1973 - the year of which animal and what are its features?

Some of us at least once in our lives, but wondered how a horoscope affects the fate and character of a person, how much in common arises when we talk about compatibility. One way or another, but it is extremely interesting to find out whether the character of a person matches the description given. For example, born in 1973 it will be useful to find out which animal rules this year, and what are its features.

Symbol description
The Chinese calendar informs us that the year of the Black Water Ox (Ox) entered into force on February 3, 1973, and came to an end on January 22, 1974.
The eastern horoscope not only rewards each year with its symbol, but also divides them into elements. An animal like the Water Ox is certainly different from the Fire or Earth Bull.
The Water Ox receives the energy of the oceans and seas, from which he strives for beauty and harmony in everything - this applies to both the inner world and relationships. It is this type of Vol that is especially sensitive to the troubles of others, is able not only to clearly express his thoughts, but also to listen to other people. He can reach many heights, he sees no obstacles to achieve his goal. And he tries to go to the dream so as not to harm those who are nearby. The life of the winter Bull will be more successful, the summer Bull - there are many more obstacles on the way. The lucky color for the Water Ox is blue. He gives him peace and tranquility.

Characteristics of people
People born in 73 are primarily philosophers. They are ready to constantly reflect and analyze.In all events, they look for meaning, always try to learn a lesson from their actions, admit their mistakes and strive to correct them. A distinctive feature is the desire to help loved ones, to support in difficult times, however, the Ox also knows how to be happy for others.
These people are usually very calm and friendly to everyone. It is very difficult to piss them off, and you will have to try hard to do it. Those who know the Bull closely try not to provoke him. When the boiling point comes, the Bull is not able to control himself, he is carried, and he can no longer stop. Then he will regret what was said and done, but too late. Being a tactful and well-mannered person, he simply tries to avoid the company of those people who are unpleasant to him, or, in his opinion, do not meet his requirements. And the bar is high. He will not humiliate or insult anyone, but he will not waste his time and energy on people he is not interested in. He can forgive insults and even betrayal, because he always tries to take the place of another person and analyze his act.
In general, this is a decent person who is responsible for his words and deeds.

Representatives of opposite sexes have their own characteristics.
Representatives of the strong half of this sign are the embodiment of masculinity. They are solid and serious, you can rely on them. They are specialists in their field, but it is impossible to say that they have excessive eloquence. However, they are charming and sociable if the situation calls for it. They will support any conversation. They feel comfortable in both male and female companies. They know how to distinguish between time for rest and work. They know how to be disciplined, but sometimes they can be mischievous. Women are attracted by reliability in such men, they are calm and comfortable with them. But it is not so easy to conquer the Bull - he knows his own worth. A woman who can please him should be interesting, intelligent, understanding.
The Ox man is prone to outbursts of rage, but at the same time he is patient. You just shouldn't bring it to such a state.

Beautiful representatives of this symbol are charming and intelligent. Such a woman can conquer and charm any man, if she just wants to. She can support almost any conversation, listen carefully to the interlocutor. The problem is that very few people can interest her. The Ox woman seeks to find someone who will be really interesting to her.
These women become good wives, able to create comfort and harmony in the family. They achieve heights in their chosen profession, but at the same time they manage to keep the house in order, and take care of the children, and take an interest in the affairs of their husband. She will never quarrel either with loved ones or with colleagues, if she is not called into conflict. The Ox woman, on the contrary, is able to act as a peacemaker in any situation, and most often she manages to reconcile the parties.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
The character and fate of a person is greatly influenced not only by the symbol of the year to which he belongs, but also by the sign of the zodiac. Their combination gives a more accurate picture. Let's see what character the Bull has in combination with different signs.
- Aries. Endows a person with an iron character. He does not stop at difficulties and goes to his goal, not being distracted by extraneous objects. To convince him of something is unrealistic. If he has decided something, nothing will change his mind. Often, others are not easy with such a person, but they have to put up with it.
Appreciates home comfort and calm atmosphere.

- Taurus. He does everything efficiently and thoroughly. This is a very responsible person both in any business and in a relationship. But he expects the same from others. Dishonesty, betrayal are unacceptable things for him. People who once behaved vilely with him automatically cease to exist for him.

- Twins. A reliable partner in all matters, able to negotiate. Easily finds contact with many people.The nature is very addicting, can fall in love at first sight, but also stop loving. At the same time, in marriage, he is prone to betrayal, but he will always find an excuse for himself.

- Cancer. We can say that he is a hermit, he is comfortable with this state. But not always. Sometimes I want to communicate, but he can only confide in close people. In work he is responsible, thanks to his intuition, he always makes the right decision. In personal life, everything is not going well, for this you must certainly meet your person with whom you will be comfortable going through life.

- A lion. Strong, proud and independent personality. He is not afraid of difficulties, overcomes them easily. For people, it is often a mystery, not everyone will open his heart. He will study his chosen one for a long time before deciding to take an important step. He chooses friends very carefully.

- Virgo. A reliable and responsible employee, this is often used by the bosses, placing more and more tasks on the Virgo-Ox. Responsibility and a desire to help a neighbor are the main components that drive this person. These are good family men who pay enough attention to their loved ones, are engaged in raising children.

- Scales. Such people are constantly prone to doubts, each time carefully weighing the pros and cons. And still, even having decided on something, they will doubt. They are pleasant and easy to communicate, it is interesting to spend time with them. They are prone to unexpected actions and can surprise others.

