1996 - the year of which animal and what are its features?

The eastern horoscope, like the zodiac circle, is divided into 12 segments, each of which is patronized by a certain animal. The Rat opens the Chinese calendar. In addition, each year is ruled by a specific element, and accordingly, people born in 1996 are also under the influence of a specific animal and the element associated with it.

General information
The animal that ruled 1996 is the Red Fire Rat. It is worth noting that, according to the eastern horoscope, her year began only on February 18, 1996 and ended on February 6, 1997.

Characteristics of people
Common features among people born in 96 is hard work, dedication, self-confidence. They are reckless, but calculating. They have an agile mind and adapt well to circumstances. Fire gives them increased energy and emotionality, which makes them nervous and irritable. However, if energy is directed in the right direction, they will achieve success in all areas that interest them.
They are innovators, but at the same time they preserve old habits and comfortable everyday life. In this regard, they are able to hold on to an old job or an outdated relationship for a long time. They do not tolerate self-control, as they are freedom-loving by nature. If you are trying to manipulate or surreptitiously control their actions, you will fail, and a little later, perhaps, a stormy showdown.
People of this year are very perceptive and intelligent, so the Rat will easily calculate your manipulations, and later will try to figure it out, and with its inherent straightforwardness.

The element of fire generously endowed this sign with decisiveness and hot-tempered temperament. This year's people are very passionate - this extends to relationships and hobbies. Rats have good creative abilities, which they do not develop due to their restlessness. This restlessness, together with straightforwardness, sometimes translates into outright harshness and can alienate people from the Rat, so they need to learn to restrain their negative emotions and desire to criticize.
Rats are remembered for their charm. Interesting interlocutors with whom you can talk on any topic. A broad outlook is associated with their love of novelty - not only in material terms, but also in terms of spiritual search. They prefer to save something, make stocks and savings. They are selfish and can resort to lies and cunning, if it will benefit them.

The Rat man is very attractive, charming, gives the impression of an imperturbable and prudent businessman, although in fact he easily loses his temper, losing the mask of feigned coldness. He is one of those who are ready to get rid of an opponent by any means. In a fit of rage, he is unpredictable and dangerous, often says and does things that he later regrets.
If you do not quarrel with such a man, he will show himself as an interesting conversationalist and friendly companion. In general, he prefers not to conflict, and therefore is quite peaceful, but only until they begin to show aggression towards him. In this case, he will do anything to get revenge.
This is not to say that the Rat man is very generous. He is not ready to throw money, but if on his way there is a woman who can turn his head, he is ready for anything. He has quite a lot of such loves.

Rat women are more active than men. Their main weapon is charm. They are curious and erudite, it seems that they are interested in literally everything - from art to pastry craft and from banking to raising children. This makes the Rat woman a good hostess who can always engage guests with an interesting conversation.
Respects other people's traditions and personal space. The same applies to relationships with people - if she understands that some topics are unpleasant to the interlocutor, then she will not touch them. Demands the same from others, which is why she is considered demanding and arrogant.

A woman born this year prefers to think about her life in advance. Sometimes, striving for the most comfortable future, she invests in it in the present. This leads to savings and savings.
Fire endows Rat women with sexuality and magnetism, which is why they often fall into the center of male attention and are not deprived of admirers. They are open, friendly and sociable, but somewhere in the depths of their personality lies the desire to have their own home.

Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages include hard work and dedication, provided that the Rat knows what he wants and the goal is important to her. Insight helps her in life, but for those who try to manipulate the Rat, her rationality and foresight can become a serious obstacle. Over the years, rat sagacity can develop into worldly wisdom.
An excellent speaker, and this quality, together with natural magnetism, forms the nature of a born leader. The rat infects others with its enthusiasm. In difficult situations, he shows himself as a real diplomat, able to smooth over sharp corners.
The disadvantages of this sign are self-confidence and straightforwardness, which is the cause of many conflicts, as well as the irascibility generated by emotionality. The rat is picky, but this is the desire to do something perfect. This quality is especially pronounced in people in leadership positions. Fire gives them increased aggressiveness and irritability, which also complicates relations with others.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac
Rat-Aries shrewd, cunning and knows how to get his way. Aries endows a person with the ability to "punch his forehead" through any obstacles. This is an active, active person who finds it difficult to restrain emotions.

Rat Taurus - the most reasonable sign. They prefer to look for benefits in everything, but they do it unobtrusively and carefully, without hurting the feelings of others. In communicating with people around them, they are kind and kind-hearted, always ready to help and support.
The perfect combination: earthiness and a tendency to trust only facts are superimposed on emotionality and rat enthusiasm.

Gemini Rat - adventurers and optimists, always looking for adventure. Very funny and open-minded. Agile, even fussy, quickly establish contact with people and are easily adaptable. Loneliness is one of the worst things ever. Curious, love to learn new things, erudite. The downside of this sign is impulsiveness and haste, which makes it difficult to make informed decisions.

