1989 - the year of what animal and what is characteristic for it?

In the wise oriental horoscope, the influence of the elements on the behavior of the zodiac signs in a certain period is correctly described. Fate has prepared for those born in 1989 a calm but interesting life.
What year of the Snake is this?
Eastern 1989 - year Yellow Earth Snake... Under natural conditions, the earth's firmament creates a comfortable life for snakes. Such a natural manifestation affects people born during a given horoscopic period. The year 1989 came on February 6 and was completed on January 26, 1990. The snake is the sixth symbol of the Chinese horoscope. Earth gives people born in 1989 solidity, slowness and secrecy. The yellow color enhances their natural wisdom.

It is not for nothing that reptile wards are recommended to spend more time in nature and use olive color in everyday life.
The traditional signs of the zodiac, combined with the year of the quirky, cunning and wise animal, bring their own characteristics to each person born this year.
- Serpentine Capricorns love loneliness, but do not disdain noisy and cheerful companies. They spend a lot of time daydreaming. They try to take care of their appearance, prefer beautiful and expensive clothes.
- Energetic Aquarius unable to sit in one place, so they travel a lot. Lovers of freedom are rude and tactless with others. They love to read, devote a lot of time to their development.
- Serpentine Fish they cannot keep their mouths shut at all, any secret quickly becomes the property of the people. They intrigue endlessly and envy everyone.
- Leisurely Aries endowed with incredible willpower, ponders every step and knows exactly what he needs for a comfortable life. He has extraordinary thinking and does not tolerate the advice of outsiders.
- Energetic and cheerful Taurus is the soul of any company. Open-minded and honest, he strives to create a strong family and provide a homely atmosphere.
- Sociable Gemini need continuous communication. They want to travel a lot. They are incredibly lucky in everything they do.
- Selfish Cancers think only of themselves. They are looking for benefits in everything, they can easily mislead anyone.
- Distrustful lion checks literally everything. Jealousy for his soul mate pushes him to organize surveillance. An excellent family man supports his relatives in everything, he will never betray.
- Beautiful Virgo dreams of a big and friendly family. She honors her parents. Thinks a lot about the future.
- Arrogant and envious Libra often put themselves above everyone else. They dream of wealth, but natural laziness prevents them from achieving their goals.
- Hardworking scorpio usually makes great strides in career advancement. But their own business often falls apart due to the inability of the snake Scorpio to lead the team.
- Interesting companion Sagittarius loves to read. He starts a family late, but is ready to do a lot for her. Shows great care for loved ones.

Characteristics of people born this year
Those born in the year of this unusual reptile are characterized by slowness and thoughtfulness. Reasonable and inclined to analytical thinking Snakes think over their actions several steps forward. They do not embark on dubious adventures, do not look for easy ways. Before making any decision, consider all the pros and cons.
The set goals and success are achieved through hard work, they know how to value the benefit received. They do not tolerate surprises. The abrupt change in the situation greatly strains the Earth Serpents. They don't like long journeys.
Earth Snakes do not panic and remain calm in any situation.
Representatives of the eastern serpentine sign instantly react to extreme events, make the right decisions. Imperturbable and collected, they become excellent workers in the rescue field: the Ministry of Emergency Situations or emergency medical services.

This is the only sign of the Chinese horoscope that supplies the society with notorious egoists who prefer loneliness and do not want to let anyone close to them. They are afraid of being rejected. They open up to people only after they are convinced of their sincerity and decency.
Earth Snakes do not listen to the opinions of other people. The prudence and suspicion of the representatives of this sign contribute to the discretion of self-interest among others. In conflict situations, they try to reach mutual understanding. They do not accept insults, they do not like to be rushed.
For their own benefit and to achieve their goal, Snakes are capable of betrayal. The manifestation of tactlessness, the imposition of one's opinion, the frequent interruption of the interlocutor cause certain difficulties in communicating with such individualists. In their close circle, they include all people who support and share their views, to whom they provide their support and protection. A very welcoming sign.

