1975 - the year of which animal and what are its features?

According to the eastern calendar, each year is patronized by a certain symbol and element. Their combination has an impact on people born in a certain period. Let's take a closer look at 1975 and give a description of men and women of a given year of birth. We will also learn about the compatibility of such people with other signs of the zodiac.

Basic information
According to the Chinese calendar, 1975, which began on February 11 and ended on January 30, is considered the year of the Green Wood Rabbit (or Cat). According to the eastern horoscope, the Rabbit embodies gentleness of character, sensitivity and kindness, and the element of Wood symbolizes sociability, flexibility of thinking and a tendency to compromise. The best season for the Wood Rabbit is spring, its mascot is a fig tree, and the most favorable color is white.

Characteristics of people
People born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) are characterized by such qualities as good nature, non-conflict, compliance. They easily compromise and may even compromise their interests if this helps them avoid conflict. Such persons are reliable, kind, caring, pleasant to talk to, charming, make a good impression, but prefer loneliness to communication with people with whom they are uncomfortable.
People born during this period love outdoor activities, they are especially attracted by natural beauty - this is their source of strength and inspiration. In family relationships, the persons who are patronized by the Wood Rabbit are usually happy and prosperous due to their natural flexibility and sociability.
In addition, their inner pursuit of the ideal contributes to building a strong family.Rabbits are not prone to marriage of convenience and are distinguished by fidelity in relationships with loved ones.

In relationships that are considered stable, solid, well-established, Cats can become inert and lack of initiative, heavy on the rise and not inclined to make surprises. People born this year, caring and patient parents, in general, the expression "strong family man" is about them. They also usually have a warm relationship with their own parents, filled with respect, gratitude and appreciation. But for a long time they remain very dependent on the opinion of their parents. Even after becoming independent, it is difficult for them to make a decision without receiving the approval or advice of mom and dad.
Relationships with friends in people born in 1975 are also strong and warm, often such friendships last a lifetime thanks to the loyalty of the Rabbits.

At work, they are successful and respected by their colleagues because of their competence and aptitude for careful, meticulous preparation. It is important for them to see the meaning and result in work, so they strive to find something to their liking and make a lot of efforts to achieve success in their profession.
Unfortunately, this aspiration often makes people born in the Year of the Rabbit workaholics and perfectionists who take on too much. Hobbies they like to have "home and cozy" - embroidery, drawing, playing musical instruments, cooking, reading, learning foreign languages. But here, as in work, they strive for perfection and often overlook the fact that the process is no less pleasant than the result.

Men born in the year of the Rabbit are distinguished by a contradictory disposition: they are arrogant and prone to reflection, ambitious and indecisive, not confident in themselves, with all their outward calmness and equanimity. Difficult to decide on changes, conservative, inert, they need a constant source of energy from which they could be charged and receive inspiration. Rabbit men are afraid to take risky actions, do not like to leave the comfort zone, preferring "a bird in hand". This prevents them from manifesting and developing all their creativity and intellectual potential, but it is because of this that they rarely fail.
Such people are thrifty, treat money with great respect, love to save, and decide on large spending with great difficulty. These men will not waste money even in order to impress the woman they love.

Such a man would almost certainly prefer a quiet home dinner to a trip to an expensive restaurant. But reliability and composure, responsibility and calmness make such men almost ideal companions in life. Despite some stinginess, in family life, Rabbit's husband will take on all financial obligations and is unlikely to reproach his wife for spending too much.
Such persons are attracted by energetic, active women; in relationships, Cats will provide the initiative to their partner, while in the profession they often occupy leading positions. At work, these men value stability above all else. They don't tend to change places often in search of the best deals. Authority and recognition are extremely important for them, and they would prefer to stay in a proven team in which they already have a certain status for a more financially profitable offer. These people are responsible, hard-working, patient, assiduous, they are characterized by analytical thinking.

