1990 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

1990 is considered the year of the White Metal Horse in the Eastern calendar. This symbol gave its representatives perseverance, dedication, hard work. Others are not always easy with Horses, but you can always rely on them in friendly and loving relationships. Depending on the sign of the zodiac, they can have a different character, but they are always successful and interesting people.

Character features
Conventionally, people born in the year of the White Horse can be divided into egoists and altruists. Some representatives manage to combine both opposite characteristics, showing them in different situations. In general, young people and girls born in 1990 are quite sociable and cheerful, they are most often lucky in life, they can achieve success in different areas.
The happy flowers of people born in 1990 are considered white, brown, purple. Beware of blue and gold shades. The Year of the Metal Horse begins on January 15, 1990 and ends on February 14, 1991.
A horse is a proud animal that knows its worth, therefore, people born this year are distinguished by similar character traits. The Horse will not give itself to insult in front of others, but in general, deep introspection is characteristic of such people.
Despite their pride, these are conscientious people who do not hesitate to apologize if they realize that they were wrong.

General characteristics of people born in 1990
A man born in 1990 always strives for victory, he is very sensitive to criticism and loves to listen to words of praise. Males born in the Year of the White Horse often become athletes. Purposefulness and the will to win always lead a person to the heights of a sports career. He loves to be the center of everyone's attention, always among the first invited to social events, loves to relax and make new acquaintances.
A woman born in the year of the Metal Horse is characterized by frivolity and eccentricity. She is quite sociable, nevertheless, it is not easy for those around her. She does not tolerate criticism and does not like when her freedom is encroached upon. Since childhood, this lady has dreamed of leaving her father's house in order to free herself from the control of her parents. And in adolescence, some representatives of the White Horse begin to work in order to save money for the future.
People born in 1990 do not like loneliness, they prefer to spend their free time with friends, will not give up going to a club or cafe, they will be happy to go on any trip. Among the positive qualities, one should note their hard work, sociability, and diligence.
The negative aspects of character include hot temper, capriciousness, some commercialism.

Distinctive features of the zodiac signs
Despite the fact that all people born in 1990 have similar character traits, they can be distinguished by the properties attributed to the zodiac sign. So, the following individual features can be noted.
- Aries. This zodiac sign, born in the year of the White Horse, is characterized by fidelity and mobility. For their loyalty, Aries demands a reciprocal feeling from others.

- Taurus. The representatives of this sign are characterized by stubbornness and hard work. They always give priority to family values. Taurus-Horse loves to please his loved ones, but can torment his partner with jealousy. For the insult he will take revenge.

- Twins. The Gemini Representative, born in 1990, is always surrounded by friends and loving people, he loves to attract attention and is always confident in his abilities. However, he tends to get into trouble.

- Cancer. All the dreams of Cancer-Horse come down to the thoughts of creating a strong family. The warmth of the hearth is the main value for this sign.
Of the positive qualities, it is worth noting generosity and love for children, of the negative ones - resentment and the ability to make a scandal for no reason.

- A lion. They are very strong-willed and strong personalities. The horse's desire for victory and the stubbornness of Leo allow the representatives of this sign to always achieve success and be ahead in everything. They love power, they cannot stand failure.

- Virgo. A person born in the constellation Virgo under the sign of the White Horse is naive and somewhat frivolous. He is characterized by the manifestation of intuitive feelings. They are hardworking people who prefer to travel on vacation. They value kindness, are strongly attached to the family.

- Scales. The sign of the Horse calls the representative of this constellation to the heights, but lazy Libra postpones the desire for victory for the future. The same laziness does not allow them to work hard, but they are smart and friendly to others.

- Scorpion. Perhaps the most freedom-loving sign. The love of freedom is instilled in him by both the White Horse and the Scorpio, so this feeling is doubled in the character of this person. They can go to betrayal in order to achieve the goal. They prefer to spend their holidays in nature.

- Sagittarius. The versatile personality of Sagittarius-Horse combines a love of travel and books, the ability to take any risks and spend time in a calm company.
Friends appreciate Sagittarius for his humor and openness, and he, in turn, really needs the admiration of others, especially from the opposite sex.

- Capricorn. With Capricorn, born in the year of the Horse, it is quite difficult to build relationships. He strives for the ideal and even when choosing friends is guided exclusively by reason. Capricorn sees deception in everything.

