Eastern horoscope

1971 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

1971 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?
  1. General characteristics of the symbol
  2. Character traits
  3. Friendly relations
  4. Love and marriage
  5. Which professions are suitable?
  6. Compatibility

People marked with the Pig sign are popular in society. Basically, these are noble and optimistic natures, willingly helping friends in trouble, taking part in fun adventures with pleasure. Excellent and hospitable hosts, not devoid of knightly inclinations. Mostly these are solid natures, with their own flavor, but not devoid of various contradictions.

That is why their behavioral range is so extensive, and not without extremes.

General characteristics of the symbol

According to the Chinese horoscope, 1971 is the year of the Pig. And although this animal received a number of unflattering characteristics in the Russian language in the form of proverbs and sayings, in reality everything is different. According to the eastern calendar, people who have this year of birth are generally characterized positively and have a number of advantages that are not inherent in other signs of the zodiac.

They have considerable inner strength and energy. Optimal use of such a natural gift is not given to everyone.

It is for this reason that the range of behavioral patterns in this category is extremely wide - from spiritually gifted creative individuals to extremely authoritarian tough dictators.

Lifestyle and communication with others are equally changeable - from altruistic to purely consumerist. Often, in order to understand who you are really dealing with, quite often, indeed, you have to “eat a pound of salt”.

Nevertheless, in the absence of manifestations annoying to the Pig, she sufficiently shows complacency, optimism and courtesy. Their characteristic features are consistency in adherence to the code of honor, altruism, consistency and honesty.

Their main life accents are personal well-being and material wealth. Pigs are absolutely material creatures, epicureans. The state of the material issue greatly affects their emotional sphere. Financial and domestic complications can drive them to despair, aggression and hermitage. In other cases, immediate and persistent attempts to immediately correct the current state of affairs follow. Nevertheless, even in such acute situations, they are mainly able to maintain a human appearance, giving due compassion and empathy towards other people. Having lost faith in life, they can and do provide real help to other people in trouble.

Usually reserved in dealing with strangers, with their friends they show themselves as sociable and reliable friends. Some of their aloofness and wariness are melted in a friendly conversation, and liveliness and friendliness are manifested under the outer mask of restraint.

Individuals born under this sign usually have a wide social circle. Nevertheless, they have few reliable friends. They know how to appreciate true friendship and are often ready to sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

Vindictiveness to those born in the year of the Pig is unusual, and they are not capable of bringing anyone deliberate harm or letting them down. People of this sign are conservative, like outdoor recreation, but they are not inclined to long travels, since it is rather difficult to adapt to a new environment. At the same time, they quickly converge with people, becoming full-fledged and useful team members.

The sign disposes to aesthetic and sensual perception of beauty, however, the degree of refinement of taste is low.

Among them there are many good organizers of holidays, corporate events and other special events. They are practical, rarely out of work and do not experience financial difficulties, because they know how to handle money.

Character traits

Men marked with this zodiac sign have a unique temperament, they are energetic, kind, open and capable of showing knightly qualities, being gallant. Being intellectually developed natures, they quickly find a common language with the environment, are able to interest the interlocutors with original ideas and carry them along. They have infectious and well-founded optimism.

Aggressiveness is not characteristic of them, regardless of the various vicissitudes of life, they will always find a way to make money. Possessing excellent business qualities, Pig men often achieve significant success in those areas of activity where fantasy and rich imagination are needed.

Representatives of this sign are not averse to eating tasty and having a good night's sleep, they like to surround themselves with various material goods, which they are good at earning to acquire. When making a decision, they do not show haste, thinking in detail and in detail every step they take. The business that has been started is always taken to its logical end.

Representatives of this symbol, of course, have their own experiences, which they are not used to sharing. As a rule, such experiences are associated with the family sphere and personal life. At the same time, they tend to overcome all obstacles exclusively on their own, without resorting to outside help.

Possessing high efficiency, men of this sign will always plan and find time for a good rest with their families or their few, but reliable friends.

For women who are patronized by the sign of the Pig, a mystical mindset is characteristic. They are active, love to give and organize various festive events. Wonderful housewives, they value home comfort, which they skillfully and tastefully create. Peace and comfort are valued at home.

In controversial situations, they tend to concede or competently pretend that they are inferior. They prefer practical methods for solving economic and other pressing problems. The dominant type of perception is kinesthetic. They always strive to taste, check and double-check everything by touch. This practicality usually bears fruit.

