1985 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

Each person who wants to know himself and determine his true strength, direction, vector of development, makes a binding of the deciphering of the personality to the date and year of birth. And even ardent skeptics do not refuse to learn at least a little about how the zodiacal or other symbolic affiliation and time of birth affect a person. Information can be perceived in different ways, but there is no doubt that it is interesting and deserves analysis.

Character characteristic
Those born in 1985 consider themselves Bulls, but not only the year of birth is important here, but also the day, month... So, according to the Eastern calendar, chronology starts not from January 1, but from February 4. Those born before February 4 in 1985 are not Bulls, but Rats.
The year of birth does more than just represent one of the twelve recurring characters.
1985 was not just the year of the Bull, but the Wood Bull.
Therefore, people born in this year often consider a bull to be their totem animal and like to wear small amulets in the form of a wooden bull. According to the Chinese calendar, this year is born stubborn, strong-willed and hardy people.

The bull is a leader-activist whose motto is “to be, not to seem”. Representatives of the sign often show their intelligence, exactingness, honesty, determination and ability to understand the situation without unnecessary panic. But it cannot be said that Bulls calmly react to failures: in front of strangers they try to keep their face, but as soon as this mask can be removed, they tear and toss. And this is also a natural disposition.
The bull is not the most timid animal, and it is not in its nature to silently endure all the hardships.
When they first meet the Bull, people think: here is an example of calmness, adequacy, sanity. And external equanimity is really inherent in Bulls. They will not show indignation in public, they will not loudly be indignant where the situation can be resolved in a civilized manner.

The main features of the Bull.
- Bulls know how to be courteous, delicate, they feel inner awkwardness, even if just someone nearby demonstrates tactlessness. But to say that a hurricane does not rage inside the Bull is not true. If the situation speaks of an impending danger, if a person is expected to be under severe stress, lightning will flash inside him. But he can only show this to those close to him, and even then not always.
- Stubbornness is called the main trait of the Bull, and there is common sense in this. But this is not a stupid, meaningless insistence on one's own, but a desire to come to one's goal, without getting lost on someone's arguments and visible obstacles. But this also helps the Bulls to be careful: they will not argue if they are not sure that they are right. They will not take risks if they doubt their own strength and ability to get around this risk. However, for sure, if the Bull wanted something, no one will stop him. Only his own mistakes can teach him, only his own experience forms some kind of mental immunity.
- Bulls are quite conservative, they need time to get used to innovations. Any unknown brings panic and chaos into their lives, while, even having learned to cope with something new quickly and easily, at the next such case, they are still overly nervous.
- Bulls are hardworking, disciplined, intelligent and articulate. What they really need, they will definitely bring it to the end. There are many contradictions in them, which are expressed in a frequent change of mood, in the ability to be either Nordic calm or quick-tempered for no particular reason. Someone even considers Bykov arbitrary, but this is not the most correct definition.
- In fact, this year's representatives simply cannot come to terms with the fact that is at odds with their own values. They react sharply to someone's laziness, lack of obligation, slowness, unwillingness to do the job perfectly. They are demanding of others, but they are demanding of themselves no less. Bulls can be Samoyeds, and the more they achieve, the deeper they can dig into themselves.

Characteristics of the seasons: winter Bulls are focused on the result, they are ready to "plow" both day and night for the sake of it. Summer and spring Bulls sometimes go astray, even if they are successful and hardworking, internal throwing often gives rise to doubts in them. Cherished victories slip out of hands precisely because of self-doubt. Autumn Bull systematically goes to his goal and enjoys the well-deserved result, it is difficult to lead him astray.

Character of people
Character is not a general description, but a set of traits that make up an emotional-behavioral portrait of a person. They will be different for a man and a woman.
The Wood Ox-man is a reliable, decent person, ready to defend his values and not compromise with his conscience. He is not necessarily a "darling", outwardly and in behavior, he can be quite harsh and low-emotional, but this does not contradict his natural decency and sense of justice. The Wood Ox is a solid person who loves clarity and coherence of actions, order and equality. He does not like to be in a society where there is injustice, where a conflict is brewing and the situation is close to a scandal.
He does not tolerate a showdown, because in the family life of the Bulls men will be happy with the one that also cannot stand scandals.

