Eastern horoscope

1999 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?

1999 - the year of which animal and what does it mean?
  1. Character features
  2. Pros and cons of the sign
  3. Characteristics of people born this year
  4. Distinctive features of the zodiac signs
  5. Chinese zodiac compatibility

Those who were lucky enough to be born in 1999 managed to fall under the influence of the Yellow Earth Cat (Rabbit) according to the ancient Eastern (Chinese) calendar.

For the most part, people whose birthday fell on this year are quite timid and shy, but they have unusually subtle insight. They cannot immediately rush into a situation or commit a badly thought-out act, they need time to analyze what is happening in order to start acting. Often born in 1999, they have a well-developed intuition, which helps them to avoid all sorts of troubles. They are generous, cheerful people, but at the same time they periodically need loneliness and peace.

Character features

Yellow Cats, like real cats, try to lead a measured, calm lifestyle in comfortable conditions. People born under this sign are distinguished by their composure, which is why it is a very difficult task to piss off the Yellow Cat. After all, even in extreme situations, they will speak calmly, measuredly, without panic, trying to find the most comfortable way out for them. As for conflict situations, here Cats will avoid direct confrontation and scandal in general.

Also Yellow Cats are often very conservative. They have enough tact and endurance so as not to directly express their dissatisfaction with something, but the “wrong” behavior of another person will be noticed by them, and the situation itself will be remembered for many years.Like all conservative people, Cats may not accept any innovations for a long time, they will always insist on preserving the old orders, traditions and even technologies, because they do not see the need for new discoveries.

It is not difficult for cats to enter a new team and make new friends, but their connections with others are not very strong, since cats love to take part in gossip, in judging people and even in intrigues.

In achieving their personal goals, Cats are quite stubborn and ruthless, although they avoid any risks and adventures. In fact, they do not need this, because people born under the sign of the Yellow Cat are lucky in all their endeavors. So, having set a goal for himself, the cat will definitely achieve it, regardless of the obstacles that arise.

Everyday life

Cats are lovers of everything luxurious and refined. They are trying to bring a touch of luxury into everything from home interiors to casual wear. They mostly like to adorn themselves with gold accessories or bright colors, not to stand out from the crowd, but for their personal comfort.

At home, Koty is absolutely pedantic. They are willing to spend a tremendous amount of time cleaning and arranging things in the right order. In an apartment or in a house, Cats always give themselves a little space for solitude, where they could just be alone or do their favorite thing.

This sign does not have any problems with guests - Cats are excellent hosts who can and want to receive guests. If you come to such a person's home, then be sure that you will be offered the best dish, the most convenient place and will pay a lot of attention.

But, as with any other person, it is better not to abuse hospitality with Earth Cats, because they can easily get tired of long conversations in their home, which will negatively affect subsequent relationships with them.


In a work environment, Cats act as the best leaders and workers. They have the right endurance to cope with workload and stress. And their already well-known success helps to quickly bring profit not only to themselves, but also to the company.

Earthen Yellow Cats are especially good at professions that require serious communication skills: advocacy, real estate, management, public relations and others. An innate love of communication helps to resolve conflicts by seeking compromises without unnecessary aggression.

Personal relationships

In building relationships with their soulmate, Cats experience some difficulty, since they are rather restrained in their emotions and feelings. Cats will not overwhelm their loved ones with compliments and signs of attention. But with their outward severity and coldness, they are very strongly attached to a person, while fully trusting him, because they themselves are often incapable of treason or betrayal.

Do not destroy self-confidence, as Cats are vindictive, and by doing this, most likely, you will only find a new enemy. In a relationship with Cats, you will have to come to terms with the fact that they will periodically require complete loneliness in order to collect their thoughts, although the Earthy Yellow Cat may not show this.

A family

Cats consider mutual love and trust as the basis for building a strong foundation for the family. At first, they may slightly slow down the relationship in attempts to test their chosen one, but when it comes to weddings and starting a family, then this sign shows all its positive qualities.

Cats will try to make sure that their second half does not need anything in marriage, they will provide all the conditions for the further development of relations.

People of this sign, especially those born in 1999, become excellent spouses, and more importantly, excellent parents.

Sign mascots:

  • lucky numbers - 2, 5, 9;
  • unlucky numbers - 4, 15, 16;
  • lucky colors - green, orange, black, blue;
  • unlucky colors - ocher, ultramarine;
  • flowers of the sign - cherry, lily, bell;
  • stones - chrysoprase, opal, tiger's eye;
  • the lucky day of the week is Monday;
  • unlucky day - Thursday;
  • wood - oak, alder, maple;
  • animal - cat, rabbit, hamster.

Pros and cons of the sign

Like any other sign, Yellow Earth Cats have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Of the advantages, it can be noted:

  • constantly calm state of mind and body;
  • the ability to quickly find contact with people;
  • sociability, innate diplomatic skills;
  • huge creativity.


  • periodic distraction;
  • frequent desire for complete loneliness;
  • coldness in a relationship;
  • distrust of others.

