practically will not change this decision. Very often, Oxen in childhood cannot answer the question of who they want to become. While other children try on a new profession every day, the stubborn "bulls" shrug their shoulders. And this is sincere uncertainty.But if he has already decided, for example, in the 6th grade to become a mechanic, there is a high probability that this decision will not change.

The Bulls often have a soft appearance. Yes, facial features can be large, the chin is large, the physique is dense (there are analogies with the animal of the sign), but the formidable appearance is rarely inherent in Bulls. Many people deceptively believe that this soft appearance, often modest behavior, speaks of a person as an unambitious person without any special pretensions. And this is a misconception: behind a calm disposition and kind eyes can hide a passionate nature, intolerant of deception, injustice, violation of their rights.
Bulls are laconic, but you still cannot call it isolation. Rather, it is an element of immersion in oneself, which is not associated with misanthropy.
It's just that the representatives of the sign are really good with themselves, they do not get bored of loneliness and do not look for company. Usually, Since childhood, bulls are interested in activities that do not require a partner: reading, drawing, designing, repairing. And they keep these self-employment habits throughout life.

At the same time, they may have many friends, but still this is not the kind of friendship that can be called sincere.
The bull is a wonderful friend, loyal, disinterested and reliable.
He gets along well with people, as he knows how to be calm and delicate, does not pull the blanket over himself, is not jealous and not envious. But he will not pour out his soul to his friends, just as he will not devote his children to the problems. The Ox does not like to discuss others, is not inclined to gossip and intrigue.

This is a person who loves traditions. What was instilled in him in childhood, he with reverence carries through life. Many habits remain from an early age, favorite dishes, genres of books and films, pastime remain practically unchanged. The bull is sensitive to loved ones, loves to take care of himself, while without unnecessary ceremony and tenderness. He sometimes seems ungrateful, but only in the sense that he does not arrange a tirade of grateful words and does not speak flattering speeches. But he is sincerely grateful for any attention to himself, he simply modestly expresses this feeling.

A bull is a person who is willing to work hard. He will not shirk from work, he will stay at work after hours, he is ready to replace and replace comrades, if the work requires it. He rarely complains about workload, does not exalt his work and does not expect praise. Although, when his work is noticed, he is proud of it.

People born in 1961 can be called Metal Oxen, in astrology they refer to just such a sign. Therefore, amulets and talismans with bulls made of precious metal and not only, indeed, can bring them good luck and protection. How will bring them protection moonstone, white and yellow, as well as green and numbers 1 and 4... But they should avoid the numbers 5 and 6, as well as the blue color, however. Bulls can achieve the greatest success and maximum productivity in the spring.

Reliability and endurance are the main qualities of men of this sign. These people clearly know what they want. It is very difficult to convince them, to win over to their side. Such a man is difficult to take away from the family, for example: if he left, then this is not any manipulation, but his firm decision.
Their strength is that they have a purpose and do not see obstacles. And even if they know that it will take a lot of time and effort to achieve this goal, they do not deviate from the path.
Sometimes Bulls men are reproached for looking around for a long time and “taking acceleration”. This may seem to someone indecision, gentleness, sluggishness. But behind these seeming qualities lies a clear analysis of the situation. A man needs to look around, be alone with his thoughts, think. But the decision will be more than balanced.

And also men of Bulls are distinguished by other qualities.
- Positive attitudes towards family life. As a rule, these are loyal people, incapable of betraying. When they get married, they want to love, protect, protect. They are unsophisticated and do not look around.There are examples of a happy family in front of their eyes, which they consider to be a reference point. If the family of their parents was unhappy, they will try to do everything not to repeat the mistakes of their relatives. They are not so demanding of their spouse: they can even forgive some mismanagement, irascibility. But the brawlers will not tolerate if this is the way of life of the spouse - they will leave without unnecessary throwing.

- Taking care of children. Children for them are an extension of themselves, they will share the interests of children, try to please them more often. Such dads bring their kids the best toys from business trips (though often the ones that they would like to play themselves). They are proud of even small successes of children, they quote funny phrases of their little ones and love to spend time with them. At the same time, dads can be laconic, but children feel their warmth and love to follow them "with a tail".

