1966 - the year of which animal and what are its features?

Today it has become fashionable to look at his horoscope when choosing a friend or partner. Some draw up individual horoscopes, while others prefer to rely on general information.
You may or may not believe in this information, but you still need to listen to secret knowledge. They have been mined for centuries and are based on human experience. By the date of birth, you can determine the nature of the person and draw conclusions. And what they will be, it's up to you to decide.

general information
A horse is an animal that itself is very hardy and patient. This creature is active and radiates energy. Hence, and people born in the year of the Horse have in their character such qualities as striving for a goal, courage, obsession with ideas, dedication... They look at life with optimism, and from birth are endowed with the strength that allows them to overcome a variety of obstacles.
If we talk about numbers and specifically years, then according to the Chinese calendar, these are 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026. The lucky numbers for these representatives are 2, 3 and 7. The colors are green and yellow. These are the directions that are inherent in summer, grass and flowers. Maybe that's why people born in the year of the Horse take an active life position. Therefore, these individuals have iconic flowers such as jasmine (smells very good) and calla lilies (very beautiful and unusual). Independence and self-confidence gives them the opportunity to go through life with their heads held high. They achieve everything with hard work. People born in the year of the Fire Horse are quite friendly and attentive.
They are good speakers and understand humor. Thus, "horses" attract the right people who promote them through life. Usually these persons strive for independent action, but they are always afraid to make a mistake. They need loved ones and always try to grab their attention. However, their impatience and "desire to take a bite at the bit" greatly interferes with their life.
They don't know how to wait and believe. They need to do everything here and now.

According to the eastern horoscope, the third triangle is the symbol of YAN (Tiger, Dog and Horse) and the element of Fire. This sign has a very bright personality and cannot be in a team, as it constantly draws attention to itself. These people always love to travel and move somewhere.
But it is difficult for them to find mutual understanding with other people, since they always have their own opinion, although it is not always correct. Representatives of the Horse sign always appreciate what they have earned. Moreover, they earn on their own. Therefore, they almost always get what they want (maybe not right away). Physical endurance plays a big role in this. In the spiritual sphere, such people can adjust their consciousness to any requirements that close people make to them. But they never lose their personal independence.
Horses always make a lot of money. This is used by their friends and relatives. No wonder they say that these people can easily "put a yoke around their neck." They will pull on the strap for as long as they can. Whether these characteristics can be attributed to the merits or to the negative side of their temperament is up to you. And the following information is clearly not in favor of the Horses. In relations with the opposite sex, representatives of this sign are rude, but always treat with confidence.
Another side of their nature is very strong stubbornness. As the saying goes, if the horse stands up, then it is difficult to move it. Only a stick or a carrot.

People born in 1966 are fickle in relationships. The Year of the Fire Horse began on January 21, 1966 and ended on February 8, 1967. The nature of the sign by the elements is the Red Fire Horse. Only one representation of this animal can say a lot about a person who is directly related to him.
These persons are practically unstoppable in their feelings. They are unfaithful partners and are simply tearing the bits on their way to complete freedom. They do not tolerate monotony in work, which in everyday life also does not contribute to the growth of their stability. Although the Horse symbolizes the influx of natural energy, it still has its negative sides and qualities. The main ones are: impatience, selfishness, impulsiveness, irascibility, unpredictability, categorical, uncompromising, stubbornness, arrogance, ambition, arrogance.
However, these discrediting factors can be more than offset by their merits. Among them: honesty, kindness, courage, endurance, determination, generosity, energy, freedom of expression, straightforwardness. Let us consider separately the character of women and men belonging to the sign of the Fire Horse.

Representatives of the stronger sex, who were born in the year of the Red Fire Horse, can give everything they have for the realization of their life plans. However, this representative will always come to the aid of loved ones. He is a kind of workaholic who never gets tired. This is a master of his craft. However, if a new place for pasture with more succulent grass appears on the horizon for the Horse, he will immediately head there. And then he will not regret anything.
He will do the same in relationships. If he gets bored with the routine of life, he can change the "stall" for a more comfortable and interesting one. There are also negative sides - unpredictability and impatience. Therefore, his partner should become not only a close person, but also a like-minded person, and in no case interfere with the freedom of his chosen one. And then the marriage will last a lifetime.

