1968 - the year of what animal and what are its features?

The Eastern calendar ascribes to each year an animal and an element that can influence the fate and abilities of people born in a certain period of time. This article will talk about what kind of animals according to this calendar the year 1968 is designated, what are the specific features of this sign and the characteristics of the people it patronizes.

General information
The Chinese solar lunar calendar defines 1968 as the patronage period of the Yellow Earth Monkey, which lasted from 01/30/1968 to 02/16/1969. Monkeys born in the year have natural benevolence and openness, and also like to recognize their merits and achievements. The element of the Earth endows such people with perseverance, intuition and wisdom that allows them to find a compromise in almost any situation.
It is safe to say about these people - “born in a shirt”. Fate tends to favor them in everything - from career to love, but sometimes laziness and overestimated self-esteem do not allow such people to achieve high achievements.
Such people are appreciated for their reliability, openness and initiative.

Depending on the gender of people born in the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey, gifts or blows of fate destined by this sign may affect them in different ways. Below is a detailed portrait of men and women born in 1968.
Men born under the sign of the Yellow Earth Monkey, in all their appearance, resemble elders tired of experience and hardships, who have lived a rich and full life.The main advantage of such men is their apparent insight and sociability - they are able to speak absolutely on any topic, while possessing extremely limited knowledge. These men want to trust - all their easy manner of speech and the ability to support any topic literally fascinates the representatives of the opposite sex.
In relationships with strangers, representatives of this sign try to choose a neutral and slightly detached position, thereby attracting and intriguing new people. They are not one of those who will immediately open their soul to you. Despite the developed sociability and the ability to talk on any topic, men of this sign do not differ in intrusiveness or talkativeness. With all their appearance, they demonstrate reliability, severity and order. Often, people are more inclined to trust such men with some kind of secrets and secrets that they probably will not reveal to anyone. In the future, this quality is of great benefit - they often become leaders.
Often, men born in the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey have powerful patrons who are ready to help them in difficult times, without demanding anything from them in return.
They may even fight for friendship with these men, but they themselves simply prefer to enjoy what they have. They know their worth and understand why they are valued and respected.

If in the professional field these men are able to achieve tremendous success, then in the field of love they are rarely overtaken by quick luck. The main problem of such men is laziness, high expectations and unwillingness to work on their shortcomings. The main drawback in this case is the constant striving for the mythical ideal. Routine and everyday life, fussing with children and problems are not for them, they prefer to spend their free time in a festive mood drinking and having fun.
Often these men are married several times. - most often due to the fact that they do not like family proceedings and perfectly notice all the shortcomings of the spouse already in the first months of life together. These men experience real hatred when the spouse ignores their achievements and merits, which can often go unnoticed in the family fuss.

Women and girls born in the year of the Earth Monkey have natural direct charisma and external simplicity. They are always friendly-minded, not inclined to make hasty decisions, rarely resort to criticism, conflicts and discussion of any problems. These women transfer all conflicts to internal analysis, making their own conclusions, which are rarely shared. A key feature of women born under this sign is ease and the ability to find a compromise in any situation. Thanks to these qualities, these women find a huge number of friends and acquaintances.
Despite the outward readiness to treat everyone around with friendliness, women born in the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey are extremely selective when making new acquaintances... In each acquaintance and friend, these women try to see a certain tool for achieving a certain goal. When it comes to the personal problems of friends and acquaintances, these women tend to avoid unpleasant situations and conversations, referring to being very busy or feeling unwell.

Due to the fact that other people's problems worry such women least of all, they rarely have real friends to whom they are able to open their souls. Fortunately, these women are not susceptible to strong sentiments and can easily endure their sorrows and sorrows deep inside.
In the professional field, such women grow into excellent workers who quickly achieve their goals. Non-conflict nature, multitasking and communication skills open many doors for them and allow them to establish successful connections with influential people. The work is especially easy for beautiful representatives of this sign. - they perfectly understand their merits, not hesitating to use them to achieve their goals.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
To correctly correlate certain signs of the zodiac with the Yellow Earth Monkey, you can refer to a simple and convenient table.
Zodiac sign | Description of combinations |
Aries | The main feature of such a Monkey is the desire to be in the spotlight all the time. These people pay great attention to both their appearance and their behavior in public. Ambition, leadership and a desire to control everything around make these Monkeys wonderful leaders and bosses. The main problem of such people is their overestimated self-esteem and snobbery. |

Taurus | Such a Monkey is an amazingly creative, creative and friendly person. You will never hear rudeness from them, they will never become instigators of conflicts and proceedings. The purpose of life of such a Monkey is to strive for maximum pleasure from everything that is around - they are extremely attached to all types of pleasure, which can lead to disastrous consequences in the future. Such a Monkey shows itself better precisely as a subordinate or employee of the company than its leader. |

