1974 - the year of what animal and what are its features?

People born in the period from January 23, 1974 to February 10, 1975, the Chinese horoscope refers to the sign Wooden Tiger. This year is under the auspices of the green color, respectively, its element is the Tree. It is worth considering in more detail the characteristics of men and women born in 1974 according to the Chinese calendar, as well as their compatibility with other signs of the zodiac.

general information
People born in the Year of the Wood Tiger interact well with other people, love to cooperate, and they cannot be called independent. They have huge reserves of friendliness, a subtle sense of humor, which makes them unusually pleasant conversationalists. Green Wood Tigers are popular among colleagues and friends, and their social circle is quite extensive. Often, representatives of this sign are distinguished by an active life position.

Born 1974 are emotional and impulsive. The trust of others is very important for them, in an atmosphere of alienation and disapproval, they are physically uncomfortable. Some vanity is not alien to the representatives of the sign, they are flattered by the attention of others, absolutely not burdening them. They enjoy public speaking when listened to with bated breath. They may flare up sharply, but quickly move away from recent anger and may even regret it.
The apology is not for the Tigers, they just keep the conversation on the same note. The rancorousness of the Tigers is not peculiar.

Despite the liveliness of mind and character, representatives of the Tiger sign, born in 1974, are prone to reflection and depression.
It is difficult for them to concentrate on one lesson, which is why it is so important to teach them concentration and concentration from childhood.
And also it is very difficult for such people to experience failures and failures. The tiger does not give its "wards" a quiet life, and they do not dream of such. Courage and firmness of character simply attract all kinds of adventures to the representatives of the sign - both interesting and unsafe.

The sensitivity and reflexivity of the representatives of the sign can lead to the development of irritability, even a slight boredom. Inflexibility of mind and the accompanying stubbornness and inflexibility often lead to the adoption of rash decisions. But thanks to the strength and courage of such people, they manage to get out of difficult situations, while maintaining their dignity.
These people are characterized by fantastic cleanliness and aesthetics.
Moreover, even in a happy family life, they never turn into domestic cats, always maintaining inner freedom.
It is unbearable for them to be obliged to someone, to have debts to someone.

In the nature of such individuals there is something of revolutionaries, leaders. They are always ready to fight, to make sacrifices for the sake of a great future result. Once lit up with an idea, they can defend it, even reaching the point of absurdity. At the same time, they retain the ability to "kindle" other people with the most reckless things. Even the most sworn enemies respect them.
The tiger in the Chinese calendar is an animal with a fair amount of luck. That is why people born under his sign, intuitively, most often act correctly.
Routine for such people is a heavy cross, but they do whatever is necessary and do not grumble. It is unbearable for them to obey, but they lead with pleasure. If the Tiger has learned to listen to his inner voice, intuition, then he will never find himself in a hopeless situation. And if it does hit, he will do it deliberately, foreseeing all possible consequences in advance.

The Tigers have a mixed relationship with money. They love to make money and they are great at it, but it is more difficult for them to spend it wisely. Representatives of the sign are well versed in transactions with any property, they know how to conclude them with profit for themselves, they successfully play on the stock exchange.
They really need money, since these individuals like to live on a large scale.
In childhood, they are mischievous, their life is spent in adventure. Adolescence is characterized by conflicts, an abundance of emotions and anxieties. Because of their emotionality, Tigers often meet with misunderstanding from other people, including those close to them. Remembering youth in adulthood, Tigers most often consider her very happy.

Growing up, Tigers must learn the lessons that life teaches them. If this does not happen, they are overtaken by depression, frustration and disappointment. In addition, family problems, financial difficulties and other troubles begin.
Old age depresses the Tigers by the fact that the body's forces are depleted, and the energy inside asks to maintain a "young" way of life. Most of the representatives of the sign are very sensitive to aging. It should be noted that after long throwing Tigers still get the opportunity to live the life they dreamed of.
The Wood Release softens the predatory nature of the Tiger, removing aggression.
Wood bends, but does not break, which is why Wood Tigers are more flexible and compliant than, for example, Metal or Fire Tigers.

