1995 - the year of what animal and what is typical for it?

1995 passed under the auspices of the Wood Pig. This sign of the eastern horoscope has the ability to win the sympathy of people. He simply attracts people due to his charisma and diplomacy, because it is extremely important for him to create good and relaxed relationships with everyone. In this article, we will consider all the features of people born under the auspices of the Pig.
General information
According to the Eastern calendar, all people born in the period from January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996 belong to the sign of the Wood Pig. In many countries, the pig is not very popular; comparison with this animal is not considered a compliment. but in China, this is the name of a rich man, not at all trying to offend him, because this animal symbolizes wealth, fertility and male sexuality.
In Chinese, the word "pig" sounds like the word "happiness", and the character "pig" is part of the character "family." In the Celestial Empire there is even such a saying: "The pig will come to the house, and happiness will be in abundance."

It is believed that this animal is very good-natured, but in adverse conditions, the pig can demonstrate a truly ferocious disposition. In feng shui symbolism, it represents the driving force for achieving wealth. It is no coincidence that a piggy bank of just such a shape was invented in the Celestial Empire 1.5 thousand years ago. A pig in China is traditionally given on holidays with wishes of wealth and happiness.

Basic characteristics of people
People born in 1995 can rightfully be called good-natured, sociable, friendly, always ready to help. The Wood Pig, with all the ease of communication, is able to convince the interlocutor of his innocence, to insist on his point of view. She sees in helping her neighbors a source of moral satisfaction, so she does it with pleasure and sometimes to her detriment.
The Wood Pig can lead a charitable organization that will successfully work for the benefit of people.

A pig can not only make valuable acquaintances for itself, but also bring other necessary people together, thus creating favorable conditions for the implementation of ambitious projects. Due to the inexhaustible faith in people, this sign is sometimes illegible in connections, it can fall under the influence of a bad company. True, most often the element of the Wood gives his nature moral stability and honesty, therefore this person does not like crime.

A positive and good-natured Pig man is liked by others, so he is always surrounded by people. An excellent manipulator knows how to convey an instruction in such a way that it is perceived as a request. This allows you to maintain good relationships with people and at the same time get them the right action. Such a talent is given to him by nature, but he does not seek to use it for selfish purposes.
Due to its openness and gullibility, the Pig can get trapped, become a victim of a more calculating person.

Usually, men born in the year of the Wood Pig know how to gallantly communicate with ladies and are endowed with external attractiveness, so they easily acquire fans... In the family, the Pig man manifests himself as a loving husband and father. Despite his penchant for polygamy, he strives for every woman to become the perfect gentleman, so that she gets pleasure from the relationship. He's just a very amorous person who sometimes simply cannot resist female charms.

Thanks to the activity, sociability and loyalty in friendship with the Wood Pig woman, I want to communicate over and over again. Her energy is enough to work hard and achieve her goals. The Pig's organizational and communication skills allow her to plan time so that she can do everything: and do the job, and communicate with loved ones.