Characteristics of people born this year

1999 men

The representative of the stronger sex, who was born in the year of the Yellow Earth Cat, is often gifted with a pleasant and at the same time bright, unusual appearance. In a relationship, it plays the role of the main thing, and it does not matter whether these relationships are friendly or loving in nature. Men Koty are ardent owners who cannot stand it when someone tries, as it seems to them, to beat off a person dear to them.

In a man's love, Cats are very jealous, which can become an obstacle to family happiness.

After all, in order to build a family with such a person, you must completely convince him of your devotion and show mutual feelings. But if you still did not succeed, then such a man will not worry about the loss for a long time, but will quickly leave, becoming again ready for a new relationship. This is due to their natural pragmatism, on which they try to rely in all life situations, including when choosing a new companion.

The male cat pays great attention to the social status of a woman, but at the same time he will not forget about the inner content. The cat will be comfortable with an intelligent and caring woman, which will make him happy.

And if it works out, then the woman will acquire a real family man, a protector, a loving father for children. Male Cat is reliable, happy to maintain contact with all members of the family, and in a new company he quickly becomes its center. Cats are very loyal to children, and often become fathers with many children.

1999 women

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who were born in 1999 under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Cat, are especially sensitive to their appearance and health. They often go to the gym, are on diets and regularly visit cosmetologists.

They are very well-groomed, tidy, but at the same time they do not forget about self-development, therefore they can easily support any conversation, masterly using jokes.

Sometimes Cat women can be quite selfish, they love themselves and their comfort, often putting it first. Ladies Cats are very fond of being in the center of attention, therefore, they require frequent manifestations of warm feelings from their chosen one, although they themselves are not inclined to openly express emotions and experiences. Women Cats in relationships try not to be inferior to men, therefore they often take on the role of the head of the family, and the benefit of their level of responsibility will allow this to be done.

Best of all, they show themselves as careerists, but the family is no less important to them. For children, such a mother will become the best friend, since it is always easy and fun with her, and for her husband, a Cat woman will become the best wife, because you can rely on her and completely trust her.

Distinctive features of the zodiac signs

A person is influenced not only by the animal under whose sign he was born, but also by his zodiac sign. And comparing and analyzing the horoscope with the year of the animal helps to better know or predict the character of a person.

  • Aries. Aries Cat is a cold, calm, judicious person. But despite all the simplicity, the Aries Cat is very cunning, he can easily find a way out of any situation with minimal cost and maximum profit. I am always ready to help only exceptionally close people.He makes contact with strangers without much desire to get acquainted.
  • Taurus. Taurus Cat, like Aries, is a very calm, rational person. Usually he likes to sit at home, does not tolerate noisy companies or crowded events. Taurus prefer to spend more time with their family or reading books. At work, such a person will try to please his superiors, but not through gifts or compliments, but exclusively through the work performed.
  • Twins. Gemini in combination with the Yellow Cat is an explosive mixture. External calm can hide a whole storm of experiences inside. Often these emotions spill out, which can make Gemini regret it. In relation to people, they are characterized by ambiguity in mood, such people are constantly on "emotional roller coaster", which can interfere with communication.
  • Cancer. Cancer A cat is a person who is literally fixated on himself. He is not interested in the problems of other people, and compassion is a feeling that is almost completely absent in this type of people. But with external inaccessibility, it is easy to hurt and offend them, since they are even more critical of themselves than others. With this set of characteristics, Raki Koty are excellent managers with a firm hand and character.
  • A lion. Leo Kot is the most open and purposeful person. They are often creative and prefer active rest in noisy companies. People like Leo Cat are very welcoming and open to everyone who wants to communicate. In any team, these are the main instigators who will dilute the gray office routine.
  • Virgo. The two signs of the eastern and zodiac horoscope have many similarities, so they reinforce each other's influence. Virgo Cat is an extremely sociable person who, for all her activity, primarily strives for self-development and self-knowledge through science or creativity. Has a strong psychological connection with loved ones, always tries to give them the attention they need. This is especially noticeable in relation to children, since the Virgo Cat can spend whole days with them without feeling tired.
  • Scales. Libra, born in 1999, is prone to pedantry, which will manifest itself in all areas of this person's life. Libras are incredibly sensible individuals with well-developed organizational skills. They often become CEOs of large companies. Despite the outward inflexibility, the Libra Cat loves to have fun and get new experiences. As a leisure he prefers to travel, and the farther from home he leaves, the more joy he will experience. In relationships with people, he tries to avoid quarrels.
  • Scorpion. Scorpio, under the influence of the Yellow Cat, is the perfect manipulator. Such a person is able to control others to achieve personal goals, while other people may not even notice it. Each step of the Scorpio Cat is calculated to the smallest detail, and when something does not go according to their plan, this type of Scorpio is prone to strong aggression and even psycho-emotional disturbances. They behave with restraint with other people, do not seek to talk about themselves or stand out from the crowd. In the family, they take on the role of commander-in-chief, although in some situations they can give the reins of power to their halves.
  • Sagittarius. The Year of the Yellow Cat brings special luck to Sagittarius. The wheel of fortune turns to them noticeably more often than to others. Any of their undertakings starts successfully, but it does not always end well. Sagittarius The cat is prone to excitement, and often, carried away, he can forget about the world around him, and this will last until the moment when Sagittarius loses everything or something very valuable. Because of this, difficulties can arise in your personal life. In the family, they love to obey more, but at the same time they try to give care to each loved one.
  • Capricorn. Capricorns, born in 1999, find it difficult to succeed due to their unpredictable disposition. In such people, tenderness and vulnerability are combined with impartial coldness and cynicism.For this reason, Capricorns Cats cannot confidently make their choice, and their constantly changing nature repels people. In turn, Capricorns prefer complete loneliness - this is the only way they can feel comfortable.
  • Aquarius. Those born under the sign of Aquarius in 1999 are distinguished by a subtle sense of humor, romance, audacity and decisiveness of character. For the sake of their dreams, they are ready for anything, including big risks. People are drawn to the Aquarius Cats, because it is always interesting to be with them. Aquarians will not let you get bored and will be the main merry people in the company of even strangers. In a family, they get along best with children, as they are able to understand them from the first word and know what they need. Often they become parents with many children, because they see their main purpose in the family.
  • Fishes. Very educated, intelligent people who always want to achieve more in science or in knowing oneself. They tend to withdraw into themselves, while not going into depression. Cunning is their constant companion, the Pisces the Cat will prefer to go for tricks in order to find a way out of a difficult situation. In relations with people, he puts himself first, trying to control others. They often do not acquire a family, since a career and material wealth are a priority for them.

