Eastern horoscope

1970 - the year of what animal and what is characteristic for it?

1970 - the year of what animal and what is characteristic for it?
  1. general information
  2. Characteristic
  3. Men
  4. Women
  5. Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
  6. Manifestations in different areas
  7. Communication and friendship
  8. Work and career
  9. Love and family
  10. Compatibility

Many people believe that based on the date of birth, you can accurately understand a person and his character. And in this case, the Chinese calendar comes to the rescue. The basis of the eastern horoscope is the 12-year lunar cycle, where a certain animal is inherent in each year. They turn to him to get to know themselves and their loved ones.

All that is necessary for this is to know the year of birth, because it is he who is the very code with which you can decipher the eastern horoscope. In this article we will talk about 1970, determine what character traits are characteristic of a person born this year, how he lives and adapts in society.

general information

People who were born in 1970 are under the auspices of the White Metal Dog. According to the eastern horoscope, such people are brave fighters for justice and loyal friends. They associate this with the fact that a dog is an honest, kind, attentive animal that values ​​its relatives and friends.

The patronage of the White Dog also endows its wards with such traits as generosity and nobility. For a person born this year, such a feeling as envy or self-interest is alien. The ideal option for him would be a measured life and a strong loving family. To achieve everything he wants, such a person needs to overcome many difficulties, to know both ups and downs.


The patronage of this beast left a rather serious imprint on the character and fate of a person.Devotion, uncompromising and honesty are what characterizes the subject of the White Dog.

People born in 1970 very often become part of the conflict, as they will almost always protect the weak and defenseless.

Let us dwell in more detail on what character traits are inherent in men and women born this year.


A man born in the Year of the Dog is extremely stubborn, and sometimes his stubbornness knows no bounds. He knows what he wants from life and follows his goal. He values ​​loved ones and relatives very much, and for the sake of them he will do anything.

Such a person can always be entrusted with the most intimate. The Dog man is characterized by giftedness and perseverance, but to achieve real success in life and reach a peak on the career ladder, low self-esteem can prevent him.

He is a loyal friend and a true protector. In most cases, this man needs to have people nearby who believe in him and who can push and support him in certain activities.

As for family life, the Dog man can hardly be called an example to follow, there is one sin behind him - a craving for adultery, to which he is very inclined. Virtually no one manages to cool this ardor!


The girl who is under the auspices of this animal is characterized by an extravagant appearance.

This gives her the opportunity to give the impression of an independent and strong person, but more often than not, the opposite is true. The Dog Woman is not very confident in herself, her strengths and capabilities, but with all this, she has a strong character and an analytical mindset.

One can envy her intuition, she never fails, even in the most difficult situations, a woman will find the right and rational way out. As for her career, she has great chances to reach unprecedented heights, but she does not strive for leadership.

Relationships with the stronger sex are not easy. The girl is very demanding of her chosen one. The family is in the first place for her and therefore there will be many requirements for the future husband. Parting is not a problem for a woman at all - if a man disappoints her, or turns out to be weaker than her, the door behind him will be closed with ease and without regret.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac

In order for the picture to be formed completely and to read the character of a person it was even easier and more accurate, very often a parallel is drawn between the eastern horoscope and the zodiac sign. Consider the zodiac signs born in the year of the White Metal Dog, 1970.

  • Aries. Born under the constellation Aries in the year of the Dog, a person is a harmonious personality. He is loyal, tactful, trusting and honest. His intuition works very well, so you shouldn't even try to deceive him or take advantage of him.
  • Taurus. A person who was born under the combination of these signs is sensitive, constructive, tied to material wealth and home. Hard work, loyalty, optimism and dedication - that's what characterizes him. Strangers and situations are alarming.
  • Twin. The predominant character trait of a person in whose horoscope there is a Gemini and a Dog is loyalty. Such a person is very trusting, sociable, reliable and sincere.
  • Cancer. Very sensitive, loyal and fair. Often he can surprise with his split personality. Today, such an individual can, without hesitation, go on any adventure to satisfy his curiosity, and tomorrow he will think rationally and think over every step in advance.
  • A lion. The person is very bright and self-confident, has the makings of a leader. He likes to be in the spotlight, there are always a lot of people around the poem. He has a strong and strong-willed character, he does not know depression, there is simply no time for it.
  • Virgo. The hallmark is dedication and loyalty. This combination makes a person talented, intelligent, rational, he can settle any conflict.
  • Scales. An active, open-minded person who is not afraid of any work. He is a real diplomat, always helping those in need. Such people always know what they want and are used to achieving what they want.
  • Scorpion. Those under such auspices are quite distrustful, aggressive and withdrawn. He believes not in words, but in deeds; it is very difficult and reluctant to get closer to people. It is very difficult to earn his trust.
  • Sagittarius. This combination can easily be called curious and extraordinary. The character of the person who was born under this zodiac duet is very attractive, but contradictory. Such a person is sociable, loves fun and noisy companies, in which he strives to be in the spotlight. This is a very strong personality who knows the value of himself and friendship.
  • Capricorn. The world of a person who was born under these signs stands on three pillars - reliability, stability and protection. Such a person strives for self-development and self-realization.
  • Aquarius. The character of a person born of the waters of the constellation of Aquarius in the year of the Dog can be called very eccentric. He is gentle and attentive, takes care of his loved ones, and the most comfortable place for him is his home.
  • Fishes. A person born under the duet of Pisces and Dogs is suspicious, insecure, anxious and distrustful. He is a good friend and advisor, colleague and partner, but his low self-esteem can often interfere with the achievement of the goal.

Manifestations in different areas

Without a doubt, how a person realizes himself in friendship, career, love is greatly influenced by the year of birth. Consider how people born in 1970 perform in different areas.

Communication and friendship

Friendship is of great importance to a Dog. Such a person takes time before deciding to trust another person. But as soon as a new acquaintance acquires the status of a "friend", he can be sure that he has received a strong and reliable friend who will never betray or tell someone else's secret.

In communication, such a person is very careful, always chooses the right words and does not throw them down the drain.

Work and career

A dog is a very loyal animal for which loyalty, responsiveness and kindness are important. A person under her patronage, even when choosing a career, will give preference to a profession in which he will have the opportunity to help people and be useful to society. He performs his work accurately, correctly and competently, which is why he is respected by his superiors. He enjoys authority and trust among colleagues.

Love and family

Such a person easily communicates and makes new acquaintances that do not commit to anything. What is love at first sight The dog does not know.

Before completely surrendering to this feeling and letting himself drown in it, this individual will fully study the partner, understand the degree of trust. But if he falls in love, he will do absolutely everything for the chosen one.

Family life for a person with such a patron is not easy, it can even be difficult. It is characterized by a stormy sex life and activity, sometimes it is difficult for him to stop. If the Dog for some reason is disappointed in his partner, it will not be difficult to find a replacement.


    For a friendly relationship, the Dog is ideally suited to one who is under the auspices of the Tiger and the Horse; for doing business and for work, it is best to cooperate with the Rooster and the Hare. But when it comes to love, the Pig and Dog are the most suitable partners for the White Metal Dog.

    People under the constellation of the Dragon should beware, this applies to friendship, business, and love. Nothing good will come of this combination.

    You can learn more about the people born this year in the video below.

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