Rats-Cancers live in a world of their own dreams. They try to avoid violent parties, but if they get to such an event, they become the soul of the company. Sociable, interesting interlocutors and wonderful speakers with a good sense of humor, they quickly make new acquaintances, but they have few really close people. They have an agile mind, attention to detail, and the ability to understand people's motives. They can do with little, and despite their daydreaming, they do not build illusions.

Rat-lion prioritizes his own glory and desire to rule. A very proud person who does not hesitate to demonstrate his superiority. Good leader. Sometimes the rat side takes over, and he needs solitude and peace, but such periods do not last long.

Rat Virgo best of all knows how to hide his temperament. They are confident in themselves, and therefore do not see the point in proving anything to anyone. They are smart, observant and restrained, so from afar they can be mistaken for cold and callous people.
They carefully monitor their appearance, which is also required of others.

Rat-Libra wins the love of others at first sight. Lovely, charming and polite to everyone, regardless of their true attitude towards a person. They love to be in the spotlight, others like to listen to them. Communication with them leaves a pleasant impression, but under the guise of a sweet and innocent creature hides rat wisdom and insight.

Scorpio Rat - the most powerful and cruel representative of this sign. They have a strong and strong-willed character that inspires awe and respect for others. We can say that these people received the best qualities of both signs - the imperious character of Scorpio and the mind of the Rat. He always knows what he wants and achieves it by any means.
He prefers to act than think, while he does not listen to anyone's advice and opinions, as he is too proud to pay attention to such things.

Rat Sagittarius - one of the most mobile and energetic combinations. It is difficult for them to sit still, they love new experiences and love to travel. They are killed by routine and monotony, so they tend to avoid it, since creativity and ingenuity plays into their hands. In communication, they are open, cheerful and cheerful, they will never bother the interlocutor with their problems and complaints - they consider it beneath their dignity. In serious life matters, they become as collected and prudent as possible, they can foresee events in advance.

Rat-Capricorn - a perfectionist, strives to make the whole world perfect - this is how their vanity is manifested. They are worried about the opinions of others, they are worried about rumors and gossip about themselves. In this regard, society is trying to behave with dignity, restraining their emotional impulses.Reasonable, calm, balanced, excellently brought up - ideal companions for going out.

Rat-Aquarius - the most charming combination. They have an excellent imagination, a lot of ideas - they are people of art. Eccentric, it happens that they are capricious and can infuriate themselves with their nit-picking, if something does not suit them. They have sudden mood swings - from exuberant fun to outbursts of aggression and irritability. Independent, ready to defend their freedom.

Rat-Pisces take on more rat qualities. If other representatives of water are passive and divorced from reality, then the Rat-Pisces is firmly on its feet, active, sociable and optimistic. They know how to reason sensibly, they can correctly assess their strengths. Modest, even shy, and calm. The presence of a watermark keeps these people from rash and gambling acts.

Communication and friendship
Since the Fire Rats are very mobile and love novelty, they make new acquaintances very simply, but not everyone is worthy of entering the circle of the closest people. The attention of others and their admiration are very important to them, therefore they are often excellent storytellers, readers or participants in all kinds of events.
They are charming, which they know very well. With the help of their charm, they can control people. If you are not part of the circle of close people, then be prepared that the Rat will use you. She herself chooses with whom to communicate, but since it is impossible to protect herself from unwanted social contacts, she begins to look for a way to get as much benefit from them as possible.
One of the main difficulties in communication is rat sarcasm and its inability to restrain harsh criticism. This makes her straightforward, but sometimes unbearable interlocutor.

Professional sphere
Purposefulness and passion for hoarding make her rise as high as possible up the career ladder. For the sake of benefit, representatives of this sign do not hesitate to use any means. The reason for this lies in the fact that self-realization in every area of life is very important for the Rat.
She uses her developed mind both as a way to achieve an honest promotion and as a main weapon for intrigue in the workplace. Exposure to emotions makes her commit rash acts, which can nullify all previous successes.

Love and relationships
Love is the only weak point, because under the influence of emotions, the representatives of this sign lose their heads, and for the sake of their love they are ready for anything. They are not used to controlling themselves and hiding emotions, so be prepared for violent manifestations of passion and fits of wild jealousy.

Family and Children
The Rat's rational mind tells her that in a house full of children it is impossible to optimally allocate her time, so she prefers to plan life in advance. From the outside it seems that she is a tyrant, but in fact she is trying to make her life and the life of her family more comfortable.
Rats are wonderful parents who teach children the wisdom of life through personal example. As a result, their children very quickly become real support for their parents. The rat is very caring, but she will never restrict the freedom of the child, since she herself does not tolerate control.
She is gentle, magnanimous and generous to her beloved spouse, striving to surround her family with maximum comfort.

