1962 - the year of what animal and what is characteristic for it?

As you know, 12 animals of the Chinese calendar embody the main features of human characters. Depending on one or another horoscopic sign, a person develops compatibility or incompatibility in friendship, love and work. We will find out which animal patronizes in 1962 and what traits it endows people born this year.

general information
1962 is the year of the Water Tiger, which, according to the eastern calendar, comes into its own on February 5 and ends on January 24 of the following year. Alternating with the years of other elements, it occurs at intervals of 60 years: in 1842, 1902, 1962, 2022. The Water Tiger is the softest and least decisive of its elemental counterparts. But in key life situations, he shows the firmness characteristic of these strong animals.
He does not seek to be in the spotlight at any cost, but he is also not afraid to attract glances, as he is quite confident in himself.

Water Tigers have physical strength, strong intellect, broad outlook and the gift of persuasion, so people listen to them. The element of Water favors communication, it endows this horoscopic sign with high communication skills. Water "washes away" the self-centeredness inherent in the owner of the jungle and gives him the ability to be compassionate and participate in solving other people's problems. Another deep meaning of Water is change, therefore, the Tiger born under the auspices of this element is constantly trying to develop.

Certain traits of the Water Tiger's character can be smoothed out or, conversely, aggravated depending on its gender.
His rich imagination opens up wide possibilities in creativity. This applies not only to the choice of professions, but also to communication with people in everyday life. To achieve his goal, he can try on various social masks, gain trust and charm the interlocutors. It is not difficult for him to make friends, but in this the Water Tiger shows selectivity, bringing mostly useful people closer to him.
He knows how to defend his opinion so as not to spoil the relationship with the opponent.
Women love the Water Tiger for his ability to create a romantic atmosphere on a date, beautiful courtship and compliments. Refusal on the part of the girl he likes will not break his self-confidence, but will only spur him to conquer her in more sophisticated ways. His nobility does not restrain his tiger's passion, he usually does not commit adultery and to the end remains a devoted spouse and a loving father for his children.

A woman born under the sign of the Water Tiger also has creative talents. With sufficient faith in herself, she can reveal her potential and be realized in art. She does not like to overcome difficulties, so she prefers to find a strong man who will protect from life's hardships and solve problems. Such a Tigress often looks like a Turgenev girl, and skillfully uses this role. She generously endows the chosen one with love, care and tenderness.
Behind her fragile appearance, there is a strong character that can bring her out of difficult situations.

The Water Tigress knows how to repulse offenders and clearly observes its borders, beyond which outsiders should not go. If someone offends her, then this woman will easily say goodbye to an unwanted person. It is easy for her to find friends, because she can pick up a key even for the most introverted person.
Men have something to love the tigress for, because in her company they feel even more courageous and stronger. And the inner world of the Water Tigress is completely hypnotizing, since both practicality and outstanding creative abilities coexist in it. She sincerely admires gifts and surprises from her boyfriends, loves dates, and if she refuses an unwanted gentleman, then she does it softly and beautifully. The Water Tigress loves to work, but she will not build a career to the detriment of her family, and will only do this if she has free time.

Finance and career
Tigers do not like to save for a rainy day, they like risk and pressure, which is manifested even in the business sphere. But since the element of Water somewhat softens the sharp corners of his nature, then such a person has more chances to achieve material well-being.
Monotonous work will not suit him, since it is important for this person to constantly develop, make new connections and grow spiritually.
Based on these qualities, he is best suited for areas such as tourism, literature, journalism, advertising, fashion, politics and teaching. The patronage of the element of Water makes this Tiger successful in the production of drinks.

Personal life and society
The Black Tiger always attracts people to itself due to its natural charm. He finds his place in any team, and also knows how to maintain friendly relations with those with whom he has already ceased to contact. This applies not only to former work colleagues, but also to ex-lovers.
Both men and women of this sign prefer to choose their own life partners.
The Water Tiger can be faithful in relationships, but if they cease to bring him pleasure, then he immediately rushes in search of a new object. Moreover, if he himself allows himself to flirt and even flirt on the side, this does not mean that he will allow this to his partner. If there is a companion who accepts this behavior, then he will receive in the person of the Tiger an ideal partner, quivering and temperamental.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
Considering a person in a combination of the eastern and western horoscope, you can get a more accurate psychological portrait. Find out how Tigers behave depending on their zodiac signs.
- Aries. Impatient, uncompromising and explosive, they can easily go berserk. Moreover, such people are very fruitful in work, since their activity does not allow them to sit still. The element of Water slightly smoothes their fighting nature, but in general this character can be called an explosive mixture. In love, they are reckless and fickle. It is not easy to conquer them, but it is impossible to forget the connection with them.