Twins | As a result of such a combination, surprisingly uncontrollable and unstable personalities in their decisions are born. Such a Monkey at one moment may be happy with the decision or the chosen partner, and the next - want something completely different. Such people rarely get things done, which is their main problem. It will be extremely difficult for such a person to establish even friendly relations with someone - they simply do not know how to do everything right. |

Cancer | The most mysterious, quiet, but purposeful Monkey. As a rule, these people always prefer to be in the shadows, just watching some events. In dealing with all people, they are well educated and balanced, but they do not allow even the slightest interference in their personal space. Despite their aloofness, such Monkeys love to wear expensive things and accessories, but unlike other signs, they do it for themselves and not for others. In a love relationship, these Monkeys do not tolerate a routine that drives them into depression. |

a lion | Such a Monkey is a typical leader with managerial habits. The main goal in his life is to be the best everywhere and not to show weakness in public. For this, such a Monkey sacrifices absolutely all resources, including moral ones. Such Monkeys adore expensive clothes and accessories, they love and can look extravagant and inwardly are thrilled with pleasure when they hear compliments in their direction. In general, such Monkeys may be too harsh towards others, but they do not have an evil or hypocritical character. |

Virgo | The main word in the life of such a Monkey is order. These people are unusually pedantic in everything - from everyday duties to work activities. Despite high ambitions and constant striving for the ideal, such Monkeys rarely succeed. In pursuit of the unattainable, they tend to exhaust themselves and members of their family. |

scales | One of the most controversial combinations - capricious, emotional and fickle Monkeys in conjunction with balanced and non-conflicting Libra led to an absolutely unpredictable symbiosis. Such people are extremely impulsive, touchy, unbalanced and at the same time very attached to money and a beautiful life. Manipulation of feelings, connections and relationships is just a few of the tools that such Monkeys can go to to achieve material well-being. Often they lure other people into their dubious adventures, promising mountains of gold and prosperity. |

Scorpion | This is the kind of Monkey that will “walk over their heads” to achieve their goals. The main qualities of such people are purposefulness, as well as exceptional diligence. As a leader, such Monkeys can become real tyrants who require practically impossible tasks from the team. As for the love sphere, because of the lack of tact and a sense of patience with other Scorpios, you are rarely lucky here. |

Sagittarius | Such Monkeys are exemplary workers who successfully complete even the most difficult tasks and are always ready for a large amount of work. The main thing is persistence in the character of such people. Their career success or love is not like taking off - such Monkeys go forward very carefully, reinforcing every position where they linger. At first glance, such people may seem arrogant and cynical, but in reality they are just a mask to protect themselves from criticism and remarks. |

Capricorn | One of the most controversial combinations among the rest of the signs. Pragmatic, calm and purposeful Capricorns under the auspices of the Earth Monkey can simultaneously reach many heights in life, but they are extremely susceptible to the influence of money and entertainment. Often, such Monkeys are addicted to alcohol and drugs, which are very difficult for them to get rid of later. |

Aquarius | The main goal of such Monkeys is a constant striving for self-development, and not only in the field of career, but also in the field of feelings. Usually they are surprisingly pleasant, non-conflicting and unusually intelligent people who are able to find a positive side in any situation. The main problem of such Monkeys is their unwillingness to share what is "painful" - constant stress and the inability to trust someone can lead to moral exhaustion. |

Fishes | These Monkeys always prefer to rely only on their mind and their abilities to achieve some goals. More often than not, they are incredibly talented and artistic people who use their skills to accomplish certain tasks safely. They make excellent speakers and leaders in small groups. Such people are well given their own private business, but in love such Monkeys are very often fickle and windy. |

Professional activity
If the representatives of the sign of the Yellow Earth Monkey have definitely succeeded in something, then this is in professional activity. A brilliant mind, developed analytical skills, excellent imagination, natural insight and quickness made of these people wonderful workers in creative and scientific disciplines and professions. The Earth Monkey favors its representatives in any professional field - sooner or later these people will achieve a high position even in the simplest and least paid job. They have all the possibilities for this.
Especially favorable in this case will be the creation and conduct of a personal business. The Earth Monkey respects its responsible, creative and courageous representatives and is ready to help them throughout their career.
The main quality of these people is not so much creative thinking or creativity, but a quick and enterprising mind - they are able to create an original idea or write a topical article in a matter of minutes, based on just a few facts.