Chinese zodiac compatibility

According to the Chinese calendar, you can find out how well people suit each other, and foresee their future life. As for the Earth Cat, not every person can make him happy.

  • Rat. The Rat is the complete opposite of the Cat. Here you cannot count on a happy marriage, since it will be difficult for the Cat to endure the constant emotional activity of the Rat, and for the latter to endure the calm nature of the Cat.
  • Ox. The union of the Cat with the Ox will be strong and bright in all plans. Especially if the main thing in the relationship is the Cat, and the Ox will become his reliable support. This is important, because Cats are often vulnerable persons, and the support of a strong spirit of Vol will only help a partner to fully open up.
  • Tiger. In such a relationship, the Cat will fade into the background and give way to the main one. The union depends on the behavior of the Tiger in relation to the Cat. Balance is important between them, without humiliation and scandals.
  • The Dragon. Dragons will be lucky to enter into a relationship with the Cat, since the docile nature of the latter will contribute to the development of harmony in the family. But this option is possible only if the Cat can come to terms with the excessive self-confidence and vanity of the Dragon.
  • Snake. Perhaps the perfect match for the Cat. They both love to spend their free time at home, in a cozy environment. Such a couple will be able to build strong relationships, equipping their home to fit their needs. Families from the Cat and the Snake are very durable, often with several children.
  • Horse. Everything here will depend on the Horse. Namely, on whether she can accept a calm Cat. If so, then such a family will be happy. Although sometimes partners may need a break from each other, this will not mean that the feelings between them fade away. Nevertheless, these two signs are too different, so, most likely, they should not expect a long family life.
  • Sheep. Sheep and Cat are very pragmatic, so such a family will never know the need for material benefits. And they are able to give their children a good upbringing and education. The relations between the halves themselves will be quite dry, but at the same time they will not be able to part for a long time.
  • A monkey. The two signs interact well with each other. The only obstacle can be the betrayal, to which the Monkeys are prone, but if the partners do not betray each other's trust, then the family will be strong, and life will be filled with many pleasant surprises.
  • Dog. The Cat and the Dog are another "golden" combination, since the Cat will be able to comfort the nervous Dog at any moment, and that, in turn, will be able to support and protect the Cat. Both signs value loyalty in partners, so the risk of cheating in such a pair is close to zero.
  • Boar. The success of the relationship between the signs depends entirely on the Cat. This is due to the fact that the Pig loves noisy companies, but if the Cat can interest him in himself, then the Pig himself will crave to spend time with his partner. Also, the rationalism of the Cat will help the Pig to correctly direct the forces in the right direction, which will lead the couple to success in monetary and spiritual terms.
  • Rooster. With the Rooster, the Cat's relationship, most likely, will not work out. Their relationship will be drowning in constant scandals, which are most often caused by misunderstandings between them. Roosters tend to suppress their partner through excessive control and cutting back on freedom, which will be an insurmountable test for cats.
  • Rabbit. It will not be easy for the Cat to get along with the Rabbit, because the main threat in such a relationship is boredom, which will make the joint pastime turn into an ordinary routine. But the family can still be saved with new impressions and emotions. Difficulties may also arise with children, as they will be bored with such parents.

In the next video, the characteristics of the Rabbit (Cat) sign.

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