All their achievements are the fruit of work, perseverance, dedication, effort and time, which they honestly give in exchange for reaching a new peak. Among the Male Bulls, there are not many who prefer to earn a passive income, do not like to work according to a schedule and prefer idleness to work. No, Bulls are not like that: they need an object that must change through labor.
They like to evaluate the results of their activities, they like specifics.
The Bull also cannot be denied ambitions.He does not always clearly demonstrate them, because he prefers deeds and actions to any appearance. If the Bull is appointed as the boss, he will be strict, but fair. He really will be the last to leave the workplace. The exactingness of his subordinates can take everything for the same despotism, but the bull-boss will not tolerate laziness, incompetence, stupidity.

Bull men are conservative. They like women of classic beauty who can present themselves gently but effectively. They value a woman's mind, uncommon thinking, charm, endurance and calmness. They cannot stand hysterical people and will not give their lives to a brawler with a bitchy character. And even if these are found on their way, it happens mainly in their youth, and long-term relationships with such ladies do not happen.

Ox Women can be called restrained, balanced, delicate. These are reliable people who are distinguished by their diligence and even sometimes workaholism, a desire to take place on different "fronts". It is important for them to have a good assessment from others. Outwardly, they quite calmly react to criticism, but inside passions are raging and suffering can be quite strong. They really care about public opinion, although they intellectually understand that it is impossible to please everyone.

Haste and multitasking are something they can cope with calmly, but they absolutely do not like chaos. If the Ox woman needs to do work at home, and the dishes are not washed in the kitchen, they will not be able to concentrate on work.
The order around is important to them, and only then the order comes in their head.
Measurement and calmness are the characteristics that they endure in their lives. The rush and desire to complete 100 tasks in 100 different places in 1 day is not at all what they want. They are hardworking, hardy, active, but the “squirrel in a wheel” lifestyle is absolutely not for them.
Bull women do not refuse to help people, even if for the sake of this help they have to postpone their affairs. It is difficult for them to refuse a person, it is difficult to do something for the sake of a tick. Even not the closest friends who turn to them with a request can count on the selfless help of the Ox woman. And often women do not realize that their good qualities are used by people with a different standard of values.

External restraint does not conflict with the passionate temperament of Bull women, as soon as it comes to love. These ladies are amorous, they like a romantic flair, artificial drama of relationships, they quickly become enchanted and do not want to take off their rose-colored glasses. At the same time, you cannot call them jealous.
By the way, to stop loving, to be disappointed is a frequent thing for a Bull woman, this can happen at one moment and they will not suffer for a long time.
The bulls are neither optimists nor pessimists. They themselves "switch" themselves out of a prolonged bad mood, and they themselves can introduce themselves into it. A changeable mood is a product that can be influenced by anything, but all the settings are only in the head of the Bull himself. These are self-sufficient women who do not know how to be bored alone, who do not like noisy companies often and a lot, do not get hung up on one vector of development.

Love relationship
Romanticism is a quality that is more inherent in Ox women. But it is rather decorative: the ladies themselves turn it on when they need to artificially warm up the situation, inflame their feelings. But the Bulls do not like to live in such a mode for a long time. They stand firm on the ground and do not want to waste their lives on a romantic flair, which in large quantities becomes cloying. When it comes to marriage, Oxen include reasonable calculus.

They need an agreeable partner with a kind and easy character, with a sense of humor. This must be a person who is very fascinated by the Bull. They use this charm for their own good - they slightly adjust the behavior and habits of the partner, tune him into his own wave.
So, the grinding of characters in marriage can be easy if the Bull undertakes to conduct it.
Both men and women born in the year of the Wood Ox are very caring towards their loved ones. They will prepare breakfasts for the whole family, getting up before everyone else, they will heal everyone and choose gifts with special trepidation. Even in a quarrel with a partner, Bulls do not stop caring, and these household chores are very important to them. Women are good housewives: before marriage, they might not even know how to cook, but with the advent of a family, they strive for exemplary order, perfect cuisine and cleanliness in the house.

