Eastern horoscope

1972 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

1972 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?
  1. General characteristics of the symbol
  2. Traits
  3. Men
  4. Women
  5. friendship
  6. A family
  7. Suitable professions
  8. Compatibility

The desire to find out which animal is 1972 is usually visited by people who were born in this particular calendar period or have such friends, acquaintances, lovers, business partners. According to the Chinese horoscope, the patron saint of this cycle is The Black Water Rat is a rather smart, cunning and resourceful animal. What does the description of the symbol according to the Eastern calendar say about him? What is the difference between the character of men and women born in 1972 and with whom can they build harmonious relationships?

General characteristics of the symbol

People born in the year of the Black Water Rat have only two opinions: their own and wrong. This animal patron rewards his "wards" with impenetrable self-confidence and high intelligence. Those who are lucky enough to be born in 1972 will definitely not be left behind in social life. Bright, charismatic leaders by nature, they easily go into the shadows to play the role of a "gray eminence" in the most ambitious events.

According to the Eastern calendar, the water rat is a thinker and intellectual. She, more than other representatives of this sign, is inclined to choose a field of activity where her brilliant mind will be in demand. But this does not mean that those born in 1972 are devoid of any flaws.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Water Rats are very conservative, vindictive, do not forgive mistakes. Moreover, representatives of this sign often prefer to create a false impression about themselves, because they are dependent on public opinion and want to appear better.

In general, people born in 1972 are quite well adapted to this world, they are livable, and if you accept their rules of the game, they can make certain concessions and compromises. Well-developed intuition allows them to easily avoid dangerous situations, they feel the mood of other people well. Natural observation also benefits the Water Rat and even helps her develop literary talents - if desired, representatives of this sign can make a career as a writer or journalist.

Despite his sagacity and high intelligence, people born in 1972 are rather naive and gullible, since the ideas of honor and dignity are most often gleaned by them from books.

They are theorists, and that is why they often choose inappropriate surroundings and have a relationship with them, fearing ruining their reputation by rupture or scandal. The Water Rat should be more selective in choosing friends and lovers, and also learn to focus on the main thing.


People born in the year of the Black Water Rat are the most romantic and sensitive among the representatives of their sign. They are led by desires and emotions, often simply forgetting to think about the situation in advance. This symbol gives the people who have received his patronage enough charm and charm to captivate almost anyone. If they are in love will definitely achieve a response from the object of passion.

Purposefulness is characteristic of all Rats. But people born in 1972 are less mercantile and often don't have big career plans. They are rather creative personalities with great potential, sincere and touching people.

But the Water Rat is cute only as long as its sensuality does not interfere with other areas of life. As soon as the time comes to turn on the mind, an internal controller wakes up in the representatives of this sign, capable of switching them from an emotional perception of the world to a more sober and pragmatic one.


Men born in 1972 have a calm, peaceful disposition. They are friendly, handle conflicts easily, and are generally considered good friends and partners. The patronage of the elements of water makes them more flexible and changeable, successful in diplomatic negotiations and the search for compromises. It's easy and pleasant to be friends with the Rat born in 1972. This man will always lend his shoulder, support and listen, without reading lectures.

Such a person easily disguises his intransigence in accepting someone else's opinion with the help of great authority in the eyes of others. Its intellectual superiority gives great advantages and allows you to win the respect of others. In relations with women, men, whose patron is the Water Rat, observe a kind of code of honor. They remain faithful in a couple or in marriage, arrange romantic surprises for their partner and almost never go into conflict.

If a man born in 1972 decides to get married, there is no doubt that he will prefer time spent with his family to any entertainment outside the home.

But the despotism of character also manifests itself here. Even the most peaceful Water Rats establish their own rules at home and demand their strict observance. This can be expressed not in shouts and threats, but in melancholy and even emotional blackmail. Love for this man will have to be proved by action.


The woman born in 1972 is the embodiment of the water element. She is calm, peaceful, ready to make sacrifices and compromises for the sake of her family or loved one. The ladies enjoying the patronage of the Water Rat are real philosophers and dreamers, they often indulge in thought, can participate in social movements or save the world from imaginary threats. In any case, she will find a high goal for herself and will follow it.

The female Water Rat is a genius of mimicry, she easily adapts to any conditions, always shows those around her a good mood. Politeness and friendliness are her calling card. This approach makes women born in 1972 very successful in their careers. They can occupy high positions, but they do not strive for them. Colleagues know about the analytical flair of these beautiful ladies and often trust them to make strategic decisions.

In everyday life, women, whose patron is the Water Rat, are distinguished by their accuracy. They are ideal housewives seeking to equip their home with maximum comfort.

The willingness to choose a family over a career draws the attention of men to them. Women born in 1972 become caring mothers who enjoy spending time with their household members. But if the well-being of their family is threatened, Water Rats are able to gather and show determination, strength and courage to repel any enemy.