- Taurus. Reliable, kind and positive people who make friends easily. With regard to finances, they often show imprudence, litter with money and do not make clear plans for life. But luck helps them not to stay aground and get out of difficult situations. They try to make their family happy and their only drawback is excessive predictability. However, for some people this is not a minus at all, but the biggest plus.

- Twins. These are very "effective" tigers who, when an idea appears, immediately try to bring it to life. Beforehand, they manage to assess the situation and, having waited for the right moment, rush into battle. Their whole life is spent conquering new goals. Usually these are people with loud voices and high efficiency. The downside of these extraordinary personalities is a sense of possessiveness.

- Cancer. The Cancer sign endows the active and courageous Tiger with some timidity. He longs for new discoveries and adventures, but inner doubts can prevent him from active self-expression. Due to its secrecy, the Tiger does not express emotions as openly as its other brethren. If this happens too often, then the person may develop health problems. However, this sign does not take away from the ruler of the jungle the talent to inspire people with fresh ideas and lead them along.

- A lion. In tandem, these representatives of the feline family give birth to people with a wide soul and big hearts. They are able to give themselves to others without a trace. However, without receiving reciprocity from people, they can be very touchy and even get angry. It is better not to anger this predator, since in anger he is terrible.

- Virgo. They are able to streamline not only their life, but also the thoughts in their heads. Their important positive quality is patience, which helps them not only in communicating with people, but also in work. The problem of the Virgo-Tiger is the inability to rest, which can lead to irascibility and conflict.

- Scales. They build their lives in such a way as to have time to redo all the affairs both at home and at work. They are always polite and punctual people who do not mix personal life and business, so they do not become friends at work. Domestic Libra Tigers are happy to spend time with their family, they sincerely wonder how some can live by work.

- Scorpion. The combination of these signs of the eastern and western horoscopes endows a person with overwhelming energy. The tiger softens the dry temper of the Scorpio, making him more friendly. In turn, Scorpio restrains the extravagance of the Tiger and makes him calculating. The downside of this positive person is overwhelming jealousy.

- Sagittarius. Sociable and tactful persons do not offend others, they always strive to find the right words. They manage to find work that will both inspire and generate income. In love, they are ready to give first place to a partner, remaining in his shadow. In everyday life, the Tiger-Sagittarius is very convenient, but if he is turned on, then he may not flare up a bit, all the hidden irritability will come out.

- Capricorn. They have a direct and open nature, but this does not prevent them from making new friends. These couch potatoes are not as fanatical about work as relatives from other zodiacs. They love to spend time in a quiet family environment with a movie and delicious food. Capricorn-Tiger is capable of long-term relationships, but he will not allow his partner to severely limit his freedom.

- Aquarius. They make a rather pleasant impression, they are very sweet and gentle, but behind this pleasant appearance there is a strong will and a strong character. This is a real "free artist" in the full sense of these words, who loves to hover in the clouds and create, but earthly joys also do not leave him indifferent. In a relationship, Tiger-Aquarius knows how to adapt to a partner, which makes him comfortable in a relationship.

- Fishes. Outside, the representative of this combination of signs looks calm, but inside he is raging with a real hurricane of emotions. In general, the Tiger-Pisces is positive and friendly, open to someone completely, he can become a faithful friend for many years. Such a person can be successful in work related to communication; only sluggishness can prevent him from achieving success in business.

Relationship of the Tiger with other signs add up as follows:
- in a relationship with the Horse, the Water Tiger will gain a lot of useful information, since this partner is quite erudite and can give good advice;
- with the Dragon, he will become even stronger, since both of these signs have a similar life position;
- The dog will support the Tiger and become an excellent companion in life;
- The snake is too calm and wise, it will not get along with the energetic Tiger;
- The monkey is cunning and its intrigues may not please the truthful Tiger;
- The bull does not get along well with the Tiger, since he dominates him;
- The Rabbit does not get along well with the Tiger due to the difference in temperaments and outlook on life;
- The Rat will be with the Tiger all his life if he turns a blind eye to his craving for adventure and connects prudence;
- The goat, like the Tiger, needs reasonable advice, so the two of them are unlikely to get along;
- The rooster loves to brag and pose, which is very annoying for the Tiger;
- The Pig is a wise advisor for the Tiger, therefore their union is fruitful and long-term;
- two lords of the jungle will not get along under one roof, so such a marriage is unlikely to be successful.
The Water Tiger combines gentleness and will, the ability to communicate and defend one's interests. A bright and interesting character is not without flaws, but he is able to turn the life of a partner into a real holiday.
About the nature of people born in the year of the Tiger, see below.