They clearly divide those around them into friends and foes. For the sake of loved ones, Snakes are ready to sacrifice their lives. Their loved ones are honored and respected. The rest are counted among the enemies. They are sure that they wish them only harm. They try to maintain neutral relations with them. Snakes constantly expect from outsiders some kind of trick, deception, betrayal. Because of this quality, they rarely fall prey to fraud.
Snakes have the following positive qualities:
- prudence;
- wisdom;
- observation;
- practicality;
- generosity;
- purposefulness;
- a responsibility;
- hard work;
- determination.

Disadvantages of representatives of the earth sign:
- arrogance;
- secrecy;
- vindictiveness;
- cruelty;
- cold;
- selfishness;
- stinginess;
- resourcefulness.

Snakes are comfortable in any relationship. No one is allowed into their inner world. If they fail to establish contact, they immediately retreat and without regret say goodbye to the unwanted, referring to the fact that there are no irreplaceable people.
Tactful and empathetic earth reptiles are very good friends.
They value real friendship and put their whole soul into it, but most often they have superficial friendships. We are ready to help and support anyone in a difficult situation.

The snake is passive in love affairs. Reason and prudence prevents her from reaching the depths of feelings in love affairs. He treats love cynically, does not lose his head from falling in love. Snakes take a long time to study the person they adore from all sides. Careful weighing of all the pros and cons contributes to rapprochement with the opposite sex only with very serious intentions.
In intimate life, those born in the year of the snake are inventive and insatiable. Unfortunately, they are more concerned with personal satisfaction than pleasing their partner. In sex, selfishness manifests itself very clearly.
They start a family late, as they look closely at the chosen one for a long time.
In marriage, mutual respect and common interests come first. People born in 1989 make great wives and husbands. They faithfully carry out their duties and demand the same from all family members. Marriages with Snakes are extremely rare. Representatives of the reptile sign value the family hearth. They like to spend time in a familiar environment.

The diligence and dedication of the snake wards contributes to their rapid career advancement. They strive to become professionals in their field, easily assimilate new knowledge. Leaders value these workers. If the desired income is not received, the Snake resigns without regret. The most suitable professions for representatives of the snake year are economists, teachers and linguists.

People born in 1989 can be amazingly powerful leaders. They are characterized by rigidity, coldness and prudence. Snakes do not tolerate lazy and non-performing workers.
Not inclined to pity, they do not meet anyone halfway and always pursue their own interests.

Thriftiness of the stronger sex sometimes drives them to stinginess. They love to surround themselves with chic things and expensive furniture. They often become collectors of valuable items: old watches, beautiful paintings and rare exhibits. Their dwelling sometimes resembles a luxurious castle. Can do any male household chores.
The people around are drawn to charming young people born in 1989, but they quickly become disillusioned with them. Snake men do not want to waste time on empty talk. They rudely cut off those present. Good-natured guys can be mistaken for rather aggressive people due to their unwillingness to reckon with the feelings of others. Fleeting meetings do not suit Snakes, who are supporters of serious and lasting relationships. A bright, elegant and smart lady is suitable for a man born in 1989. If on the first date the girl cannot impress and charm him, then there will be no second meeting.

He approaches the choice of a companion very responsibly. She will never opt for a spectacular beauty with a callous heart. An inner instinct helps to discern a suitable candidate for the role of wife and mother of their children.
The upbringing of the younger generation is very difficult. Often a man does not know how to behave with them. Rebellious and freedom-loving children immediately become the object of ridicule and nagging by their father, and later - outcasts in the family. Children who listen to the advice and follow all the instructions of the head of the family do not strain their father, and peace and tranquility reign in the family.

You should not provoke an incredible owner into jealousy. A young man can fall into a rage and even beat the chosen one.
A companion who suits him in everything will be surrounded by affection, care and attention. The snake man is loyal. He is a wonderful family man, skillfully manages the household.
Girls of the Reptile Year are endowed with intelligence, external and internal beauty. A gentle, modest and fragile young lady can periodically turn into a real fury. An intelligent girl beyond her years quickly subordinates her parents to her will, who are forced to fulfill all her whims.
An attractive, charming and shrewd representative of the snake year, she skillfully uses men for her own purposes. An intelligent, erudite and interesting girl is a born psychologist. She subtly feels the weaknesses of her partner, deftly uses them to her advantage. With an exquisite and rational young lady, a young man feels like a real knight. A lady is able to push a promising, but insecure young man to the pinnacle of success.
For the sake of achieving their goal, girls can pretend to be silly and kind-hearted quiet ones. In fact, they are characterized by anger and distrust. Smart Snakes are very cunning.