- Scorpion. The desire to be only the best in everything drives this person. He is hardworking and ambitious, so he usually gets his way. He can become a leader who leads people. He is very picky about the choice of a partner - both to external data and to mental abilities. But if he found a person who is close in spirit, he will be happy with him.

- Sagittarius. Easily converges with people and builds relationships. Unfortunately, it happens that not having finished the old ones, he enters new ones. It brings confusion to life. But he does not want to offend anyone and will not intentionally inflict pain. This is how circumstances develop.

- Capricorn. An intellectually developed person, knows a lot and knows how. But he makes decisions himself, neglecting the advice of others. And sometimes it’s completely in vain. It is difficult to work in a team, individual projects are more suitable for him. It is not easy to find an understanding life partner. But if such a person meets, intuition immediately suggests that this is the right person.

- Aquarius. The soul of the company, a great storyteller who can interest anyone. He can gather around him a large number of people, but he himself is drawn only to a few. In difficult times, he will be there and will sacrifice everything he can. But sometimes he is considered frivolous. It is sometimes difficult for others to understand his actions.

- Fishes. A highly developed intuition helps to move in the right direction. Success can be achieved in any area. She appreciates home comfort very much, loves to have beautiful things around. It is important for this person to be praised, to listen to his opinion.

Communication and friendship
The Black Water Ox is a very interesting conversationalist, so people always gather around him. He is ready to talk, but only when he has time for it. Personal space for him is of great importance, since it is very important for him to be alone with his thoughts. In a team, this is always a pleasant person, but as long as those around him behave correctly. The Ox will be able to stand up for himself.
It is difficult to find a friend who is more faithful and reliable, who will always lend a shoulder. Usually he has few real friends, but they stay with him until the end of his life.

Professional sphere
The bull is very hardworking and assiduous, so he can achieve success in many areas. He responsibly fulfills all his duties. Any business will be completed. He will make a good boss because he is fair to people and will always make the right decision. He can realize himself in creative professions, becoming, for example, a journalist, writer, screenwriter. There is a certain thrust to the ground. And with diligence, he can become a good farmer or gardener. In the political sphere, he will also be able to find his niche, since he has a talent for persuasion.

Love and family
Love is of the utmost importance to him. And here he is looking for harmony. Petty affairs are not for him. The feeling should be bright, all-consuming, so that the earth disappears from under your feet. For his chosen one, the Ox is ready for the most unexpected actions. But if he does not find any response in his partner's heart for a long time, then he can go into the shadows.
The Ox treats family life thoroughly. The family hearth is very important for him, he treats children with love, trying to give them proper upbringing and education, and strives to ensure that they grow up as decent people. It is difficult to piss off this person; for a long time he strives to maintain peace and harmony in the family. But if the partner purposefully looks for quarrels, the Ox can very quickly put him in his place.

To choose the right partner or know what to expect from colleagues and friends, it will be useful to have information about the compatibility of different symbols of the year. The Ox has very different relationships with the representatives of the eastern horoscope.
- With the Bull. They will find themselves both in friendship and in love. Everything will go smoothly, and with mutual understanding everything will be all right. But sometimes they can be bored together, they will always lack some kind of emotional shake-up, although they are quite capable of living together and running a household.
- With the Rat. A union is possible - both marriage and friendship. However, a lot depends on the Rat. The bull trusts his secrets only to a select few people. If the Rat deceives his trust, he will be very upset. This can lead to a breakdown in the relationship.
- With the Tiger. A very difficult relationship. Conflicts cannot be avoided. Only a very strong feeling can save the situation when both are ready to compromise.
- With the Rabbit. This is an ideal union in which both will be happy to bask in the hearth and will not want any changes. They will feel good together, so with all their might they will protect their territory from bad energy. But this couple will not succeed in a joint business.
- With the Dragon. In work, everything can turn out harmoniously, they will be able to clearly share responsibilities, where everyone will be satisfied. But in terms of personal life, it can be a vivid romance, but it is difficult to count on a long family life, too different views and priorities.
- With the Snake. Together, you can carry out your plans if the Snake is the inspirer of all undertakings, and the Bull will patiently perform everything. Both love a comfortable environment, but the Snake prefers that the Ox take care of the entire household. In their work, they are able to achieve their goals.
- With a horse. The union is doomed to unsuccessful completion. Too different views on life, hence jealousy, and misunderstanding, and other problems.
- With the Goat. They are also opposites, relationships will have to work. But sometimes opposites attract. In this case, maybe everything will work out if both partners make compromises.
- With the Monkey. Despite the fact that they are very different in temperament, they are interested in together. They have similar views of the world and many things. They will be a very strong couple who can build both a family and a successful business.
- With the Rooster. In this case, you will have to distribute the roles: the Rooster will be the organizer, and the Ox will be the performer. In such a tandem, they can exist well. Friction, of course, cannot be avoided, but all issues can be solved. In a couple, respect for each other reigns.
- With a dog. Both a marriage union and a working relationship are possible. You can agree on almost everything, but each in certain situations will need to make concessions. In general, this is a long and harmonious union.
- With the Boar. They are literally drawn to each other. Love relationships will be bright and unforgettable.But in family life, you will have to negotiate, not all of the Pig's habits are liked by the Bull, he can, for example, be angered by the excessive extravagance of a partner. And if the Pig wants to keep the peace in the family, he will try not to annoy Vol.

You will learn more about the character traits of people born in the year of the Ox.