This person is very purposeful. She is not afraid of obstacles in her path.A girl or a woman Horse, having reached the goal, cheerfully celebrates its victory and thus angers its rivals.
Energy is in full swing - the representatives of the Fire Horse sign need constant movement forward. Therefore, her training is always going with a bang. After a short period of time, she becomes a master of her craft.
Routine can bring such persons to depression. Therefore, they need to always and in everything to show initiative, to demand freedom of action. The same goes for personal relationships.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
The description of the eastern calendar appeared about 2000 years ago. And people have learned since then to compare all the data and thus determine the temperament of any personality. To do this, it is enough to know only the exact date of birth. Let's try to consider the horoscope of people born in the year of the Fire Horse, comparing it with the zodiacal circle.
Aries born in a given year, have such a potential that will outshine everything in the district. They are endowed with a bright appearance, leadership, know how and want to take risks. In their personal lives, they also occupy a dominant position. Taurus have an analytical mind, they are energetic and egocentric, love pleasure. They have a huge craving for beauty. In personal relationships, loyalty is valued. Gemini this combination gives sociability. They are fickle and can change plans. Always rely on intuition. Gemini love change, and it has a negative impact on their love life.
Horse crayfish are sophisticated enough and understand the needs of other people. In love, they do not immediately reveal themselves and do not rush to create a family. They are always interested in the opinion of others. Therefore, they carefully hide their "I" from other people. A lion born this year has a resemblance to the Sun. His appearance is so striking that many cannot be near him due to envy.
They are ambitious and passionate natures, very generous and impulsive. They fall in love quickly, but still strive for independence in personal relationships.

Virgo horse possesses sexual energy. She is unpunctual and irresponsible. However, all of its shortcomings are more than overlap with beauty and stamina. Libra and Horse endow their owner with playfulness. scales are beautiful and usually get what they want. They like to change everything and do not like stagnation. The same goes for personal relationships. Scorpion, who came to this world in the year of the Horse, is rather closed. However, the horse gave him perseverance, and this helps in career growth. In relationships, Scorpio is very loyal.
Sagittarius and Horse - this combination is special. The year has given Sagittarius lightness and enthusiasm. They strive for success, but not for marriage. If such a significant event occurs in their life, then it is at a very late age. Capricorn and Horse - this combination gives its owner the strength to achieve any goals. These people are very responsible, hardy and unique in nature. In a love relationship, one should not expect confessions from them under the moon, but the other half will always feel powerful support in everything. Very strong-minded people are born in combination Aquarius with Horse... They are independent and freedom-loving persons. They are always full of ideas. However, such representatives are very difficult to tame, and marriage with them will be unpredictable.
It's hard enough to describe people who are born in the year of the Horse. under the sign of Pisces... They are highly controversial, optimistic, and lighthearted. Therefore, they choose a partner for themselves who will not burden them with problems.

Love and relationships
As mentioned earlier, persons born in the year of the Fire Horse are distinguished by inconstancy. To "lasso" them, you need to work hard. And when you can do it, try to keep your soul mate "in check." In his personal life, a representative of the stronger sex, born under the sign of the Horse, is very fickle. This Horse is passionate, and this passion must be warmed up all the time so that it does not cool down.A woman should not be boring and monotonous. She must "stop the galloping horse." And then the chosen one will go for any sacrifice for the sake of his beloved.
It must be said that and woman Horse is practically no different from men Horses... She has a fighting disposition and gladly demonstrates her feelings to the chosen one. If he loves, then he will show all his temperament, and if not, he will "give a hoof" and leave. On the one hand, men like such a bright lady, on the other hand, they understand the full weight of her character. Therefore, before making a marriage proposal, you should get used to her ardent disposition.
And if, nevertheless, the horse loves you, it will do everything possible and impossible for you. Will be faithful and give the kids.

There are people who are either compatible or incompatible in the horoscope. The Horse is no exception here.
- The Horse and the Rat are clearly not suitable for each other. They are different and will never find a common language.
- The Ox will not be able to understand the selfish Horse. This union is also doomed because they have an incompatibility in pace. The Horse is fast and the Bull is very slow.
- The Tiger and the Horse have many common interests. And if the Tiger puts up with the selfishness of his partner, then everything will always be fine.
- Horse and Rabbit have complete harmony and understanding. The first will get material benefits for the family, and the second will make life ideal for living.
- The Horse and the Dragon will never reach an understanding either in sex or in friendship. And this will reduce all relationships to zero.
- The Horse with the Snake has few chances for a successful outcome. If the latter gives the illusion of independence to its second half, then the union will take place.
- Horse and Horse will always find a common language. And that's it.
- There are no barriers between the Horse and the Goat, only a complete complement to each other.
- Persons born in the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Horse cannot get along together, although at the beginning there will be perfect compatibility. But when partners begin to learn the intricacies of living together, they will part.
- Rooster Horses are not a companion. They both dislike competition and will always compete. And in this case, everything will end in tears.
- Horse and Dog can create a fairly strong and harmonious family.
- The Pig and the Horse are a rather contradictory union. They have both common character traits and opposite ones. So it will be difficult to put up with this fact.

In the next video, you will find additional information about the Horse sign.