These women are caring and attentive to their loved ones, even in critical situations, they are able to provide assistance or become a real life support. They have developed empathy and a willingness to help. Therefore, women are always ready for reasonable compromises, especially for the sake of maintaining healthy family relationships. Women born under this sign are good-natured, patient and ready to sacrifice for the sake of their loved ones.

The childhood years of people under the patronage of the Pig sign are usually stable and quite comfortable. The child loves fairy tales, often indulges in dreams. It adapts relatively quickly to new conditions and surroundings.

In adolescence, a striving for harmony, greater meaningfulness in their actions is manifested. They usually discover their talents and inclinations early, and by the age of 18-19 they definitely understand their goals and ways to achieve them.

As a rule, they focus on creative areas of activity, often become lawyers and engineers.

They usually do not rush to legitimize their marriage relationship and marry after graduation, having tested themselves in work. After about 30 years, hedonism awakens in them to a certain extent. Their life path is stable, without jerks and any leaps - career, home, family.

If they do not go against the tide, then by the age of 40 there is a high probability that it will be possible to take place in many areas of activity.

Those born in the year of the Pig have a spontaneous behavior even in adulthood, which brings a pleasant naturalness to their behavior. Positive traits persist with age, including calmness and discretion even in critical circumstances. After 55 years of age, there may be a desire to change jobs, but this will not affect the well-being of the family in any way.

The eastern horoscope represents a number of varieties of the Year of the Pig, each of which has certain characteristics of the character born under this sign.

Those born in the Year of the Water Pig (1923, 1983) are distinguished by friendliness, contact and are usually the center of the company. Excessive complaisance often leads them to problems in communicating with friends and acquaintances. They do not like pressure and can easily flare up when they realize that they are being manipulated, although it is their complaisance that is the provoking aspect of such a relationship.

Those born under the symbol of the Wood Boar (1935, 1995) are more mobile, optimistic and active. They love to travel, are extremely negative towards routine work, preferring creative and active work to routine. Wood Boars are responsive and often ready to help people in need. It is for this reason that they enjoy a well-deserved prestige among friends, partners and acquaintances.

Those born in the Year of the Fire Pig (1947, 2007) focus on their careers. In some cases, they behave like careerists, rigidly and inexorably following their goal. A family is organized in adulthood, but they can remain alone. They are somewhat shy of society, going about their business exclusively. This sign is often called lucky, since its bearers relatively easily become successful in career growth without experiencing a shortage of funds.

In fact, hard and hard work is behind all this.

Earth Pigs (1959, 2019) are generous and loving. Skillfully, enthusiastically form coziness and comfort in the house, completely devoting themselves to the family. Women are excellent housewives, caring mothers, ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their child.

Representatives of the Year of the Metal Pig (1911, 1971) cannot be called darlings of fate. They become successful through tireless and hard work. The ability to withstand temporary failures and life problems, gained over the years of work, eventually makes itself felt as a well-deserved and long-awaited success. Unable to cheat and deceive, they do not avoid the bitter truth and are not used to justifying themselves in situations where they made a mistake.

In eastern countries, the Pig as a symbol of the year is associated with courage and wealth. The talisman of the sign is a ruby, and bright corals, topaz and lapis lazuli are used as amulets. Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8 and combinations of them.

Friendly relations

In friendly relations, those born under the symbol of the Pig are sympathetic and sincere, which they value in their friends. They are energetic and responsible people who know the value of their word. A developed sense of empathy makes them ready to always come to the aid of a friend in difficult times. However, if trust in a person is exhausted, then parting occurs immediately, without much hesitation.

They do not like to judge anyone, but in a relationship they are guided exclusively by their own, repeatedly tested standards.

Their cheerful nature promotes sociability. Therefore, when it comes to relaxing with friends in nature or a trip in a cozy company, they are easy-going, but at the same time they carefully plan events.

Love and marriage

Their outward equanimity is deceiving and often they are not averse to succumbing to the whirlpool of passion. Fiery feelings and carnal amusements for them are the embodiment of bodily pleasure. They know a lot about this and do not miss the opportunity to have fun. However, this is not an end in itself, the constant change of partners is not for them. Therefore, having identified a permanent partner and assessing him properly (including the level of his security), they do not hesitate to enter into a marriage relationship.

