1980 - the year of what animal and what is typical for it?

According to the eastern calendar, which consists of a 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of a certain animal. People born during this period acquire special qualities that determine their future destiny. The most sincere, energetic and devoted are those born in 1980. Their patron is the White (Metal) Monkey.
General information
1980 passes under the sign Metal Monkey, in the Chinese calendar it starts from February 16 and lasts until February 5, 1981. People who were born during this period live their lives in an interesting way, it is full of dynamism. The Metal (White) Monkey is always sure that she was born for a luxurious life full of triumphant victories. The eastern horoscope promises all representatives of this sign many bright and unforgettable moments.
According to the Slavic horoscope, this year coincides with the year of the Pearl Pike, therefore representatives of this sign are also distinguished by their ability to control emotions, straightforwardness and the ability to destroy everything bad and negative on their way.

Characteristics of people
All people born in 1980 are under the influence of the element of white metal. Since it has characteristics such as sharpness and hardness, they are characterized by a sharp and rather tough character. Metal Monkeys also ignore the opinion of outsiders, protect their independence in every possible way and almost never make concessions.They can be called committed individualists who love to destroy stereotypes and constantly strive for something new. It should be noted, however, that metal has simultaneously endowed the character of people born this year with both positive and negative traits.
Monkeys are playful, cunning, resourceful, always trying to find their place in the sun. Those born this year also have unusual acting and public speaking abilities, therefore they lead the rest of the people. Monkeys always feel what is happening, so they find a way out of difficult situations, do not give up and do not despair. Good intuition saves these people from trouble, but their main weapon is the ability to manipulate others.
Representatives of this sign never reflect on their actions, their moral side. They have no time to waste time on such trifles. Whether this is a good or, conversely, a bad deed, they do not care, since the Monkeys are not important about reputation, but focus on themselves.
The Monkey will not give happiness to others just like that, she needs to get something in return.

The representatives of the stronger sex, who were born in 1980, are characterized by endless energy and quick wit. They love to impress others and are sociable. Thanks to the oratorical abilities, men of this sign are in the spotlight from the first minutes of communication. Men Obligations are distinguished by their hard work, they can work continuously and thus quickly achieve their goals, therefore, they often achieve good results in their careers, they make ideal leaders who care about their employees.
At a young age, guys do not go unnoticed by girls, they are attracted by the love of life and the cheerful disposition of the Monkey. In marriage, they always take care of a healthy family atmosphere, so they know how to provide for the family financially.
In addition, Monkeys are considered the best fathers, as well as economic, loyal and loving husbands.

Ladies born in the year of the Metal Monkey are original and have an unusual appearance. They are energetic strong people with a slight charisma. Monkey woman skillfully hides all her flaws and flaunts positive qualities favorably, so we can say that she knows how to present herself in society. The men in them are captivated by the combination of a sharp mind and beauty. Girls literally bathe in male attention they love to flirt and flirt.
Women of other signs often envy Monkeys, considering them to be kept women and selfish. In fact, such girls like to receive care from men, but at the same time they prefer to cope with all the difficulties on their own. Representatives of this sign choose only a responsible prestigious position, which provides them with financial independence and the realization of ambitions. They are not afraid of work and quickly adapt to any difficulties.
When the Monkey meets his beloved, he becomes a hospitable hostess, a wonderful wife and a caring mother.

Advantages and disadvantages
Those who are under the influence of the element of Metal have a willful disposition, this distinguishes them from other people. Thanks to their enormous internal resources, Monkeys find a way out of any situation. The main advantages of the representatives of this sign include the following features:
- good intuition and intellectual level;
- sensuality;
- sociability;
- curiosity;
- Analytical mind;
- sincerity in a relationship;
- ingenuity;
- purposefulness;
- organizational skills;
- originality in style;
- hard work;
- stress tolerance;
- brightness.

As for the shortcomings, they also exist:
- capriciousness;
- irascibility;
- impermanence;
- tension;
- cunning;
- selfishness;
- pettiness;
- boasting;
- indifference.
Despite all of the above disadvantages in character, Monkeys are adorable and cute, so it is impossible to be angry with them for a long time. Thanks to their natural charm, those around them tend to get closer to such a person.