Due to her sociability, she is always surrounded by men and often continues to be friends even with her failed boyfriends. However, this lady does not make a decision so easily, because love is important to her in a relationship. If she is not there, then with all the well-being of the groom, she will sooner or later leave him for the one with whom she will have strong feelings.
In marriage, the Pig demonstrates its best qualities: care, affection, thrift, hospitality.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
If you want to know more about the Wood Pig, then consider the sign of the zodiac and the gender of the person. These are the main characteristics of people according to their belonging to the eastern and western horoscopes.
- Aries. He has an iron will, but moves towards his goal without conflict and without offending anyone. Honest, energetic and friendly. Loves her job and friends. He would prefer to be alone than to endure a traitorous husband.
- Taurus. With all the firmness of character, he can “lose the ground under his feet” in the event of defeats and failures. He is fully committed to work, while sometimes having time to rest in cheerful companies, where he quickly finds friends. In marriage, she manifests herself in many ways, she is able to give her beloved a lot of emotions, and become his devoted friend. He does not make excessive demands on his spouse, but he will not forgive treason.
- Twins. To say that she is easy-going is to say nothing. This Pig tends to easily change the place of work, residence, under the influence of momentary desires, it can even leave the country and go in search of new adventures.It is customary to call such people eccentric, illogical, but in friendship they are very faithful and always ready to lend their shoulders. In a love relationship, the Gemini Pig does not differ in constancy. Having in her head the image of an ideal family, she often does not seek to bring this dream closer.
- Cancer. Feelings rule these women, and their mood can change several times a day. Often they are shy and closed, so they hesitate to tell someone that they dream of a strong, reliable partner with whom they can create a strong family. Kind and affectionate, but touchy and able to get upset in response to the claims of the companion. It is easier for them to achieve success and stability in work than in personal relationships.
- A lion. It is easy for such extraordinary personalities to attract the attention of fans. This is facilitated by both their pretty appearance and character, energetic and versatile. If a man puts her before a choice between him and a career, then she will choose the latter, since self-realization and material independence are very important for her. In the case when the husband does not put ultimatums, but he himself does not cope well with the role of the earner, the Lion Pig readily takes on this role.
- Virgo. This is a harmonious astrological combination that endows a woman with external beauty, energy, efficiency and patience. A clean housewife, a caring mother and a responsible employee - all this can be said about her. He knows how to restrain his emotions, which is very popular with men who do not like capricious and scandalous women.
- Scales. They strive to restore harmony and balance where they have been violated, these "doves of peace" rush to the aid of the parties to the conflict in order to reconcile the parties. At the same time, it is sometimes difficult to understand what they really think about a person. In their work, they know how to make informed decisions, can realize their rich intellectual potential and demonstrate their best side. Men love the exquisite taste of Libra Pigs and the ability to flirt. This woman dreams of meeting an ideal companion with whom she can create a wonderful family, and is in no hurry to get married.
- Scorpion. Unrestrained in emotions, touchy and jealous Scorpio women demand equality in the family. They love to go to parties, buy expensive items, and spend money. At the same time, their charisma makes a powerful impression on members of the opposite sex. If a spouse stumbles in a relationship, then he will have to periodically listen to unflattering words addressed to him until the end of his life.
- Sagittarius. Having extraordinary abilities for building a successful career, the Sagittarius Pig, if necessary, will prefer to devote himself to his family. She wants to see a strong partner next to her, who will be her defender and support. Her nobility and kindness do not allow her to take revenge. Sagittarius are very emotional, they are happy to share the impressions that excited them not only with loved ones, but also with unfamiliar people. They love to travel, communicate and be always on the move.
- Capricorn. Outside, she tends to look cold and detached, but at the same time she has a rich inner world. The Capricorn woman, born in the year of the Pig, will always come to the aid of those in need, if this does not go against the interests of her family. This caring wife and mother surrounds the household with comfort. She does not like to demonstrate her success to everyone, as she understands that happiness and success love silence.
- Aquarius. They are so sociable that they can chatter any person. At the same time, they do not tend to get the interlocutor to take the right side. They just like to be in contact with people. They are hardworking at work, but first of all they strive to realize themselves in the family.
- Fishes. Soft and modest ladies born under the signs of Pigs and Pisces become wonderful wives. They don't try to dominate or strive to become careerists. They see their mission in taking care of their husband and children.If family interests require relocation, they will readily agree to it. For the sake of loved ones, they are able to change their usual role and get involved in battle.

- Aries. He looks a little like a child, he is also able to rejoice in little things, he loves to discover everything new and unknown. Moreover, in the right situation, this person will easily gather and show everyone what he is capable of. An easy-going man does not let his darling get bored, as he is always ready to arrange an unusual date for her, make her laugh and captivate with interesting activities. In marriage, he strives for leadership, does not allow his wife to infringe on his pride. He does not accept treason, so he will not be able to forgive the traitor.
- Taurus. He knows how to hide a bad mood and always remains the soul of the company. Responsible and hardworking at work, polite and gallant in dealing with women. The only drawback of this bright, cheerful nature is pathological jealousy.
- Twins. It's impossible to get bored with this guy, he is an adventurer and experimenter by nature. Since his lifestyle involves many acquaintances and a quick change of scenery, he is in no hurry to quickly go down the aisle. In order not to be considered a traitor, he seeks to marry as late as possible, and until then enjoy the company of different women.
- Cancer. Women can both be attracted and repelled by his mystery, which is not typical of other Pigs. In fact, he does not keep any secrets and does not plot anything, it is just that this person does not tend to actively share his emotions with others. In any case, having married, he turns into an exemplary spouse, ready to sacrifice gatherings with friends for a quiet family evening with his wife and children.
- A lion. The recognition of others is very important to him. In an effort to conquer the woman you like, the Leo-Pig will make every effort. If his chosen one is not embarrassed by the slightly pompous demeanor of this man, but, on the contrary, seems impressive, then she will be able to build a successful union with him. Leo very ardently guards its territory, as it often seems to him that someone is encroaching on his woman or the fruits of labor.
- Virgo. Pedantic and disciplined, he prefers actions to empty words. With external coldness, passions can rage in his soul, but only his chosen one learns about them. He chooses a partner thoroughly, since his list of requirements for an ideal woman is large. Having found his ideal, he will marry and make every effort to create comfort in his family.
- Scales. Career for him takes the first place in life. He is ready for years to go to the coveted leadership position, doing the necessary work step by step. Since he does not show such zeal in personal matters, the leading role in the family can be transferred to the spouse, so she must have sufficient organizational skills. Cheating on the part of a woman is very difficult.
- Scorpion. Restless Scorpio Pigs constantly come up with new plans and willingly offer others to participate in them. They are happy to listen to compliments, even if it is obvious flattery, but critical statements are immediately suppressed. Scorpio's possessiveness can spoil a family idyll.
- Sagittarius. An open and generous man born under the auspices of these signs attracts women. These sympathetic people can suffer from the self-interest of others, as they always strive to come to the rescue. A woman can only keep this traveler and adventurer with a strong feeling on the part of the Sagittarius guy.
- Capricorn. Reason prevails over his feelings, especially when it comes to work and finance. In the family, the representative of this astrological combination is gentle and caring. He listens to the requests of his wife and children, is ready for many sacrifices for them.
- Aquarius. This guy loves to look after women passionately and beautifully, but does not accept pressure in making a decision.He loves to argue and will stand his ground, even if he doubts the correctness of these conclusions. Only attention and patience can keep this man, because when faced with a reciprocal aggressive attitude from a woman, he can simply leave her.
- Fishes. Kind, sympathetic and non-conflicting person. In a family, he is not able to refuse a request to his wife or child. Only extreme situations can force him to show toughness or aggression. At work, such a person is valued for fairness and his instructions are followed.