In dealing with people, he often pursues selfish interests. Does not strive for leadership, but is not allowed to be manipulated. They are waiting for true love, but it is impossible to reach the criteria of a young lady. Excessive demands are made on a life partner. This unhappy girl tries to hide her loneliness from others. The search for the ideal can take a lifetime.
The lady needs to learn to accept the chosen ones with all the existing shortcomings, she should not strive to re-educate them. Only in this case is family happiness possible.
Inborn luck and analytical skills help create a strong and prosperous family for a girl born in 1989. She can take into her own hands the affairs of a loser husband, direct them in the right direction and mold him into a promising and successful man. The reptile lady is capable of treason.

The Serpent's wife teaches all relatives to come at the appointed time, and friends - to meet in public places. Raises children in love and affection. Attaches great importance to their harmonious development, to which he devotes much of his time. Strives to provide for children well. With love, he equips his home. She is ready for any sacrifice, but she will not tolerate lies and treason of her husband.
Career growth is not of interest to the fairer sex. They prefer to look for work near their home or near the kindergarten that their children attend. Earthen Serpents are well suited to the position of an accountant. They can reach the necessary heights in this specialty, but they do not want to do this. The family hearth is much dearer to them than professional activity.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs
Earth Snakes do not tolerate other people's tantrums and dramas. Eccentric and unbalanced people can lose their favor forever. Wards of this sign calmly interrupt relationships with loved ones who have disturbed their peace.
For those born in the year of the reptile, family problems arise with those born in the year of the Tiger and the Rat.
- Relationship with Tiger may go wrong due to underestimation of their soulmates. The snake does not tolerate such an attitude towards itself.
- Reptiles are completely unsuitable for a person born in year of the Rat... Mutual discernment leads to unhealthy competition.

Girls born in 1989 are recommended to create an alliance with the following representatives of the eastern horoscope.
- Young ladies are well suited to young people born in the year of the Ox. The husband provides for the family, builds a career. The wife conducts the household conscientiously. The bull will be devoted and faithful to such a person all his life.
- A good alliance can develop with the Dragon. Both are smart, full of ambition. A wise wife is capable of useful advice that the Dragon needs to maintain a leading position in society.
- Good prospects with men born in the Year of the Rabbit. The couple mutually enrich each other. There are many common interests and topics of conversation. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle prefer a joint family vacation, they love travel.
- The rooster will also make a good party. A brave and reliable bird protects its reptile companion, which calmly relies on its brave and sincere husband in everything. Under the influence of an ardent chosen one, an introverted woman gradually turns into a cheerful spouse.
- The dog adores the Snake's inner strength and recognizes its leadership, admires the natural wisdom and intellectual abilities of his wife. When you give your spouse more freedom, wonderful family ties develop. A cloudless marriage is not always an opportunity for a couple to live to a ripe old age.
With the Monkey, Sheep and Horse, friendly relations are developing with the Snake perfectly. They may later develop into more serious feelings. But this happens extremely rarely due to the sense of the intellectual superiority of the wise reptile over these animals.

Male Snakes are great companions born in the year of the Ox, Rooster and Dragon.
- With a woman Ox combines temperament, responsibility, practicality, caring for the family and home, the desire for material well-being and the desire to move up career steps. They are both very circumspect.
- Rooster woman is the generator of ideas and plans of her husband, who serves as a think tank. Both spouses are intelligent, calculating and success-oriented.
- Emotional and courageous Dragon woman ideally suits for its impulsiveness, brightness, originality, mystery. The family union contributes to the creative growth and material well-being of the couple.
The most difficult and difficult relationship is with the Pig woman.
The docile and overly sociable representative of this sign constantly creates the basis for criticism of a resolute and strong-minded husband. In the family, there is a complete lack of understanding of the motives of actions and aspirations for each other.
In the next video - the characteristics of the sign of the Snake.