People born in 1974 have a stately physique, strong arms and legs, they are broad-shouldered and muscular. Their appearance is extraordinary - facial features are large, eyes are usually of a light shade, noses are straight, people are wide-browed and high-browed... The seemingly peaceful nature of the Tigers is not like that, it hides a lot in itself. The eccentric antics of such people can be confusing. If something does not go the way they want, they do not hesitate to threaten, aggression and hurtful words.
Tigers need to learn to control their behavior and self-control, not to give up at the first failure.

Tree Tigers find it easier - they are more agreeable and easier to compromise, taking into account not only their desires and needs. Representatives of the sign rarely live in the same place for a long time, they quickly get bored with it. Change is an important part of their life.
They are intellectuals, but not theorists. All their knowledge is practical, they are researchers by nature, acquire skills and abilities exclusively empirically.
Irony and self-irony are what helps the Tigers escape from everyday adversity.
They are receptive to creativity, inspired by books, paintings, installations. Because their thinking is outside the box, they enthusiastically welcome new trends in art by studying them.

The favorite time of the tiger's nature is spring, whatever the weather outside. For them, in the spring, the whole world comes to life, even if there is snow or rain outside the window. And also in the spring, the Tigers themselves become more active, energetic, come out of the winter "hibernation".
Born in 1974 should pay great attention to their health, in particular, the liver and gallbladder.
Alcoholic drinks in excessive quantities are evil for Tigers, as are their favorite spicy, spicy and sour dishes. But rice and lean meat are just what will be most useful. All shades of green are good for Tigers, especially bright ones, not dark ones.

Representatives of the stronger sex born in 1974 are harsh and quick-tempered. Professions are chosen by those that are associated with risk: firefighters, rescuers, police officers, and so on..
They are real "slow-witted": in order to make a decision and start acting, they need to think it over for a very long time. This can be extremely unnerving for the close people of the Tiger. However, having made up their minds, they act quickly and clearly.
If such a man has begun to implement a plan, you can be sure that he has foreseen all the options for the possible development of events, and nothing will catch him by surprise.
There are, however, situations when the Tiger thinks for so long that it is too late to make a decision.

There are many little things that are fundamental for the Tiger man, he will insist on their implementation. Because of this character trait, he constantly conflicts with someone. However, on global issues, he is truly generous. For these men, there are no such concepts as hierarchy, subordination and subordination.
They respect only those who, in their opinion, are worthy of respect.
If a person is simply above them in rank, this does not mean that he will be respected. Tigers are irreplaceable when you need to make global decisions. In times of crisis, they are the ones who put the situation on the right course. These men are capable of deep and strong feelings, but they are rarely happy in a relationship.

As for the fair sex, born in 1974, they are very energetic. They can rightly be called feminists. It is not enough for such women to be a leader only within the framework of their family; they need to have time to command in their professional activities. But then there is a risk that the house will be neglected. If the spouse takes on some of the household chores, or the housework is outsourced, there will be no problem.

Tiger women are overwhelmingly strong, solid and domineering natures. In terms of strength of mind, they are equal to male representatives of the sign. They are distinguished by powerful low voices, impressive appearance. The belief in what they say and do inspires confidence in the rest of the people.
One should not be mistaken about these women - their wholeness and dignity are perfectly complemented by lightning-fast reaction, if needed.
They are not characterized by fear and panic; such ladies keep their cool in the most unexpected situations.