Women born in the year of the Rabbit are born guardians of the hearth. Already from childhood, such qualities as: kindness, caring, sensitivity, gentleness of character, the ability to compromise are clearly manifested in them. But despite all their seeming meekness, they are able to give a tough rebuff when it comes to violating their borders, and the danger threatens their family and especially their children. Rabbit women are unusually attractive and sociable. They, if they want, can become the soul of any company.Easy-going, interesting in communication, hospitable hostesses, they are always surrounded by friends and like-minded people, their house is always open for friends.
At the same time, it is difficult for such persons to establish deep trusting relationships. Having a wide circle of acquaintances, it is unlikely that Rabbits will entrust their innermost thoughts to any of them or share their problems.

Superficial relationships are their weak point. And if the Rabbit woman finds herself a friend, she will be faithful to this friendship all her life. Loyalty is characteristic of them in family life. These women are rarely focused on their careers, their family is a priority in everything. Rabbit women are loving wives, gentle lovers and patient and caring mothers. When they have children, they go headlong into motherhood. Sometimes their excessive caring plays a cruel joke with them, and children, suffocating from such strong maternal love, strive to become independent as soon as possible and leave home.
That's why women Rabbits definitely need to take time for themselves, do not forget about their own hobbies and, even becoming a mother, maintain relationships with friends... These women are unusually loyal and devoted to their spouse, they are ready to listen, support and help with advice or deed. They make not only wonderful wives, but real "fighting friends". But even here they may be in danger, since it is these women who justify their quarrelsome husbands and endure to the last, finding themselves in a painful relationship for themselves, withdrawing and abandoning friends, following the demands of their husbands.

Description of the astrological signs of the zodiac.
- Aries. People whose date of birth corresponds to the Rabbit-Aries combination are energetic, purposeful, independent and even wayward. They are sociable, charming and easily get along with people. But they need to learn to control their emotions, which are often whipped over the edge, so that others are comfortable around.

- Taurus. People born in the year of the Rabbit under the sign of Taurus have a double amount of calmness and patience. They are loyal family men, loving and patient parents. They are not characterized by adventurism, and excessive down-to-earthness and prudence sometimes add boringness.

- Twins. The Gemini born in the year of the Rabbit is an energetic person who knows when to stop, a logician with a well-developed intuition. It is easy and comfortable with these people, they value their freedom and respect the independence of others. The only thing that can make communication with them unpleasant is some intrigue and a desire to show off.

- Cancer. Both Rabbit and Cancer are careful, benevolent and kind. These people are calm family men, very fond of the company of close friends. However, they need to be aware of their shortcomings - a tendency to depression, insecurity and oversensitivity.

- A lion. Lions born in the Year of the Rabbit are quite controversial people. The desire to be a generally recognized leader coexists in them with the desire to remain in the shadows, a dislike to be in the center of attention. High ambition is combined with indecision and insecurity. Such persons are capable of much if they learn to get along with themselves.

- Virgo. Rarely does a combination of signs promise such a harmonious character as in people born in the year of the Rabbit under the sign of Virgo. These people know and control themselves very well, know how to use their strong qualities. They clearly remember what they want and achieve it without problems.

- Scales. The Libra-Rabbit combination bestows composure, sociability, and efficiency to people under their protection. These people have diverse interests and are respected by the team. But hot temper and pride sometimes get in the way in family and friendships.

- Scorpion. Scorpio, born in the year of the Rabbit, is a natural born leader. Such people are charming, positive and energetic. They do not waste time, are efficient and achieve great success in their business.However, they can be too calculating, cold and vindictive, which is reflected not for the better in relationships with loved ones.

- Sagittarius. The rabbit born under the sign of Sagittarius is distinguished by intelligence, poise and sociability. These people are empathetic and attentive, do not like to sit in one place. It is cozy and comfortable with them, and only some frivolity can darken communication with them.

- Capricorn. People born in the year of the Rabbit under the sign of Capricorn are distinguished by determination. They are persistent, stubborn, hard-working and methodically achieve all their goals. These people are not very sociable, but very loyal to their friends and family.

- Aquarius. The Rabbit-Aquarius combination grants people under their patronage sweet talk, the ability to behave and make an impression. They are curious and versatile. They are also characterized by caution, distrust and excessive independence.

- Fishes. Both Rabbits and Pisces are characterized by non-conflict, kindness and calmness. These people are versed in art, they are subtle and sensitive natures. They can be somewhat withdrawn, touchy and tend to go with the flow.