- Diligence. They certainly do not throw words to the wind. Sometimes they can forget about something and sincerely regret it. But if they promised something, they do it in good faith. Often people use the reliability of the Bulls, but it is really easier for them to agree to some business or help than to experience mental anguish over refusal.
Bull men are people with a good sense of humor, delicacy and tact, a desire to change the world around them for the better. They are very hardworking, hardy and humble.

Women born in the year of the Metal Ox are called wonderful housewives. AND if they are in their house, where they feel warm and well, the house will shine and delight with its beauty... They know how to put things in perfect order, how to equip a home, how to cook the most delicious soups and pies. And they enjoy taking care of the home. Whatever career these women are pursuing is no match for a good home environment. Even the strictest boss at a responsible meeting will worry about the unwashed floor of the house and the dishes left in the sink.

Bull women also have unique traits.
- They know how to soberly assess the situation. For this they can be called down-to-earth, but the ladies themselves believe that this is just the ability to see the real picture and not get lost in insignificant moments. They know how to help someone, where to start, they can plan a difficult task, how to make life easier for those who do not know how to approach this business.

- May be somewhat monotonous in a relationship. They are not particularly characterized by animal passion, love to the point of clouding the mind. More precisely, they often invent the need for just such love, dramatizing the existing relationship. Simply put, they “wind up” themselves to make their feelings seem sharper. These women will not run barefoot in the snow after their beloved man, but this is their strength. They rarely marry emotionally, wearing pink glasses. In choosing the chosen one, they are perspicacious, intuitively feel a partner for a "long distance".

- Hardworking and prone to workaholism. If the family needs money, the Bull woman is ready to "plow" seven days a week. For her own sake, she rarely does this, but if loved ones are involved in circumstances, she will not seek salvation in the person of others. Calmly, she herself rushes to the labor embrasures and does not at all consider this a feat. It's just that these women like to control everything themselves, and not rely on the responsibility of the environment.

Their regularity, calmness in relation to the chosen one sometimes costs women Bulls of family well-being.
When the first couple of years of passion pass, for the wife, passion transforms into love, fidelity and close friendship. But men are often surprised that a bright and sexually liberated wife suddenly became calmer and less passionate... And it's not about her drastic changes: she could imitate passion, artificially warm it up, and falling in love contributed to that. But when the time for hormonal storms ended, the woman just became herself.And if she has moved to another level of relationship, and the man is still waiting for a "roller coaster", the family is practically doomed to collapse.

Talents and inclinations
These people are not devoid of craving for the world of high art. They can show good artistic abilities from childhood. It is believed that the special sensitivity is in their hands. Someone expresses this by the ability to draw beautifully without any preparation, this is intuitive knowledge. Someone, using such a natural inclination, learns to play the guitar in just a couple of lessons.
Many Bull men "feel" the car, so they make talented mechanics and very good drivers. If Bull goes to medicine, he will make an excellent surgeon.
And he is excellent not only because he has golden hands, but because it is supported by enviable endurance, excellent analytical mind and hard work.

Bulls make honest and fair bosses, but they do not always cope with the assigned mission. The thing is that people of this sign are sensitive to criticism, do not tolerate injustice and hypocrisy. And the diplomacy and flexibility that the boss needs can be perceived by them as the need to lie and get out. But these are simply uncharacteristic qualities.
People born in the year of the Metal Ox do not like idleness.
Just lying on the couch watching a series aimlessly is not about them. If they watch or read something, they do it attentively and with immersion. Therefore, if the Bull wants, for example, to learn a foreign language, he will do it professionally.

Often the representative of the sign is self-critical. Even with obvious talent, he may be ashamed of it, considering his skills to be imperfect. And for many people this problem is worth a lot: they "fly" past good vacancies, they are not noticed, as ordinary upstarts notice.
Bulls are talented for their analytics, attention to detail, good memory and good taste.
These are "well-read" and well-read people who know a lot, but sometimes hesitate to show this knowledge. They are happy to pass on their experience to the young, although they themselves may hesitate to suggest it. At the same time, the Bulls are sensitive to other people's talents, are ready to serve them and help them free of charge.

