1976 - the year of what animal and what is characteristic for it?

Many people are interested in horoscopes. Indeed, in this way, you can not only find out the characteristics of a person's character, but also understand how to find an approach to him in different situations. Yes, and your zodiac sign, as well as information about it, can be very useful.
Today we will tell you about what sign of the eastern horoscope was marked in 1976 and what is inherent in its representatives.

General information
In the Chinese calendar, 1976 was named the year Fire Red Dragon, which is truly an extraordinary and interesting animal. After all, it combines 3 of the 5 existing elements: fire, earth and air. The dragon can fly, and live underground, and breathe fire.
In the countries of the East, this mystical animal is very popular because of its enormous, in some cases even destructive power. As for people born under this zodiac sign, they are endowed with powerful energy and courage. And also, like real dragons, they are greedy for gifts in the form of gold or shiny objects.
They are almost always lucky. And even if something went wrong, then in the near future a person born under this sign will be able to adjust any circumstances for themselves. Such people have tremendous vitality, so they are not afraid of any difficulties.
They know how to make good money, so many are well-off and occupy high positions. They differ from other people by their straightforwardness, enthusiasm and calm, not scandalous character. In addition, such people are idealistic by nature. They are demanding of themselves, as well as of everyone around them.However, with their straightforwardness, they often hurt their loved ones.

Those who fight the Dragons almost always lose. They like to give advice, but they themselves do not accept it. It is very difficult for such people to achieve peace of mind, therefore, very often they hide from themselves and from others.
According to the eastern horoscope, 1976 is Metallic. This element can make a person tough and withdrawn. Almost all people born this year honest and punctual... To some, they seem quite callous, but this is only at first glance.
The first years of life are often filled with difficulties because of their intransigence and adherence to principles, as well as because of the high demands on their loved ones. But by old age, with the acquisition of life experience, all Dragons become happy.
If we talk about personal life, then it is very difficult for such people to choose a particular person. Many of them like the novelty. Therefore, from time to time they want to return to that very first stage of the relationship, when everything is still mysterious, difficult, and both people are overwhelmed with emotions.

Characteristics of people
It is worth noting that those who have born in 1976 in their passports are quite hot-tempered and more aggressive than the rest of the Dragons. However, they also retreat quickly. The character of men and women is in many ways similar, but, of course, there are also minor differences.
All men born this year grow up quite early. Already at a young age, they know what they need, so they can set all the priorities correctly themselves. Boys don't like to be under pressure or to make decisions for them. Therefore, in such cases, they can be quite aggressive.
Their circle of fans is large, so they have been spoiled by choice since their youth. To defeat such "macho" will require a wise, but at the same time, passionate girl who will not greatly limit their freedom. Only in this case, such men will be able to appreciate their companions at their true worth and even make sacrifices for them. Men born under this sign always remain faithful to such partners.
Their work must necessarily be very interesting, as they are too active. But money is not the most important aspect, the main thing is the ability to constantly change and develop.

Girls born this year are distinguished by their strict character. In addition, they have excellent logical thinking, which makes all the people around them treat them with great respect. Dragon girls are quite open and sincere, so they inspire confidence in many. They take on any business and easily solve all problems.
By their nature, they are idealists, respectively, and their requirements for themselves and others are too high. For this reason, many are considered arrogant and indifferent.
All girls react very badly to criticism and do not tolerate people who question their abilities.
They love to be admired, so they always try to look beautiful and elegant. They are afraid of the approach of old age, so they try to prolong their youth with the help of various accessories and expensive clothes. Partners are chosen very carefully and for life.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
If we consider all those born in this year according to the signs of the zodiac by month, then the picture is even more interesting and detailed.
- Aries - strong and ambitious natures who are almost always confident in themselves. They are leaders in any relationship and can go over their heads to achieve their goal. For marital relations, they are suitable either equal in temperament, or more calm personalities. With a more emotional partner, the marriage is likely to fall apart in the first year.

- Taurus-Dragons - they are soft and sociable, as well as charming personalities. Their charm attracts the opposite sex. They are very loyal by nature.

- Twins - highly intelligent and determined.They are able to reach heights in any endeavors, however, they need a patient and understanding partner.

- Crayfish - the most peaceful and good-natured people, who are also very resilient in life. They are quite tolerant of human shortcomings, they know how to forgive a lot. They try to resolve any conflict situations peacefully.

- Lions are attractive to most of those around them, but this is until their ambition is hurt. In this case, all their anger will spill out. It can be difficult for them to find a life partner, but if this happens, then Leo will be faithful for the rest of their lives.

- Virgin Are very talented and purposeful individuals, therefore they can achieve success in various fields of activity. In addition, career growth is provided for them. And not only experience helps them in this, but also luck. Virgo dragons are very demanding of their loved ones, as well as themselves. Therefore, they are very worried in case of any failure.

- scales are loners, so they never open up to other people. In addition, they never interfere in the affairs of others. It is very difficult for them to let a new person into their lives. In addition, by their nature, they are monogamous.

Scorpions - they are the kind of people who either love or hate. It is easy to hurt them, however, they will not react to minor offenses.

- Sagittarius have not only strong character, but also tremendous willpower. Sagittarius-Dragons are lucky, successful, and reasonable people. In addition, they love power too much, however, they need an affectionate and strong partner.