An indispensable condition for marriage for those born under the sign of the Pig is the maximum coincidence of partners in tastes and outlook on life. They endure a lack of attention extremely painfully, sensuality, care and full feedback are extremely important and necessary for them.

After some time, when the sensual relationship between the spouses is somewhat dulled, the desire for pleasure pushes one of the spouses to infidelity.

However, this does not prevent them from being excellent and caring parents and preserving the family hearth.

Which professions are suitable?

The pigs marked with the symbol will not try to quickly make their careers; a planned, thoughtful forward movement is a more acceptable option for them. In this sense, hypocrisy, deception and achieving goals at any cost are not peculiar to them.

Attentive to detail, they set realistic goals for themselves in their chosen creative fields. Such a leisurely and thoughtful approach to building one's career and solving current production problems gives positive results.

For the most part, they become excellent directors, writers, and artists. People who have not found themselves in the creative field successfully work in medicine and business. Financing is one of their favorite areas of professional activity.

With business acumen and thinking, they often achieve success in this field.

Those born in the Year of the Pig achieve success in various activities exclusively by their hard work. Thanks to their perseverance and patience, they successfully resist office conflicts and intrigues. Seriousness and admiration for the leadership are uncharacteristic for them, they will not tolerate humiliation before anyone.

Not everything is easy for them, but skillful planning and clear setting of intermediate and final goals, combined with rare perseverance and hard work, give positive results. They prefer and love to create in a team.

As bosses marked with this sign, they carefully select their team members, surrounding themselves with reliable and efficient employees.


The pig is a completely peaceful and good-natured symbol that goes well with many zodiac signs.

  • Rat next to the Pig becomes less aggressive. This union, in which the Pig usually leads, promises an even and prosperous life.
  • Bulls, little created for living together, do not give much harmony in family life with Pigs. Friendly relations are possible, but business relations between them will be very mutually beneficial.
  • Love relationship with Tigers add up when they are fully capable of satisfying the sexual needs of the Pig. The friendship between them may well be successful, since there is a basis for mutual understanding. It is not worth building a business relationship between these signs.
  • WITH Rabbit family life is doomed to failure, because he is unnecessarily shy. Good friendships in this couple are also questionable. Business partnerships can be successful and promise good results.
  • Doomed to fail and the marriage union Pig with Dragon... Strong and mutually beneficial friendships are possible.
  • Snake fully and in all respects is contraindicated in Pigs.
  • Union with Horse You can't call it good, because there is a lack of feedback - the Horse is too selfish for the Pig, and the Pig is not ready to satisfy all the Horse's requests. Friendship between them will suffer from the same disadvantage. The Pig's restraint will irritate the more energetic Horse.

The sphere of business relations between them will also be unstable.

  • Goat and pig complement each other well. The Goat is impressed by the material well-being and reliability of the Pig. Love and friendship will flourish in this union. The business union of these signs is prone to success.
  • A good union, in which mutual respect reigns, form Pigs and Monkeys... Friendship and business cooperation between these signs is productive, reliable and successful.
  • Marriage Pig with Rooster develops when the Pig is able to provide it in the material sense. An overly noisy and overly active Rooster does not quite attract the Pig as a friend or business partner; rather, it even annoys him with his fussy behavior.
  • Marriage with Dog quite possible if the struggle for leadership is excluded. A successful marriage in this case is possible under the condition of complete mutual understanding and the ability to yield on the part of both partners. Friendship will be reliable and long-lasting, but a business union is extremely doubtful.
  • Between each other Pigs can form a promising and reliable marriage only if they show a willingness to yield to each other. Business and friendship relationships between them are usually extremely successful.

    Thus, the Pig sign has the highest compatibility level with the Goat and Monkey signs. Two Pigs, having come together on the basis of common interests, after some time will come to the conclusion about the need to diversify their lives.

    The Pig symbol is rich in famous people with a wonderful destiny. Among those, we note:

    • director Woody Allen;
    • oligarch Henry Ford;
    • poet and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson;
    • politician and philanthropist James Armand Edmond de Rothschild;
    • screenwriter and producer Alfred Joseph Hitchcock;
    • screenwriter Steven Spielberg;
    • actor Arnold Schwarzenegger;
    • composer Hector Berlioz;
    • actress Emma Thompson;
    • Hillary Clinton's politics;
    • artist Larisa Guzeeva;
    • singer Zara.

    More, about 1971 and the forecast of fate for this year, see the video below.

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