Combination with astrological signs of the zodiac
People born in the year of the Metal Monkey are versatile. At the same time, personality characteristics can change depending on the sign of the zodiac. The zodiac portrait of the Monkey is presented as follows.
- Aries... These are too ambitious people who constantly strive to be in the spotlight and overcome many difficulties on their way. Aries-Monkey reaches incredible career heights. Such people make good bosses.
- Taurus. Differs in poise and peace of mind. Taurus-Monkeys prefer to live in real life and never chase great fame. They love comfort, aesthetics and romance.
- Twins. They are fickle personalities who can be sarcastic, hot-tempered. Astrologers recommend that such people think carefully about their actions and only then make decisions.
- Cancer. Representatives of this sign are a "kind" Monkey who loves family comfort, is in no hurry and well equips its life.
- A lion. Such a Monkey is considered to be passionate and ardent. She requires constant admiration, but at the same time is a sympathetic and kind person.
- Virgo. Representatives of this sign are constantly working and considering all possible options for earning money. The hard worker Monkey is responsible, and if he gets down to business, he brings it to the end.
- Scales. This is too controversial Monkey, whose character combines cunning, communication skills and charm.
- Scorpion. This is the most cunning of the Monkeys, who values only their own interests. Representatives of this sign carefully calculate all the risks, therefore, they reach heights in business.
- Sagittarius. Stubbornly goes to the intended goals, makes the necessary connections and is popular with the opposite sex. He is not afraid of any obstacles and strives for something new.
- Capricorn... In such a person, the eccentricity of the Monkey and the scrupulousness of Capricorn are eaten. They are distinguished by hard work, sociability and easily adapt to any conditions of life.
- Aquarius. He is a reserved person who knows how to hide his emotions from prying eyes in time. These are conflict-free people who strive for stability in everything.
- Fishes... Possess dexterity and ingenuity. Such people know how to communicate with others.
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, born in the year of the Metal Monkey, go well with each other. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces get along well with each other. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorns understand each other well.

Professional activity
According to the Chinese horoscope, people who were born in the year of the Metal Monkey are able to actively express themselves in any field of activity, in this they are helped by the presence of organizational skills and ingenuity. But they need to be constantly motivated, since hopelessness and everyday routine reduce interest in work. Monkeys with great pleasure are engaged in personal business, where they feel like a master. It is difficult for them to be subordinate due to their complex nature.
Metal Monkeys perform well in areas related to metal, therefore, electrical appliances, vehicles, technical development, design and the jewelry industry are considered native to them. The monkey can successfully excel in such professions:
- economist;
- law enforcement officer;
- architect;
- doctor;
- lawyer;
- consultant;
- security guard;
- stockbroker.

Love and relationships
People born in 1980 are overly emotional and sensitive, their personal lives are full of variety and full of bright colors. Experiences in love are considered their integral part, therefore they usually have a lot of love affairs.Girls and guys often lead a riotous lifestyle in their youth, since they cannot make a choice in favor of one chosen one. They cannot stop in time, because of this, they get married several times in their lives. Monkeys attract the opposite sex with their good breeding, open character and cheerful disposition.
Building strong and long-term relationships for such people is hampered by their inconstancy and frivolity. If the Monkey falls in love for real, then other people cease to exist for her. They become devoted only to their soul mate. After parting, representatives of this sign do not decide for a long time on a new relationship, since they strongly stick to their chosen one. Problems and difficulties with Monkeys usually arise in the first years of life together, as they need "grinding".
Monkey partners should be aware that they are too hot-tempered and their mood often changes. After all domestic conflicts subside, representatives of this sign become more trusting and fully reveal themselves, becoming loyal partners.