- Aquarius. This is a strong-willed person who will not listen to other people's advice and will always act in his own way.These are egoists who are able to start a love relationship with several partners at once, however, with the advent of true love feelings, Capricorn-Horses remain faithful, but become jealous.
Of the positive characteristics, those around them appreciate the ability to always come to the rescue in such people.

- Fishes. Like all White Horses, people born under the sign of Pisces do not tolerate criticism and do not tolerate offensive statements in their address. They consider themselves ideal and often show selfishness, however, they really need family support. Love for children is well expressed in their character.

Love relationship
Men and women born in 1990 are devoted life companions for their second halves. They are not used to shifting responsibility onto someone and prefer to solve all matters on their own, which means that the partner will feel very comfortable. Already at the beginning of a relationship, you can observe how the Horse seeks to surprise his lover and guess his desires. A feature of people born in 1990 is their discernment and the ability to feel the emotions of a partner., that is, this person always chooses a good place and time for a conversation, focusing on the mood of the chosen one.
Despite their dedication, White Horses do not demand anything in return from a partner, they only need understanding and freedom. At the same time, freedom is understood by Horses not at all as treason, but as unlimited actions. The Horse will consider the condition put forward by the beloved as an encroachment on freedom, connected, for example, with the prohibition of the beloved hobby. To search for another option, the Horse will only push the total control from the partner.

Those who entered a relationship with someone born in 1990 should know that these people love extreme vacations, and they would prefer a trip to the mountains, rather than a vacation near the sea... But the partner may not worry about the financial side - the hardworking Horse, most likely, will become a breadwinner in the family. The male representative of the sign is not devoid of the character of a dictator. He tries to subordinate his beloved to his will and because of this he rarely manages to build a serious relationship in his youth. But over the years, this man will acquire wisdom and learn to respect the opinion of his partner.
A woman born in 1990 cannot stand loneliness, she strives for new acquaintances and freedom... She will be interested in a confident and successful man who will not limit her actions in anything, but will completely trust her.
The horse values trust and will not break the word given by it.

In friendship, a Horse born in 1990 is as faithful and loyal as in love. This person will always help friends and can not only listen and give advice, but also take a direct part in solving the problem. The Horse herself will not bother loved ones with her problems and will try to cope with a difficult situation on her own.
The friends of an active Horse are often energetic, cheerful people who like to spend their free time in a noisy company. Surrounded by his friends, the Horse loves to attend various events, participate in contests and flash mobs, it is drawn to where it is fun and lively.

Most of all in his friends, the Horse values honesty. She will not tolerate hypocrisy, cunning, flattery. True, the Horse herself is still an imperfect friend, because she does not really know how to keep other people's secrets.
Moreover, she betrays secrets not out of cunning, but out of straightforwardness or believing that this is exactly what it would be fair to do. For example, a friend told the Horse about a family problem, but the faithful Horse will immediately want to help him and then she will have to tell the friend's secret to other people in order to get advice on how to help in a particular situation.
Sometimes a friend completely forgets to mention that his story is considered secret, and then the Horse will not even understand that she is being given a secret. At the same time, it is worth paying tribute to the fact that the Horse treats gossip very negatively. She tries not to believe unverified rumors and cannot stand people spreading false information. Giving out the secret of a friend, the Horse herself will never exaggerate or embellish anything, so as not to start gossip.
From this it follows that most often the friends of the Horse become people who generally hide almost nothing from others and lead an open life. Usually, men and women born in 1990 find girlfriends and friends while traveling, studying, or at entertainment.
The most suitable friends for the White Horse are people born in the year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Goat, Rooster or Dog.

Which professions are suitable?
Men and women born in the year of the White Horse are lucky people, they are successful in everything and the field of activity where they achieve heights is very extensive. All the affairs that the Horse undertakes are always brought to the end. Striving to be the first everywhere allows you to develop in a wide variety of areas.
For example, people born in 1990 make good leaders, entrepreneurs, artists, actors, acrobats... These people like to live in a big way and understand that this requires funds. Horses do not wait for a lucky lottery ticket and strive to conquer the peaks on their own.
They are brave and assertive men and women who can succeed in industries that require publicity. For example, they can become journalists, singers, theater workers, TV presenters. Their ability to win over people will lead to a career in political activity. So, among the acting young deputies and public figures there are many people born in 1990. Success awaits representatives of the White Horse in legal or advocacy.
An active lifestyle often forces Horses to turn to the sports field, where good luck always awaits them. There are especially many athletes born in 1990 in the field of running and jumping. Creativity is also considered a suitable field of activity for the Horse - many contemporary artists, designers, sculptors were born in 1990. Most often at work, White Horses become leaders, even despite their young age. Natural diligence, striving for well-being, stubbornness and a desire to be in the center of attention help them achieve this.
However, as a performer, the White Horse is an excellent hardworking colleague who will take on most of the work duties and will never let the management down.