Bulls rarely go to conflict. In a love relationship, they almost never provoke quarrels, try to avoid them and extinguish the beginning conflicts. But if the partner is wrong and his arguments offend the Bull, he can be upset to the core. And often insult, betrayal is the collapse of a relationship.
The bull knows how to forgive, but, it turns out, does not know how to live with a traitor.
He will not have bad feelings for him, but all the good that was previously in a loved one will also cease to be significant for the Bull.
Cheating is not in their nature. This injustice, deception, which they do not tolerate in others, is unacceptable for them. And if the betrayal did occur, then this is a special, although not always conscious step, a way out of a prolonged unnecessary relationship.

Friendly relations
The bull can be called a faithful, good friend. He will not speculate on friendly relations, and he will not be friends only with the "necessary" people.
A bull may have many friends, but sincere affection is obtained with only a few. Although he will help those others as soon as such a request arrives.
In a friendly company he is generous, attentive, caring. He is afraid to seem cold and indifferent, because sometimes his concern is excessive. Even when not asked, he offers his services. This often happens due to self-doubt. Bulls may doubt that their work is really worthy of praise, that their friend (a worthy and bright person) does not call him his comrade for nothing.

The Ox does not always look objectively at the insults that friends can cause. He is ready to forgive a lot, he is condescending even when he is openly used, neglected. But after the understanding of the real picture comes, the image of a friend fades. The bull will communicate, help, but in his heart this friend will no longer take the same place.
People born in 1985 may have many friends who cannot be brought together. They are so different that they may not find common ground in a common company. Although if The bull is smart, delicate, flexible, thanks to his natural delicacy and foresight, he will be able to reconcile and make friends.

Which professions are suitable?
The Wood Bull is a person who is attentive to detail. He loves to learn, loves to get real knowledge. And he is not afraid to go against the dogmas that have been established in his environment. If everyone around ends the daytime departments of universities, Bull is not afraid to study remotely, he will easily adapt to new learning technologies. And the Ox learns conscientiously: it is very important for him to really understand the profession. If there is no proper zeal, he studies in the wrong place. And it is in the nature of the Bull to quit school in full swing to go to a completely different place.

Among the men of this year there are many people whose work is connected precisely with the hands. These are surgeons, artists, repairmen, customizers. Their delicate sensitivity can be located precisely at the fingertips. It is believed that the highest heights the Ox can reach in agriculture... Although a person born in 1985 can realize this literally in the middle of life.
He will make a good farmer, he has a good sense of the land.

Bull women have every chance to find themselves in pedagogy. They get along well with children and understand how to find a common language with them. To a greater extent, this applies to adolescents - it is easier for Bulls to communicate with this difficult category, they remember themselves well at this age, they are able to show flexibility.
Also, the Bulls can open up good literary abilities.They make good screenwriters, they can find themselves in poetry. Projects that require serious mental work lend themselves well to Bulls. They do not notice that they have been sitting at a desk or monitor for 10 hours in a row, if the product of their creativity really captivates them.

Bulls are less likely to find themselves in trade, in accounting, in the economy. With special efforts, they can build a good sports career. Bulls are hardy and tenacious, which helps them in sports and physical labor. But just moving up the career ladder is not at all interesting for the Wooden Bulls, they like to open up new directions of their professional activity much more.

People who are fond of horoscopes and who track the compatibility of the zodiac signs are sure that the year of birth also matters in matters of compatibility. It is believed that an ideal relationship can be achieved by the Ox in alliance with the Rooster. In this pair, the Ox-leader will give up his position and will reach new heights in work, in creativity, in the role of a parent, while in the family he will give the leadership to the Rooster. And often it suits everyone.

A good relationship can develop with the Rat.... In this case, the Rat will love more, and it is the person under this sign who will do more for the family. But the Bull will not become just a contemplator. The union of the adorer and the one who allows himself to be adored can be, in this case, long and strong. Marriage with the Snake can be no less successful.

But who does not suit the Bull are the Goat, Monkey and Tiger. For such a relationship to be harmonious, both partners must always make serious compromises, work on themselves.

People born in 1985 are, for the most part, hardworking and fair, honest and caring, purposeful and active. Others may see in them some infantilism and isolation, but the Bull himself would not agree with this definition - rather, it is a subtle perception of the situation, an acute reaction to criticism and irreconcilability with someone else's carelessness and indifference reveal these features in them.

You can get acquainted with a description of the character traits of people born in the year of the Ox in the following video.