- Capricorn-Dragons have a very strong character. They are quite sociable and ambitious, so they always strive to occupy high positions. In a love relationship, Capricorns are not too decisive, because they are looking for a partner for the rest of their lives.

- Aquarians - bright and interesting personalities who have perfectly developed intuition. They don't get bored in every situation. For the sake of love, such people are ready for a lot, however, they can marry several times in a row.

- Fishes - rather sensitive and subtle natures. They are very fond of creativity, therefore, most often they find themselves in the field of art. Their character is rather hot-tempered and domineering. As for love, they are loyal and caring, they never allow themselves to be manipulated. Any parting is very difficult.

Work and career
Since everyone born in the Year of the Dragon is too energetic, they are looking for interesting work for themselves. However, this does not mean that they are not interested in money. Such people do a great job with difficult tasks.
Among Dragons, both lawyers who easily move up the career ladder and creative people are often found.

Love and family
The personal life of the Dragons is not so easy. After all, it is very difficult for most of them to choose one person. Only a few create a family at an early age. Some marry when they are mature and wise enough. If not, then they remain in splendid isolation until old age. Many people marry according to calculation, because they cannot find an equal partner for themselves. But in this case, their relationship turns into a real cold war.
They are in no hurry to expand their family and have children. However, with their birth, Dragons give them love and all the best. Children are always their pride. However, the upbringing of babies can take place in a rather strict regime.

Calculating the compatibility of a couple using the eastern calendar is very simple. It is enough to know the year of birth of the second half.
Dragon and Rat
Such a pair is considered one of the most prosperous. They do not burden themselves with any problems, so they solve all the troubles that arise with ease. Love between partners does not arise immediately, most often the relationship remains friendly for a long time. But over time, a great pair is formed. If the partners are open enough, then everything will be fine in bed.

Dragon and Bull
At first glance, it seems that there is nothing in common between the partners. After all, too eccentric Dragons will find it difficult to get along with purposeful Bulls. If, after all, the family was created, then the relationship will have to work long and fruitfully. But if the couple makes compromises, then in the future they will definitely be happy.

Dragon and Tiger
Such a pair has high compatibility, however, in some cases, contradictions may arise on many issues. After all, Tigers love to be leaders, but after a certain period of time their character becomes softer. In bed between the spouses, passion literally boils.

Dragon and Rabbit
This couple still has small chances for a joint future. However, the bond must be based on more than just physical attraction. There must also be understanding. As for their sex life, in the case of their living together, it should be beautiful, because both signs always try to be perfect in everything, without exception.

Dragon and Dragon
Such a couple has many chances for a joint happy future. After all, both halves are romantic enough and therefore can fall in love with each other in their very youth. They are not at all jealous, since they practically do not differ in character and know everything about each other. In the most difficult situations, they seek support from a partner. Their sexual life is varied.

Dragon and snake
Of course, such a couple has prospects, but in an already created family, a rather problematic situation may arise inside. However, if the Snake can take control of his emotions, then it will be an excellent union. Most often, in such a relationship, the Snake is the initiator, but the Dragons are more emotional.
Their union is quite successful and long-lasting. In addition, both partners never seek love on the side.

Dragon and Horse
Such an alliance is considered one of the most unsuccessful. After all, it will be very difficult for both partners to find a common language with each other. Horses value freedom too much, so they often provoke their partners into outbursts of anger.
If in the end result they do not come to an understanding, then the family will simply fall apart.... But at the same time, everything is always in order with their sex life.

Dragon and Sheep
In such a union, you always need to work hard on relationships. Then the family will always be happy. However, if leadership falls into the hands of the Sheep, there will be many problems and troubles.
There will be passionate and colder periods in family life. But you shouldn't expect too much emotions from your partner, because the Sheep is completely incapable of them. However, sexually, the family practically never has problems.

Dragon and Monkey
This couple seems to be made for each other.... Both partners are very bright personalities. Dragons are quite cunning, which allows them to avoid many problems. With common views on the family, as well as raising children, they will be able to live happily ever after. Sexual life has remained quite rich and varied over the years.

Dragon and Rooster
Such an alliance can be very beneficial for both partners. More often than not, the Dragons have the lead in such relationships. In such a union, all strong feelings are mixed: love, tenderness, passion, and even friendship. Spouses will never be bored. In addition, emotions persist throughout life. They can guess each other's desires from the first word, therefore, sexually, partners are always satisfied.

Dragon and Dog
This tandem is quite complex. Dogs often hurt the pride of Dragons, which reflects badly on the created union. They also become the initiators of all conflict situations leading to breakdowns in relations.
Since their views on life are quite different, most often the marriage does not last more than five years. It will be very difficult for dragons to open up and show their true feelings. The same applies to bed relationships, which greatly disappoints Dogs.

Dragon and Pig
In such a union between partners, there is always both passion and attraction to each other. They always know what the other half is lacking. For this reason, their relationship is even and calm. Sexually, their lives are very diverse. The couple are not only great lovers, but also good friends. At the same time, all feelings remain not only at a young age, but also until old age.

Summing up, we can say that those who were born in 1976, that is, in the year of the Fire Dragon, are distinguished by a strong and decisive character. They always strive to be perfect in everything and demand this from everyone around them. But if you choose the right path in life, as well as the faithful people around, then the Dragon will be able to achieve a lot and change for the better.
The characteristics of people born in the year of the Dragon are given below.
Everything is very accurate.