Proud strong-willed Horses cannot build relationships with everyone. Among the representatives of other signs of the Chinese horoscope, they may be too similar to someone, which often interferes with communication, and with someone, on the contrary, opposites, which will again become an obstacle for high relations.
Rat. The relationship between the Rat and the Horse will be remembered by both for a long time, but they will last for a short time. Basically, only fiery passion will keep them, which, as a rule, does not last long.

- Bull. A very unfortunate union. The White Horse needs boast, delight towards her from the partner, however, the proud and serious Ox is not used to wasting words of admiration. Bulls love a quiet family vacation and do not mind spending a lot of time alone, while for the Horse, the best rest is a noisy party. Both partners think only about their own comfort, so such a marriage will quickly fall apart.

- Tiger. Horse and Tiger are united by strength, will, eternal striving for success. They see shortcomings in a partner, although they do not notice the same disadvantages in themselves. If the Tiger and the Horse accept his shortcomings in a life partner, learn to listen to their beloved and support, then this union will be quite successful.

- Rabbit). A very good option for a White Horse. The rabbit is a little cowardly. He needs the support of loved ones, which the Horse can more than provide.True, in a relationship with a Rabbit, the Horse will have to learn to control his emotions and restrain his irascible disposition, since the Rabbit is quite touchy, and the Horse's harsh statement about him may become a reason for breaking off relations.

- The Dragon. The family life of the Dragon and the Horse can become happy if the Dragon stops, by its natural habit, to re-educate the Horse. He needs to know that the Horse is a freedom-loving sign that will not tolerate control from a partner. If the Dragon can calm down the desire to subjugate the life partner to his will, then a strong, honest and happy relationship will be established between them.

- Snake. This union may well be happy. The cunning and intelligent Snake does not take a secret eye from his freedom-loving chosen one, and she does not even realize that a loving but careful partner is watching her every step. That is, the Horse will not even understand that its freedom is just an illusion created by the cunning Snake, which means that it will be completely happy and satisfied with its life partner.

- Goat (Sheep). A good alliance between the Horse and the Goat will develop if both accept each other's shortcomings. The White Horse is a sociable person who has good connections everywhere, and this will help the Goat to succeed in career growth. The bone of contention can be jealousy, which is inherent in all Goats. True, the Horse's natural mind will allow her to smooth out all conflicts that arise on this basis.

- A monkey. It's a pretty complicated relationship. Monkey and Horse will try to become leaders in the family, this is the main problem of the union. Some of them will have to give up the leadership, or you can try to find a compromise, and then harmony and openness will reign in the relationship.
In general, they have opposite character traits, but they can very successfully complement each other. The intimate side of their life will be especially pronounced.

- Rooster. This union is doomed to failure, since both the Rooster and the Horse have hot temper and emotionality. Each of them will feel distrust of the chosen one, and there will always be tension in the relationship. Most likely, the Rooster and the Horse will not be able to tolerate each other in a love relationship for long, however, after parting, they can become good friends.

- Dog. The Union of the Dog and the Horse is a great success. They have good compatibility even in a common career, that is, they can become not only companions in life, but also work partners. In a relationship, the Dog will not skimp on compliments, gifts and surprises, and the Horse, noticing the sincere feelings of the chosen one, will always give him reciprocity.

- Pig. Strong love relationships are possible if the White Horse restrains himself in expressions addressed to his beloved. Even a harmless statement can deeply hurt the Pig, and she will be disappointed in her partner. The horse should not stoop to rudeness and rudeness in any quarrels, and then, together with the Pig, she will be able to create a strong, happy family.

Horse. This couple will always feel comfortable in each other's company. Among the surrounding two Horses in love, you can recognize them by their strong energy and emotionality. Their family life is full of adventure. At the same time, comfort and order always reign in the house. Both value each other's freedom and do not infringe on it, which expresses an amazing mutual understanding.

The following video will tell you about the characteristics of this sign.