In order to build a lasting alliance with the Metal Monkey, you need to not only know its character, but also take into account compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope.
- Rat. It is considered the perfect union. Representatives of these two signs await a promising and emotional relationship that can lead to both a lasting marriage and complete disappointment in each other. These signs are sensitive, they can read desires, all the feelings and thoughts of a partner. In addition, both signs are considered wise. The Rat loves social life, friendly gatherings and parties, while the Monkey, on the contrary, is an inveterate homebody, so they may have problems in relationships.
- Bull. This union can be called good, since both representatives of the signs perfectly understand each other. At the first stage of the relationship, the Bull may seem too boring to the Monkey, but it will be attracted by efficiency, hard work and decency. In turn, the Ox will need time to master the complex nature of the Monkey, and if he learns to put up with its shortcomings, then in the future they can have a happy and long-term marriage. As for friendship, these two signs are incompatible - the Monkey will constantly laugh at the Bull.
- Tiger... Such a combination of signs can be called a "ticking time bomb", since their union is usually accompanied by quarrels, which, in turn, leads to conflicts. Sometimes strained relationships can change for the worse or turn to violence. The monkey becomes a victim of its complex nature and a constant desire to laugh, a large family and large families will help to save the marriage bond. Friendship between the Monkey and the Tiger is possible, since the representatives of these signs have compatibility in this. As for business relations, it is possible, the only thing is that, due to the cunning of the Monkey, the Tiger can show violence and aggression.
- Rabbit. This sweet couple often makes a strong family, but on condition that the Monkey decides to be a mother or father with many children. Rabbit and Monkey are good friends, their connection is deep and strong. In a business relationship, it is better not to collide with these two signs, since they are doomed to futility due to a lack of mutual understanding. Each of the representatives of these signs will confront a partner without realizing it.
- The Dragon. The union cannot be called ideal, but it has a chance of existence. Family well-being directly depends on the behavior of the Monkey and its complaisance. Friendship and business relationships go well between the signs, since both are endowed with agility, dexterity and cunning.
- Snake... A very dubious union, which has a chance of existence, subject to the consent of the Snake. The duration of the relationship depends on the behavior of the Monkey.The snake will have to come to terms with the shortcomings of the Monkey and pacify arrogant pride, and the latter needs to abandon frivolity and frivolity. Friendship between them is possible, but it is devoid of spiritual warmth and is only a secular relationship. It is not recommended for the Monkey to start a business with the Snake, as there will be many problems in it.
- Horse. Bad compatibility and hopeless union. The Horse cannot tolerate the superficiality and malice of the Monkey, and she, in turn, will not accept the self-righteousness of the Horse, which loves freedom. Friendship is possible only for a short time, since the Horse is distrustful and will blame the Monkey for no reason. The same goes for business relationships.
- Goat. Union is allowed if the Monkey has a lot of money. The goat loves wealth and does not have long-term relationships with the poor. Because of this, between these signs, there are often cases of marriage of convenience or a fictitious union. The Goat and the Monkey are considered great friends, they will not be bored together. As for the joint business, it is also possible thanks to the combination of the talents of the Goat and the sharp mind of the Monkey.
- A monkey. Two representatives of the same sign get a wonderful union, which is based on mutual understanding, mutual sympathy and great love. A business connection is possible provided that a third partner appears between the two Monkeys - the executor of their ideas.
- Rooster. Union represents life on the crater of a volcano. This applies not only to love relationships, but also to friendship, business ties. The problem in such a difficult relationship is the lack of mutual understanding. In addition, it will be difficult for an honest, sincere and naive Rooster to exist under the same roof with the "artist" Monkey, who, while arranging circus tricks, will sometimes be cruel and sometimes laugh.
- Dog. According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of these signs is considered problematic and doubtful. The dog is an idealist, and the Monkey will constantly use it. Friendship and business connection between them is also hopeless - the Monkey will try in every possible way to lead the Dog.
- Pig... There is little in common between the representatives of these signs. The Monkey will act bilaterally - either appreciate and respect the Pig, or easily fool her. Friendship between the signs is possible if each of them keeps their ears open. Business relations are also developing well between them, since the Pig and the Monkey are interested in making large profits.

Summing up, we can say that the Rat and Dragon are ideal partners for the Monkey. It is also quite compatible with the Monkey, Dog, Goat and Rabbit. You should not strike up a relationship with the Tiger, Pig and Snake.
In the next video, you will find additional information about this amazing sign.
An interesting article, I learned about myself and about myself)