Profession and career
Wood Pigs do not seek wealth, as their needs are quite modest. These are good workers who achieve a lot with their work and high communication skills, the ability to make compromises and at the same time gently defend their point of view. As an employee, the Wood Pig is good, she performs the assigned tasks clearly and on time.
She does not need power as such, and if the Pig took a commanding post, then she did it with her own work, and not with the help of intrigue.

Colleagues love the Pig not only for her high professional qualities, but also for her good nature and cheerful disposition. It is easy and interesting to work with such a person; he will always come to the rescue or help with practical advice.

Love and relationships
The sensuality and romance of Pigs makes them great partners in relationships. The understanding that love has seized them does not come immediately, but after making sure that this happened, the Pig will dissolve in the romance and become an ideal partner. Its disadvantage can be called increased jealousy.
Having suffered from deception, the gullible Pig breaks off relations and after a while starts new ones, believing that this time her romance will definitely be happy.

When this person manages to find the ideal companion, he gladly marries and takes family tasks with all responsibility. Thanks to their ability to speak and listen, Wood Pigs not only get along with children, but also become their friends.

Astrologers warn that the first half of the Wood Pig's life is usually easy and successful., but the second may not be so cloudless.
Thanks to his modesty and ability to independently solve problems, the Pig still finds the strength to overcome all difficulties and maintain optimism and love of life.

Consider Wood Pig compatibility with other representatives of the Chinese calendar.
- Rat. A good union, as in it the partners will complement each other. A marriage in which the Pig is a woman will be especially successful.
- Bull. They are quite similar to each other, but their tandem does not benefit from this. Strong pairs rarely come out between them.
- Tiger. The Pig inspires and cheers the Tiger, while she herself can remain on the sidelines. As a result, a reliable relationship develops between them, which has every chance to last as long as possible.
- Rabbit. They value and respect each other, they easily find a common language. It is easy for them to negotiate and create a reliable family.
- The Dragon. They easily find common ground. The ebullient emotions of the Dragon are slightly smoothed out by the wise, but also very sociable Pig.
- Snake. The Pig is not very close to the position of the Snake, so she is unlikely to strive to conquer it. If there is a great desire on the part of the Snake, an alliance can take place.
- Horse. The difference in temperament prevents them from concluding a successful marriage. In friendship and business, it will be much easier for them to get along.
- Goat. The flighty, but very attractive Goat will be balanced by the wise Pig. They will get in each other what they lack.
- A monkey. This couple can build strong relationships based on mutual respect. They are comfortable being together, so such a union can be called successful.
- Rooster. The case when opposites are attracted to each other and irreconcilable contradictions do not arise between partners. The main thing is to correctly distribute the roles in this family.
- Dog. Both partners are kind and generous. At the same time, the tendency of the Dog to pessimism is compensated by the cheerfulness of the Pig.
- Pig. A happy marriage between two Pigs is quite possible, because double joy will reign in their family. They get along well with their "clones", so the union is doomed to success.

So, if you have a Wood Pig around you, then you are in luck. This cheerful optimist will become your faithful friend, will surround you with care and will always cheer you up. The main thing is not to use the excessive gullibility of these positive and cheerful natures, because they deserve to receive reciprocal love and care.
To learn more about men and women born in the Year of the Pig, see the video below.