Tigresses think abstractly, they know how to generate original ideas.Intellectual activity, scientific research, the creation of new theories - this is only part of a huge spectrum of their interests. The spirit of adventurism is not alien to them, which is why various events occur with these women, not always good ones. There is a contradiction between how a Tiger woman looks and how she thinks.
Logic is the basis of her thinking, while the appearance is strong-willed, strong, monolithic.
Their whole life consists of seeking balance in their personal life and work. These searches are not always successful.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
Tigers of any sex are distinguished by one thing: they do not seek to fight at home, in the family. There they need peace, tranquility and a strong rear. They do all their great things at work.
Home is enough for them to have their leadership recognized unconditionally, and of course to be loved and supported.
People born in the year of the Tiger are not the same, they are also influenced by the sign of the zodiac under which they were born. Consider the features of each astrological sign of the zodiac.
- Aries born in the year of the Tiger Are truly unique people. Inexhaustible energy, indomitable charm and the ability to reach the heights in everything, no matter what they undertake - this is just a small list of the traits of their nature. However, they are rarely satisfied with themselves, constantly suffering from perfectionism.

- Taurus sign representativesthose born this year are very solid people. Their practicality and striving for harmony balance the tiger's impulsiveness. Such personalities are the focus of all the best human qualities.

- As for Gemini Tigersthen they are very difficult people. One of the striking features of Gemini is the duality of nature, which is also inherent in Tigers. That is why people born under such a combination of stars sometimes do not even understand themselves. They are completely invisible "middle peasants", then they suddenly amaze those around them with their knowledge and skills.

- Cancers born in the year of the Tiger, it is incredibly hard to live, because they simultaneously accommodate two completely different "sets" of properties. Cancer's goal is to build a cozy little world and live peacefully in it, but the Tiger is not like that, he strives for leadership and wants to be the center of attention. Reason and feelings are fighting in such individuals all their lives: either they stand on the barricades, then they completely close themselves off from others, without explaining anything.

- At the Tigers-Lions the opposite is true: what is inherent in one is inherent in the other. As a result, a person born under such stars receives hypertrophied properties of stubbornness, will, toughness, authority, activity, love of life and, of course, arrogance. It is not a problem for them to get whatever they want.

- The original combination is Tiger-Virgo. The Tiger's love for freedom and independence is combined with the cold, calculating mind of Virgo, while the rationality of the latter accurately calculates exactly the demeanor that is necessary in a given situation. This gives truly endless opportunities to achieve their goals for people who have such a combination of signs in their horoscope.

- If the tiger nature was born under the constellation Libra, she will become a person who is persistent in achieving what she wants, but never uses forceful methods. Libra's gift of persuasion combined with the Tiger's charm - no one can resist such "heavy artillery".

- Not like that Tiger-Scorpio... Its essence will force you to build multi-pass combinations, forcing the tiger's mind and logic to retreat. It is very difficult to do anything against such people if they are serious about getting what they want. These are extremely risky natures, rebels and adrenaline lovers.

- Sagittarius Tigers - energetic, assertive and very active people. Reasoning is not for them, they are eager to carry out their plans, without postponing the matter indefinitely. Squared love of freedom is another feature inherent in this combination of signs. They cannot be forced, cannot be held by force. Only by deciding to do something on their own, they will do it.

- For Capricorns with a tiger-like disposition, nothing is impossible if they need to convince someone of something. They know how to find an approach to any person, they simply cannot find a more sincere interlocutor. These are careerists who do not like to use dishonest methods to move up the professional ladder.

- Tigers-Aquarius - amazing psychologists, next to them a person is able to forget about all their adversity. They are always in a good mood, their optimism and love of life can only be envied in a kind way. Moreover, such personalities are dark horses, a calm and kind disposition hides all their thoughts and experiences, which only the closest people can know about.

- For people born under the constellation FishesThe tiger is one of the best picks of the year. It is he who will allow modest and timid Pisces to acquire sophistication, nobility of gestures and movements, grace, elegance. Pisces-Tigers are mysterious and alluring, have remarkable creative abilities.

Manifestation in various areas
Professional activity
Mostly Tigers - leaders by nature, therefore, success accompanies them in any kind of activity. Their manner of speaking, carrying themselves, behaving invariably makes a deep impression on the people around them.
Tigers are aware of their strengths (this is both external attractiveness and well-delivered speech) and use them.
The energy reserve of the representatives of the sign is very large, their forces are quickly restored, a quarter of an hour of rest or sleep is enough - and they are back in the ranks. However, when the strength is exhausted, the internal "battery" runs out completely, and the Tigers need a good rest - at least 10 hours of deep sleep.