Combination with astrological signs of the zodiac
Of course, the personality profile will be more complete and accurate, if you name not only the year of birth, but also the zodiac affiliation.
- Aries. Oxen born under the sign of Aries are very bright in character and very ambitious. They have an opinion that no one can argue with. They are straightforward, sometimes even unnecessary. Compromises with these people are unlikely.

- Taurus. These signs reinforce each other's characteristics. And a person seems to be under the pressure of kindred signs - often he is constrained and closed. Although in fact he is a very balanced person, calm and wise, who can give valuable and accurate advice. This is a reliable partner and a very good companion.

- Twins. These people are surprisingly hardy, hardworking and optimistic. With them at the head, you can start a big business. They are irreplaceable as coordinators of social projects, they are sensitive to the problems of relatives, they try to save everyone and help everyone.

- Cancer. Selfish type. He is fixated on himself, although this is not always a bad trait. He is tormented by vulnerability to criticism and self-criticism. If a person understands these sides of himself early, he can successfully work on them and make his life more comfortable.

- A lion. A bright character, ambition, tenacity bordering on stubbornness. He loves to be the first, although he often disguises his desire. Such people are really interesting interlocutors, they are eloquent and creatively gifted, original and talented ideas are born in their heads, they write wonderful scripts. But often they are not the best performers, as they quickly get bored of the routine. Wit, good intuition, creativity attract people to them.

- Virgo. Skeptics and rationalists, which often leads them to sarcasm and some snobbery. They are conservative, rely on common sense in everything, and it is difficult to outwit them. At work, they are accurate, attentive to details. These are energetic people who are distinguished by their sociability and the ability to achieve their own.

- Scales. These people make excellent lawyers. They know how to find a way out of a difficult situation while everyone else panics. They are prone to compromise, but not without assertiveness. Harmonious, sociable, they know how to please people.

- Scorpion. Strong, domineering and freedom-loving. They are inherent in treachery, and rancor, and sarcasm. They do not forgive quickly and are rarely generous. They do not know how to give in, they go to the goal with all the pressure, they are able to subordinate.

- Sagittarius. These are friendly natures that are really nice to deal with. Open-minded, funny, attentive. They become good partners, caring parents, and loyal companions. They do not like quarrels, they quickly extinguish conflicts, they are peaceful and careful.

- Capricorn. They are principled, stubborn, not ready to put up with other people's shortcomings. At the same time, they can appear soft and very calm. They do not demonstrate their own ambitions, but persistently go towards the goal. They are touchy and vulnerable, do not know how to adequately relate to criticism.

- Aquarius. Romantic, dreamy, hovering in the clouds since childhood. If these properties are back on track, they will be great creators, painters, decorators, and writers. They are afraid of offending loved ones. Shy and sometimes suffer from it. They do not always know how to competently defend themselves, therefore, instead of a remark, they can respond with a sarcastic attack.

- Fishes. Outwardly calm, internally very solid and strong. Communication with them simply develops, they do not lose control and do not follow the lead of their own emotions. In this case, there may be a feeling that they are fenced off from everyone, and no one knows their true face. But in reality this is not so, people just behave diplomatically and do not try to divert all attention to themselves.

Before reading the testimonial, make sure you know your zodiac sign exactly. For example, people born on January 21 are sometimes sure that they belong to Capricorns, but meanwhile, they are Aquarius.
The Metal Ox has a strong, successful alliance with the Rat. But if the Rat is very quick-tempered, and the Ox is too stubborn, this is a divorce. A complex relationship arises with the Tiger, in which it is almost impossible to achieve balance. The same difficult alliance will arise with the Dragon.

Harmony can be achieved with the Rabbit, Snake, Horse, more difficult with the Goat and Monkey. The union with the Rooster promises to be beautiful. Almost indifference can be called the relationship between the Bull and the Pig.
If you are interested in a more accurate horoscope, you need to track information by date of birth, and a clear time of birth is also important.
But even general data can be enough to get to know yourself better and apply this knowledge correctly.

The next video is a horoscope for people born in the year of the Ox.