Rabbits have an extraordinary charm and are extremely attractive to members of the opposite sex. However, their lightness, spontaneity, and penchant for superficial communication often interfere with building deep, lasting relationships.
Rabbits need to keep this in mind if they want to show that they are serious.
They should show more sensitivity, attention and be ready to devote more time to the person they like, and then they will certainly build a relationship that has every chance to last a lifetime. With which signs of the eastern horoscope do Rabbits have more chances to build strong love or friendship?
- Rat. At first, the Rabbit easily converges with cheerful and optimistic Rats and finds a common language. But the difference in character prevents them from building strong relationships in the future. Domestic problems become a stumbling block. The self-sacrificing Rabbit is unlikely to feel good in a relationship with a selfish and calculating Rat.

- Bull. With a devoted, patient and reliable Ox, Rabbits have every chance to build strong and long-term relationships, be they friendly or loving. But lapping is indispensable. If the flexible Rabbit can adapt to the stubborn Ox, and the pedantic Ox is not scared off by the fluttering lightness of the Rabbit, their union will last for many years.

- Tiger. It is not so easy for the Rabbit to get along with an honest, straightforward and decisive Tiger. Rabbits are frightened off by the excessive impulsiveness of the Tigers, and the Tigers are irritated by the softness and indecision of the Rabbits. If they find a common language, they will have a very interesting and dynamic union.

- Rabbit. Rabbits understand each other perfectly! The relationship between the two Rabbits will be gentle, strong and filled with mutual respect. However, indecision can be a problem in such a couple. The rabbit will constantly expect that the partner will take over the solution of the issue or problem.

- The Dragon. An alliance with an extremely emotional and unpredictable Dragon is unlikely to be comfortable for the good-natured Rabbit. The unquenchable energy and steel will of the Dragon frightens the gentle, sensitive Rabbit, their union is possible only on condition that both partners learn to accept shortcomings and yield to each other.

- Snake. A well-organized, collected and intelligent Snake can find it difficult to adapt to the Rabbit, which often relies on intuition. However, the restraint and calmness inherent in both of these signs, as well as the wisdom of the Snake and the peacefulness of the Rabbit, make such a union promising and quite possible.

- Horse. The outgoing and friendly Horse easily converges with the outgoing and charming Rabbit. If they can moderate their ardor in time, and their partnerships do not turn into rival ones, then such an alliance is quite possible.But they both lack earthiness, they are light and restless, so in order for a relationship to exist for a long time, partners will have to constantly work on them.

- Sheep. With a friendly, peaceful and caring Sheep, the Rabbit feels absolutely at ease. Representatives of these signs perfectly understand each other, their relationship is strong and reliable. Only some indecision somewhat darkens this union, but the Sheep and Rabbit have a great chance of finding a common language and building a long-term relationship.

- A monkey. An alliance with a cunning and selfish Monkey is often painful and even fatal for the Rabbit, who is prone to self-sacrifice. If a friendly and witty Monkey tries to be more sincere and honest in a relationship with a caring and straightforward Rabbit, then their union will become very comfortable and bright.

- Rooster. It is incredibly easy for Rabbits to find a common language with representatives of this sign. An alliance with a noble and honest Rooster is very promising. Partners are so suitable for each other that they are unlikely to have to work hard on their relationship.

- Dog. In alliance with a loyal and honest Dog, the Rabbits are calm and reliable at first. They have similar characters, but over time, a caring and homely Dog may become too boring for a more lively and easy-going Rabbit. If the couple maintains their relationship in a crisis, their union will be almost perfect.

- Pig. One of the most successful combinations. Rabbits are very easy and pleasant when paired with a generous, tolerant and honest Pig. Their sympathy or love happens at first sight, partners do not bother each other, their relationship remains harmonious for many years. In this couple, mutual respect, love and a willingness to come to the rescue reign.

Finally, we present a list of celebrities born in the year of this animal according to the Eastern calendar: Tatyana Navka, Anton Makarsky, Olga Budina, Maria Sittel, Yana Rudkovskaya, Chulpan Khamatova, Kate Winslet, Angelina Jolie, Enrique Iglesias, David Beckham.
About the fate of people born in the year of the Rabbit, see below.