According to the eastern horoscope, representatives of this sign can simultaneously keep in mind a lot of things, consider several projects of different focus, immediately discarding unpromising ones.
They can easily switch to another task, so in any field of activity that requires multitasking, it is easy for them to work.
In professional activities, Tigers often challenge the decisions of their superiors, rebelling against them. However, the strength of the spirit of these individuals is such that even their pride and arrogance do not change the excellent public opinion in relation to them.

Love and family
To find his soul mate, the Tiger will have to moderate his pressure a little. Their desire for independence can scare off potential partners, and the declared in space "I don't need anyone, nobody really understands me" will cause a logical desire to leave the Tiger alone.
In the family, the Tiger (of any gender) is always the leader.
If this is a man, he chooses a woman who will be able to both be the keeper of the hearth and make a worthy couple for her husband - to be well-groomed, beautiful, interesting, educated. With marriage, the Tigers do not always work out well the first time. They are fickle, independent, and not all partners are able to accept this.

Communication and friendship
Communication is another important part of the life of Tigers. It is in the circle of friends that they are most open and relaxed. There you can hear sparkling jokes, subtle observations, interesting everyday stories from the Tigers.
Thanks to their charm, these personalities attract a large number of people, it is a wide circle of contacts that is important for them. Most likely, they have several different companies, perhaps with different interests, in each of which the Tiger feels organically.
One and the same person-representative of the sign can fish today in the company of avid fishermen, and tomorrow jump with a parachute together with the same people who are keen on parachuting. Sitting in one place and communicating with the same people oppress the Tigers, even if these people are the closest and dearest. That is why the tiger nature periodically needs "free range".
There is no need to limit his freedom of communication with those with whom he wants.

For the Tiger man the best partner will be a woman Dog or Horse... The dog adapts very well to any oddities of the Tiger, which makes him appreciate her very highly. The horse is able to provide his chosen one with that necessary measure of isolation and freedom that he needs, while she herself will live a more active and open life, without arousing the jealousy of her half. As for the representatives of such signs as the Rooster, Snake, Cat / Rabbit or Pig, then, in addition to ardent feelings, it is desirable to have a common cause.
A joint business will strengthen the marriage of these signs even more than love.
The snake is able to teach the Tiger to achieve the goal, and he, in turn, will heal her from her inherent laziness.

For a Rooster woman, the Tiger is too noisy, expressive, he brings too much chaos into her life.
The Goat and the Ox are not the best partners for the Tiger man, their relationship is very difficult. If the marriage is concluded, it is highly likely that it will not last long.
The chances of success increase if the Ox woman creates a stable platform on which the man can shine without hurting her feelings.
As for the Goat, she is too understandable to the tiger's nature, so he can quickly get bored with him. Therefore, the Tiger and the Goat often have friendly relations.

As for the Tiger woman, she is capable of making a brilliant match for any of the signs in the Chinese calendar. With a man, a Rooster or a Snake, she will have constant competition, a battle of wits, and she really likes it.
Union with a Rat, Monkey or Dragon will give her real passions, a constant glow of feelings. The strongest marriages of Tiger women with a Horse, Dog or Tiger. The tigress, with all her strong-willed nature, beauty and extraordinary charm, under which everyone, without exception, falls, is open and vulnerable.
She needs a person who will appreciate her at her true worth and at the same time never belittle or offend her chosen one.
If the man disappointed her, the Tiger woman goes to break, even very painful.

Regarding the union of the Tigers, we can add that, first of all, it is a partnership of two intelligences.
Only Tigers equal to each other in terms of intelligence and abilities can make a truly brilliant couple.
As for the other variations, they are highly likely to fail, since the Tigers' desire to walk on their own can destroy the union rather quickly.

You can get acquainted with the character traits of people born in the year of the Tiger in the following video.