People born in the year of the Black Water Rat are good friends. But they have their own preferences that must be taken into account. Representatives of this sign find it difficult to get along with their peers, entering into conflicts on the basis of petty strife and inflating their scale to the skies. Two Rats are more business partners than good pals, but in a relationship involving cold calculation, they are quite honest with each other.

Suitable for friendship with the Rat and the representative of the year of the Goat. They have similar ideas about money and material values. You just need to avoid the violent manifestation of emotions.

Representatives of the Pig sign are excellent friends for Rats - complete harmony and unanimity will be observed with them. Easy friendships can arise with the Rooster.

A family

In family relationships, people born in 1972 are willing to show sacrifice. They always remain faithful to the chosen partner and expect the same from him. They have good compatibility with signs that value family relationships. So, happy is usually union with people born in the year of the Ox - they get along well and can agree on the most important things.

The Dragon is also suitable for marriage., but he is quite authoritarian and expects submission from his relatives. Snakes are well suited to the Water Rat due to their flexibility and resourcefulness. But this marriage will be doomed if the partner decides to satisfy his love instincts on the side. Rats do not forgive such neglect.

If you want love storms, you must definitely consider the possibility of marriage with the Monkey.... She has a mutual attraction with the Water Rat, and the result of this sympathy can be a happy family, harmonious and loving. For those who are ripe for calmness and measuredness, we can recommend the choice of a partner born in the year of the Dog. He will give the Rat the necessary stability, help to find a quiet family haven.

For friendly and loving relationships for people born in 1972, you should not choose partners born under the signs of the Tiger, Rabbit and Horse.

With representatives of these symbols of the eastern horoscope, they are doomed to conflict, experience stress and not receive proper attention.

Suitable professions

In professional implementation, Black Water Rats gravitate towards activities related to public speaking, public relations, teaching, and any social profession. They make successful leaders of their own business and management personnel, capable of pulling out even the most hopeless project.

Occupations suitable for people born in 1972 include:

  • political career;
  • business;
  • teaching and tutoring;
  • artistic activities;
  • public speaking (coaching, business training);
  • journalism;
  • literary activity;
  • art history;
  • psychology;
  • PR and public relations.

An innate sense of beauty allows people born in the year of the Water Rat to try their hand at design and various forms of art. They can realize themselves as fashion designers or perfumers, become artists or hairdressers.


Joint consideration of the recommendations of the western (zodiacal) and eastern horoscopes allows us to make their recommendations for a particular person more accurate. It is their combination that gives the most accurate picture of a person's character and inclinations. How does the zodiac sign affect the Black Water Rat horoscope.

  • Aries. The most independent person, with an unpredictable character and behavior. It is almost impossible to predict the actions of an Aries born in the year of the Water Rat. This quality makes them incredibly successful in business.
  • Taurus. A conservative and a bit of a house tyrant. With strangers, he is always open, benevolent, charming. Taurus are prone to show-off life, and the Rat's desire to make money is quite conducive to this.
  • Twins. The most frivolous representatives of the Year of the Water Rat. General disorganization can play a cruel joke with them, it makes it possible to lose striving for the goal. These people, like air, need a job that they will be passionate about.
  • Cancer. The most sensual and dreamy Rats. Doubling the influence of the water element often makes them too hesitant and even lacking in initiative. But if personal interests are affected, Cancers are quite ready to fend for themselves.
  • A lion. Proud, charming and the most difficult to understand. The combination of the influence of Leo and the Water Rat gives the human character incredible leadership qualities, literary talent and a tendency to loneliness.
  • Virgo. The most pedantic Water Rat will definitely be born under this zodiac sign. Their pursuit of order reaches the point of mania. They have a good chance of gaining wealth and providing themselves with a calm, well-fed old age.
  • Scales. Creative personalities who are able to say a new word in literature, music, painting. The Water Rat's commercial talents help turn hobbies into a source of income.
  • Scorpion. Passionate and creative with analytical thinking, these Water Rats are capable of achieving a lot. They can become brilliant detectives or criminologists or come up with a scam of the century, it all depends on which path a person born with such a contradictory combination of signs will take.
  • Sagittarius. The most energetic and indefatigable version of the combination of signs. Sagittarius love adventures and easily captivate others with them. But such people are touchy, so loved ones should spare their feelings.
  • Capricorn. Pedants and a bit boring, prone to accumulation of capital. Combined with the Year of the Water Rat, this could set the stage for a major family fortune. But getting along with them is quite difficult, these people are uncompromising and can be cruel.
  • Aquarius. The energy of this sign is beneficial to people born in the year of the Rat. Smart, domineering, they easily achieve great success both in their careers and in their personal lives.
  • Fishes... The most doubtful variant of the Water Rat. They often go into the shadows. Both in the family and at work they need a stronger and more confident partner.

Of course, it should be borne in mind that all recommendations apply only to typical representatives of a particular sign of the zodiacal circle. In all other cases, it is better to draw up an individual horoscope.

The characteristics of people born in the year of the rat are presented in the following video.

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