Since 1968 year of birth is based on the Earth element, the most favorable for the career of such people will be work in the field of real estate, agriculture or construction. Often, representatives of this sign feel an inexplicable attachment to the land of their ancestors. - so, they are ready to spend whole days in the country or in the garden, getting great pleasure from the process of fertilizing and cultivating the land.However, even from such activities, representatives of this sign will try to get the maximum benefit - often such people become private sellers of fruits and vegetables in markets and shops.
If we dwell on the professions in which the Earth Monkey will provide its representatives with maximum assistance, then the following stand out here: scientist, agricultural worker, architect, philologist or literary worker, builder, financier and banker, geologist.

Love and relationships
The first category of people born in the year of the Earth Monkey constantly needs the attention of the opposite sex, love and affection. Representatives of this year of birth are incredibly amorous, which sometimes negatively affects the search for a partner. These people, inspired by high feelings and love impulses, start looking for a partner in their youth. The main disadvantage here is that such high emotionality plays a cruel joke with them - in their love, they prefer the emotional component rather than listening to the voice of reason.
Finding a partner for people born this year is not easy. As a rule, such people find their real soulmate completely by accident and already in maturity. Attempts to create a family and marry at a young age are likely to end in complete failure for such people. The reasons here can be very different: from the partner's indifference to the emotional outbursts and whims of the Monkeys to doubts in their feelings that haunt these people to a ripe old age.

In a happy relationship and a successful marriage, the representatives of the Earth Monkey are incredibly sensual, emotional, unlike other signs, they do not differ in greed before the manifestation of love and devotion. In turn, such people constantly need love and emotional nourishment. They cannot endure a day without being appreciated or admired by someone for their skills and qualities.
The second category of representatives of the Earth Monkey sign in relationships and marriage gives preference to practicality and pragmatism. In the eyes of these people, there is nothing better than material well-being and daily comforts. In contrast to the first category, these people quite successfully marry at a young age, but such marriages are more often based on something material than on real feelings. Despite this, such people cannot be called insensitive and heartless - they feel real impulses for love closer to adulthood - 40 years.
However, here, too, the representatives of the Earth Monkey prefer not to deprive themselves of the amenities and privileges by marrying younger partners.

The Yellow Earth Monkey feels differently with different signs of the eastern horoscope. The compatibility of this sign with others will be described below in a simple and convenient table.
Sign | Compatible with Yellow Earth Monkey |
Rat | Definitely a fruitful union - both in friendship and in love. The Rat will take the leading position in this case - it is more serious, consistent and practical than the Monkey. |

Bull | In professional activities, these signs can provide invaluable support for each other and coexist remarkably financially. As for love, here their union is possible only as a short-term affair without continuation. |

Tiger | Doubtful union in all plans - both the Tiger and the Monkey will try to present their opinion in the relationship as decisive and the only true one. The well-being of such a relationship is possible only in the case of constant compromises on the part of the Monkey. |

Rabbit | Against the background of wonderful mutual understanding and help to these signs, it is difficult to achieve something together - each of them wants to be a leader and make the final decision. |

The Dragon | Monkey and Dragon - one of the most successful alliances in all plans.The wisdom, consistency and patience of the Dragon allows him to successfully manipulate the irrepressible energy of the Monkey, directing it towards achieving common goals. |

Snake | An excellent, harmonious and fruitful union in youth, but often failed in adulthood. Partners strive for different goals and rarely compromise, which leads to constant conflicts and misunderstandings. |

Horse | A wonderful couple in business relationship "boss - subordinate", but definitely unsuccessful in love. The horse does not tolerate the frivolity and whims that are inherent in all Monkeys. |

Goat | Gullible, loyal and creative Goats can become a real outlet for Monkeys for constant whims, discontent, pressure and even aggression. As a rule, the result of such a relationship is their breakup on the initiative of the Goats, who do not tolerate neglect of themselves. |

A monkey | The main condition in a relationship between two Monkeys is the willingness to make compromises in creating friendship or family. Otherwise, such an alliance is definitely doomed. |

Rooster | At first, two such partners will be completely delighted with each other - they are able to spend whole days together, discussing trifles and just having fun. Unfortunately, such sympathy fades away as soon as one of the partners has problems or difficulties. Both signs can work together perfectly in professional activities - especially in the recreational area. |

Dog | One of the most successful alliances, where partners are willing to compromise and perfectly understand each other's motives and feelings. Over time, such a union only gets stronger and has every chance of developing into a happy marriage. |

Boar | Experts consider this union the most unfavorable and unsuccessful. These partners are two sides of the same coin, and therefore will never be able to understand each other. |

For the characteristics of the character of people born in the year of the Monkey, see the following video.