Rat - Rat is one of the most difficult but passionate combinations. There will be a lot of emotions, passion and jealousy in their union. At first, everything will be gentle and romantic, they seem to meet a kindred spirit, but over time, inconsistencies in characters will emerge that there will be no one to smooth out, and each such collision will end in a scandal.
Such love rarely develops into marriage. This union was created in order to look at yourself from the outside.

The Rat - Ox union is very favorable. They are able to understand each other perfectly. The Suspicious Rat needs calmness and support, which the Ox is able to give without mocking her fears.He is very serious, collected and respects the boundaries of someone else's personal space, not trying to control his partner.

Tandem Rat - Tiger can be complicated by the instincts of the Tiger, which needs new victims. A jealous and suspicious Rat will experience this very hard, despite the fact that she admires the courage and bravery of the Tiger. The Rat knows everything about its charm, is confident in itself, but the inability to keep the Tiger makes it worry and doubt itself. In turn, the Tiger is amused by the rat's passion for saving and hoarding, which he can speak unflatteringly about, while wounding the partner's heart.
Union is possible if the Tiger refuses flirting and ridicule, and the Rat learns to restrain his emotions.

It is difficult for the Rat and Rabbit to get along side by side. The rabbit is careful, waiting for a trick from others, and the harsh Rat makes him worry and look for a black cat in a dark room. He does not like worries, and life with the Rat is a serious test for his nervous system. He sees in her only danger, not noticing her worries and doubts. The Rat does not trust the Rabbit, but considers himself in a position to outwit him, so he does not worry about the emergence of rivalry.

Rat - Dragon - a very favorable union, which is complicated by the Dragon's desire for admiration and worship. If the Rat is distracted for a moment and does not pay enough attention to him, he may start looking for it from others. In search of universal delight, the Dragon can find new love, forgetting about the former partner. In general, the Rat admires the intelligence and foresight of the Dragon and is ready to do anything for him. In turn, the Dragon will be very pleased with such worship.

Rat and Snake are one of the strangest alliances for love and relationships, but not a bad combination for friendship. They appreciate each other and value communication. They adapt quickly, are smart and prudent, but the Snake is used to shocking others, and the Rat, although it attracts attention, does it more gracefully. For the Snake, loyalty is a relative concept, and this cannot but hurt the feelings of the Rat.
Their relationship is often based only on tolerance, but when the patience of one of the partners runs out, war can break out.

The Rat and the Horse are full of emotions, for the sake of love they are ready for any feats. The rat always hears the voice of reason and can stop if it realizes that everything is going too far. The Horse has no sense of proportion; under the influence of emotions, it can do anything. They judge each other. The Rat condemns the Horse for being excessive in the manifestation of feelings, and the Horse takes this for unwillingness to be imbued with her love.

The union of the Rat and the Goat is undesirable. The Goat is frivolous and does not understand the rat rationality, and the Rat considers the Goat to be carefree and stupid. The outcome of this union will be the disappointment of partners in each other. The Rat will be annoyed by the Goat's reluctance to think about the future, and the Goat will be disappointed by the rat's refusal to indulge her whims. The Rat is suspicious, it needs a calm haven in which you can feel safe, which the Goat cannot give.

The Rat and the Monkey are another example of the fact that some people are better off being friends. Despite the similarity of characters and a common desire for power, the union for them can become an overwhelming test and destroy their relationship. The Monkey does not understand how to behave with the Rat, which requires passion. She loves to flirt, but quickly cools down, leaving the Rat disappointed. The rat does not understand why after the romantic period there is no such emotional continuation, it becomes closed and detached.

Rat and Rooster are absolutely incompatible. Although they have various positive qualities, they do not notice them in each other, seeing only shortcomings. The Rooster repels the Rat at first sight, as it does not tolerate superficiality. They are aggressive, and if they collide with each other, then such a skirmish can end in war.If they do get along together, then problems may arise with the financial side of life, since both have too peculiar attitude towards funds.

The Rat and the Dog are two faithful accomplices whose friendship and common interests can grow into love. They are restless, and perfectly understand the cause of each other's concerns. In this regard, the Rat can give the Dog the necessary sense of peace, and the Dog to the Rat - a sense of security. A dog is one of the most faithful signs that for a jealous Rat is just a gift of fate. If trouble looms, they can defend themselves both individually and together.

Rat and Pig is a good union based on sexual compatibility. Both signs are very sensual, together they can spend many wonderful moments if the Rat learns not to transfer his dissatisfaction with the Pig's naivety in business matters to other areas of their life. With the Pig, the Rat feels care and tenderness that no other sign can give her. In turn, she can teach him many everyday tricks.

For more information on the eastern horoscope of the Rat, see the video below.